Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 97: [Sixth Update] I am a male dragon who wants to become the king of dinosaurs


Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, as the name suggests, is a reduced version of Tyrannosaurus Rex. The average body length of Dwarf Tyrannosaurus rex is 5 meters, which is less than half of the body length of adult Tyrannosaurus Rex. grow so heavy.

Gulu used to be a paleontologist. He knew that when humans first discovered the fossils of Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, they mistook Dwarf Tyrannosaurus as the juvenile body of Tyrannosaurus Rex. Later, after a series of studies, they focused on the age of Dwarf Tyrannosaurus bones and body structures such as teeth. Unlike Tyrannosaurus Rex, it was finally concluded that Dwarf Tyrannosaurus was not a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex, but a brand new dinosaur.

These three Dwarf Tyrannosaurus rex are particularly strong, each weighing at least three tons, and both Gujigudong and Guga are less than three tons, not to mention that these three adult Dwarf Tyrannosaurus have very rich fighting experience. A Tyrannosaurus rex cub is far less than that.

Gollum weighs four tons, but Gollum is a herbivorous dinosaur, and Gollum has never fought with such a powerful adult carnivore, never.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs and Gulu nervously looked at the three dwarf tyrannosaurs. The cubs were very obedient and stayed within the safe area that Gaia and Mungo had circled for them. They were looking forward to these vicious dwarfs. Tyrannosaurus rex can take the initiative to leave after smelling the smell of a terrible Tyrannosaurus like Mongo.

But Gollum knew it was almost impossible.

If it is a Tyrannosaurus rex raising cubs alone, when it takes a long time to leave the cubs to hunt, it will use its own excrement or rub its own smell on the ferns or trees to leave a strong smell as The little cubs draw out a safe range of activities.

Because other carnivorous dragons will choose to avoid it after smelling the pungent smell of adult Tyrannosaurus Rex. Tyrannosaurus rex is so domineering that almost all carnivorous dragons can be avoided by smell alone.

Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is an exception. Dwarf Tyrannosaurus will specifically search for the scent of protective cubs left by adult Tyrannosaurus rex, because these mean that adult Tyrannosaurus rex won't come back for a while, Dwarf Tyrannosaurus regards this smell as a Locate the GPS of the tyrannosaurus cubs and hunt them down before the adult tyrannosaurs return.

Because Tyrannosaurus rex cubs can easily kill Dwarf Tyrannosaurus once they grow up, and even Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs can easily kill Dwarf Tyrannosaurus without waiting until they grow up and enter a sub-adult state, Dwarf Tyrannosaurus will hunt Tyrannosaurus Dragon cubs are used to eliminate competitors in advance.

In fact, what Gulu doesn't quite understand is that Tyrannosaurus rex is the strongest competitor of all carnivore dragons, a competitor that is almost impossible to defeat, but other carnivore dragons are not as crazy as Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, specifically searching for Tyrannosaurus rex cubs. kill.

In order to eliminate future competitors, other carnivorous dragons will definitely bite to death when they encounter Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, but they will not specifically search for them, and they will not risk their lives to enter the vicinity of Tyrannosaurus rex's lair to hunt Tyrannosaurus Rex. Cub.

Only Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is so crazy, so Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is also known as the "Tyrannosaurus Rex Cub Killer".

The three dwarf tyrannosaurs are still confirming that the adult Tyrannosaurus rex is no longer near the nest, and as soon as they are confirmed, they will launch a violent attack immediately.

Gulu analyzed their combat capabilities. The hard power of the three Tyrannosaurus rex brothers and the three tyrannosaurus dwarfs is actually not much different, but the soft power is too poor. Dragon cubs are also very experienced.

Three Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs and Gollum stand side by side against a formidable foe.

The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus took a half step back and made a fake pounce.

The frightened bodies of the four little cubs trembled uncontrollably. The three Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers protected Gulu behind him and shouted, "Brother, we have grown up, and we can protect you!"

Gulu stood in a line with his younger brothers again and said, "I am the elder brother, and I should protect you! I am stronger than you all, and I will kill them with one corner!"

The three Tyrannosaurus Rex younger brothers are now less than 3 tons, and Gulu has already weighed four tons. It looks much bigger than the younger brothers. Triceratops cubs grow much faster than Tyrannosaurus cubs.

The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus Rex's tactics were too skilled, and the little cubs who were frightened by the fake pounces trembled in fright. These Dwarf Tyrannosaurs seemed to be killing them for fun.

Gulu knew that the "fake pounces" of these dwarf tyrannosaurs were to let them relax their vigilance, and he didn't know which one of them had actually pounced. "

These dwarf tyrannosaurs are very efficient in hunting Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, and they will never be sloppy, because there is not much time left for them, and they must do it before the adult Tyrannosaurus returns, otherwise they will take their own lives.

The three Dwarf Tyrannosaurus pounced on the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs at the same time. Their primary goal was to kill the Tyrannosaurus Rex cub. As for this Triceratops cub, if they had time, they would definitely kill them by the way.

Gujigudong and Guga ran to the side to escape the violent attack, but the Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus immediately launched another attack, and the three cubs protected their necks, but they were all bitten on the back.

Dwarf Tyrannosaurus slammed violently, and the three cubs fell heavily to the ground, and their reactions quickly climbed up again.

This happened almost in an instant, and Gulu didn't have time to react.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs kept making huge roars. They were asking Mungo and Gaia for help. If Mungo and Gaia didn't come back, they would all die.

Gollum quickly made a wise judgment. He chose the weaker looking Dwarf Tyrannosaurus and roared and rushed over. If he could kill one of the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, the other Dwarf Tyrannosaurus would flee.

The three Tyrannosaurus Rex younger brothers were very smart. They instantly understood their brother's strategic guiding ideology and concentrated their firepower to attack this relatively thin dwarf Tyrannosaurus.

Gollum already weighs four tons and is much bigger than the three tyrannosaurs, not to mention that Gollum's horns are also very long. Seeing such a huge triceratops rushing over, the dwarf tyrannosaurus will naturally be afraid and run to avoid Gollum. attack.

The other two dwarf tyrannosaurs rushed to support immediately, and at the same time pounced on Gollum.

The three Tyrannosaurus Rex younger brothers pounced on the two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, biting the back of the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus respectively, and Gollum continued to ram into the weakest Dwarf Tyrannosaurus.

The two dwarf tyrannosaurs that were bitten shook their bodies desperately, and the three tyrannosaur cubs were slammed to the ground with a loud thud.

Out of the corner of his eye, Gulu saw that the two dwarf tyrannosaurs had opened their bloody mouths and bit towards Gujigudong's neck. After this mouthful, Gujigudong lost half his life.

He didn't even bother to bump into the weakest tyrannosaurus again, Gulu immediately ran towards him and bumped into the tyrannosaurus who was biting at Guji's neck. The dwarf tyrannosaurus saw that the long horn of the Triceratops was about to pierce itself. neck, gave up biting the little Tyrannosaurus rex, and went to the side.

Then Gulu bumped into another Dwarf Tyrannosaurus biting Gudong, and Dwarf Tyrannosaurus also ran to the side in fright.

The three Tyrannosaurus dwarfs rushed towards Gulu together, opening their wide mouths and biting at Gulu's head, neck, and back respectively, the three Tyrannosaurus immediately rushed up and bit the backs of the three Tyrannosaurus respectively.

Gulu slammed into the neck of the weakest tyrannosaurus, the tyrannosaurus dwarf quickly ran forward with a loud bang, Gulu was dizzy, and his long horn was also inserted into the dwarf tyrannosaurus. The hind limbs penetrated directly through the flesh.

The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus roared fiercely, and the other two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus didn't care that their backs were bitten by the Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs, so they turned to bite Gulu, and the three Tyrannosaurus cubs immediately blocked Gulu's face.

Gulu desperately pulled out his horns, shouting at the same time: "You leave me alone!"

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs knew that if they didn't protect their brother now, the elder brother would be directly killed. The three dwarf Tyrannosaurus respectively bit the backs of the Tyrannosaurus rex cubs and overturned them to the ground.

At this time, Gulu finally pulled out his long horn, and he slammed into these dwarf tyrannosaurs fiercely.

The dwarf tyrannosaurs finally realized that it was impossible to kill these tyrannosaur cubs without killing the triceratops first.

But soon the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus found that when they concentrated on attacking Triceratops, the three Tyrannosaurus cubs would bite them desperately, and the Triceratops had bigger horns than their size, and it was very dangerous to bite.

These three dwarf tyrannosaurs have been rampant on the mainland for more than ten years, killing many, many tyrannosaurs cubs, and they have never encountered such a difficult situation today.

If there were only three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, they would be killed quickly, because this Triceratops was too much of a hindrance.

In the end, the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus decided to kill these Tyrannosaurus cubs in their own way. They ran to avoid Gollum's attack, and when they took the opportunity, they launched a fatal attack on the three Tyrannosaurus cubs.

With their extremely rich experience in hunting Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, they bit the backs of Tyrannosaurus cubs hard, then overturned them to the ground, and finally stepped on the necks of Tyrannosaurus cubs with their thick hind limbs. Under the batter, even if the Tyrannosaurus Rex cub didn't die, it would be difficult to stand up for a while.

Gulu rammed desperately, but he didn't have three heads and six arms, no shadow clone, and could only hit one Dwarf Tyrannosaurus at a time.

With its flexible turning and running ability, Dwarf Tyrannosaurus can escape Gulu's impact most of the time, and can even turn around and bite Gulu sometimes.

After a while, the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs lay on the ground covered in blood, unable to get up for a while.

In order for these Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs to never get up, they must bite off the spine of these Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs, and they will die only if they completely bite the spine.

These dwarf tyrannosaurs stepped on the tails of the tyrannosaurus cubs with their strong hind limbs, then bent down and bit their spines, constantly trying to bite them off.

Gulu was also covered in blood. He didn't know whether the blood belonged to Dwarf Tyrannosaurus or his own, because he didn't feel any pain at all.

The three younger brothers were all in danger at the same time. He didn't know who to save first, and he didn't have time to think about it. He roared and rushed to Guga, who was closest to him.

Seeing that Gulu's long horns were about to penetrate the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus' neck, the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus finally let go of Guga's back and ran to the side, and Gulu rescued Guji Gudong in the same way.

The three dwarf tyrannosaurs surrounded Gulu, and they opened their bloody mouths at Gulu, while the three tyrannosaurs lay on the ground for an hour and a half and couldn't get up at all.

Gulu roared and kept defending with horns. Two of the tyrannosaurs circled behind Gulu. Gulu turned to attack the dwarf tyrannosaurus behind him, but in this way, his neck was completely exposed, and the one in front was completely exposed. Dwarf Tyrannosaurus immediately launched a deadly attack on Gollum.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs shouted at the same time: "Brother! Front! Brother..."

While shouting, the three tyrannical cubs stood up from the ground and rushed towards these dwarf tyrannosaurs despite the severe pain.

The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus responded quickly. Just when Guji bit the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus' neck, the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus shook his head violently, and Guji fell to the ground with a bang.

Another Dwarf Tyrannosaurus slapped Gudong's bitten back with its tail, and Gudong fell to the ground as soon as his hind legs softened.

Guga was slammed to the ground by the body of the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, and was trampled several times.

These all happen in an instant.

Guga couldn't see it anymore. Dwarf Tyrannosaurus stepped on Guga's head with its strong hind limbs, and Guga almost didn't respond.

Gollum roared and rushed towards the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus who bit Gouga.

Dwarf Tyrannosaurus thought that the Tyrannosaurus rex cub was dead, so it turned around and attacked the Triceratops without avoiding it.

Just as Dwarf Tyrannosaurus turned around and attacked Gulu, Guga suddenly sprang up and bit down on Dwarf Tyrannosaurus' sturdy hind limbs. Dwarf Tyrannosaurus never expected that this Tyrannosaurus rex cub was still alive.

The Tyrannosaurus Dwarf turned its head fiercely and wanted to bite Guga's neck directly, and Gulu slammed into the Tyrannosaurus Dwarf's neck with a loud bang.

Gulu only felt the hot, viscous blood sprayed all over his face, and Guga bit the tyrannosaurus' hind limb tightly and was sprayed with blood on his face.

The other two Tyrannosaurus dwarfs gave up attacking Gu Jigudong and rushed over to support them immediately. One Tyrannosaurus dwarf bited Gulu's neck, and the other Tyrannosaurus bitten towards Guga's neck.

Gujigudong completely disregarded their own safety. They stood up from the ground and ran over, biting the necks of the two tyrannosaurs. Although they couldn't bite through the necks of the tyrannosaurs, they could at least stop these tyrannosaurs. Killed brother and Guga.

The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus shook its body desperately, and with two loud bangs, Gu Ji Gu Dong was slammed to the ground again.

With a puff, Gulu pulled out his horn, and the blood spurted even more violently, directly dyeing Gulu's body more than half red. He slammed into the two dwarf tyrannosaurs. Like floating in the air.

Gulu knew that it was absolutely impossible for his younger brothers to stand up again in a short period of time. He had to rely on his aura and willpower to beat them to death to drive away the two tyrannosaurs, otherwise they would still not survive.

Two dwarf tyrannosaurs charged at Gollum, who wanted to avenge their dead companions.

After all, Gulu is still a triceratops cub. Even if he grows and develops fast, even if he weighs four tons now, it is completely impossible to deal with two dwarf tyrannosaurs at the same time, absolutely impossible.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs lay on the ground with blood and tears in their eyes, and they kept shouting: "Brother, brother..."

Gulu didn't have the slightest bit of fear. He rammed between the two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, constantly hitting the two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus with his horns. After a while, the two Dwarf Tyrannosaurs were all covered with Gollum's horns. injury.

Of course, Gulu was also injured, but he didn't seem to know the pain. Even if the Tyrannosaurus dwarf bit his back, he ran as fast as he could, forcibly tearing the flesh off, and at the same time slammed into another Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus. .

The two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus have a lot of fighting experience. They attacked Gulu from the front and back. Gulu is also very smart. danger.

Then the two dwarf tyrannosaurs adjusted their layout and stood on both sides of Gulu to avoid being scratched by Gulu's long horns.

Gulu saw the move, and the two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus simultaneously bit towards Gulu's stomach. Gulu slammed into one of the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus with his own body. With a loud bang, the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus fell to the ground. land.

The two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus only weighed 3 tons, and Gulu already weighed 4 tons. With this rolling 1-ton weight, he could easily knock down the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus.

After knocking down a Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, Gulu stepped on the belly of Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, and the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus screamed and couldn't move.

The other Dwarf Tyrannosaurus was completely deterred by Gulu's aura and kept retreating. Gulu rushed over fiercely, and the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus and Gulu went around in circles and never had a head-on conflict. He was stalling for time.

Gulu's foot was not enough to trample the Tyrannosaurus dwarf to death, and the Tyrannosaurus dwarf stood up after a while and charged towards Gulu at an extremely fast speed.

The three Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers hurriedly shouted: "Brother! Be careful behind!"

Gulu had already heard the heavy footsteps behind him, he ran to the side, and the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus took a bite.

The two dwarf tyrannosaurs continued to deal with Gulu, but they no longer actively attacked Gulu, they just kept running and turning in circles, letting Gulu chase them and bump into them.

Gollum knew that the two tyrannosaurs wanted to attack him when he was too tired to run, but he had to run after the two tyrannosaurs, otherwise he would continue to attack his three overlords Dragon brothers.

Even though he had been running for a long time, Gulu did not show any signs of fatigue, and he hit harder and harder, roaring louder and louder.

The two dwarf tyrannosaurs were shocked by Gollum's endurance. They even thought that this triceratops would never be tired. They were already exhausted. Why is this triceratops still not tired at all? !

In fact, Gulu was already very tired, but he couldn't let the two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus see it, because he hit harder and roared loudly. He had to do this to drive away the two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. dragon.

Gollum roared and bumped like a madman, like a hurricane who didn't know the tiredness was driving the two dwarf tyrannosaurs.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs looked at Gulu, and at their elder brother, who seemed to be the Triceratops God who would never get tired, the invincible Triceratops God, and the Triceratops God who protected them.

But they all know that my brother is actually very tired, and they want to stand up to help my brother, but they really have no strength at all.

The two dwarf tyrannosaurs were completely intimidated by Gollum's aura and stamina. They had no idea that they would be unable to beat a triceratops cub.

Gulu knew that it wouldn't last long. He chose the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus who was knocked to the ground by him and stepped on it just now, and rammed directly into the bloody mouth of Dwarf Tyrannosaurus in a desperate way, like sending him to death. .

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs shouted, "Brother!"

The two dwarf tyrannosaurs were completely frightened by Gollum's aura, and they turned around and ran.

Gulu roared and chased after him, of course he didn't really want to chase, but he knew that he had to use this method to prove his fearlessness.

Soon the two dwarf tyrannosaurs ran away from Ying'er, but Gulu still didn't dare to slack off. He roared at the edge of the nest. Even though he was exhausted, his roar was even louder. Only this and that. Two dwarf tyrannosaurs will not fold back.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs looked at their elder brother's figure and listened to his roar, the elder brother was covered in blood, the elder brother must be very tired, the elder brother must also be in pain, but the elder brother was still protecting them, their tears unknowingly Flowing out, the elder brother gave them the strongest sense of security.

Gulu doesn't know how long he has been yelling, he only knows that he can't fall, can't fall, he wants to protect his younger brothers, he is an elder brother, he wants to protect younger brothers...

Until Gulu saw the figures of Gaia and Pado rushing towards him, Gaia ran ahead and ran to Gulu's side almost instantly.

Gulu looked at Gaia, he couldn't hold it any longer, he fell to the ground with a bang, and when he fell to the ground, he muttered: "Mama, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, Mama, you guys are finally back. Now, Mama, go and see the brothers..."

Before he could finish speaking, Gulu was so tired that he fainted.

Gaia's tears couldn't stop flowing, she kept rubbing against Gulu's body and said, "Gulu, numb Gulu..."

At this time, Pado also ran to Gulu's side, looking at Gulu covered in blood, Pado was very scared, trembling all over, his mind was buzzing, he was at a loss, he forced himself to calm down and gently Rubbing Gulu carefully, carefully examining the wounds on Gulu's body.

I don't know if there is telepathy between father and son. Before Pado heard that Mungo's group was attacked by the former lord Tyrannosaurus, he was uneasy and always wanted to see Gulu.

Not only Pado, but Barbana was always restless. Pado always felt that Gulu was calling him, and without any hesitation, Pado immediately set off for Mungo's territory.

But Pado's territory and Mungo's territory are both very large. Even if Pado starts immediately, it will not be able to arrive in a short time. He sprinted over, but he was still a step late. The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus had already fled, and Gollum was covered in blood.

When Gulu woke up again, the three Tyrannosaurus rex brothers were able to stand up reluctantly. They surrounded Gulu, wanting to rub against his brother but were afraid of hurting him.

The three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs narrated what happened today: "Brother, my brother fought with those dragons, my brother killed a dragon, my brother also trampled a dragon, and two dragons escaped. , without my brother, we would all be dead..."

When Gulu saw that Mungo and his brothers had returned, he quickly asked, "Mongo, did you win?!"

Mungo choked up when he rubbed Gulu's bloody big head and spoke: "We won, Gulu, we won, it's all my fault, I didn't protect you..."

Gulu: "Mongo, the blood on my body is from those dwarf tyrannosaurs. I haven't been injured very much. My younger brothers were seriously injured. I didn't protect them well."

Mungo: "Silly Gulu, you are a grass-eating dragon. How can you protect a meat-eating dragon? They should protect you."

Gulu: "I'm their elder brother, of course my elder brother has to protect his younger brother!"

Mungo's tears fell on Gulu's big head, ticking.

Gulu said quickly: "Mongo, don't cry, I'm really fine, I don't feel any pain at all, I'm amazing, I'm so happy today, we beat three tyrannosaurs..."

Mungo didn't notice that he was crying at all. He felt so sorry for Gulu and the cubs, and he didn't control himself.

Gulu was really happy today. He really didn't feel any pain at all. Compared to being able to protect his younger brothers and defeat such a ferocious Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, this injury was nothing.

Mungo looked at Gulu, who was covered in blood. He frantically wanted to tear apart all the carnivorous dragons in the entire Yukan Continent.

Pado has already checked Gulu's injury in detail. Compared with the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs, Gulu's injury is not serious. Although Gulu is injured a little bit, Pado will also feel distressed, but he is very pleased with Gulu's growth. He couldn't be by Gulu's side forever. If he wanted Gulu, he could beat all the carnivorous dragons by himself.

What happened today made Pado think a lot. Gulu has entered a sub-adult state. Gulu is a male Triceratops, and he must become the leader of the Triceratops in the future. Although herbivorous dinosaurs do not have to fight and hunt for meat, But the Triceratops leader needs to protect the group, and to protect the group must fight with various carnivorous dragons.

Gaia kept rubbing Gulu's big head, and she felt sorry for her little Gulu.

Mungo said to Pado very guiltily: "Pado, I didn't take good care of Gulu, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have taken Gulu over, I shouldn't have let Gulu play here for so many days, I should have sent Gulu earlier go back… "

Pado interrupted Mungo: "We should have taught Gollum how to fight the carnivore earlier, Mungo, we don't want the cubs to encounter any danger, but the cubs always grow up, we can't be forever Protect them by our side, if they can defeat all the dragons in Yukan Continent, should we still worry?"

Mungo lowered his head. He is indeed not as calm as Pado and as thoughtful as Pado. In the previous territory, he taught Gulu how to fight with carnivorous dragons for a while, but he has never taught him since he started to migrate, mainly because of No time to.

Gaia: "Mungo, it's time to get some smaller carnivore dragons back for the cubs to practice fighting."

Mungo nodded heavily and said, "Okay."

Gu Ji Gudong and Gu Ga mainly injured their backs. Fortunately, none of their spines were bitten off. It was not a fatal injury, but the flesh wound was serious and needed a period of recuperation.

The three Tyrannosaurus Rex cubs kept saying: "Mama, Mongo, brother is really too powerful, if there is no brother, we will all be bitten to death..."

Gulu was a little embarrassed to be praised by his younger brothers, but his younger brothers were indeed right. If he hadn't been in Mungo's ethnic group today, at least two of the three Tyrannosaurus Rex younger brothers would have died, maybe all of them would have died.

Thinking of this, Gulu secretly rejoiced that he was lucky to be in Mungo's ethnic group today.

Gulu: "Gujigudong and Guga are also very powerful. If Guga hadn't bit the foot of that tyrannosaurus, or if Gujigudong hadn't helped me block those dwarf tyrannosaurs, I would have been bitten to death... "

The more the three boys talked, the more excited they became. Although they were all injured, they worked together to kill a Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. Dwarf Tyrannosaurus was very powerful. This time hunting, it can be said that they got the first blood in the dragon life, it is a victory, what is this injury, they are happy

Mungo used his strong hind legs and sharp claws to shred the corpses of the dwarf tyrannosaurus that fell to the ground, and then scattered the remains of these corpses near the nest. He was warning other dwarf tyrannosaurs, you dare to come to us again It came near its lair and was bitten into slag like this dwarf tyrannosaurus.

Pado brought Gulu back to the Triceratops group. Gulu was excitedly talking to Pado along the way, how he killed the dwarf tyrannosaurus, and the injuries on his body had no effect on Gulu at all.

Triceratops, as the most rigid herbivorous dinosaurs, especially the male Triceratops are born with the spirit of "competitiveness" and "never admit defeat". Male Triceratops, especially those with potential to become leaders, can It is said that they have been bloodthirsty and cruel since childhood. They love to fight with carnivorous dragons, and even want to kill a few carnivorous dragons anytime and anywhere to be comfortable.

Not all herbivorous dinosaurs were docile, male Triceratops had a very violent temper, not to mention the extremely powerful male Triceratops. When Pardo was a sub-adult, he had killed many, many carnivores.

Although Gulu has a human mind and is unable to be cruel and bloodthirsty, his dinosaur body has Pado's blood and genes flowing in it. Fighting makes him happy, and killing those pesky carnivorous dragons makes him feel extremely satisfied.

It was only today that Gulu learned that killing a carnivore was such a joy. He seemed to have found the endless fun of dragon life. What was this injury? He really wanted to kill a few more tyrannosaurs. , thought uncontrollably.

Before entering the Triceratops tribe, Pado solemnly said to the extremely excited cub: "Gulu, listen to Dad carefully."

Gollum was still talking, but he stopped at this time. He looked at Pado and listened intently.

Pado: "Gulu, you have done a good job today, you are very brave and powerful, you have always been the pride of Dad. But what Dad wants to say is that it is very dangerous to fight with carnivorous dragons. No matter how good you are in the future, the carnivorous dragons you encounter are very dangerous. Long Duo is weak, remember not to be complacent, and try your best not to get hurt every time you fight. Gulu, remember, Baba Mama doesn't want to see you hurt, even if it's a little bit of injury, we will all feel very distressed."

Gollum nodded heavily.

Back in the group, Babbana and her three younger siblings felt distressed when they saw the wounds on Gulu's body.

Babbana even cried and said: "Gulu, Mama's little Gulu grows up slowly, if you grow up slowly, you won't be hurt, the ethnic group and Baba Mama will protect you..."

Because Barbana also knew that Gollum was going to be the leader of the triceratops, and to be the leader of the triceratops, he had to fight with many, many carnivorous dragons.

Gulu comforted Barbana: "Mama, I don't feel any pain at all, really, you don't know how happy I am that I killed a tyrannosaurus, the super happy kind..."

Barbana rubbed Gulu, thinking, Gulu is exactly the same as Pado, and likes to fight. It's all Pado's fault, but Barbana also knows that only such a male Triceratops can become the most powerful leader.

Then Mungo slaughtered all the dwarf tyrannosaurs in the territory, and even the dwarf tyrannosaurus outside the territory. This bloody storm didn't stop until Mungo killed all the dwarf tyrannosaurs he saw.

Killing these dwarf tyrannosaurus is not finished, Mungo will tear up their bodies and throw their meat residue on the edge of the territory. This is all the dwarf tyrannosaurs outside the warning, dare to step into his territory. , just like these dwarf tyrannosaurs were bitten into slag.

After half a month, Gulu's injury was basically healed, and Guji, Gudong and Guga could recover almost for another half a month.

On this day, Gulu was taken out of the group by Pardo as soon as he slept in his afternoon nap.

Gulu didn't know where Pado was going to take him, and he kept asking, "Dad, where are we going?"

Paddo only talks about it and you know it.

After a while they came to a lush fern field by the river. It was cool and beautiful, and the ferns were blooming with flowers of various colors, and flowers were very common.

Gulu saw that Mongo came over with a Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus was weak in front of Mungo, just like a tiger driving a big wolf dog.

The Dwarf Tyrannosaurus was shaking all over, and he couldn't walk very steadily.

This can't be blamed on Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. Any carnivorous dragon will be "scared" when facing Tyrannosaurus alone. Tyrannosaurus rex can easily kill all carnivorous dragons in seconds, especially in the face of such a powerful Tyrannosaurus Mongo. dragon,

Tyrannosaurus rex is to other carnivorous dragons, just like tigers are to other carnivorous animals, that is the suppression of blood, no matter how vicious the jackal and leopard sees the tiger, it is not an instant shock.

Gulu probably guessed that Pardo and Mongo should train him to fight with carnivore. Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is indeed a good choice. He currently has the same strength as Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. Dwarf Tyrannosaurus is very agile and very good. exercise object.

Mungo drove the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus in front of Gulu and Pado and said, "Gulu, starting from today, I will bring a Dwarf Tyrannosaurus back for you to practice every day, and when you can easily kill the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, join me with me. fight."

Gulu was very excited. He also wanted to be a Triceratops that could easily defeat Tyrannosaurus Rex, as powerful as Pardo. He ran back and forth and said, "Okay, okay, let's start now!"

But this dwarf tyrannosaurus was completely "withered" when he saw Pado. He lay on the ground motionless, just unwilling to fight with Gollum, his eyes were full of fear and despair.

Gulu seemed to be able to hear the dwarf tyrannosaurus's heart: Aren't you bullying the dragon? ! Tyrannosaurus rex is the most powerful carnivore, Triceratops is the most powerful herbivorous dragon, Mungo and Pardo are the most powerful leaders of Tyrannosaurus Rex and Triceratops, let me and yours in front of you two bosses" Son" fight, is it really fair to me? ! Might as well just bite and trample me to death!

Mungo stepped on the dwarf tyrannosaurus who was unwilling to fight and said: "You fight with Gulu with all your strength, if you win, I will let you go, if you lose, you will be taken by Gulu. Damn it, if you don't fight Gulu, I will tear you alive right now, I can bite your flesh bit by bit and make you die very painful, you can try."

Gulu felt that Mungo was really exactly the same as a tyrant, and was not unreasonable at all.

Although Dwarf Tyrannosaurus didn't believe that he could survive by defeating Gulu, he knew that whether he could defeat Gulu or not, he would be dead, but being killed by Gulu's corner was better than being tortured to death by Mongo.

So Dwarf Tyrannosaurus reinvigorated.

Pado said to Gulu: "Mongo and I will not help you, unless you are about to be bitten to death, we will come out to help you, and once you help you, you will be beaten, Gulu, remember, when you really fight , no dragon can help you, one mistake and you will lose your life."

Gulu looked at Pardo and Mungo and said solemnly, "I see, Pardo, Mungo."

This Dwarf Tyrannosaurus weighed less than 3 tons, and was not as strong as the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus that Gulu died that day, but the Tyrannosaurus Rex brothers helped him that day, and today he must fight alone.

Mungo and Pado stood nearby, which not only ensured that Gulu and Dwarf Tyrannosaurus could play completely freely, but also ensured that if Gulu was in danger, they could save Gulu in time.

This dwarf tyrannosaurus was very experienced in fighting. For the slightest hope of surviving, he tried his best to fight with Gulu, and Gulu gradually fell behind.

In order to end the fight as soon as possible, Gulu made a desperate attempt and rushed directly at Tyrannosaurus Dwarf's open mouth. He wanted to put a corner on the Tyrannosaurus Dwarf's neck, but he didn't expect Tyrannosaurus Dwarf to respond so quickly that he could bite Gulu with one bite. half head.

Mungo and Pado ran over at the same time, and their cooperation was very tacit. Mongo bit the back of the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus and stepped on the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus with his strong hind limbs.

Pado immediately shielded Gollum behind him.

Both Mungo and Pardo were very angry, Gulu walked out from behind Pardo tremblingly and lowered his head and said, "Mungo, Pardo, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have..."

Pado looked at the bloodstains on Gulu's body that were caught by the dwarf tyrannosaurus, raised his tail and finally didn't want to fight it, but scolded: "In the future, if you fight with other carnivorous dragons, Mungo and I will always be at your side. Are you here, without us, you would have died just now!"

Gulu fell to the ground in fright and whispered, "I know I'm wrong, Dad."

Mungo: "Gulu, when our carnivore and Triceratops fight, especially when we encounter a very powerful Triceratops, we will definitely bite off his long horns first. Triceratops without long horns can easily be killed. ."

Pado: "Gulu, the best way for our triceratops to protect the long horns is to avoid these carnivorous dragons with their fang-filled mouths. No matter how much you think about killing these carnivorous dragons, you must ensure that you are absolutely safe. It's just below, there must be no chance of luck."

Gollum listened to the teachings of the two fathers and nodded frequently.

The dwarf tyrannosaurus, who was stomped on by Mungo, showed extremely puzzled eyes, as if to say: Mungo, you are a traitor to our carnivorous dragon. You teach the herbivorous dragon how to defeat our carnivorous dragon. One day you will You deserve it, you deserve it!

Under the guidance of Mungo and Pardo, the dwarf tyrannosaurus was quickly knocked to the ground, and blood sprayed all over him.

Gollum stood on the Dwarf Tyrannosaurus and let out a roar of victory. He had never felt so happy and his blood boiled.

After a few days like this, Gulu could easily kill a Dwarf Tyrannosaurus. Of course, sometimes he could not avoid being punished by Pardo and Mungo. He complained in his heart: being trained by two such powerful fathers, It's not a good thing, two tyrants, they know that hitting me and punishing me is annoying!

But Gollum's progress was amazing, and he was very happy.

Mongo and Pardo have a new training plan.

That day, Gollum killed a tyrannosaurus again, and excitedly ran around the trophy and let out bursts of roars. Mungo and Pado looked at Gollum with relief.

Running and running, Gulu was stunned. He looked behind Mungo and couldn't believe his eyes! After the migration was over, after both Mungo and Pado had laid down their own territory, they issued a "wanted order", and the whole continent wanted the curved dragon.

The reward condition given by Pardo is that if a Triceratops finds the Curlysaurus and tells him that he can add the Triceratops to his group, and if other herbivorous dinosaurs find the Curlysaurus, he can. It is very tempting for all herbivorous dinosaurs to let the group of this herbivorous dinosaur forage in his territory for a month.

The conditions given by Mungo are even more "causing dragons". As long as a herbivorous dinosaur finds the curved dragon and tells Mungo, Mungo promises to never hunt the group where this herbivorous dinosaur is located again. If it is found by a carnivore dinosaur The crooked dragon also told Mungo that Mungo could hunt for a carnivore for a month.

But even given the conditions for "inducing the dragon", they still haven't found the curved dragon.

Gollum wanted to lure the crooked dragon out of Galle's territory, and the crooked dragon was too smart to come out only by temptation.

Galle was excited when he saw Gollum from a distance, and ran towards Gollum.

After running in front of Gulu, Galle kept rubbing against Gulu's neck and said, "Gulu, Gulu, you don't know that there are many female Tyrannosaurus rex courting me, I don't like them, I like you, I'll wait for you grow up… "

Gulu almost doubted his ears, he looked at Galle with a confused expression:? ? ? ! ! !

Mungo's look at Galle changed instantly. From looking at his brother, he turned into a bloodthirsty and cruel look that wanted to tear him apart in an instant.

The aura around Mungo seems to be saying: Draw your sword!