Back To The Age Of The ’80s

Chapter 198


"Liang Li's 'marriage' is a red light, Liang Sheng secretly meets a mysterious woman three times a month!"

With the full launch of the latest issue of Heungkong Entertainment Weekly, the news that Liang Zhemi will meet a mysterious woman has spread in Heungkong.

In the millennium, after entering the 21st century, the communication technology of human society has developed rapidly, and the computer network technology has gradually entered the families of ordinary people, and the transmission and communication of information has become extraordinarily simple.

QICQ and various forums are slowly emerging, and the Internet society of later generations has already begun to take shape.

"Liang Zhe cheated! Is it true or false?"

"Those paparazzi in Xiangjiang have been photographed. Although the photos are blurry, they are indeed the same woman."

"Quick, quick, picture above."

Although the Internet technology is different between millennial netizens and 2018 netizens, their love for gossip is the same. Liang Zhe and Li Zheng have been openly coming out of the closet for more than ten years now. , During this period, countless couples got married and divorced, but the two of them never blushed. They were famous model husbands.

Because of the two people's great reputation in their respective fields and even in the whole country and the world, the acceptance of homosexuals by Chinese people is much higher than that in the world where Li Zheng lived in his previous life, which also indirectly saved the life of a famous movie star in Hong Kong.

"Fuck, it's really the same woman."

"Does Professor Li know?"

"Actually, it is understandable that Professor Li's HIV vaccine project is mainly carried out in the laboratory of Huaqing University. Their husband and wife have been separated for a long time, and that Liang Sheng is still in his prime, and he is looking for a woman. It's normal to put out fires."

"Normal shit, you are saving the world, turn around your wife and run away with the wild man outside, how are you feeling! You don't know how important Professor Li's HIV project is, it is written in textbooks from elementary school to university. , if you don't know, go back to nine-year compulsory education, thank you!"

"If Liang Sheng is like this, will it be the one below?"

Well, as soon as this sentence came out, the focus on the forum instantly returned to the historic mystery of who Liang Zhe and Li Zheng were on it.

There was a lot of uproar on the forum. At the same time, in the Huaqing University laboratory, Li Zheng walked out of the laboratory while taking off his bio-proof gloves.

Li Zheng, who was in his early thirties, was at the best age for a man. His facial features were soft, and his skin looked pale because he had been in the laboratory for a long time. The fitted white coat did not have a single fold, making her figure stand out. He has an indescribable charm, which is a unique temperament that can only be nurtured by rich experience and long-term precipitation.

"Send the latest information to the drug control department, and at the same time understand the latest clinical progress of the vaccine, and then urge them, this drug must be launched as soon as possible." Li Zheng lowered his head and kept writing something in the record book. , handed the record at hand to the assistant, and said at the same time.

"Okay, Professor Li." Sun Bin said immediately, he flipped through Li Zheng's personal itinerary in his hand, hesitated for a while, but said, "Professor, on the seventeenth of this month, the day after tomorrow, you and Liang The gentleman agreed to the invitation of the Qinghe Township Government to attend the celebration party of Huasheng Pharmaceutical's listing."

Huasheng Pharmaceutical was the pharmaceutical factory established by Roche in Qinghe Town. After the replacement of the main material of poplar proline, the geographical advantage of Qinghe Town was completely lost. Due to the rapid development of Shenzhen market, labor costs continued to increase. , Roche abandoned the pharmaceutical company at the end of the twentieth century.

After the news reached Li Zheng's ears, he bought the pharmaceutical factory without hesitation, and then invited the Qinghe Township government to take a stake, so the pharmaceutical factory changed from a wholly foreign-owned enterprise to a mixed-ownership enterprise, borrowing a policy The east wind, coupled with Li Zheng's abundant resources on hand, this pharmaceutical factory actually went public in the millennium.

There is no new third board in the stock market in the millennium, and the gold content of listing is much higher than that of later generations.

In the list of listed companies in 2000, which bank and which fund were listed, the name of Huasheng Pharmaceutical was particularly abrupt.

And it is a mixed-ownership enterprise in which a township and village enterprise is a shareholder, so its listing has caused a sensation in the Chinese economic circle.

"Understood, we'll set off on time after booking the plane ticket." Li Zheng said without raising his head.

Sun Bin and the rest of the lab looked at each other, and couldn't help but confirm again, "Is Mr. Liang here to set off with you?"

Li Zheng raised his head and looked at Sun Bin amusingly, "What about it?" When the two traveled together on business, Liang Zhe flew to Huajing first, and then the two set off to their destination together, which has been the case for more than ten years.

Sun Bin laughed dryly, "Yes, yes, let's go together, I'll order right away!"

As he spoke, he quickly ran to the door.

"Go to the medicine tube to send the materials first!" Li Zheng couldn't help reminding again.

"Got it." Sun Bin's reply came from a distance.

Li Zheng returned to the villa after the laboratory, took a shower, and came out. There were already several missed calls on his mobile phone, which belonged to Zhou Sitian.

"Sister, do you have anything to do with me?" While wiping his hair, he dialed Zhou Sitian's number.

The sound of glass breaking came from the other end of the phone, "Azheng, why don't you answer the phone all day!" Zhou Sitian's voice was a little exasperated, she had made countless calls to Li Zheng this day, and during the day Shut down, finally turned it on at night and no one answered.

If it wasn't for the fact that she couldn't get through to Li Zheng's phone during the day and called a laboratory to make sure her younger brother was fine, Zhou Sitian would have to come by plane right away.

Li Zheng frowned slightly, "Sister, I always turn off the phone when I enter the lab. As for just now, I happened to be taking a shower."

"Oh, so, are your experiments going well these days? I'm afraid you won't be able to take care of yourself, and you're tired." Although Zhou Sitian's tone adjusted quickly, Li Zheng was still keenly aware of it. is wrong.

Li Zheng is not a person who likes to browse forums. The role of computers for Li Zheng is only instant messaging and sending and receiving emails. Although Xiangjiang returned in 1997, the domestic media obviously will not report the gossip news of Xiangjiang. Therefore, Li Zheng Liang Zhe's derailment incident, which was making a lot of noise in Xiangjiang at this time, was not at all aware of it.

"that is it?"

"Of course, what else can you do? How long will it take to work in Huajing, and when will you return to Xiangjiang. You have been in Huajing for more than a month this time, and you have not been at home all day." Zhou Sitian paused for a while, and said as if mockingly, "Aren't you afraid of Liang Zhe's derailment?"

Li Zheng reluctantly rubbed his eyebrows, "Sister, your imagination is too rich. Is Little Moon getting better from the cold? The child's resistance is weak, you mother can have more snacks."

Listening to her brother's understatement, she knew that Li Zheng still didn't know what happened in Xiangjiang, and while she was relieved, the anxiety in her heart became stronger.

"You care about this stinky girl. Ah Zheng, you don't want a child of your own?" Under the anxiety, the words that had been buried in his heart for a long time couldn't help but burst out.

Don't look at Zhou Sitian's normal appearance as a modern successful woman, but she is a very conservative person at heart. She will protect Li Zheng at all costs because Li Zheng is Li Qiang's only blood. distressed by future generations.

Usually, because of the stable relationship between Li Zheng and Liang Zhe, she is not easy to speak, but now Zhou Sitian thinks this may be a good opportunity.

"Sister, what's the matter with you today? I think we have made it clear about the child. When A Zhe and I are older, we will consider adopting one. The main work on my side is almost the same. , When I come back from Qinghe Town, I will go back to Xiangjiang with A Zhe."

Zhou Sitian on the other end of the phone was blocked so she couldn't speak. She couldn't tell her younger brother that Liang Zhe might have cheated, and you should plan ahead.

Not to mention that this is a family matter of his younger brother, in fact, Zhou Sitian is still skeptical about Liang Zhe's derailment. Would such a person cheat

After finishing the call with Zhou Sitian, Li Zheng frowned and sat on the bed for about half a quarter of an hour, then called Liang Zhe. The subconscious question made Li Zheng keenly feel as if something happened that he didn't know about, and... this matter was related to Liang Zhe.

The phone beeped several times before being picked up, "Hello." Liang Zhe's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Have you eaten dinner?"

"Well, I've eaten it. I still have some documents to take home and read." Liang Zhe's voice was steady, no different from usual.

The phone was silent for about 30 seconds, and a deep voice came from Li Zheng's ear, "I miss you." Liang Zhe's voice was so soft that Li Zheng could even imagine the man leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window with his head slightly lowered. Ears look red.

He laughed softly, "Well, I miss you too." Li Zheng's voice was very soft, and a warm atmosphere spread around the two of them. Li Zheng cleared his throat, "The celebration of Huasheng's listing will be held in two days. Your invitation letter is with me. Let's go together?"

"These two days?" Liang Zhe paused slightly, his tone hesitated, "Which day?"

"Why, you have other arrangements, the 17th, the day after tomorrow." Li Zheng was slightly surprised. Liang Zhe's schedule was very strict, even almost paranoid. And he has always belonged to the most important group in Liang Zhe's schedule.

The matter of the Huasheng Celebration, he mentioned to Liang Zhe on the day he contacted him in Qinghe Town at the beginning of last month. If it was not a particularly important matter, Liang Zhe would never let him up.

"I have something to do in Xiangjiang in the morning the day after tomorrow. I might not be able to catch up with the ceremony in the morning. I will do it as soon as possible in the afternoon..." Halfway through Liang Zhe's words, Li Zheng heard a female voice clearly on the other end of the phone.

"Liang Sheng, come here quickly, the baby is awake, I can't find you and cry."

Liang Zhe quickly held down the phone's microphone, but the sound spread much faster than his speed, and Li Zheng on the other end of the phone could hear it clearly.

Li Zheng couldn't tell how he was feeling at that moment. His subconscious reaction was, "What voice, tell you to go down for supper?" He was never a person who would escape reality, but in the face of the current situation, he He made such a choice subconsciously.

Zhou Sitian's words echoed in Li Zheng's mind again, "Aren't you afraid that Liang Zhe will cheat?"

Stop kidding, Liang Zhe cheated? absurd!

"Well, it's nothing, I'm on the balcony now, and the maid downstairs is talking louder." Liang Zhe spoke slowly, giving people a lot of confidence. If Li Zheng didn't really hear the woman, he would definitely There will be no doubts about Liang Zhe's words.

Li Zheng suddenly felt a little cold on this summer night, why... lie to me

"Well, I see, then you arrived at Qinghe Town on the 17th and called me." Li Zheng felt a buzzing sound in his head, and the blood in his whole body seemed to freeze. He didn't even realize what he was talking about.

Hanging up the phone, he held the phone to his ear for a long time before slowly getting up from the bed.

Li Zheng clenched his right hand tightly into a fist, and his fingernails sank deep into his flesh without knowing it.

"I said, if you want to separate, you have to tell me personally." Li Zheng muttered to himself, walked to the balcony on the second floor, and stood there overnight.

the next day

"Change, change the flight ticket?!" The moment Sun Bin received Li Zheng's call, his liver trembled, Professor Li knew? How sad the professor should be now.

"Professor, don't think too much, the forum is full of nonsense, and Liang Sheng will never do anything wrong to you."

Li Zheng heard the words and was silent for two minutes, until Sun Bin's fast-beating heart almost jumped out of his chest, and he said again: "Forum?" After a pause, he continued: "I'm fine, don't worry." Just hung up the phone.

Does this look like it's okay?

Sun Bin was in a hurry. Professor Li has always been a gentle and elegant person, at least he has always been very gentle when it comes to dealing with people and things, even to the point of being particular about him. The act of hanging up the phone after finishing is never seen before.

Li Zheng put the phone aside and quickly went to the study to turn on the computer.

When he saw the Hong Kong Entertainment Weekly report posted on the forum, he slapped the keyboard hard and then strode out.

"At 9:15, the flight from Capital Airport to Xiangjiang will start ticket checking in five minutes. Passengers are requested to go to the corresponding ticket gate to check in and board the plane." A pleasant female voice came from the airport broadcast.

Li Zheng walked out of the VIP lounge and walked towards the ticket gate with a blank expression. After browsing the topics on the forum, he no longer waited for Sun Bin to change his ticket, but went straight to the airport.

It was past three o'clock in the afternoon when we arrived in Xiangjiang. Li Zheng walked out of the airport and raised his hand to call a taxi.

"Reality, where are you going?" the driver asked with a strong Hong Kong accent.

where to go? Where can he go? He has lived with Liang Zhe for more than ten years, and he does not have a second residence in Xiangjiang at all.


"Just go to any hotel." After a long silence, Li Zheng said.


From waking up in the morning to now, Li Zheng has hardly eaten anything except for two bites of airplane meals on the plane. In addition, standing on the balcony all night last night, he was hungry and sleepy, and as soon as he got to the room, he collapsed on the bed.

In the early morning of the next day, he was awakened by hunger, his face was terribly pale, and he touched his head, as if he had a fever.

Going to the downstairs pharmacy to buy medicine, he called a car and went to Liang's house.

"Sir, my car can't go in that place." The driver said while secretly looking at the man in the back seat. The people who go to that place are big people.

"You just drive in."

The driver reached the foot of the mountain and looked back at Li Zheng. Li Zheng leaned against the car window and closed his eyes, without any reaction.

"Then I'm going forward?"

"Am I really moving forward?"

Seeing Li Zheng nodded slightly, he shook the steering wheel and drove in a direction that he would not dare to look at when passing by.

There is a security booth almost 500 meters in the middle of the mountain, and there are security booths at all the forks. When passing the first security booth, the driver felt a little guilty. When he moved, his car drove straight in until it reached the gate of No. 3 in the middle of the mountain.

Not the gate! But the door of the living room of the mansion!

Seeing the young man in black next to him hurried over to open the door for the person behind the car, the driver turned his head and glanced at the man secretly again, and a strange look appeared on his face.

This person, he seems to have seen it on TV, yes yes yes, it is the biologist, what is his name, Li... Li Zheng!

Thinking of the recent uproar, Liang Sheng's derailment news, which was suppressed only two days ago! The driver's mood suddenly became excited, this... This is the original match to arrest people!

"Sir, this is a pass for going out. It can only be used once. Please put it in the car." Someone said to him.

"Okay, thank you." The driver was thinking of countless giant struggle dramas in his mind. Hearing this, he accepted the pass with a smile, stepped on the accelerator, and quickly drove in the direction he had come from.

After opening the door of Liang's house, he couldn't help but pick up his mobile phone, "Hey, Lao Li, let me tell you..."

"Li Sheng, why is your face so ugly?" Butler Fang has retired to take care of himself. The new butler of the Liang family is a Malaysian, and his work is very conscientious and meticulous, but compared to Butler Fang, he always lacks a little human touch.

"It's alright, Azhe has already gone out?" Li Zheng stared at him without blinking. Although he had a smile on his face, the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes.

The Malay butler was stunned for a moment, and a hesitant look flashed across his eyes, "This..."

Li Zheng snorted coldly, and his expression turned cold, "I haven't moved out yet, I'm still the owner of the Liang family. And..." He paused and continued: "Take ten thousand steps back, even if I move out. , I think I'll let you leave with no effort."

"Liang Sheng left for No. 26 St. Mary Street at 8 in the morning. The driver recognized the way. If you need it, I will arrange it immediately." The Malay butler said quickly, with a just right smile on his face.

Li Sheng was right, he was the master of the Liang family, so he confessed to him that he met the standard of a good housekeeper.

The sixth rule of good housekeeping is that when the orders of the masters of the house conflict and are irreconcilable, choose the stronger side.

The Malay butler could see clearly that although this was the Liang family mansion, the most powerful of the two masters was the one who had always been gentle and refined.

On the way to St. Mary 26, Li Zheng thought about countless possibilities, but when he saw Liang Zhe carefully holding a child, bowing his head to tease him, and standing next to a woman who had apparently given birth soon, Li Zheng thought about it. It felt as if the blood in my whole body was frozen.

A bone-shattering chill ran from the top of the head to the tailbone.

The heart seemed to be pierced by fine needles, and the pain was astonishing. He always thought that in this relationship, Liang Zhe had always given more feelings than himself. However, only now did he realize that the name Liang Zhe had been integrated into his blood and blood.

It is really painful to want to strip a person who has been integrated into his own blood and blood.

Li Zheng felt that the air exhaled from his nasal cavity was a little hot, and his head was blank. Finally, his body stumbled, and his world was dark.

Before falling into a coma, he seemed to hear a noise in his ear, getting quieter and quieter...

A student in the training class for new parents screamed out when he saw a man collapsed with his head down outside the glass of the classroom.

When Liang Zhexun looked over, his heartbeat stopped twice. He hurriedly handed the child to the child's mother and ran to the door quickly.

It was already night when Li Zheng woke up again, Liang Zhe was sleeping beside his bed, Li Zheng only moved slightly, and he woke up immediately.

"You're awake! You scared me to death." He said, touching Li Zheng's forehead with his hand.

Li Zheng dodged subconsciously, and Liang Zhe was taken aback, "What's wrong?"

Li Zheng gave him a deep look, "Aren't you going to explain to me about the child?" Or do you think you don't need to tell me about this kind of thing, and Li Zheng didn't say it in the second half.

Liang Zhe was stunned for a moment, and then there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes, "You... Got it. I didn't hide it from you on purpose, I just didn't have time to tell you."

Li Zheng laughed softly when he heard the words, "I didn't have time to tell me, if I didn't find out, when are you going to tell me, when the child grows up?" Or wait for their mother and son to enter the room

Anger, grievances, and mixed emotions made Li Zheng's fists clench tighter and tighter. He exhausted all his self-restraint before restraining the urge to swing his fists out.

"Let go! You've returned blood!" There was a trace of blood on the plastic tube of the drip needle, and the blood flowed back from Li Zheng's hand into the plastic tube.

Liang Zhe finally felt that something was wrong. Is A Zheng angry

"I was going to tell you on your birthday, a surprise for you."

? What? ? surprise

"He looks a lot like you, and he is still in the incubator. He will meet us in five days and six hours."

What? Li Zheng's anger seems to have pressed the pause button all of a sudden, he? cooler box? Five days and six hours

"What did you say?"

"Child." Liang Zhe replied as a matter of course, "Didn't you already know?"

Li Zheng vaguely realized that he seemed to have made an oolong. He loosened his clenched fists, leaned back slightly, and leaned on the soft pillow.

"The one in the new parent training center is not your child?"

When Liang Zhe heard the words, he was stunned at first, and then his face quickly darkened, "Do you think that is my child?!"

Li Zheng…

"Of course not, I'm joking. Tell me about the one in the incubator." Li Zheng swallowed, coughed dryly, and said calmly. He had already realized that he might be embarrassed this time.

Liang Zhe also realized what Li Zheng might have misunderstood, and he was not angry, but looking at the pale face of his partner, he had to swallow his stomach no matter how angry he was.

"Remember when we went back to donate sperm? I gave your sperm to a Dutch biological laboratory. In March of this year, he told me that a small life was born, and the child's egg cells came from a Dutch female college student who was born in the Netherlands in five years. She died in a car accident and the only thing left is the egg cells she donated when she was an adult."

When Liang Zhe said this, the black face also eased a lot, "I originally wanted to tell you on your birthday that we have our own children."

The last sentence, he said very gently.

The author has something to say:

Location: New Parent Training Center

Characters: Liang Zhe and Li Zheng

Teacher: Mr. Li, I heard that you are a biologist. I think you must have a deeper understanding of life than all of us here, and your experiments have been done very well. I believe your hands-on ability will also be very strong. So, the first step of today's lesson, changing the diaper of our dearest baby.

Li Zheng: He pursed his lips, carefully picked up a diaper, and moved it towards the child's buttocks. Then, just as his hand touched the child's buttocks, there were bursts of exclamations in his ears. He looked sideways, and immediately Feel the wetness on your cheeks. I touched it with my hand, it was wet...

Baby: cluck cluck cluck (*^_^*)

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