Back To The Age Of The ’80s

Chapter 195


Extra Story - Zhou Sitian (Part 1)

Zhou Sitian has never been the first beauty in the traditional sense, because she lives in a coastal town all the year round, her skin is a little dark, her eyes follow Zhao Qiuhua, the narrow double eyelids are almost invisible, the bridge of the nose is very straight, and the lips Neither thin nor thick, in the words of later generations, this is a natural high-level face.

This kind of face looks especially good in front of the camera, but the rural fishing villages in the 1980s obviously preferred the traditional round face and big eyes.

On February 1, 1982, this was a day that Zhou Sitian would never forget in her life. That evening, when she returned home from school, she saw that her house was crowded with people.

"It's really unconscionable, how good Qiangzi is to her. The entire Li family is supported by Qiangzi alone."

"Who said it wasn't, the last time I came out of the vegetable market to meet her, I kindly told her that there were old hens for sale, but she covered her nose and hid far away. I heard that she can't even enter the kitchen."

"Don't go to the kitchen? Do you want Li Qiang to go out to sea to cook?" A middle-aged woman seemed to hear something unbelievable and exclaimed.

"Well, isn't there that oil bottle? Although I brought it here to eat and drink for free, it's better than her mother."

Zhou Sitian heard their discussions from a distance, her lips pursed tightly into a straight line. She always knew that she was an unwelcome existence in this small town, and she was used to listening to this kind of words since she was a child.

She pedaled hard on the bicycle pedals, and she quickly rode towards the house. Dad was coming back soon, and Xiao Zheng, he didn't want to come back on his bicycle. If he walked back with Li Chaoyang, it would be 20 minutes later than himself. Around, 20 minutes is enough to get her dinner ready.

Zhou Sitian thought so, and once again accelerated the speed of her feet.

"Yo, I didn't go with your mother."

When Zhou Sitian was pushing her bicycle to pass through the crowd, a sharp female voice suddenly sounded.

She turned her head to the side, Zhou Sitian knew this woman, Yang Kaijian's mother, because of the production team captain, the Yang family and the Li family never dealt with each other. Zhao Qiuhua's reputation in the town was so bad, and this Yang's mother contributed greatly.

"Auntie Wang." Zhou Sitian didn't understand what Wang Aijuan meant, and she didn't want to argue with this woman, so she called Auntie Wang, which was the etiquette of the younger generation.

Wang Aijuan's heart became furious when she saw Zhou Sitian's expression of not looking directly at people, and the mocking expression on her face became even stronger.

"I said Sitian, Qiangzi is an honest man, and he may not be able to say this, but we villagers can't watch your mother and daughter bully honest people. You were brought here by your mother, and now your mother is following The wild man ran away. Why, can you, an outsider, still suck blood from the Li family?"

It can be said that Wang Aijuan's words are very hard to hear. The women next to her pulled her sleeves and motioned her to stop talking. Wang Aijuan snorted lightly and said nothing more, as she gave face to her companions.

Zhou Sitian's ears buzzed, what do you mean, what does "your mother ran away with the wild man"

"Auntie Wang, what do you mean?" Zhou Sitian clearly felt a little trembling in her vocal cords. She recalled that Zhao Qiuhua had stopped her in a rare way this morning. His disgust for this town was out of tune, and Zhou Sitian felt a chill rise from the soles of his feet, instantly freezing his limbs.

No, definitely not. With a pale face, she almost staggered into the house.

There were two people sitting in the living room of the house, Li Qiang and Zheng Jianguo. When they heard the door open, they raised their heads almost at the same time. Zhou Sitian keenly felt that Zheng Jianguo was looking at her with complex meanings.

At the small round table of the two, cigarette butts were scattered on the ground, there were two empty wine bottles on the table, and the glasses in front of the two were empty.

"Dad." Zhou Si said sweetly.

Li Qiang paused for a moment, then stood up, "I'm back, put the schoolbag away, and I'll cook." His voice was calm, and there were no strong emotional fluctuations on his face, but Zhou Sitian noticed that from Li Qiang hadn't even looked up at her since he entered the door.

The panic in Zhou Sitian's heart was about to spread.

"Qianzi, then I'll go first. If you have anything, come to our house and tell me." Zheng Jianguo also stood up.

Li Qiang nodded, turned and walked towards the inner room.

Zhou Sitian stood there blankly. When Zheng Jianguo passed by her, he glanced at her and sighed deeply, feeling sorry for the child.

Zhou Sitian seemed to be frozen in place. After about a quarter of an hour, she moved her feet and walked quickly into the room.

Li Qiang is cooking.

The kitchen in the 1980s was still an old firewood stove. There was a cement stove next to the kitchen. The pot was very large, more than double the size of the pots of later generations. Behind the stove was a small hut, where firewood was randomly stacked. , and there is a square hole in the middle, which is burning with flaming flames.

Li Qiang was very skilled. He piled wood of different thicknesses inside, and then lit it with hay. When he saw Zhou Sitian come in, he fiddled with the flame and said, "I didn't go out to buy vegetables today, so I steamed for two. A fish, simmering a few rice cakes, let’s eat a little bit, and tomorrow Dad will go out to buy meat for you.”

Zhou Sitian's eyes were hot, and she almost burst into tears. She had already gone to Zhao Qiuhua's room before entering the kitchen. The clothes that Zhao Qiuhua loved to wear and the personal belongings she brought when she got married were gone. The room was completely empty. leave.

She left, she actually left. Zhou Sitian was at a loss as to what she would do without even telling her. She is not Li Qiang's daughter, she is a drag oil bottle brought by Zhao Qiuhua. Now that Zhao Qiuhua is gone, what is she in this family

The sound of "bumping" heavy objects to the ground came from outside the kitchen, and the dark-faced Li Zheng walked quickly from outside the house, "Dad, they said that mother is gone, why did she leave? When will she come back? Why didn't you tell me?"

He seemed a little excited, and when he walked quickly past Zhou Sitian, his footsteps paused but did not stop.

There was only the sound of three people breathing in the kitchen. Li Qiang paused when he was fiddling with the firewood, then put down the tongs in his hand and came out of the hut.

Zhou Sitian clearly saw that Li Qiang's eyes were a little red, and he didn't know if it was because of the fire or some other reason. He walked over to Li Zheng and put his hand on Li Zheng's shoulder.

"It's my father's fault. From today onwards, let's just live with the three of us, you, me, and your sister." Li Qiang's voice was so soft that it was almost inaudible.

"I don't, I don't want it!" Li Zheng suddenly became excited, he slapped Li Qiang's hand away, and rushed out the door quickly, "I'm going to find her!"

Li Qiang's hand froze in the air, and it took a long time to slowly put it down.

"Si Tian, go see your brother." His voice was calm, and there didn't seem to be any emotional fluctuations.

Zhou Sitian nodded vigorously, then ran in the direction Li Zheng left. Li Qiang's words dissipated a lot of fear in her heart. At least, she could stay in this house. very nice.

Zhou Sitian found Li Zheng on a hillside in Qinghe Town. This hillside is in a good position. Looking down, you can see the entire Qinghe Town.

"It's you, it's you, right? My mother left because she couldn't bear to see you every day, right?" Li Zheng looked into Zhou Sitian's eyes, and there was almost fire.

Zhou Sitian clenched her teeth tightly, she could almost feel the rust smell in her mouth.

When Zhao Qiuhua was emotional, he said more than once that Zhou Sitian's existence made her sick. Zhao Qiuhua's attitude deeply affected Li Zheng's attitude towards this sister, so the relationship between Li Zheng and Zhou Sitian has never been called harmonious.

I'm sorry, but I can't say these three words stuck in my throat. Why is everything her fault, just because she is the daughter of a strong woman

Next, one after another, the girl who was only eighteen years old was exhausted.

Because of the purchase of boats and renovations from the commune, the Li family only paid off their foreign debts two months ago, and the economy is really poor. Zhou Sitian is going to take the college entrance examination this year. Her grades are very good. The school teacher told Li Qiang that she can be admitted to the university in eastern Shanghai.

The teachers in the school knew about the Li family's situation. They carefully asked Li Qiang if they planned to let Zhou Sitian go to college

Li Qiang was silent for a while, then firmly spit out the word "up".

After that, the frequency of Li Qiang's trips to the sea increased significantly. People in the town said that he was looking for Zhao Qiuhua. Li Qiang did not explain when he heard it. Because he had his own boat, he could control the time and place of going to sea by himself. Li Qiang The harvest was much more than that of the production team, which made everyone in the town jealous.

There is a saying in the older generation of people who go to sea. In their business, they are begging for food from the gods, and their heads are hanging on the belt of their trousers. God is happy that they can come back alive, but once God is not happy, the sea is their final destination.

With the improvement of fishing boat conditions, the danger of going out to sea has been reduced a lot, but it is still a life-threatening battle. Finally one day, Li Qiang sailed out in the morning and never came back.

Li Zheng was about to run out like crazy, and the siblings had the most intense quarrel ever. Zhou Sitian blocked the door to prevent Li Zheng from going out, but people get tired and need to rest. Li Zheng still slipped out while Zhou Sitian was sleeping.

"The Li family is really unlucky, let these two broom stars enter the door, and now there is not even a bloodline left."

"No, it's been two days, and the misfortunes are getting worse."

"Then what about the things that Li Qiang left behind? It won't belong to that broom star. There's no one left in the Li family."

"Of course not, Jiao Gong can't give a broom star."

After Li Qiang disappeared, Li Zheng disappeared. The worry, panic, and rumors from the outside world almost overwhelmed the young girl.

"Sweet girl, come out quickly! Xiao Zheng is back!" Aunt Zheng trotted all the way over and said breathlessly against the edge of the door.

Zhou Sitian sat up abruptly from the chair, and then ran towards the door like a cannonball.

"Oh, don't run so fast, I'll go with you!" Aunt Zheng shouted loudly behind her.

The man was found by Zheng Jianguo. When Zheng Jianguo found him, Li Zheng had not eaten for several days, and he still had a high fever.

"Tian Niu, let's watch, you go and invite Dr. Zhang to come over." Aunt Zheng put a wrung out cold towel on Li Zheng's forehead and said immediately.

Dr. Zhang is a doctor at the Qinghe Township Health Center. Qinghe Township is far from Yantian County, and the traffic is inconvenient. Generally, people in the town look for him with headaches.

"Hey!" Zhou Sitian responded loudly and ran out. The moment she saw Li Zhengan quietly lying on the bed, the hesitation and anxiety in her heart seemed to disappear at once. You are still here, I am not the only one.

However, Li Zheng's situation is not optimistic. He hasn't eaten for a few days, and he has a high fever close to 40 degrees. "This high fever has been burning for two days. Even if I go to the county hospital, I use these medicines. Let it be. "

Zhou Sitian clenched her teeth tightly, trying her best not to show her weakness and helplessness. No, no, Xiao Zheng will be fine, and nothing will happen!

She hadn't slept all night, she used the local method in the town, rubbing herself with alcohol and changing towels frequently. Xu Shi God saw the sincerity of this girl, and her brother woke up.

Xu Shi had gone through the critical moment of life and death, and Zhou Sitian found that Li Zheng, who had woken up again, seemed to have matured a lot. At least for his sister, he no longer rejected and hated him, but truly regarded himself as a family member.

Next, the production team headed by Yang Sheng wanted to take away the Li family's boat, but Li Zheng beat him back gently. The clear logic and the mastery of life made Zhou Sitian deeply aware of this younger brother's different.

The next thing became more and more miraculous. The proficient English and the inadvertently revealed temperament that was out of tune with the small town made Zhou Sitian's nerves collapse.

The feeling of being out of place is similar but different from Zhao Qiuhua. Zhou Sitian can't tell the difference, but I always feel that they... don't seem to belong to Qinghe Town.

Li Zheng made friends with foreign friends who came to inspect. The leaders of the county, city and even the province made a special trip to Li's house to discuss matters with Li Zheng. Li Zheng asked the foreign friends to set the address of the foreign-funded factory in Qinghe Town.

All these pieces made Zhou Sitian feel unreal.

But... Sister, we are each other's only relatives. This sentence came out of Li Zheng's mouth, and it has always been deeply in Zhou Sitian's heart. She and Li Zheng are the only and closest relatives.

So no matter what happens, she will definitely stand with Li Zheng and face it together.

For Zhou Deqing, Zhou Sitian is disgusted, and that kind of disgust has run through her 18 years of life, until that day...

That was the first and last time Zhou Sitian saw her titular biological father. It turned out that that man, like other fathers, also had two eyes and one nose, and would also give up his life for his daughter.

She watched with her own eyes the sound of the man standing in front of her, the sound of the sharp dagger piercing into the flesh, the sound of the bright red blood spurting out. She will never forget it in her life.

He obviously died to save himself, why did they put the murderers on his head!

Power, wealth, status, these things turned out to be so important! Kneeling in front of Zhou Deqing's posthumous photo, Zhou Sitian took a deep breath, Dad, I will help you get your name right, I swear.

Because of Zhou Deqing's "killing", Zhou Sitian was overwhelmed by the rumors and rumors, and the two siblings left their hometowns and went south to Xiangjiang.

This was the first turning point in Zhou Sitian's fortunes, where she met Liu Zhidong, an actor's agent.

Be a star

This was a term that never appeared in Zhou Sitian's first eighteen years of life. she? star? Simply ridiculous.

However, Liu Zhidong's perseverance shook Zhou Sitian's heart.

Working in a tea restaurant, she can easily hear all kinds of gossip from the guests who drink afternoon tea. In the 1980s, during the golden age of the Hong Kong entertainment industry, celebrity gossip was naturally not less.

The story that a certain star and the rich have to tell, a certain star married into a wealthy family. Celebrities seem to be synonymous with wealth.

Can I really be a star? Can I really get the wealth, power and status I want? Zhou Sitian had this idea in his heart.

When Liu Zhidong took her to the square and saw the pictures on the TV screens in the electrical shop window, she suddenly made up her mind.

In order to let the younger brother who doesn't know where to go see her, in order to help her father who brought grievances to the ground, in order to have the strength to protect her relatives, in order to no longer experience that kind of despair and powerlessness, she must be strong and use her own hands. Gain wealth, power and status!