Back to the Age of Dinosaurs

Chapter 98: [Seventh Update] Mungo How do brothers turn into rivals in seconds


Gulu saw behind Mungo, an unusually thin and wounded Tyrannosaurus Rex flew towards them. Gulu felt that this Tyrannosaurus rex was very similar to Galle, but he felt that he must have read it wrong. How could it be possible? It's Galle.

Before the volcanic eruption, Gulu specially told the Galle group, and he also saw the Galle group escape. Later, he learned that the Galle group had re-established their territory after walking out of the ash-covered area, and did not migrate with them. .

Therefore, Galle is absolutely impossible to appear here, how is it possible.

The unusually thin Tyrannosaurus rex ran and shouted: "Guru, Mungo, I'm Galle, I finally found you..."

Gulu couldn't believe his ears, was that really Galle, what happened to Galle, and how did it become like this? !

Mungo also heard Galle's voice, and when he looked back, he couldn't believe his eyes, it was really Galle.

Galle ran directly in front of Gulu, slumped on his back, hid under Gulu's body, trembling and said, "Gulu, Gulu, I finally found you, it's terrible, it's terrible, it scared me to death, Gulu …”

Seeing the reactions of Gulu and Mungo, Pado knew that they must know this thin and unreal Tyrannosaurus Rex, but when this Tyrannosaurus rex was lying under Gulu's body, he instinctively wanted to protect Gulu, instinctively He wanted to kill the Tyrannosaurus Rex with a corner, but fortunately he held back.

Gollum rubbed the poor Galle and asked, "What the hell happened? Galle, why are you here, how did you get like this?"

Galle still hid under Gulu and did not dare to come out, and said intermittently: "Gulu, do you know, if it wasn't for what you told me, I would have died, and the death was very miserable, woohoo, it was terrible. now…”

Pardo and Mungo also listened carefully to Galle's messy description.

Galle: "Guru, it's terrible, it's really terrible, such a huge earthquake, our territory was divided into many pieces, and many dragons fell, so I ran and ran, and I even saw our The territory fell into the sea, what a big sea, what a big wave, our territory was eaten by the sea, and my brothers were eaten by the sea, and I was almost eaten by a big crack..."

As he spoke, Galer trembled even more, and he didn't even speak clearly: "Gulu, do you know, mountains, such high mountains, when they are crowded together, there are very high mountains... There are a lot of sprays from the ground. Very hot things, sprayed from the ground, and also sprayed in the sea, it's terrible..."

Gollum summed up everything Galle encountered in one sentence - the Yukan Continent began to break apart.

Galle continued: "Guru, you know, all the dragons are dead, only I escaped, all the dragons are dead, you told me to run into the forest without mountains if there is earth movement , I ran into the forest with my clan, and my clan survived temporarily, but later, the forest also split, and the sea ate more than half of the forest. You told me that if the forest began to split, Run away from the sea and away from the mountains, don't run to the ground that rises and falls like waves, run to the place where it sways... I keep running and running, only I survive..."

At the beginning, the Galle ethnic group took a new territory nearby after running out of the volcanic ash. Although Galle is like migrating with Gulu, Tyrannosaurus Rex never migrated, and he has no reason to follow Gulu. migration.

Gulu had long known that the Yukan Continent would split, but he didn't know when, it was unpredictable, so Gulu had already told Galle how to escape if there was a particularly large earthquake.

Galle escaped only by obeying Gulu's escape strategy, but Gulu's escape strategy was only able to save Galle himself. Galle could not flexibly use the deep principles, so he could not save his clan. To be more precise, it was a miracle that Galle managed to escape.

In fact, when Gollum told Galle this, he also hoped that Galle would never use it. If the continental split really occurred in Galle's territory, then the possibility of escaping was very small.

Gulu could think of how terrifying the split of the continent would be, and Gulu could also fully imagine that Galle escaped from such a terrible catastrophe and escaped all the way here, how many hardships he would encounter along the way, and it is truly a miracle that he survived.

Galle was shaking all over: "Guru, I'll never leave you again, I'll never leave you again, Gollum, I'm so scared..."

Gollum kept rubbing against Galle. Galle used to be a very powerful Tyrannosaurus rex leader, but now he has become like this, and he still needs to hide under a cub like him to seek a sense of security. Gollum is really distressed.

While rubbing against Galle, Gulu was also comforting him: "It's okay, Galle, everything is over, everything is over, didn't you find us, I will protect you, and Mungo and I will protect you in the future, don't Don't be afraid..."

Gulu had to sigh, no matter how powerful the Tyrannosaurus rex, in the face of large-scale natural disasters, no matter how powerful the dragon group is, it will die in minutes.

Mungo also comforted him: "Gale, don't be afraid, you have found us, and my tribe welcomes you back at any time."

Galle looked at Mungo and said, "Mongo, I have left your tribe and I can't go back. I'm here to find Gulu. I will lay down my territory next to the Pado tribe, and I will be punished. With Gollum, I will never leave Gollum again."

Gulu saw Mungo's confused look, as if to say: Hey, how did my fan brother become Gulu? !

Galle kept rubbing against Gulu's neck and said, "Gulu, I will never leave you again."

Then Galle knelt down in front of Pado and said, "Pardo, I'm sorry, I really didn't know it was your clan before, I promise I will never hunt a Triceratops from your clan again, there are so many here. The Triceratops, I can hunt other Triceratops, and if you want, I can help your tribe drive away other carnivores."

Pado: "You don't need to help my clan drive away other carnivorous dragons. I have no problem if you want to play territory next to my clan, but you can't appear near my clan."

Galle quickly assured: "I won't, Pado, I won't, I just need to watch Gollum from a distance, and I won't be afraid when I see Gollum."

Of course, Pardo said nothing.

Gulu continued to ask some important points: "Galle, how long ago did the earth move in your territory? Did you encounter any earth move on the way you escaped?"

Galle thought back seriously and said, "Gulu, I don't know, there was a ground movement in my territory, so I started to run, kept running, I just wanted to come to you, if I didn't think I could find you and me. Mungo, I must have been unable to hold on, I must have died a long time ago. When I was in the ice field, I almost froze to death. I stayed there for a long time. The female tyrannosaurus also stayed there for a while, so I don't know..."

According to Galle's description, Gulu speculated that the ground movement and division of Galle's territory occurred at least half a year ago, and considering the delay on the road, it was almost time to find them.

Galle suddenly thought of a question: "Gulu, won't this place also be divided?! This place won't be eaten by the sea, will it?! That's really terrible, Gulu..."

Gollum comforted him: "No, absolutely not, believe me, Galle, the best territory here will never be divided, absolutely not."

Although he was so resolute in comforting Galle, in fact, Gulu didn't know if this place would split. Now the Yukan Continent is in a state of rapid splitting, and any place may split.

But apart from here, Gollum couldn't find any better and safer territory.

Before there is no other better solution, instead of worrying about whether this place will be divided, and worrying about it every day, it is better not to think about it, just pretend that this place will never be divided, and it is absolutely safe.

At least Gulu doesn't want Mungo and Pado to worry about this every day. He will pay special attention to some changes in the natural environment to predict in advance, and that's all he can do.

Galle, who has undergone the division of the continent, is already a "frightened bird". Galle is too afraid of the division of the continent, so Gollum can only give him enough security.

Galle absolutely trusts Gollum, and if Gollum says no, it will definitely not.

The prey here is very rich. About half a month later, Galle became very strong again and took six sub-adult male Tyrannosaurus rex to win his own territory and become the leader. Galle's territory is in the Pado's next to the territory.

Galle has always been a very powerful Tyrannosaurus rex.

In the past half month, Gulu has been able to easily kill two dwarf tyrannosaurs under the strict training of Pardo and Mungo, which is an impossible task for a sub-adult Triceratops.

For the end of the second stage of the training, Mungo and Pado decided to hide, leaving Gulu completely without assistance. Of course, they were not far away, because Gulu was in danger, and they could rush out at any time.

Pado first took Gulu to the fern field by the river where he used to train, and then Pado lied that the Hui group would go to see, Mungo would come over soon, let Gulu not be afraid, and then Pado hid.

Gulu waited for a while, but did not wait for Mungo, but instead waited for two dwarf tyrannosaurs, without Mungo.

In fact, Mungo chased two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus near here, forcing Dwarf Tyrannosaurus to attack Gulu actively, and then he hid himself.

The two dwarf tyrannosaurs rushed to Gulu at the same time. Gulu knew that Pado had gone far, and Mongo didn't know when he would come, but he was not at all cowardly, and he was full of confidence.

Gollum is even glad that there are no Pado and Mungo around today, because he thinks that there are Mungo and Pado next to him. Those dwarf tyrannosaurs lost because of their instinctive fear of Mungo and Pado, not his real strength. reflect.

Today, I finally know how much he weighs, and Gulu is very excited.

Gollum used the method taught by Mungo and Pado to fight with two Dwarf Tyrannosaurus, and killed one Dwarf Tyrannosaurus very easily, and the other Dwarf Tyrannosaurus attacked Gollum more ferociously.

But soon, Gulu defeated Tyrannosaurus tyrannosaurus by an overwhelming advantage. Gulu raised one foot and stomped on Tyrannosaurus dwarfosaurus head. He stepped down and the Tyrannosaurus dwarf was basically useless. Then use the horn to pierce the belly of the dwarf tyrannosaurus to win a big victory.

Dwarf tyrannosaurus looked at Gulu, tears welling in her eyes, she prayed: "Gulu, please, let me go, I still have cubs in my belly, they will be born soon, I will be Ma Ma soon, I haven't been Mama yet... Mungo has killed so many Tyrannosaurus tyrannosaurus, he caught so many Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus to kill you, we haven't attacked you and Gaia's cub, we just want to live well..."

Gulu looked at the belly of the female Dwarf Tyrannosaurus this time, it should be really pregnant with a cub, and the belly is bigger than the average female dragon.

The female dragon continued to plead: "Guru, it's not a carnivore dragon, you can't eat our meat even if you kill us, please, let me go, I will never step into Mungo's territory again, I just want to gave birth to my little cubs..."

Gulu hesitated, if he didn't have human thinking, if he was the original triceratops, he would definitely not take pity on a carnivore, all triceratops would never miss a chance as long as they could kill a carnivore. The carnivore dragons that took the cubs are going to be killed. These cubs are born and hatched. I don't know how many triceratops they will eat.

This female dragon was probably also confused, or the extreme fear of dying made her lose her mind. She knew that if the Triceratops knew that she already had a cub, it would kill her, and there was absolutely no reason to let it go.

Although Pado and Mungo hid relatively far away, the dinosaur's hearing was very good. They heard the female dragon's words and saw Gulu's hesitation. Gulu actually planned to let the female dragon go, and they were very angry.

Gulu finally gave up, he stepped on the head of the female dragon, and then slammed into the belly of the female dragon, blood sprayed all over him instantly.

Blood and tears flowed from the female dragon's eyes, and Gulu seemed to hear the female dragon saying: My little cub, I'm sorry, Mama didn't protect you.

Gollum still ran around the "trophy" as usual, roaring incessantly, declaring his victory and strength.

Running and running, the little bit of guilt just now was completely gone. All that was left was the excitement, joy and excitement of hunting the carnivore dragon, and only the blood was full of blood. He wanted to hit the carnivore dragon and killed many, many people. The carnivore dragon, which made him happy from the bottom of his heart, made his blood boil.

Only at this time did Gulu realize that he was probably completely beastized, and the compassion and kindness of human beings were far away from him.

Only then did Pardo and Mungo come out, and they walked to Gulu's side.

Pado was very angry: "Guru! Why did you hesitate just now?! Why didn't you want to kill that dwarf tyrannosaurus?!"

Meng Ge was also very angry: "Gulu, do you know that if you hesitate, you may be directly killed by a powerful carnivorous dragon. Many carnivorous dragons are pretending to be dead, and they will pretend to be pitiful. You are pitiful. They, they will not pity you, they will only eat you one bite at a time!"

Gulu was a little aggrieved: "Didn't I kill him already, I didn't pity him, I just..."

Pardo and Mongo snarled at the same time: "Guru!"

Gollum lowered his head and said, "I was wrong, sorry."

Pado: "You still listened to him?! When fighting, no matter what the carnivore dragons say, you don't need to respond, just kill them!"

Gollum: "I see, Dad, I was wrong."

Mungo: "When many carnivorous dragons can't beat herbivorous dragons, they will deliberately say something to distract you, and they will also use fake actions to lure you to attack him. I have taught you how many times with Pardo. , you are still like this!"

Gulu whispered, "I know he can't resist, and..."

Mungo interrupted Gulu angrily: "Whether he can resist or not, no matter what the reason, you must kill him immediately when you have a chance to kill him, this point, how many times have I emphasized this point with Pado and you !"

Pado: "Gulu, you're making us so angry. You are punished to hit that tree. Before you hit it, think about where you went wrong today! Come over and tell me and Mungo the results of your reflection after you hit it!"

Gulu was shocked. The tree couldn't be hugged by an adult. When would it be broken? !

Pardo is often more severe than Mungo, and Gulu looked at Mungo, his eyes full of help: Mungo, please help me to plead with Pardo.

Mungo said even more sternly: "Let's go soon!"

Gulu quickly confessed his mistake: "I know I'm wrong, I don't dare anymore, Papa Pado, Papa Mungo, don't be angry, okay? I promise, I will never be like this again, I will definitely not! "

Mungo and Pado said with fire-breathing eyes: It's too late to admit the mistake now! Don't hurry up, do you want to be beaten?

Gulu knew the characters of his two big brothers too well, but he really didn't feel that he was wrong.

Mungo and Pado were lying on the side and watching, they wanted Gulu to become the most powerful Triceratops in the entire Yukan Continent, the invincible Triceratops.

While banging against the tree, Gulu frantically complained about the two big dads in his heart: Humph, he knew he was bullying me, he was still a little brat, I went back and told Gaia and Babbana to beat you and beat you , nasty tyrant...

I don't know how long it took to hit him, but Gulu was already dizzy and dizzy. There were little stars in front of him, the stars flying all over the sky, but the tree was still motionless.

Gollum felt very desperate. He looked at Pardo and Mungo, and the two bosses were completely indifferent to his begging eyes.

At this time, Gulu suddenly realized that his mistake was unforgivable. If he was really bitten to death by a carnivore because of a little softheartedness, how sad and desperate Pado and Mungo would be, as well as Babbana and Gaia, And brothers and sisters.

Thinking of this, Gollum felt that he was really wrong, and it was right that Mungo and Pado were so angry.

In the cruel world of dinosaurs, as long as you survive, nothing else matters.

Gulu hit the tree with all his strength, tirelessly.

In fact, at this time, Mungo and Pado could see that Gulu already knew where he was wrong. Before, Gulu was reluctant to hit a tree, and he always found a bunch of reasons to justify himself when he admitted his mistake. At this time, Gulu was I really feel like I'm wrong and I'm punishing myself.

Gulu felt that his head was about to break, his neck was about to break, and the world was spinning.

Gradually Gulu felt a warm liquid flowing down his head. He knew that he had broken his scalp. The Triceratops had thick skin, but he couldn't help but bump it for so long.

Mungo stood up and wanted to stop Gulu from continuing to hit the tree, but was stopped by Pado. Mongo was already very distressed and was reluctant to punish Gulu again. Pado said sternly: "Don't plead for him, he will be eaten by flesh in the future. What if the dragon bites to death?"

With a loud bang, Gulu and the tree fell to the ground in opposite directions.

Gulu was quite sure that he had hit the tree since noon, and it was already evening, the sun was setting, and the sky was burning with fire.

Heavy dust and smashed ferns kicked up as the tree fell.

After Gulu fell down, he lay motionless, he was too tired.

Mungo couldn't control himself any longer. He ran to Gulu's side and gently rubbed the blood on Gulu's head with his nose and mouth. Gulu rubbed his big head and cried, "Mongo, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I won't let myself be a little bit more dangerous, absolutely not."

Pado stood there and looked at his cub with relief. He knew that Gollum would definitely become a Triceratops leader that was much, much stronger than him.

Gulu rubbed Mungo's big head and stood up, and Mungo and Gulu walked towards Pado together.

Pado looked at Gollum and Mungo walking towards him side by side under the sunset, and suddenly had a very strange feeling, as if he and Barbana were walking together under the sunset, of course, he quickly rejected this strange idea .

Mungo stood side by side with Gollum in front of Pardo, and the stern Pardo looked terrible.

Gulu subconsciously hid under Mungo and lowered his head and said to Pado: "Dad, I'm sorry, I know it's wrong, I really know it's wrong, don't be angry, okay?"

Pado asked sternly, "What's wrong?"

Gulu was frightened and hid under Mungo again, not daring to look at Pado.

Mungo lowered his head and gently rubbed Gulu and said, "Gulu, don't be afraid, tell me what went wrong today, and look at Pado and say it, Pado will not be angry."

Gulu plucked up his courage and looked up at Pado's very sincere confession: "Dad, I'm sorry, I will put my own safety first in the future, and I will never pity any dragon that fights with me. Even if I later Become very powerful, I will not be conceited, and will never give the dragon who fought me any chance to fight back."

Pardo was very satisfied with the results of Gulu's reflection. Not only did he deeply realize his mistakes today, but he also extended to the future, even if he was very powerful, he would not be conceited.

Gulu boldly stepped out from under Mungo and tried to rub Pado, but was afraid that Pado hadn't calmed down yet, his small eyes were dodging, and he looked very pitiful.

Pado lowered his head and rubbed Gulu actively and said, "Okay, Dad is not angry anymore."

Gulu dared to pounce on Pado's body and act like a spoiled child: "Wuwu, Dad, you are too fierce, you know, you are very fierce, very fierce, and it scares me, bad dad, hurry up and coax I… "

When Pado was not angry, he was also very fond of the cub. He rubbed Gulu and said, "Okay, it's all my father's fault. As long as Gulu doesn't make mistakes, my father won't be fierce anymore, okay..."

Gulu doesn't know why he has become so naive. He especially likes to act like a spoiled child with Mongopardo. If he turns himself into a real cub, he will be very happy. This kind of pure happiness is something that adults will never have. .

In fact, Gulu has studied why he has become so naive. It is probably that the brain of a Triceratops has always been incomparable with that of humans, not to mention the cubs of Triceratops. Compared with humans, the brain capacity is too small and too small, he has become Triceratops cubs change their way of thinking and habits unconsciously.

Mungo watched Gulu and Pado coquettish, and his heart was itching. He also wanted Gulu to be coquettish with him.

Pado: "Gulu, the sun has set, it's time to go back with Dad."

Gulu: "Dad, I want to play with Mongo for a while, why don't you go back first, Mongo will send me back."

Mungo said quickly: "Pardo, let Gulu play for a while. He performed very well today. I will send him back before dark."

Pado rubbed Gulu's big head and said, "Listen to Mungo's words, don't be playful."

Gollum nodded: "Mmmm, Pado, I know."

After watching Pado leave, Gulu lay on his back under Meng Ge's body and acted like a spoiled child: "Mong Ge, you are so fierce today, you are as fierce as Pado, you don't help me plead for mercy, bad Meng Ge, I Decide if I like you or not!"

Gulu didn't know why. With Pado by his side, he was embarrassed to act coquettishly with Mungo. This kind of feeling was very strange, but it couldn't be said that it was strange.

Mungo deliberately showed his mouth full of fangs and said fiercely: "How dare you say I'm fierce, I found that I'm just too used to you, is it too long since I've been beaten, Gujigudongguga are afraid of me, just you Don't be afraid of me, don't you dare not like me, do you want to be beaten?"

Gulu put his thick feet into Mungo's mouth and said, "It's over now, I like you, don't kill me again, I'll cry for you to see!"

Mungo opened his mouth, Gulu rubbed his feet on Mungo's teeth, and rubbed the old skin and scum on his feet all over Mungo's mouth.

I have to say that Mungo feels that Gulu is fragrant all over his body, unlike carnivorous dragons, herbivorous dragons are really fragrant. It is the fragrance of grass mixed with flowers mixed with the fragrance of soil, even Gulu's feet and feet are also fragrant. Fragrant.

Gulu took his feet out of Mongo's big mouth, turned over and stood up and said, "Mongo, come after me, don't you want to beat me, I'll beat you if you catch me."

Of course, Mungo immediately chased after them. The two were chasing and playing by the river and had a good time.

Running and running, Gulu heard Wu Wulan's roar coming from the other side.

Gulu stopped and looked at the opposite bank, and Mungo naturally stopped and looked at the opposite bank.

I saw Wu Wulan on the other side stepping on a particularly strong Tyrannosaurus Rex. Wu Wulan was covered in blood. She used a roar to announce her victory and absolute ownership of the territory.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on Wu Wulan's body, making her look like a divine beast in golden armor.

Wu Wulan stood next to her three cubs. Each cub was very strong, and Tata had grown into the strongest of the three cubs.

In fact, Gulu has always admired Wu Wulan. Although she is bloodthirsty, cruel and ruthless, she is definitely not a good numb to every cub in Wu Wulan, but she is indeed the most successful female Tyrannosaurus rex.

Wu Wulan raised three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs alone, and each one was so strong. Many Tyrannosaurus rex couples could only support two cubs at most, and a female Tyrannosaurus rex alone could support one cub. Very good.

Therefore, in this respect, Wuwulan can be said to be the greatest mother among the Tyrannosaurus rex.

Gulu knew that the male Tyrannosaurus rex on the other side of Mungo's territory was very powerful, a very powerful one, otherwise it would not have been possible to occupy such a good territory by himself, and it was incredible that Wuwulan could defeat such a huge and strong Tyrannosaurus Rex. .

Wu Wulan roared around the male Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although she was covered in blood, she felt no pain at all, and even wanted to fight again. The Tyrannosaurus Rex's genes were engraved with an absolute love for blood and killing.

Then Wu Wulan roared at the falling huge sunset. From Gulu's point of view, Wu Wulan's fangs full of blood and minced meat had eaten the fiery sunset.

In the end, with a roar from Wu Wulan, the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs and Wu Wulan threw themselves on the male Tyrannosaurus Rex to eat, and Wu Wulan bit off a thick hind leg of the male Tyrannosaurus in one bite.

Three tyrannosaurus cubs eat the meat on the back and stomach of the male tyrannosaurus rex.

Tata is very domineering. He roared his brother and drove his brother to eat meat on the butt of the male Tyrannosaurus Rex. His brother didn't dare to say anything, who made him unable to beat Tata now.

Gollum is happy for Tata. Although Tata has become like his brothers and sisters before, Gollum is still really happy for Tata. Tyrannosaurus rex can survive better only with brutality and bloodthirsty. This is the survival of Tyrannosaurus Rex. law.

The Tyrannosaurus rex eats very fast, and after a while, the male Tyrannosaurus rex eats all the scum left.

Now the three Tyrannosaurus rex cubs have grown very big and strong. They have to eat a lot to be full. In another year at most, Wu Wulan will drive them away. .

As the saying goes, "Half the big boy, eat the poor old man", also applies to the Tyrannosaurus rex. Now the three little cubs eat about the same amount as Wu Wulan. Wu Wulan must try his best to hunt every day, otherwise Can't feed the cubs at all.

Tata was obviously full, but he saw that there was still a mouthful of meat in his brother's mouth that he hadn't swallowed. He ran over and took a bite of the meat hanging from his brother's mouth. The brother looked aggrieved, but Still spit the meat out to Tata.

The current Tata is really too strong and domineering, and it is normal to grab the meat in the mouths of brothers and sisters.

After he was full, Tata walked alone to the ferns next to him and slept on his stomach. Although he was now the strongest cub in Uwulan, he still didn't like to be with his brothers and sisters, let alone stay with them. Beside Wu Wulan.

Tata's sister seemed to want to win over this powerful brother, she walked in front of Tata and tried to rub Tata's neck.

Tyrannosaurus rex cubs are the ones who will unite with the powerful cubs to repel the weakest. Tata is the strongest now, and it is normal for his sister to want to win him over.

However, Tata roared fiercely at her sister, not allowing his sister to rub against him, and even not allowing his sister to approach him, roaring and driving her sister away.

Gulu can feel that although Tata has become the most powerful cub in Wuwulan, and will definitely become a powerful Tyrannosaurus rex leader like Mongo in the future, Tata is still as lonely as before, and Tata rejects his brother. Sister and Mama, Tata closed himself up.

When Tata faced his brothers and sisters, his eyes were fierce, which made his brothers and sisters very afraid of him. When facing Wuwulan, Tata's eyes were cold to the bone, and he was alone. When he was a dragon, his eyes only had a little warmth.

After driving away his sister, Tata said to a cypress tree: "Brother Gulu, when Tata grows up, Tata will come to you when she grows up. Tata wants to become a powerful Tyrannosaurus rex leader like Mungo. Tata will always be with Brother Gollum and be with Brother Gollum, Tata will be very happy."

After talking, Tata lay down, and he gently rubbed the cypress tree, treating the cypress tree as Gulu, and said while rubbing, "Brother Gulu, Tata misses you very much, you haven't come to see you for a long time. Tata, brother Gulu is a bad brother... Brother Gulu, you coax Tata, Tata wants you to coax..."

At this time, Tata, who was talking to a cypress tree, his eyes were bright, and his tone was lively, light and even childish, just like the innocence and innocence when he was the weakest child.

From Tata's position, he couldn't see Gulu on the other side, and Gulu couldn't see Tata's eyes when he spoke to the cypress tree. He only knew that Tata had changed and became a Tyrannosaurus rex as ferocious as his brothers and sisters.

Gollum felt that Tata was more brutal and bloodthirsty than his brothers and sisters. Tata's eyes were not as ignorant as a cub should be, not at all. Gollum believed that if necessary, Tata would kill him without hesitation. Brothers and sisters, even Uwulan.

Despite this, Gollum is still very happy for Tata, he admits that he has double standards, who let him know Tata, he likes Tata, no matter what Tata has become, as long as Tata is doing well, he is happy .

In the next few days, Mungo and Pado didn't train Gulu any more, and gave him a few days off. Gulu couldn't be too happy, and let Mungo take him out to play crazy every day.

Mungo often took Gollum to play in his own territory, Pado's territory, and Galle's territory.

Gollum also found that not only were there many female Tyrannosaurus rex near Mungo's group, but there were also many female Tyrannosaurus rex near Galle's territory.

Mungo is the most powerful male Tyrannosaurus Rex in the entire Yukan Continent, and Galle can also enter the front row. They are all about to become adults, and they will undoubtedly become the mates that the female Tyrannosaurus Rex are scrambling to find.

What's more, the territories of Mungo and Galle are very good.

The area where the Mungo, Galle, and Pado ethnic groups are located can be said to be the "urban CBD" in the age of dinosaurs. There is the most fertile territory, and the most powerful ethnic groups can own territory here.

Of course, the number of female Tyrannosaurus rex outside the Galle Territory is still far from that of Mungo. The number of female Tyrannosaurus rex outside the Mungo Territory is at least twice that of Galle.

However, Gulu can fully understand that the territory occupied by the Mongo ethnic group is really the top territory of carnivorous dragons, and it is the absolute center of enjoying the "pilgrimage of all directions".

If placed in the human world, Mungo is not just as simple as "living in one part of the family", Mungo's territory belongs to "my family is the whole part", Mungo is not only "one overlord", then it is appropriate to "especially" Can Continent · All World · Overlord".

Gulu felt that a perfect male dragon like Mongo would be tempted, not to mention the female Tyrannosaurus Rex in the entire Yukan Continent. If he was a Tyrannosaurus Rex, he would be tempted!

Therefore, Mongo was too cruel to these female Tyrannosaurus rex, and these female Tyrannosaurus rex did not dare to enter Mongo's territory, but they were always wandering outside the territory and were unwilling to give up.

On this day, Mungo brought Gulu to the Galle group to play again, mainly because Gulu wanted to play by himself.

Gulu is very afraid that the mainland will split up here, so he wants to go to more places to "investigate". The combined territories of Mongopardo and Galle are very large. He feels that as long as these places are not divided, Signs, the continent they live in will not be divided.

And Gollum wanted Galle to do him a little favor.

Last time, the evil Gulu and Mongo fell into the big pit and almost starved the curved dragon, but they have not been found yet. The curved dragon is really too smart.

That curved dragon was called "Ming", and it was the leader of the curved dragon with the same name as Duo.

Ming's curved dragon group is so powerful that it can survive alone without needing to rely on the stegosaurus group.

In order to keep his clan alive, Pado drove the Ming clan out of the cave, so that the Ming clan was hunted by the Cryolophosaurus, and the whole clan was eaten up. , With the power of Ming, Pado who doesn't get it is as miserable as him, and he will never let it go.

Gollum believed that as long as the crooked dragon leader lived for one day, they were very dangerous, so he had to find a way to kill the crooked dragon leader.

During this time, the crooked dragon did not come out to die, but Gulu knew that he must be hiding in the dark to observe the Pado clan. As long as the time was right, he would definitely take revenge, and then it might be revenge on the entire Pado clan.

In fact, Mungo and Pado have been looking for the curved dragon all the time, but everything is too unpredictable on the way to migrate, the curved dragon is so smart, they can't even see the shadow of the curved dragon.

When the migration was over and both Mungo and Pado had conquered their own territory, they issued a "wanted order" to search the whole continent for the curved dragon.

The reward condition given by Pardo is that if a Triceratops finds the Curlysaurus and tells him that he can add the Triceratops to his group, and if other herbivorous dinosaurs find the Curlysaurus, he can. It is very tempting for all herbivorous dinosaurs to let the group of this herbivorous dinosaur forage in his territory for a month.

The conditions given by Mungo are even more "causing dragons". As long as a herbivorous dinosaur finds the curved dragon and tells Mungo, Mungo promises to never hunt the group where this herbivorous dinosaur is located again. If it is found by a carnivore dinosaur The crooked dragon also told Mungo that Mungo could hunt for a carnivore for a month.

But even given the conditions for "inducing the dragon", they still haven't found the curved dragon.

Gollum wanted to lure the crooked dragon out of Galle's territory, and the crooked dragon was too smart to come out only by temptation.

Galle was excited when he saw Gollum from a distance, and ran towards Gollum.

After running in front of Gulu, Galle kept rubbing against Gulu's neck and said, "Gulu, Gulu, you don't know that there are many female Tyrannosaurus rex courting me, I don't like them, I like you, I'll wait for you grow up… "

Gulu almost doubted his ears, he looked at Galle with a confused expression:? ? ? ! ! !

Mungo's look at Galle changed instantly. From looking at his brother, he turned into a bloodthirsty and cruel look that wanted to tear him apart in an instant.

The aura around Mungo seems to be saying: Draw your sword!