Back to the Countryside

Chapter 54: promise


He Zhen was picked up by a sedan chair sent by the landlord of Shangzhuang Village. He Ling heard about it from Mrs. Fang when he was visiting Lin's house.

For a time, he was in a trance. He Zhen, who was so invincible, married an old man who could be his grandfather just like that.

In fact, if Qi Yue hadn't appeared, this would have been his fate. He didn't have any right to decide, and he would spend the rest of his life being married to someone he didn't want to marry at all.

"He Zhen can be willing?" Wu Yulan stopped her needlework in surprise. She was making a small bellyband for the child in her belly.

"How can I do it!" Fang Shi gave Na's sole another stitch before saying, "I heard that when He Gui carried him into the sedan chair, he was soft, and he probably wasn't very awake!"

He Ling touched the newly embroidered rabbit and recalled the medicine Liu was tricked into giving him the night before he got married. He Zhen probably was fed it.

"Hmph, then he deserves it!" Wu Yulan snorted coldly, "This can be considered a bad reward!"

"Who said no, it's not just him, but those few will also have retribution sooner or later, and the family is wicked and smoking!" Calculate this and calculate that, and sooner or later you have to count on yourself.

Seeing that He Ling had been silent, Wu Yulan asked, "Brother Ling, are you unhappy?"

He Ling stopped and smiled slightly, "There's nothing to be happy or unhappy about, their affairs have nothing to do with me, whether it's good or bad, it's their business, I just have to live my own life. ."

"If you can think like this, we can rest assured!" Fang Shi was afraid that the child would not be able to let it go, and he would always think about those troubles, and he would simply block himself.

Knowing that they have always been worried about him, He Ling will naturally not let those irrelevant emotions left and right. Now that there are so many people who really care about him, he should rest assured to think about them.

Wu Yulan was also very relieved, seeing the cheerful appearance of the person who didn't dare to lift their heads before, she was happy for him.

Not wanting to mention those bad moods again, she changed the topic and asked something she was very curious about recently, "Brother Ling, what's the matter with that young man surnamed Zheng? I heard Brother Zao say, see you. Run to Brother Hua's house!"

When he mentioned him, He Lingke couldn't help but laugh and said with a smile: "What else can I do, I just want to marry a husband."

"What?" Mr. Fang also stopped his hand and became curious, "Is he interested in Brother Hua?"

"Isn't it? Before, Brother Hua didn't understand very much, so I thought his attitude was strange, but now I understand it, and good things are not far away!" Thinking about his performance in the town last time, He Ling felt that he Zheng Yuefeng is not completely without ideas.

"Then the relationship is good. If the two of them become successful, you and Brother Qi will be considered matchmakers!" If it weren't for the two of them, a young master in the town and a poor brother in the countryside, how could there be a chance to meet each other.

When He Ling thought about it, he was even happier. Because of their reasons, they could find a good home for the two of them. It was really good. He said with a smile: "Then you have to ask him for matchmaker money!"

At this time, Zheng Yuefeng, who was being talked about by them, was trying to please Xu Hua's firewood bundle and carried it on his back, "Brother Hua, let me do this kind of rough work, you can take a break!"

Xu Hua looked at him speechlessly, this man followed him into the mountain, soiled his robes, and now he was carrying a bundle of firewood, how could he still look like an eldest young master, "Mr. Zheng, you are delicate and precious, it's me. Come by yourself."

"It's not expensive, it's just carrying firewood, I can do it!" Zheng Yuefeng avoided his outstretched hand and insisted on carrying it himself.

"Then if you're tired, tell me!" Xu Hua went with him after fighting for firewood.

The two of them walked in the village, attracting a lot of eyes from the villagers, and they said in their hearts that this Xu Huahua is not good-looking and has a good man. Recently, they have often seen this young man following him.

"Brother Hua, what are we having for lunch?" Zheng Yuefeng enjoyed their gaze, he just wanted others to know that he had an unusual relationship with the people around him.

Xu Hua didn't look sideways, staring at the road ahead, "What do you want to eat?"

"Well..." Zheng Yuefeng pinched his chin and thought about it, and finally said with a smile, "I like everything Brother Hua does."

"Zheng Yuefeng!" Xu Hua stopped and turned to look at him, "Why are you being so kind to me?"

He was suddenly called by his full name seriously, Zheng Yuefeng was a little surprised. Hearing the questioning behind him, he was stunned for a second, then his face was solemn, and he said, "Because I am happy with you."

Although he already had guesses in his heart, Xu Hua couldn't help his heart beat when he heard his words with his own ears, he lowered his eyes to avoid his gaze, and his fingers quietly pinched the corner of his clothes, "Wh, Why?"

"I don't know." Zheng Yuefeng himself didn't know the answer to this question, and he asked himself countless times, "your smile, your eyes, your stubbornness, I don't know what I am attracted to you, I only know You are different from everyone else, and I just adore you!"

Xu Hua's hands were clenched even tighter, his eyes were even more flustered, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

"Brother Hua..." Zheng Yuefeng stretched out his hand to support his shoulder and made him look up at him, "I'm a young master, I know nothing, maybe not the kind of husband you want, but I really like you , is by no means new!"

He looked at Xu Hua seriously, his figure was reflected in his eyes, he was the only one full of them, and he couldn't see anyone else.

Xu Hua hurriedly averted his eyes and didn't dare to look any further, and took a step back to free his hand, "Um, I, I'll go back and make noodles for you."

Zheng Yuefeng saw that his steps were messy, his ears were red, and he pursed his lips and smiled. He would be shy, which means that he has no feelings for himself, right? Thinking about it this way, he instantly felt more energetic, and he could carry two more bundles of firewood, "Okay, I just like to eat noodles!"

When they got home, Father Xu was sitting on a small bench in the yard basking in the sun, and when he saw the two entering the door, he said, "I'm back!"

Xu Hua lowered his head and said, "Yeah," and hurriedly entered the kitchen, as if there were some beasts behind him.

Even though he only met face to face, his red face was also seen by Father Xu, and when he looked at Zheng Yuefeng, he almost grinned to the corner of his mouth, and there was a guess in his heart.

"Uncle Xu!" Zheng Yuefeng called someone diligently before placing the bundle of firewood in the corner of the yard.

"Tired, go to the mountain to pick up firewood with Brother Hua!" Father Xu saw that he was sweating profusely, and patted the stool beside him to let him sit.

Zheng Yuefeng sat down, took out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said, "If you're not tired or tired, I'll just go up the mountain to play. I don't have this kind of opportunity in the town on weekdays."

Father Xu saw that the hem of his clothes was dirty with mud, and there were a few leaves on his hair. He felt amused, and reached out to take it off for him, "Don't wear such precious clothes next time, it's a pity to waste it. of!"

Zheng Yuefeng was taken aback by his actions, and his heart warmed. Although his father was not strict, he rarely showed such closeness to him. It felt good, "Thank you Uncle Xu!"

Seeing him sitting obediently and letting himself remove the leaves for him, Father Xu also felt relieved, and patted him on the shoulder, "Our brother Hua is stubborn, and I need you to be more tolerant!"

"No, Brother Hua is very good!" Zheng Yuefeng felt that Xu Hua tolerated him more, after all, he had made a lot of stupid things recently.

Originally, Father Xu always thought that Zheng Yuefeng was a eldest young master. He had been pampered since he was a child, and he would not be able to endure hardships, but he ran to the house every day recently. Whenever he saw Brother Hua doing heavy work, he would grab it. The father was both amused and relieved, this man really took his brother to heart.

"Go back and ask your parents to find a matchmaker."

Zheng Yuefeng raised his head suddenly, unable to believe what he heard, "Uncle Xu, you mean..."

In the Yanyue Building, Mr. Zheng talked to him about the two children. He was happy to see their marriage come to fruition, and respected Father Xu. He knew that he might still have doubts in his heart, so he would give the children something to get along with. When he felt that he could safely hand over his brother to his son, the Zheng family would find a matchmaker to send a letter of appointment.

At that time, Father Xu was always surprised. He didn't expect that as the other party, he would discuss this matter with him calmly. When he followed, he was ready to be reprimanded and ridiculed. kind of result!

Mr. Zheng said that sincerity, he was also very optimistic about Zheng Yuefeng, and he would not agree to it. Until he finished talking with the other party, he felt that he was dreaming.

Father Xu turned his head to look at Xu Hua, who was busy in the kitchen, and said, "I can see that Brother Hua also has an interest in you, but he is introverted and not good at expressing himself. If you can be his destination, I will also not worried."

Zheng Yuefeng followed him and turned to look at the man, suddenly stood up, and knelt down in front of him as soon as he lifted his robe, "Uncle Xu, don't worry, if Brother Hua marry me, I will treat him well and not let him Feel a little wronged!"

"Good boy, good boy!" Father Xu received his gift and his eyes were red.

Xu Hua, who was cooking in the kitchen, had no idea that his father had already handed him over to the person who made him feel uneasy now. From now on, this person will spoil him for the rest of his life!