Back To The Age Of The ’80s

Chapter 194


"Impossible! How could my daughter die! She only graduated in June! She just joined the new company two days ago! How could she die!" A middle-aged woman, Sri, shouted hysterically at the doctor.

"Sorry, ma'am."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I want to see Xiao Ke, let me see Xiao Ke!" She struggled to run to the emergency room.

The crowd couldn't stop them or they didn't want to stop them. When they walked in, they saw a woman pounced on Zhang Xiaoke and burst into tears.

Zhang Xiaoke's boyfriend is called Xia Mindong. He hurried from the school. When he saw this scene, he couldn't believe his eyes. With a familiar face that can only be seen in textbooks and TV, his heart tightened suddenly, and he staggered to the emergency room.

Mother Zhang was already crying hoarsely, the nurses persuaded in a low voice, Li Zheng and the leaders of the drug control department stood by, trying to speak but didn't know what to say.

Li Zheng took a step forward and wanted to speak, but was pulled by the leading official of the drug control department. He shook his head at Li Zheng, and then stepped forward himself.

"Sister, we are also very sorry for such a thing to happen. Xiao is a great person. She dedicated her life to the progress of human medical care. Although a waiver agreement has been signed before the clinical trial, we are sure of compensation. Will come to the highest standard…”

"Compensation! What's the use of making compensation! I only have one daughter, Xiaoke, just one daughter!" She raised her head sharply, "Xia Mindong! Did you let her participate in some biological experiment? It's you, it's you!"

"And you, how can you do experiments on living people! How can you..." After speaking, her voice was already choked up.

Xia Mindong walked to the side of the hospital bed, brushed the outline of his girlfriend under the white cloth with one hand, and clutched the edge of the bed with one hand, "I'm sorry..." I don't know if this sentence was for Zhang Xiaoke or Zhang's mother.

As a biology student, he understands the importance and necessity of clinical medicine, but as Zhang Xiaoke's boyfriend, he really cannot accept such a result.

"Sister, this is a drug clinical trial. Every drug on the market has to go through a clinical trial before it goes into circulation. This is responsible for everyone's life. We are sorry about Xiaoke, but we are now The most important thing is to find out the reason for this incident, you don't want Xiaoke to go like this, right?" Zhang He is the person in charge of this project.

Before taking charge of this project, he was mentally prepared. If everything goes smoothly, the drug will be launched, and his project leader will be able to make a fortune. On the contrary, if he can keep his job, it will be the best outcome.

This is a big gamble, and looking at the current situation, it seems that he lost the gamble.

"What's the reason? It's not your experiment! Xiao Ke has always been healthy and has no minor illnesses or pains throughout the year. What else could it be for!"

"Eldest sister, you can't say that. The 50 volunteers of us all follow the same process. Only Zhang Xiaoke has an accident. There may be other reasons."

"You... you." Of course, Mother Zhang couldn't accept this explanation. Her eyes were red, and she stared at Zhang He as if she was about to kill someone.

Li Zheng patted Zhang He on the shoulder, "Zhang Chu, let me come."

Li Zheng stood in front of Zhang's mother and Xia Mindong, "I'm Li Zheng, the developer of the drug in this trial, and the clinical initiator of this project."

Xia Mindong lowered his head and did not speak. Before today, Li Zheng had always been his idol, the person he admired the most, but now...

Zhang's mother didn't have so many worries. She stepped forward suddenly and grabbed Li Zheng's white coat, "It's you! It's you who experimented on Xiao Ke, you are a murderer!"

She shook Li Zheng's shirt vigorously, the hatred in her eyes almost gushing out.

"Auntie, let go of Professor Li."

"Sister, let go!"

"Li Zheng!"

Everyone stepped forward, and Dr. Hu gave a wink to the security guard next to him. If there was any change, he would immediately take him down. Although they can understand the current mood of the family members, Professor Li is a national treasure-level scholar in the biological world of China, and there is absolutely no room for failure.

"Auntie, the HPV vaccine is a protein, which is almost harmless to the human body. After the injection of the HPV vaccine, Zhang Xiaoke had an accident. This is a small probability event." Li Zheng paused and continued: "The drug Every clinical accident represents discovery and progress. Xiaoke’s sacrifice may save thousands of lives like hers. Therefore, I hope to further find out the cause of this incident, so as to avoid the aftermath of the drug’s launch. hurt more people."

It has been nearly 18 hours since Zhang Xiaoke's accident. Almost none of the staff present had eaten or drank a sip of water. Everyone was very tired.

Li Zheng knew that the safest thing to do about further research and analysis is to wait for Zhang's mother's mood to stabilize, but time waits for no one, and the human body's drug reaction will disappear with the passage of time. Four hours is the best time to find out why.

"Then you mean that something happened to us, it's a good thing for you guys!" A sharp female voice came from the other side of the corridor.

Everyone looked for fame, and saw seven or eight people hurriedly walking towards this side from the stairs.

"What's the matter!" Zhang He's complexion darkened suddenly, and he asked the person behind him in a low voice.

The walkie-talkie rang loudly, and the people behind him listened to the words on the other end of the walkie-talkie with helpless expressions on their faces.

"Zhang Chu, those are also Zhang Xiaoke's family members. The people below wanted to stop them, but they shouted loudly when they didn't let them come up. In order to control the influence, they had to come up."

Zhang He's brows were furrowed tightly, it would be difficult to deal with this if there were too many people.

Zhang Xiaoke's aunt brought a large group of people to stand next to Zhang's mother. Aunt Zhang was thin, with long waves and short-sleeved flared trousers that were now popular, just like a contemporary modern girl's dress.

"Why don't you speak? You can't speak? People like you who experiment with people! You should all go to prison!" Aunt Zhang's voice was sharp, and her words caused a chorus of sympathy.

"Yes, kill for life! You should be shot!"

"Looking at your young age, why is your heart so vicious!"

All the family members went to Li Zheng.

These words made Zhang Chao tremble with anger, "Professor!" He didn't understand why Li Zheng insisted on conducting drug clinical trials in China. Obviously, Germany, even in Hong Kong, can have a better drug clinical environment, at least ... at least not such a bad thing will happen.

Li Zheng shook his head at him, then looked directly at Zhang Xiaoke's family, and said, "Yes."

right? right? Kill for life, right

"You're right, this accident is of great significance to the project." Li Zheng said halfway through, "so I hope to find out the reason as soon as possible, so that Xiaoke's sacrifice will not be in vain."

Aunt Zhang was so angry that she was speechless for a moment, "Is it a good thing for you that Xiao Ke died? She is all dead, what else do you want to do, find out the reason, and dissect people!"

There was a moment of silence at the scene. The Zhang family's family immediately felt that something was wrong.

Zhang's mother trembled and pointed at Li Zheng, "You guys, you really want to take Xiao Ke..." Before she could finish her words, the men in the Zhang family couldn't help but move.

Li Zheng received a savage punch on the face, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"Professor Li!"

"Professor Li!"

"Where are the security guards?"

There was an instant commotion in the hospital corridor.

Li Zheng wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, his eyes filled with a wry smile. He still remembers the first time he had a drug clinic with his tutor, the angry family members broke through the security circle and poured gasoline on the tutor. Some people were angry and threatened, and some people were pleading .

But the instructor took off the white coat that had been splashed with gasoline, and ignored the commotion in front of him. Instead, he said to him, "Li, the 24-hour prime time is almost here, notify the operating room to prepare for the deconstruction!"

"But, Professor..."

"No, but it is clearly written in the drug clinical protocol. It is their obligation to help us improve the drug! If you don't want that person's sacrifice to be in vain, immediately notify the operating room."

At that time, Li Zheng was still a graduate student at Stanford. He didn't understand the professor's actions. When there was an accident in the clinical trial of drugs, he had to dissect people in front of his family. What a cruel thing.

However, life is like this, living and living he also lived like him.


"Zhang Chao, inform the operating room. Don't let Zhang Xiaoke's sacrifice go to waste."

Zhang Chao's eyes were stunned for a moment, Li Zheng patted his shoulder, turned to Zhang He and said, "Zhang Chu, time is running out, I will trouble you here."

Zhang He nodded with a wry smile, "Professor Li, you must succeed with this medicine!"

"You demons, killing thousands of knives, I must expose you!"

The security guards surrounded the family members, and the shouts of men and women filled the small space.

The young nurses showed unbearable expressions on their faces. Between the ego and the big ego, it was difficult for them to pat their chests and say that what they did was right.

A shoe flew out of the crowd and hit Li Zheng's back, leaving a deep shoe print on the white coat.

At this moment, the elevator door was opened, and Sun Bin ran out of the elevator with a face full of excitement, and said loudly in his slightly panting voice: "Professor, Switzerland's phone, this year's Nobel Prize! It's yours! "

The scene where the shoe fell off Li Zheng and Sun Bin's excited words made a funny scene in this corridor.

It was as if the screen being played was suddenly pressed the pause button.

Nobel Prize...

These words carry too much weight in the hearts of Chinese people.

The Zhang family's ears were buzzing with these four words, and the drug control and medical staff present were full of disbelief. Did they hear it wrong? Nobel Prize

Only Li Zheng paused for just a second, then continued to walk quickly into the operating room.

The result of surgical analysis was that other drug residues were found in Zhang Xiaoke's body. It is understood that Zhang Xiaoke had the habit of taking diet pills before participating in the drug clinic, and even secretly took it during the drug clinic.

The weight loss drug market has not been very standardized in later generations, let alone the early 1990s, when the protein-dissolving ingredients in the weight loss medicine conflicted with the HPV vaccine, causing this accident.

Li Zheng and Zhang He personally handed over the test report to Zhang's family. Zhang's family still rejected Li Zheng very much, but after all, they didn't say any bad words again. They have the most basic fear of Nobel Prize winners recognized by the world.

It stands to reason that the agreement clearly stated that no other drugs should be taken during the clinical period of the drug. It was Zhang Xiaoke who breached the contract first, and Li Zheng's laboratory does not need to bear any responsibility.

But out of humanitarianism, Li Zheng personally sent an insurance to Zhang's mother.

With an alimony insurance, Zhang's mother can receive 600 yuan of alimony paid by the insurance company every month, and the insurance will be guaranteed until the age of 70. If she dies halfway or reaches the age of 70, the insurance money of 100,000 will be returned at one time.

In December of the same year, Li Zheng took back China's first Nobel Prize from Switzerland, and the word Li Zheng instantly became a household name in China.

In March 1991, the HPV vaccine completed its clinical clinical application and was approved for marketing in China. The world's first full-fledged anti-cancer vaccine was born, and the world was in an uproar.

In December of the same year, Hausen and his team were awarded the Nobel Prize for their discovery of the carcinogenicity of HPV, which was 17 years earlier than Li Zheng's last life.

In August 1992, the French HIV vaccine research and development team sent an invitation to Li Zheng's laboratory, hoping to jointly complete the development of the HIV virus vaccine, and Li Zheng readily agreed.

On June 18, 1997, the HIV vaccine announced that it had been successfully tested on mice, which means that it is no longer a dream to conquer the HIV virus that makes people all over the world.

June 30, 1997 22:00

Li Zheng and Liang Zhe walked into the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center hand in hand.

There are already many familiar faces sitting inside.

"Mr. Liang, Professor Li."

"Mr. Liang, Professor Li."

People kept standing up to greet them.

The matter of Li Zheng and Liang Zhe is no longer a secret. Although many people still cannot understand the love between two men, with the current status of Liang Zhe and Li Zheng, they no longer need to consider the outside world.

The king of Chu had a very thin waist, and many harems starved to death. The actions of high-status people often attract a large number of followers and admirers. The matter of Li Zheng and Liang Zhe even triggered a small wave of homosexual love in the upper circles of Huaguo and Xiangjiang, which attracted people from above. Talk to them, let them hold back.

In the daytime today, all the royal badges in Hong Kong have been removed, the British flag of the colonial governor's residence has also been lowered, the British Royal Navy bid farewell, and the vanguard of the Chinese Army arrived in Hong Kong.

Finally, at this moment, Li Zheng and Liang Zhe sat down in the second row, and the audience was full of prominent figures in Xiangjiang and representatives of various industries in China.

At 0:00:00 on July 1, 1997, the handover ceremony of Heungkong Securities officially started.

The national flag of China and the regional flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region were raised.

The faces of the people watching the ceremony were excited, complicated, helpless, and confused, and there was only the majestic music in the silence. Li Zheng and Liang Zhe held hands tightly together.

Sansheng is fortunate to be able to participate in this moment.

The first Chief Executive of Heungkong was sworn in, and Liang Zhe, on behalf of Heungkong businessmen, submitted a letter of commitment to safeguard the smooth transition of Heungkong's economy.

at the same time

Outside the venue, the Hong Kong police changed to the new badge of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China; Huajing, the State Affairs Center held a grand reception to celebrate the return of Hong Kong in the Great Hall of the People; The handover ceremony was broadcast live, and countless fireworks bloomed behind them; in Guangzhou, about 30,000 people gathered at the Tianhe Sports Center to celebrate Xiangjiang's return to China.

"Xiangjiang is back."

"Well, it should be much more convenient for us to meet in the future."


The author has something to say: 1. It's finally over. Regarding the 197 chapters in the main text, don't worry about it, because I returned in 1997 and wanted to write chapter 197 here, but it's actually beyond my control, so I'm deceiving myself Changed the chapter name, hahaha.

It’s been more than half a year since I wrote the big time, and it may occasionally be interrupted. The delay has caused trouble for everyone. I’m very sorry. There are always a few days in a month when I don’t want to code words, just as accurate as my aunt :) And the frequency of shit updates at the end stage, it’s time to close the little black room, and it’s actually closed, haha. I can't help it, when I think of the end, the taut strings loosen, and then I stare at the computer, and it's not good to comment.

2. In this article, there must be a lot of flaws, and the preparation of professional knowledge is definitely insufficient, because the preliminary preparation is grass, once the serialization starts and requires daily updates, there is no time and energy, and it has to be corrected. However, I think this story can be considered a complete story, and it can pass.

3. Most of the extras are emotional and ethical. Mom, sister, grandfather, etc., if you don't like watching this, just skip it. I will add a reminder to the chapter name. It will be written at the end of June. If it is updated, it will be updated after a story is written, from time to time.

There is also the matter of thanking the overlord ticket, which is the cauldron of procrastination again. Generally, when I finish writing, it is life and death. It is too late to copy the thank you list and cry... The list will be posted on the outside of the show, and I will also bow and thank me here. I watch it every day.

4. Finally, for new articles, the subject matter is also this kind of industry article. When the number of books is 100 minus 50, I bought a lot of books on various topics, what new materials, venture capital, China high-speed rail, road and bridge, this article After finishing, I booked a B&B next to Yulong River and planned to retreat and write the outline of the new text before coming back to work. One should be better than the other, haha, just collect the new article, the introduction and the title of the book, emm may have to move, but the style of painting is this virtue. It will open after the 15th of next month. I will try my best to save some manuscripts. Although I don’t quite believe it ╭(╯^╰)╮, I will slowly cure the procrastination. Don’t give up on me and cry.