Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 91: Instinctively want to give you the best


Ling saw the rhino pounce on the leader, and immediately protected the leader with his own body.

The rhinoceros jumped on Ling's body, of course it was impossible to bite down, he roared: "I didn't bite that hygrodon, why did you hit my brother, I've said it many times, if I make a mistake, you hit Why did I hit my brother..."

Ling comforted Xi: "Xi, it's fine, my brother doesn't hurt, my brother wasn't beaten because of you, don't cry, if you cry, my brother will feel bad..."

Although the Hyphodontosaurus is a very powerful herbivorous dinosaur, its main skills can only be released by big trees or rocks, and there is no body structure that can be attacked. Therefore, the Hymenodontosaurus needs the protection of the group very much.

Moreover, Ling wants to hunt for his younger brother. It is very difficult to hunt as a herbivorous dinosaur. It takes a lot of time to observe before hunting. It must be foolproof. When he is not there, the rhino also needs the protection of the group, so he cannot leave. ethnic groups.

It is impossible for the spirit to leave the group, and the rhino cannot let the rhino bite the leader of the group.

Gulu and Mongo watched from not far away. They had just heard the content of the quarrel between the rhinoceros and the other Hyphodonts. The roar of the rhinoceros was so loud that it was hard for them not to hear it.

In the past, Gulu lived in the group of Tyrannosaurus Rex as a cub of herbivorous dinosaurs. The dragons of the group would not be afraid of him, but just wanted to eat him all the time.

But a carnivore cub lives in a group of herbivorous dinosaurs, which will make every dragon in the group tremble, especially when seeing a carnivore cub eating meat, which dragon is in the herbivorous dinosaur group? Will it be afraid, it cannot be avoided.

This is why Gulu decided from the beginning that Ling and Rhino would have a hard time in the group, and everything was as he expected.

Ling hurriedly said to the leader of the ethnic group: "Xun, I'm sorry, don't be angry, I will definitely teach Xi a lesson when I go back, I will, he will never dare, never dare again."

Although Ling's ability is more powerful than this leader, the leaders who can become the leader are all the top dragons in the tribe. The leader of Ling's tribe is called Xun, because he can run very fast on rocks.

Because Ling has a carnivorous dragon younger brother, he can't be the leader. Only with the leader's quick permission can they live in the group. Therefore, Ling has to please the leader many times.

The leader of the Lesothodon was really frightened just now, he was very angry and roared: "Ling, beat him now, convince him, and beat him in front of me, otherwise, you will get out of here immediately. Clan!"

This can't blame the leader. The leader must ensure the safety of the members of the group. Allowing the carnivorous dragon to live in his own group is the biggest safety hazard, not to mention that this carnivorous dragon dares to bite the leader.

Xi immediately stood up and lay on the ground and said to Ling: "Brother, hit me, hit me hard, my skin is thick and it doesn't hurt at all."

In fact, as long as the leader of the hypnodont dragon beat him, the rhinoceros would not resist at all. Although his teeth could bite the neck of the leader of the hyptodont dragon, he would not resist, but he couldn't bear any dragon hitting his brother. Bear.

Ling has always known that rhinos are obedient, and rhinoceros are obedient. If it weren't for the hyssopoth dragons in the ethnic group, it would be impossible for rhinos to bite!

The leader of the ridge-toothed dragon urged angrily: "If you don't do it yet, do you want me to do it for you?!"

The rhino hurriedly said: "Boss, hit me, hit me quickly, it's all my fault."

Although the rhinos were still cubs, he knew that they couldn't leave the group. His brother was already very tired of raising him, and he didn't want to cause so much trouble to his brother.

The rhinoceros would hit the rhinoceros by raising the forelimbs full of sharp claws. There were five bloodstains down the claws. The claws of the rhinoceros were too strong to grasp trees and rocks, not to mention a beating. A motionless bull dragon cub.

Ling raised his front claws and grasped the claws of the leader of the Hyphodontosaurus. It was precisely because the five claws of the forelimbs of the Hyphodontosaurus were very long that this action could be achieved, and they often held food and so on with their hands.

The leader of the ridge-toothed dragon glared at Ling angrily, and Ling glared at the leader even more fiercely and said: "Xun, you are the leader, I did something wrong, you can beat him, but the rhinoceros is my brother, only I can beat him, you You can drive us away, believe it or not, I will be able to find a new hysterodon to join tonight, believe it or not, I can make the weakest hysterosaur race surpass yours within ten days…”

At this moment, Gulu really felt that the whole dragon was shining with golden light! Simply handsome!

The leader of the Lesothodon believes that Ling has this ability, and it is precisely because of the ability of the dragon that the leader of the Lesothodon is willing to let the spirit and the rhino live in their ethnic group for such a long time.

Although Ling is very powerful, even if he is kicked out, he can quickly find a new ethnic group to join, but unless he is forced to, he will not leave the ethnic group he has lived in since childhood.

Although some dragons in this group will bully the rhino because the rhino is a meat-eating dragon, there are also dragons who have played with the rhino since childhood and will protect the rhino and protect the rhino when the spirit leaves the group.

Ling knows that if they go to a new ethnic group, they will have no foundation, and life will definitely be more difficult. When he is not in the ethnic group, there will definitely be more dragons bullying the rhinoceros. He cannot accept it.

The leader of the ethnic group has always known that Ling doted on this younger brother very much. For the sake of his younger brother's food, he dared to go and grab meat from the Tyrannosaurus Rex. If he was in a hurry, Ling might really leave. He couldn't lose Ling so well. 's helper.

So the leader of the ridge tooth dragon said: "Ling, take good care of your brother, if a dragon in the tribe is bitten by him, you all get out of my way!"

After he finished speaking, the leader of the Lesothodon glared at them before turning around and leaving.

This ridge tooth dragon leader doesn't like spirits very much. If there is no spirit, he is a well-deserved leader. Because of the existence of spirits, many dragons in the tribe actually think that he is not the leader based on his ability, but that spirit deliberately gives way.

Ling is "arrogant and domineering" in the group, and often beats other dragons to blood, he can't say anything yet.

The competition among the Hyphotooth Dragons in this area is very fierce. Without the help of Ling, the group cannot survive and develop. Even if the leader of the Hyptodon does not like Ling, it is better to kill him directly than to let Ling go to other groups to help other groups grow.

Ling hurriedly went to rub the rhinoceros lying on the ground, kept rubbing against the sharp horns of the rhinoceros and said, "Xi, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's all your fault, brother, he didn't protect you, tell brother which dragons bullied you, brother Go beat them now!"

Xi sat up and buried his big head on Ling's stomach and said, "Brother, you have a lot of injuries on your body. The leader is so annoying. I hate him! I want to kill him."

Ling's forelimbs are very long, he hugged the little head of the rhinoceros and said: "Xi, be good, don't bite him, any dragon in the group can't bite, they bully you, you just hit them, wait for the elder brother to come back, elder brother Hit them again."

Because the rhinoceros was buried in Ling's belly, he spoke in a muffled voice: "Brother, I didn't bite that Hyphotodon, it was he who wanted to snatch my flesh. I frightened him and didn't bite him."

Ling knew that the rhinoceros could hold back and didn't really bite the hygrotooth dragon that grabbed his flesh.

Carnivore dragons are very protective of their food, not to mention robbing meat. Tyrannosaurus rex will be so mad that even other dragons disturb him to eat meat. It will kill the dragon that disturbs him to eat meat. For carnivore dragons, meat is above all else.

Ling: "Well, brother knows, brother will beat them, so that they will never dare to bully you in the future."

Xi: "I don't want it anymore. My brother was injured today. I'll beat them later."

Ling: "Don't worry, my brother beat them, they dare not fight back."

Then Gulu saw that Ling brought the rhino back to the place where the rhino ate the meat before, which was a fern field far away from the group, and the meat that the rhino had not eaten was still scattered on the ground.

The rhinoceros continued to eat meat in the fern field, watching his brother go to the tribe to teach the dragons who bullied him.

Ling is indeed second only to the leader in the group. He will teach anyone who he wants to teach. These dragons dare not fight back, and the leader will basically ignore it. This is the leader's acquiescence to Ling's privilege.

Even so, there are many dragons in the group, and there will always be some dragons who are not satisfied with the spirit, and even more dislike the rhinoceros that eat meat. They always seek to bully the rhino when the spirit is not in the group.

However, Ling is always very rigid. As long as he has bullied the dragon, he will beat him until he is convinced. This greatly reduces the probability of the rhino being bullied. However, after a while, there will always be dragons who forget to be beaten. The pain, and thinking of bullying the rhino.

This is a vicious circle, no matter how strong the spirits are, as long as these dragons are immortal, they will resist, but they don't dare to bully the rhinoceros too hard.

Because there was a dragon in the group who beat the rhino before, and scratched the rhino with a lot of bloodstains. At that time, the rhino was too small and its teeth were not sharp enough, and because the group of herbivorous dinosaurs who lived in childhood did not know how to resist, they sat on the ground and cried.

After Ling came back, he almost killed the dragon. In the end, no matter how the clan leader stopped him, the dragon was driven out of the clan by Ling, and within a few days, the dragon was eaten by the carnivorous dragon outside.

When the rhinoceros was full, he sat up and watched Ling teach the dragons who were bullying him. He was very happy, his forelimbs as cute as the Tyrannosaurus rex kept waving in the air, and kept roaring: "Brother is really powerful. They, beat them, kill them, the nasty dragon dares to bully me, my brother is very powerful, beat you..."

After teaching these dragons, Ling returned to Xi's side, and Xi immediately jumped into Ling's arms and acted like a spoiled child: "Brother, brother, you are really amazing, brother, brother..."

Although the rhinoceros has already weighed two or three hundred pounds, he is still a cub born less than half a year old. If he lives in a Niulong group, he must still be a coquettish cub in the arms of Baba Mama, but Niulong can be on his own when he is about one and a half years old. I hunted, if my parents taught me well, I might be able to hunt earlier.

Ling is actually still a sub-adult Hygrodon, but he is very sturdy, his appearance is no different from that of an adult Hyphodon, and Ling is much more powerful than most adult Hysterosaurus.

The rhino is now very full and full, and his belly is bulging.

Gulu saw that the rhino had taken all the meat that Ling had not finished eating and hid it in the crevice of the rock on the side of the cliff. Carnivore dragon's forelimbs are not so long, even if you see the meat inside, you can't take it out.

Ling is really smart, stuffing the meat in the cracks of the rocks, even in very hot weather, the rocks can cook the skin of the meat, and the wind blowing through the cracks can cool down, and the rocks at night are also cooler than other The place is fast, it is simply the best place to store meat, it is not easy to spoil and it is very clean.

There is no evidence that Hyptodon was a very smart dragon. Gulu thinks that all dragons will become smart for the dragon they love. Even if Hyptodon is a vegetarian, Ling can learn to hunt without a teacher. It is conceivable The best way to store meat...

Then Ling and Rhino slept in the fern field next to him, Ling held Rhino's small head and rubbed the sharp horn on top of Rhino's head with his chin, while Rhino kept rubbing against Ling's neck with his own head.

Ling likes to rub the sharp horns on the head of the rhino very much, because the sharp horns of the niulong cub are still soft, like they are made of latex. .

Rhino: "Brother, I'm not a carnivore, right? I must not be."

Ling: "Of course not, you are my younger brother, the Hyphotooth Dragon."

Rhino: "Mmmm."

Ling: "Before going to bed, tell me if the rhinos have eaten meat well today, and whether the dragons in the tribe have hidden you from me..."

Xi was actually very sensible since he was a child. He knew that they had to "compromise" and live in this ethnic group. Many times, he would not tell Ling that he was bullied, but Ling did not allow him to hide it.

Because Xi knows that spirit hunting is dangerous and not easy, he eats meat sparingly, and he is reluctant to eat it all at once, so he always saves a little to eat tomorrow. Although he often runs out of food, this way the spirit does not have to go out hunting every day. .

Ling does not allow the rhino to not have enough to eat. If he wants the rhino to grow into the strongest dragon, he must eat a lot. If the rhino has leftover meat to eat today, he will carefully check whether the rhino's belly is bulging. The bloated must eat the rest of the meat.

Xi: "Brother, I eat meat well, you can touch it, my belly is full."

Ling put his long tail on the rhino's ass and said, "Your brother Shitou told me that in the afternoon, you didn't eat meat even though you were not full, and he watched you eat, so you only ate it. , I'll hit it once this time, and I'll hit it three times next time."

There are many dragons in the group who hate spirit and rhinoceros, but there are also many dragons who like spirit and rhinoceros. Stone is a hyphotooth dragon. He grew up with spirit rhinoceros since childhood. He is their best friend and always protects rhino when spirit goes out. Take care of the rhino.

But even if there are many friends and brothers in the group, these dragons are very busy. They need to keep eating and looking for food to feed themselves every day. They also need to take care of their own brothers and sisters, and they cannot help Ling anytime and anywhere. Take care of the rhino.

Xi was very afraid of being spanked by Ling's tail, so he said in a trembling voice, "Brother, can you hit me lightly, I will definitely eat meat well in the future."

The Hyphodontosaurus had a very long tail, which was mainly used for balance when running fast or climbing trees and rocks. Ling used the thinnest tip of the tail to hit it down.

The rhinoceros trembled in pain, and cried out in grievance: "Wuwu, it hurts, I said that I want to beat him lightly, brother is good or bad, brother Shitou is good or bad, I want to ignore brother Shishi, brother Shitou for a day. Too bad, woohoo…”

Ling stroked the place where the rhino was slapped with her tail and said, "Then do you still want to ignore brother?"

Xi rubbed against Ling's neck and said, "I need to ignore my brother for a while, okay, the next time is over, I can take care of my brother."

Ling's tone became very stern: "Did my brother say that if you do anything, brother will not beat you, except that you don't eat meat, you dare to say that your brother stone is not good, and you dare to ignore him, yes Don't you still want to be beaten?"

Ling sternly reprimanded the rhino, while gently slapping the rhino's butt with his own tail.

Xi hurriedly said: "No, no, brother, stop beating, brother Shitou is not bad, I want to take care of him, brother don't be angry..."

Ling: "Okay, I won't beat you, go to sleep, and eat meat every day. My brother is amazing. Hunting is easy for my brother."

This afternoon, Xi wanted to eat a little less, and eat a little more at night to make his stomach bloated. Before going to bed, my brother could feel that his stomach was very bloated and he was full. He finally had so much meat, and There were no other carnivorous dragons vying with them, and he was really reluctant to eat them all at once.

The rhinoceros rubbed against Ling's neck and said, "Brother, you must take me with you next time you hunt, okay?"

Ling: "Well, bring you, go to sleep, eat more and sleep well, you can grow big and big, and you will protect my brother in the future, okay..."

The rhino nodded heavily and said, "I will definitely protect my brother... When I grow up a little bit, I can hunt by myself. I hunt by myself, and my brother doesn't have to worry about me... "

Ling: "So you have to eat meat well, how can you grow up quickly if you don't eat enough..."

Rhino: "Well, I see, brother."

In the past, when the rhinoceros was younger, Ling would go out to hunt and bring it back for his younger brother to eat. Now, although the rhinoceros is still a cub, Ling has gradually taken him to hunt with him. For safer hunting, Ling will bring the rhinoceros with him. .

Ling knew that rhinos liked to eat meat so much, and they had to learn to hunt, but when hunting, Ling was very strict with rhinos. Hunting was really too dangerous, and if you were not careful, you would die.

Mungo and Gulu didn't leave until they watched Ling and Xi fall asleep.

Gulu: "Mongo, Ling is really a good brother, Xi is so happy."

Mungo: "Yeah."

Gulu suddenly jumped in front of Mungo, and kept rubbing against Mungo's thick hind limbs and said, "Mongo is also a good father."

Today's spirit and rhino reminded Gulu that when he just broke his shell and was in the Mungo tribe, Mongo let his brothers eat leaves for him. Thinking of this, Gulu felt that Mungo was too good. Mongo has always been very good. , has always been very good.

Mungo said helplessly: "I'm not your father."

When Gulu was very young before, Mungo corrected the name for Gulu, but Gulu just didn't change it.

Gulu was influenced by the cute rhino, and acted like a spoiled brat to Meng Ge: "That's it, Dad Meng Ge."

Mungo pretended to be stern: "If I have a cub in the future, I will be very fierce towards the cub. If you want me to be your father, if you make mistakes in the future, I will hit you, the kind that hurts!"

Gulu rubbed against Mungo and said, "I'm not afraid of pain, Dad Mungo."

Meng Ge really liked Gulu to act coquettishly for him. Gulu had not acted coquettishly with him for a long time, so he decisively disarmed and surrendered: "Then I'll hit him lightly."

Gulu: "Hmm, Dad Mongo is so nice."

Mungo: "Go back, it's too late, Pado will be worried."

Gollum nodded and said, "Okay."

It was quite late when we returned to the group. All the dragons in the group were asleep, and Pado was still waiting for Gulu.

Gulu: "Dad, I'm back late, I made you wait for me for so long."

Pardo: "It's okay, Dad doesn't want to sleep."

The father and son returned to the group together, and Gulu slept next to Pado.

Early the next morning, Pado's tribe woke up one after another to eat ferns and drink water.

Gulu opened his eyes in a daze. Pado was staring at him with eyes full of fatherly love. He rubbed his eyes and head on Pado's big head, and he woke up after rubbing it.

Pado gently arched Gulu's big head and said, "Little Lazy Dragon, are you awake? Are you hungry? Get up and eat the most delicious fern."

Hearing the delicious food, Gulu jumped up and followed behind Pado to eat ferns and drink water, and the beautiful day began again.

Just when Pado's group was about to continue their migration, Gulu saw Long's group not far away!

Gulu looked at the pond and saw that there was still a lot of water in the pond. They were leaving soon, and the water was still enough for the Lung tribe to drink.

He said, "Pado, can you take me to find Long, and let them come over to drink water. Long's ethnic group must be very thirsty."

Long's clan hadn't followed Pardo's clan since they walked out of the ice, and sometimes Gulu could see them, sometimes not.

When he found the pond yesterday, Gulu knew that there was so much water from the Pado ethnic group that he couldn't finish drinking it, and he was leaving tomorrow. He wanted to find Long's ethnic group to come and drink water with him, but he couldn't find it.

Later, on the way to Ling's clan, Gulu thought to see if he could find Long's clan, but found nothing.

I didn't expect to see it this morning, and Gulu was very excited.

Of course Pado said, "Okay, Dad will take you there."

This time, Long didn't forget what he had told Gulu. Although Long's memory was not good, he could remember everything about Gulu miraculously, as long as he remembered it three times. For other things, maybe ten thousand Over and over, he couldn't remember.

Long was very happy to see Gulu, and ran to Gulu in a flash, shouting excitedly: "Gulu, Gulu..."

At this time, all the dragons in the Long group were already thirsty, and Gulu fainted when he saw that Guoguo was thirsty and was caught by a female dragon in the group.

Gulu said quickly, "Long, I know where there is water, I'll take you there."

Long's eyes lit up at once, and he kept rubbing against Gulu and said, "Gulu is so good, Gulu is so good."

Gulu: "Be quiet, don't let other ethnic groups hear you, just go and drink. If other ethnic groups go, you will have no water to drink."

Although Long is very stupid, he still understands this point and nodded again and again.

Pado and Gulu led Long's clan to the pond, and at this time Pado's clan was ready to leave.

After taking a few sips of water, Long said, "Gulu, I'm sorry, I can't follow your clan anymore. My clan is going much faster than yours. This time I came back because we got lost and accidentally came back."

Gulu knew that the Paractonosaurus was indeed going much faster than the Triceratops, but when he got lost and came back, it's true, emmm... And this kind of operation? !

Long: "Gulu, don't worry, although we may get lost, it's fine to follow the migrating dragons."

Gollum: …

Long: "I'm sorry, Gulu, I can't follow Pado's clan anymore. I will tell Guoguo that his father is a very good father. I'm not a good Mama. Mama has left Guoguo without a father..."

Gulu was a little sad at what Long said, and with tears in his eyes he said, "Long, I will always be Guoguo's father, you are the best Mama and the best leader of the clan."

Long: "If I wasn't the leader of the clan, I would have followed you with Guoguo, Gulu, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Gulu felt that he was sorry for Long, because he was also a cub and couldn't take care of Long and Guoguo well, and he was a father in vain. Long thought it was his fault. Gulu didn't know what kind of treasure dragon Long was. So cute.

Gulu: "I don't blame you, how can I blame you, it's my fault."

Long: "No, Gollum, it's my fault, it's me."

Gulu couldn't really argue, so he could only say: "Long, I hope you and Guoguo can be very happy every day."

Long: "We will be happy every day, and Dad Gulu will be happy every day."

Gollum nodded heavily.

After drinking the water, Guoguo woke up, and Gulu rubbed against the little cub in the water and said, "Guoguo, Dad is leaving, Guoguo wants to be happy every day, and also helps Dad to make Mama happy, okay?"

Guoguo: "Okay, Dad, Guoguo will, Dad, the water is delicious, Dad is great."

Gulu: "Guoguo is also great."

In the end, Gulu rubbed Guoguo, rubbed Long, and followed Pado. They had to chase after Pado's clan, which had already set off.

The time of the departure of the ethnic group is determined every day. Pardo is always so planned. Even if he is not in the ethnic group, now Patton can help Pardo manage the ethnic group well, and Pardo has a lot of peace of mind.

Gulu kept looking back, and could vaguely hear Guoguo say, "Dad, be happy, dad, be happy."

Long kept watching Gulu go away, and kept watching Gulu go away.

After turning over a gentle slope, Gulu could no longer see Long's group, and Long could not see Gulu, but he still looked in the direction where Gulu left.

Vice Chuanglong is really a simple-minded dragon, Long Wang lowered his head to drink water, rubbed Guoguo's head and said, "Guoguo, is Ma Ma good or bad, but Dad wants us to be happy, then Ma Ma is not bad anymore, don't be angry with yourself, we should all be happy..."

Guoguo: "Hmm, Mama, Dad, when did Dad say that? Is Dad here?"

Long: My son's memory is not as good as mine... Dad Gollum, I'm sorry, I may have given you a silly son.

Guoguo suddenly let out a loud roar, which could be heard dozens of kilometers away.

Long: Gulu, although our son is stupid, but his roar is very loud, and he will definitely become the most powerful leader in the future!

Guoguo: "Mama, I'm choking, woohoo..."

Long hurriedly went to coax the cub, the mother and son or father and son would be happy just playing in the water.

After a while, Long suddenly remembered that he seemed to be sad just now. He didn't remember exactly what he was sad about, but he knew that he might not see Gulu for a long, long time, but he was not sad because Gulu wanted him to be happy, he remember.

Of course Gulu could hear that the roar just now was Guoguo's voice, and Guoguo seemed to be saying to him: Dad, see you in the future.

In fact, Guoguo just sneezed for nothing and choked on the water.

Gollum said to Pado with tears in his eyes, "Dad, I'm so sad."

Pado: "Gulu, it doesn't matter, they are very good dragons, they will live happily and very well, and they will always meet again in the future. Long said, he wants you to be happy every day, and he will definitely listen. You have to listen to what he has to say."

Gulu nodded heavily and said, "Okay."

Gulu: How do I feel that I am a big scumbag who was born and not raised, a big scumbag who abandoned his wife and children, condemned, strongly condemned!

But Gulu forgot that, as a dinosaur, he was just a little cub. Long was the same as other dragons who helped him. He was his good friend, not a real wife and child...

It's just that Gulu was bewildered by Long's divine manipulation, and he really put himself into the role of "Dad".

Soon, Gulu and Pado caught up with the big team of the group. Pado always accompanied Gulu. Now Patton and Tut can share a lot of the work of managing the group for Pado. Usually, Pado is often lazy to accompany Baba. Na and the cubs.

However, Gulu's mood improved a lot as he walked, and he figured it out. Long was his good friend, not his real wife. Of course, it was normal for good friends to be sad when they separated.

Humans have joys and sorrows, and the same is true for dinosaurs. The separation this time is for a better encounter next time.

After thinking about it like this, Gulu felt a lot better.

After Pado's group drank water this time, even if they couldn't find a pond in the back, they could successfully walk out of this particularly arid journey.

Many ethnic groups have never found water to drink and must persist through this arduous journey.

The sun was so strong at noon the next day that Pardo's tribe rested in a dry fern field.

Although the ferns here are hard to eat, they have to eat it, and they have to find a way to feed themselves.

All day yesterday, Gulu didn't see the group of spirits. Only now did Gulu see the leader of the spirits with the group appearing on the rocks in the distance. Just like flying.

Gulu didn't know what happened to the Hyphotooth Dragon. There is a good way. If they don't go, they have to go over the eaves.

But there were no spirits and rhinos in the group, and Gulu guessed that they might have gone out to hunt.

Gulu was really curious. In the dry season, even the parents of Tyrannosaurus rex could not support the cubs of Tyrannosaurus Rex. How did Ling, as such a small herbivorous dinosaur, support a cub of Bullosaurus? ! It's almost impossible.

Even if it was like last time, Ling suddenly jumped down from the tree and caught the blind dragon's eyes, but there were very few curved dragons alone, and if Gulu hadn't stepped on the dragon with one foot that day, Ling might not be able to hunt successfully.

Because even if dinosaurs are blind, they can survive and escape with a keen sense of smell and hearing.

Gulu asked Mungo to take him around casually, in fact, just to see if he could meet Ling and Rhino.

The best place for Ling and Rhino to hunt is under the cliff or in the forest. There is no dense forest here.

Gulu didn't want to disturb Ling and Rhino hunting. Even if Mungo could go to help them, they would soon leave here. They can help for a while, but not forever. Rhinos still have a long way to go before they grow up, and they don't have extraordinary hunting skills. cannot survive.

Mungo and Gulu were hiding behind a big rock, just so they could be seen hunting, but they would not be discovered by them. As long as there was no danger, Mungo would not help them.

I saw not far below the rock wall, five or six Nanju were eating an adult Stegosaurus who died of thirst, blood and flesh were everywhere.

Ling and Rhino stood on the narrow and steep rocks and watched the group of southern giants eat attentively.

Gulu was too hot, and felt like he was about to be roasted. The rock on which Ling and Xi were standing must be hot. I don't know how long they had been standing on it. .

Suddenly, Gulu felt a breeze blowing behind him. How could there be any wind on such a hot day? Looking back, Mungo came over with a cycad leaf in his mouth. The cycad leaf was big, wide and hard, just right. fan.

Mungo put the cycad leaf on the big stone, which could basically block most of the sunlight, and then Mungo bit a cycad leaf and stood beside Gulu to completely block the sun.

Gulu: "Mongo, don't do this, I'm not hot."

Mungo couldn't speak, and only used his eyes to express: he must accept if he does not accept it.

Then Gulu saw Mengta and Moluo walking over with two cycads in their mouths, standing behind him, nodding their heads slowly, they were able to make a lot of wind lazily, and it was very cool.

This time, it was Mengta and Moruo who followed Mungo and Gulu, because there were too many Nanju and Tyrannosaurus rex here. Every time Mungo came out with Gulu, he would bring two more Tyrannosaurs with him to avoid any accidents.

Gulu said quickly: "You don't have to do this, I'm not hot, what's wrong with you..."

Mengta and Moro glanced at Mungo, meaning that this evil force forced us.

Gulu: "Mongo, why are you doing this? I won't watch it. Let's go back and you bully them."

Mungo said with his eyes: I am the boss, they have to do what I want them to do.

Gulu: ... Mongo is too domineering! Tyrant, tyrant, beware of losing the hearts of the people! One day they rebel, you just wait to be the king of the subjugated country, pitiful...

However, there are shades and fans, so don't be too cool. Gulu feels that it is no different from being in an air-conditioned room. It's still natural wind.

Mengta and Moro nodded languidly at first, but even so, the wind was very strong.

Soon Mengta and Moro actually thought it was very interesting. Fanning is very fun. A little bit of force will make the wind stronger, and if you fan faster, the wind will be huge. You can control the wind and it's fun... It's better than just standing aside and waiting for fun. too much.

Gulu didn't know how Mungo came up with the idea that cycads could be used to fan the wind. Dinosaurs didn't have the concept of fanning. Dinosaurs knew that cycads could provide shade, so they wouldn't think about fanning at all.

Thinking of this, Gulu was suddenly very moved. Although Mungo was a dinosaur, a dinosaur who didn't understand anything, in order to make him comfortable and happy, Mungo always seemed to be able to think of a way.

Gulu thinks this is probably: I instinctively want to give you the best.

Mungo is too good, Gulu shouted in his heart.

Gulu saw that Mengta and Moro were also having a good time, so he continued to watch the hunting of spirits and rhinoceros in earnest.

Ling said: "Wait, you are not allowed to go down. Let's see what I do. This is easy for my brother, but difficult for you. Just stand here obediently and don't move around."

The rhinoceros nodded again and again and said, "Well, brother, I know."

Ling: "You want to see how big a piece of meat you can hold... Can you see that piece of meat, there is still a little skin attached, it will fall off as soon as it is pulled, and it will run away when it is picked up. If it can't be pulled, don't be hard. Damn, life is the most important thing, it must be very fast, these big guys are so powerful, they can bite him in half at once..."

Rhino: "Mmmm, brother, I see."

Ling: "Stand still and wait for me to come up."

Speaking of which, Ling jumped to the bottom of the rock wall in an instant, pulled a large piece of meat, grabbed it and ran, and ran back to the rock in an instant.

Nan Ju, who was eating, only saw two black shadows flashing by in front of the prey, but he didn't see what it was.

When Ling returned to the rock, he saw that the rhino was also biting a large piece of meat in his mouth. He was stunned. He didn't even see the rhino jump off!

Now is not the time to teach the cubs a lesson. They jumped onto a very wide rock with a large rock above the rock for shelter. It was not hot and windy, and it was an excellent place to eat.

Ling was very annoyed after putting down the flesh: "Xi, didn't I tell you not to move, when did you go down, you want to scare me, what should you do if you get bitten, I have to beat you when I go back today!"

As long as he grabs meat from the mouth of a dangerous carnivorous dragon, Ling will not let the rhino go, but will only let the rhino watch, in case if he misses one day, the rhino can survive.

Only when there were no carnivorous dragons around and it was safe to hunt herbivorous dragons last time, Ling Ling would let the rhinos participate in the hunt.

Before eating, Ling will not beat the rhinoceros. Even if the rhinoceros make a big mistake, the food is hard-won and eaten quickly.

Xi: "Ling, I'm already very good. Really, I can run faster than you, and I can hunt by myself."

Ling: "No, if I say no, I can't! Eat quickly, and go back to the clan after eating to clean up you!"

Gulu was stunned, Linghe Rhino was really amazing, to actually grab meat from so many Nanju's mouths, it's amazing!

Ling and rhino are like the same wind, they run so fast, they jump on the rock immediately after grabbing the meat. As a carnivore dragon, rhino's rock climbing skills are really powerful!

Moreover, the rhinoceros is known as the "Cretaceous cheetah" as a carnivore. It can run faster than the spirit on the flat ground. This survival skill is simply full of good points.

Gulu felt that if he was watching the live broadcast of Niulong Cubs Survival, he would not be able to control his hand to swipe gifts, and to lay down a long list: FUCK, 666666…

While eating, the group of Nanju went around to find out what had taken their meat, but they didn't even look at the rock, and in the end they didn't find it.

Although the meat is not much, it is enough for the rhino to eat.

Although Ling is a weak herbivorous dinosaur, he almost never made the rhinoceros go hungry. eat.

Carnivore dragons can not eat for a few days, but not eating for a few days is only to ensure that the cubs will not starve to death, and the cubs will be very thin. Therefore, as long as there is a chance, the spirit will definitely go hunting. The rhino has been raised quite robustly.

Niulosaurus is known as the brother of Tyrannosaurus Rex, so Niulosaurus eats very quickly, and the rhinoceros finished eating in a while.

Ling took the rhino back to the group. Along the way, the rhino was very scared and nervous. This time, my brother must be very angry, and he didn't dare to act like a baby with his brother.

Gulu and Mungo also followed them, but Lingxi walked quickly along the rock, and when they arrived at the Ling's group, Ling and Xi came back for a while.

Mungo and Gulu watched from not far away.

Ling was called to the highest rock by the leader of the tribe, and it seemed that he was having some confidential conversation.

Xi was very scared. After his brother came back, he was called away by the leader. He didn't have time to teach him a lesson. He didn't know how to make his brother not be so angry.

Suddenly, the leader of the tribe slammed into the spirit, and the spirit fell from a very high rock.

The rhino stood up abruptly, ran towards the rock wall not far away, and shouted, "Brother!"