Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 89: Gulu I'm dying of thirst, help


Ga Ya was also very angry, she yelled at the four little cubs: "How did you teach you before, when you meet a big dragon, when you meet a dragon you don't know, don't chase after any uncertain situation, why are you disobedient? …”

The four little brats kept talking: "I'm sorry, Mama, we were wrong..."

Mungo also severely reprimanded the cubs.

The world of dinosaurs is too dangerous. Even a tyrannosaurus rex cub will die if you are not careful. Stegosaurus swipes its tail, Ankylosaurus hammers it, and Diplodocus whips it. The cubs must die.

Gulu looked at Mungo. He thought that he might really be a little floating, but now he is not afraid of Mungo at all. During this time, Mungo was so gentle, which made him forget that Mongo was fierce before.

Mungo looked at the four little cubs standing in rows. He was very angry, but he didn't know why. He was reluctant to beat Gulu. Guji, Gudong and Guga could be beaten casually, but he was reluctant to beat Gulu. He felt very strange. .

To say that Mungo is biased, he feels that he has never been biased. Before Gulu went back to Pado's ethnic group, Mungo asked himself that he treated both Guji, Gudong and Gulu the same. I don't know why, but it has changed now? !

Gulu saw that Mongo had beaten the buttocks of his three younger brothers successively, and they were all swollen. He felt so painful when he saw it, and couldn't help sitting on the ground to protect his buttocks.

三个霸王龙弟弟挨了揍以后都哭唧唧的跑到嘎娅的面前,要麻麻给他们蹭一蹭、揉一揉,嘎娅非常宠爱小崽子们,不停的用自己的大脑袋给The cubs rubbed and rubbed.

When it was Gulu's turn, he felt that he couldn't be too cowardly as a brother, so he took the initiative to stand in front of Mungo.

Mungo said, "Gulu, come with me."

Gollum didn't know why, but he followed behind Mungo's ass.

Guji Gudong and Guga didn't know why Mungo took his brother to other places, they were all worried, for fear that Mongo would be too fierce to his brother.

After getting away from Gaya and the three cubs, Mungo stopped behind a lush fern.

Gulu looked at Mungo and said, "Mongo, why did you bring me here?"

Mungo said nothing, suddenly crashed into the big tree next to him, and made a loud bang.

Gulu didn't know what Mungo was doing, why he knocked down the tree. If he hit the tree like this, Mungo would be in pain. He quickly asked, "Mongo, what's the matter with you, why are you hitting the tree..."

Mungo walked up to Gulu and said, "Gulu, I won't beat you this time, but I have to let you learn a lesson. Do you know how dangerous it was just now? I will worry about you, just like if I hit a tree, you will also worry about it. I'm hurt."

Gulu knew, and Mungo changed the way of punishment. Instead of beating him this time, Mungo punished himself.

Mungo: I was so ruthless that I even beat myself.jpg.

Gulu nodded quickly and said, "I know, Mungo, I'll never do this again. Next time, don't hit yourself, you hit me, I'm not afraid of the pain."

Mungo: "There is no next time."

Gulu: "There will be no next time, Mungo, I'm sorry."

Meng Ge rubbed Gulu's neck and said, "It doesn't matter, Gulu, you are the same as Gujigudongguga. You are cubs. You can be naughty and playful, but you can't put yourself in danger."

Gollum nodded again and again, assuring that it would never happen again.

Mungo: I’m reluctant to hit Gulu, am I still reluctant to beat myself? !

Gulu felt that Mongo had really become a lot smarter, and there were more and more routines. He would rather Mongo beat him than Mongo beat himself, he would be very distressed.

Mongo knew that I would feel distressed and did this on purpose. Mongo was too bad.

Gulu didn't know why Mungo treated him differently from the three Tyrannosaurus Rex younger brothers. He thought it was strange, but he couldn't say why.

Gulu thinks that Mungo may think that he is much smarter than the three younger brothers, so he treats him differently? Like Pardo is tougher on him than Patchy and Dudu? !

After going back, Mungo told the cubs that he also beat Gulu hard, lest the cubs think that even if he made a mistake, his brother wouldn't need to be beaten, and he would always have to pull Gulu to go crazy with them in the future, which would not work.

Guji Gudong and Guga thought that Gulu had been taken to another place and that they must have been beaten harder than them. Big heads rubbed and rubbed, comforting their brother.

Gollum thinks that the three younger brothers are too cute and deceiving. Can't you see that I haven't been beaten on my butt

Mungo asked Gaya to take the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs back first. Gulu wanted to find the dragon in the forest, so Mongo accompanied Gulu to find it.

On the premise of ensuring safety, Mungo is always willing to satisfy all of Gulu's curiosity.

Because even Mungo and Ga Ya couldn't see what the dragon was just now, Mungo also called a few brothers to follow them to find it, of course, to ensure absolute safety.

First of all, let's not say whether the dragon that disappeared in an instant is very dangerous. There are not only Tyrannosaurus Rex but also many Nanjus here, and it is not easy to deal with a group of them casually.

They walked around in the forest to take a look.

When they reached the edge of the forest, Gulu saw the curved dragon that they had chased, and the place on the back of the back where the flesh was bitten off by the three Tyrannosaurus younger brothers was still bleeding.

Suddenly, a dark shadow jumped down from the tree, and the speed was so fast that Gulu couldn't see which tree it jumped from.

The black shadow fell on the back of the curved dragon in an instant, blinding the big eyes of the curved dragon with a claws at a lightning speed.

Bend Long's desire to survive was too strong, and he swung his body violently, but the dragon's grip was too tight, and the two dragons fell to the ground together, falling in front of Gulu.

Gulu was walking, one foot had already been raised, it was too late to avoid, he stepped on the head of the curved dragon.

Gollum: I really didn't mean to trample him to death...

There were a lot of traffic accidents in the age of dinosaurs, and various little dragons were often trampled to death by the big dragon, and the big dragon did not intend to trample the little dragon to death. I really did not see these little guys running under their feet.

Gulu saw it, but he didn't have time to avoid it, and the curved dragon was trampled and his skull cracked, and he died.

Gulu weighs a ton now. He can step on many little dragons with one foot. Of course, the curved dragon is not a small dragon, but the curved dragon's head is very fragile. If you don't take the initiative, you may be hit with a concussion. Easily crack his skull.

The little dragon who caught the Bend Dragon immediately stood up from the ground and said, "Thank you for helping me hunt, but why are there so many Tyrannosaurs behind you, don't you know that Tyrannosaurus rex can eat Triceratops, run, I'll help you You lure the Tyrannosaurus away!"

Speaking of which, the little dragon jumped up the tree and said to Mungo and the others, "You nasty Tyrannosaurus rex, you have the ability to chase me, chase me, my flesh is good..."

Gulu was very sure that this was the dragon he was looking for. He quickly said, "My name is Gulu, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex raised me. They won't hurt me. Come down quickly."

The dragon on the tree froze for a while and jumped off a very tall tree.

Mungo is very sure that the dragons that will be on the tree are vegetarians. He doesn't know why vegetarian dragons also need to hunt? !

Although Mungo didn't have Gulu's knowledge, he could smell which dragons were meat-eating and which were vegetarian, even dragons he had never seen before.

Gulu looked at the dragon in front of him. He was very sure that this dragon was called Hyphotodon, and it was a vegetarian. Why would a vegetarian dragon hunt? !

The Hyphodontosaurus is about the size of a gazelle, about 1.5 meters to 2.3 meters in length, and weighs about 120-150 pounds. It is a herbivorous dinosaur, living in groups, and can jump and sprint on upright rock walls. This skill is simply against the sky.

The more perverted talent of Hyphotodon is that it has a stealth skill that can change its skin color according to the surrounding environment like a lizard.

Moreover, the eyes of the Hyphodontosaurus are very large, to what extent, they are completely disproportionate to the size of the head and body, which is somewhat similar to the big eyes of the protagonist of the comics.

The Hyphotodon in front of Gollum was green all over because it had just come down from the big tree.

The reason why Gulu didn't think it was a Hyphotooth Dragon before was because the dragon on the tree he thought must be a dragon with a feathered dragon that is very good at climbing trees, and he didn't think about it in other directions at all.

Hypodosaurus would not live in trees, but would flexibly move up and down trees to avoid predators.

And all the places they had passed by before had no Hysterodon, this was the first time that Gollum had seen a Hyphodon.

It can be said that Hyphodontosaurus is like a gazelle in the age of dinosaurs, but it is an enhanced version of the gazelle.

The ridge-toothed dragon is very cool and a little cute. The cool is mainly because the lin pieces all over the body can change color, and the cute is mainly because the pair of big eyes are very cute.

This Hyphodontosaurus is particularly protective of its food. He stood in front of his prey and said, "Gulu, it turns out that you are Gulu, thank you for helping me hunt, I can give half of the prey to Mungo, more than half, and keep it for me. A little bit okay?"

Dragons in the entire Yukan Continent have heard of the names of Gollum and Mungo, but many dragons have never seen them. It is normal for this Hyphodon to not know Gollum.

Gulu was very puzzled: "Aren't you a vegetarian dragon? Why do you hunt?"

At this moment, a whirlwind suddenly rushed over from somewhere, and this whirlwind blocked the hyphenated dragon and roared at Mongo.

Before Mungo could see the whirlwind clearly, he immediately protected Gulu under him. With the keenness of the carnivorous dragon, Mungo knew that the whirlwind was also meat-eating, and he could smell it.

The Lesothodon hurriedly said to the whirlwind: "Don't get excited, they saved my life."

Gulu was stunned: damn, why did Carnotaurus and Hypodosaurus stay together? !

The dragon that came over like a whirlwind was called Carnotaurus, and Carnotaurus, together with Tyrannosaurus Rex and Nanju, was collectively known as the "Big Three" of Cretaceous Carnivoreosaurus.

The adult carnivora is 8 meters long and weighs 3-4 tons, which is equivalent to the size of an African elephant, but such a heavy carnivore has a running speed of 60 km/disappearance, and its hind legs are extremely strong and slender, because carnivorous cattle The dragon's running speed is too fast, also known as the "cheetah" of the Cretaceous period, and it is the fastest large dinosaur known to run.

So this is even more bizarre, a combination of Carnotaurus and Hyphodont, cheetah and gazelle? !

The most iconic feature of Carnotaurus is the two wing-shaped sharp horns on the top of his head. When Gulu used to make a restoration map of Carnotaurus, he felt that these pair of horns were very cute. I really wanted to touch it. Cute and moving.

Gulu: "You hunted for this dragon?!"

Hyphotodon: "Yeah, he's my younger brother, of course I'm going to hunt for him."

Gulu: "You are a Hygrodon, he is a carnivore, one of you is vegetarian and the other is meat, how can he be your younger brother?!"

Could it be that the eggs of Carnotaurus were subtracted from the hatching by Hymenodon? ! But according to Gulu's observation, there is no Carnotaurus within a few hundred kilometers here, just like there is no Nanju where they lived before.

Hyptodon: "No, he is the Hypnodon. He is really a Hyphodon. How could he be a terrifying carnivore like Niulong?"

Although there is no Carnotaurus in this place, the Carnotaurus has a great reputation in the entire Yukan Continent, even on the same level as Tyrannosaurus Rex. Grass dinosaurs would have no idea.

Carnotaurus: "Yes, I am a Hyphodon, I grew up in the Hyphodon, Ling is my brother, we still have parents, but our parents were eaten Lost."

Gollum: No? Carnotaurus has grown so big, still don't know that he is Carnotaurus? But if Carnotaurus has never seen his own kind, he may not realize what dragon he is.

Hyphotodon: "Gulu, my name is Ling, and my brother's name is Rhino. It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you very much for helping me hunt. My brother needs to eat a lot. I'm afraid he won't be full."

Gulu: "Ling, listen to me, your brother is a carnivore. Really, where did you find him?"

Now this Carnotaurus is still a cub, but it is already bigger than Hymenodon, weighing about two or three hundred kilograms.

When this Carnotaurus is an adult, it will not hunt by itself. It has no peers and lives with a group of herbivorous dinosaurs. No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to support an adult Bullosaurus. This Bullosaurus will starve to death. .

Ling: "Gulu, I know that my brother is a little different from us, that's because he eats more than us, of course, the bigger the dragon, the better, Gulu, have you ever seen a carnivore dragon? I heard That kind of dragon is especially scary, and my brother is definitely not a carnivore."

Rhino: "Yeah, brother, how could I be a carnivore dragon? I heard that those dragons specialize in eating our grass-eating dragons. It's very scary. Brother, I'm afraid."

Speaking of which, the carnivore dragon hid under the body of the more than 100 catty Hygrotooth dragon and curled up.

Gulu: emmm... Hey, can you, a carnotaurus, have a minimum understanding of your own size, you are a dragon weighing two or three hundred pounds, and you are hiding under a dragon that weighs more than one hundred pounds. Are you embarrassed? !

Ling rubbed his small head against the sharp horn on the top of the rhinoceros' head and said, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my brother will protect you."

Gulu also reminded him out of kindness: "Ling, I'll tell you the truth, in the future your younger brother will grow to three or four tons and weigh as much as four or five crooked dragons. If he didn't hunt by himself at that time, He'll starve to death."

The rhinoceros was very excited: "No, no, I'm not a dinosaur like Carnotaurus, you lied to the dragon, I'm a Hygrodon, the same as my brother!"

In fact, Ling has long thought it strange, if his younger brother is really a hyphodon, and the rhododendron eats grass, why does the younger brother eat meat, and he can't control it. Looking for meat to eat, when Mom and Dad are away, he is the one who finds meat for his younger brother.

Rhino also found it strange that all the dragons in the group eat grass, only he eats meat, while the others don't like to eat grass, but he still firmly believes that he is a Hyphotodon.

Ling: "Gulu, thank you, my brother is the Hyphotooth Dragon."

Gulu couldn't say anything else, he could only say: "I've seen Carnotaurus, it looks exactly like your brother, you go back and think about it, where did you find your brother, it's better to send him back to Carnivora Dragon clan, otherwise, your brother will starve to death."

Carnotaurus is gregarious, just like Mapulong. The full name of Mapulong is Rose Mapulong. It mainly feeds on Argentinosaurus. Carnotaurus feeds on Titanosaurus, both Titanosaurus and Argentinosaurus. It is a very large dinosaur and needs to be hunted in groups.

Gulu thought for a second, even if Ling really wanted to send his younger brother back, the carnivorous dinosaur group would not accept cubs that were not of their own group unless they found the biological parents of the rhinoceros, but this was too difficult.

While eating the curved dragon, the rhino said: "Brother, this triceratops brother is so strange, why does he say that I am a carnivore, I shouldn't be such a terrible dragon..."

Ling rubbed against the body of the rhinoceros and said, "It's not right, we rhinoceros are not carnivorous bullosaurus, we are not, we rhinoceros are hygrodon."

As Gulu walked back, he thought, Rhino didn't want to be a Carnotaurus. The group of Carnotaurus was a group of dragons that made Tyrannosaurus rex retreat. It was especially scary to be on one side.

It's just that Gulu doesn't know where the Carnotaurus is on one side, just like Gulu didn't know that the famous Nanju lived here.

But today, Gulu was very happy to be able to see a particularly magical Hyphotooth Dragon.

Gulu and Mungo hadn't gone far before they heard a roar behind them, which was Nan Ju's roar.

Looking back, Gulu saw that both Ling and Rhino climbed the tree at a very fast speed, each with a large piece of meat in their mouths.

Gollum is shocked: Carnotaurus can't climb trees!

It seems that the rhinoceros should have learned from living in the Hyphotodon group since childhood. Gulu didn't pay attention to it just now. If the Carnotaurus can climb trees, it must have grown very powerful claws.

Because the claws of the Hyphodontosaurus are very powerful, the gripping force is particularly strong, his arms are very long, and his hands have five fingers, all of which are particularly hard and have a particularly strong grasping force, and can also be held with five fingers. food, etc.

The fact that a carnotaurus can climb a tree so quickly proves that his body may have mutated to a certain extent because he lived with Hymenodon for a long time. It is no longer possible to climb trees.

There are too many carnivorous dragons here. Ling and rhinoceros have long mastered the trick. After hunting for food, rhinoceros eat quickly, and Ling quickly divides the prey. If other carnivorous dragons come to grab them, they will take the ones that can go up the tree. All take the tree to eat.

Gulu stood there and looked at them, he put the meat on the tree trunk, the rhinoceros held the trunk tightly with their hind legs, and Ling held the meat in his hands and fed the rhinoceros little by little.

Because Carnotaurus, like Tyrannosaurus rex, has very short forelimbs, rhinos can't eat meat by themselves. If they bury their heads down to eat meat, their bodies will fall out of balance and can only be fed by spirits.

The rhino was very happy when he ate the meat, he kept shaking his head and said, "Wow, brother, the meat is really delicious, why don't you guys like meat, the meat is delicious..."

Ling: "Eat more if it's delicious. My brother will hunt for you tomorrow."

Gulu saw that there were several Nanjus under the tree where Ling and Xi were standing. They ate the remaining meat on the ground in an instant. After eating, they looked up at the meat on the tree and drooled wildly.

Ling and Rhino took a lot of meat and put it on the tree, and they would not be able to eat it for a while. They put it on the trunk, and blood was dripping down all the time.

Several Nanju were hungry and roaring under the tree, as if saying, "Little Dragon, send your meat to this boss, or else, watch me eat you alive!"

Lingcai is not afraid of these Nanju, his tree-climbing skills and rock-climbing skills are all 666. He roared at the bottom, as if to say: "If you have the ability, come up and get it, can you climb trees? You still want to eat me, a little bit. Slightly…”

Gulu felt that Ling was a herbivorous dinosaur, and he was still such a small one. The reason why he was able to feed a carnotaurus cub was probably due to his unparalleled tree-climbing and rock-climbing skills.

Being able to climb trees is really a bug, because carnivorous dragons in the age of dinosaurs were basically unable to climb trees, and herbivorous dinosaurs that could climb trees had an advantage and were much easier to survive.

Mungo and Gulu continued to walk back. After walking for a while, Ling and Rhino caught up with them again, but Ling and Rhino went up the tree and they went to the ground.

Xi ran in front, and Ling followed behind him and said, "Xi, slow down, wait a minute, brother, you are running too fast."

The first time Gollum saw a carnotaurus that could run on a tree, it was really 666.

The rhino looked at Gulu below and said, "Brother Gulu, look, I can climb trees and run on trees, so I am a Hyphotodon."

Gulu was helpless: "Mmmm, you are a hyphenated dragon, you are a hypedodon."

Mungo sent Gulu back to Pado's clan, and the Hyphotooth Dragon brothers had long since disappeared.

Shortly after Gollum returned, Pardo's clan began to march again.

This batch of migrating herbivorous dinosaurs walked by, and this piece of fern land and forest was basically eaten up. Now is the dry season, and the ferns and leaves are growing very slowly, and some have even stopped growing. Go forward, go ahead to have more food.

The drought was getting worse, there was no rain, and the ferns were shriveled everywhere, including the fern fields and forests they had just passed.

In the evening, they came to another fern field, which can't even be called a fern field. It was full of gravel and weeds, sparse trees, and no water.

Next to this fern field is a steep cliff, and the vertical rocks are full of jumping Hyphodonts.

Only then did Gulu know that this was the place with the most Hypododon.

Groups of hygrotooth dragons ran fast on the cliff, jumping and jumping, so the vertical cliff, Guluguang was afraid that these dragons would slip and fall, but obviously, their Technology is good.

Gulu also saw Ling and Rhino, because Rhino, as a carnivorous bullosaurus, was really dazzling among a group of Hypoodontosaurus, and Gulu couldn't even notice it.

After several days of observation, Gulu found that there are about 500 hygrotooth dragons in the hygrodon group where Ling and rhino lived. These hygrotooth dragons seemed to dislike rhinos very much and often bullied rhinos. Dragon fights.

This area is really too dry and water-deficient, the ferns are too dry to swallow, and the leaves are basically withered, but it is impossible for them to go back, and they have eaten up the ferns and forests where they passed. Now go back and still have no food.

Dragons who have migrated many times know that as long as they stick to this part of the road, there will be lush ferns and leaves ahead.

But this part of the road is really difficult. From time to time, dragons fall to the ground, not only because there is no food, but also because they are too thirsty.

All dragon's lamellae basically begin to chapped, because the body needs water, and the skin's water is absorbed by the body.

Dinosaurs basically seldom drink water, or as long as their bodies are sufficiently hydrated, dinosaurs do not need to drink water, and dinosaurs can absorb water from their skin.

But now the skin is completely dehydrated, and the food they eat is devoid of water. These dinosaurs died because of the extreme lack of water in their bodies.

Mungo's group will have a good taste. Basically, they don't need to hunt by themselves. It is enough to eat these herbivorous dinosaurs that died of thirst and starvation.

The cubs in Wuwulan also grew quickly because of the abundance of food these days.

Of course, the carnivorous dragons around here are also blessed, and fresh meat is poured on the ground every day for them to eat.

Gollum was also very thirsty, very thirsty, dying of thirst.

The Hyphotooth Dragon group next to them is different. They don't seem to be thirsty at all, and they really eat everything, and they don't worry about not eating at all.

Gollum even saw the Hypodontosaurus cubs who couldn't find the fern eating the gravel.

Gulu knew that ordinary herbivorous dragons ate ferns and leaves, but Hyphodontosaurus was different. They could eat tree roots and bark, and they could also eat gravel. They can eat all of them, because their lips have thick cuticles, and they chew before and after, chewing stones casually. If they don’t eat stones regularly, the cuticles of the lips may proliferate.

Mungo was frantically looking for water every day. He knew that Gulu had to drink a little water and couldn't go on like this, but Mongo couldn't find water either and was anxious every day.

Mila is too young, and Gulu can endure it for a day or two, but Mila can't hold it anymore.

Gulu asked Babbana, "Mama, how long will it take us to go out?"

Barbana can only say: "Come on, come on, hold on."

With a thud, Mila fell to the ground, Gulu and Barbana hurriedly rubbed against her and shouted, "Mila, Mila, wake up..."

At this time, Pado also ran over. Pado knew that Mila was dying. Several of the cubs in the group that were about the same age as Mila had died, but Pado had nothing to do.

Gulu looked around anxiously. After seeing Mungo, he immediately thought of a solution. He said to Pado: "I will ask Mungo to take Mila to drink some blood, it will be better."

Pado nodded again and again, Mila was already too thin from hunger, and Gulu picked her up and ran to Mungo.

Of course, Mongo immediately took Mila to drink blood. A Diplodocus just fell down not far away, and there was no carnivore dragon to eat.

Mungo first asked his brothers to guard the prey, and then took Mila with Gollum.

Gulu saw that Mongo bit Diplodocus' neck, and the blood spurted out. Mila opened her mouth when she heard the sound of running water, but the smell of blood was not liked by herbivorous dinosaurs, so she drank a little. She threw up, but she was so thirsty that she threw up and drank.

The sun was too big, and Gulu wanted to drink too, but before he could stretch his mouth out, he fell to the ground with a thud. He was too thirsty and tired, and he was just holding on.

Meng Ge was in a hurry and immediately put Diplodocus' neck into Gulu's mouth, but Gulu still couldn't drink it.

At this time, Mungo heard the roar of Hyphotooth Dragon: "Mongo, Mongo, I know where there is water!"

Mungo looked back and saw that it was the Hyphotooth Dragon called Ling.