Back to the Peak

Chapter 118: Contest begins


Although Shi Qingyang and the two were still on the bed in the end, but suddenly there were so many things involved, Shi Qingyang couldn't sleep at all.

Cheng Ran's situation was indeed different from that of ordinary people, but what he couldn't imagine was that Cheng Ran might still be an experimental product of the Feng family's laboratory.

Thinking of the embryo experiment, Shi Qingyang's complexion changed again. His situation is very special. After being locked in the laboratory, some people have taken his cells. It is said that there are plans to cultivate embryos. I don't know if it is clone. Still like Cheng Ran...

Fortunately, before the results of that experiment came out, the beast tide happened, otherwise if there were really children...

Thinking of this, Shi Qingyang thought of Cheng Hong's attitude towards Cheng Ran. If Cheng Ran was really born like this, Cheng Hong's attitude can be explained. Of course, he can explain it but he can't understand it. Cheng Ran survived. Now, it's a life, and it was handed over to him, how could he completely ignore Cheng Ran's life or death

Even if it is replaced by a child who has nothing to do with him, ordinary people can't let him die, right

After keeping his eyes open for a long time without falling asleep, Shi Qingyang stroked Cheng Ran's skin again. People who rarely had skin-to-skin contact with others when they were young are prone to skin hunger and thirst. Cheng Ran lived in a laboratory when he was a child, and the researchers there wore thick gloves when touching him. No wonder he did this...

Thinking of this, Shi Qingyang felt Cheng Ran leaning into his arms: "However, haven't you slept yet?"

"No..." Cheng Ran whispered: "Qingyang, do you think I'm a monster... The genes I registered are fake. Someone forged the gene map and registered me as the child of Qin Liu and Cheng Hong. When I was young, I didn’t go out or go to the hospital, and I didn’t have any genes tested. Later, I found out that my genes mutated a little... Grandpa thought it was the change caused by eating the meat of the queen, but it was not.”

When he said his speculation about his life experience just now, he was somewhat worried, lest Shi Qingyang think that he was abnormal, so he would immediately throw out the beast tide.

"It's okay, no matter what, aren't you still you? What's more troublesome now is that I don't know what the Feng family did at the beginning, what they want to do now, and how Cheng Hong is related to the Feng family." Shi Qing Yang Dao thought of Cheng Hong and Qin Liu at the same time.

He had read the investigation report of Qin Liu, and knew that Qin Liu's brother studied biology, and later signed a non-disclosure agreement to join a laboratory... He never thought about Cheng Hong and the Feng family together before, and he was also on this point. Sweeping it away, now I can string together the cause and effect.

"It is estimated that the Feng family had some experiments at that time, such as creating natural radiators or something. What Cheng Hong said to me before, it was faintly revealed that I should be very powerful... He may think that I am a failed experiment. That's why you hate me." Cheng Ran said, when referring to Cheng Hong, he used his name directly.

"Of course, you should be the best." Shi Qingyang hugged Cheng Ran and gently kissed Cheng Ran's face and neck.

"Maybe this is true, otherwise, why did the Feng family find me again... Qingyang, who are the providers of my other half of the genes? Will that person be like you and have eaten something similar to that ant? The meat of the queen's alien beast? If not, how could I adapt so well to the substance in the queen's body?"

"Maybe this is the case. The Feng family has not been doing human experiments for a day or two. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough now..." Shi Qingyang sighed. , but knew that if it really blew up there, his current strength would definitely be blown to nothing.

Cheng Ran and Shi Qingyang talked for a long time, until it was dawn, only to realize that they had not slept all night.

There was something about being teased by Cheng Xuze that he didn't rest before. Cheng Ran quickly took out two bottles of refreshing potions and drank them one by one with Shi Qingyang, and then went downstairs to eat with Wen Zhuoyi and Fan Jia. breakfast.

"Why did you drink the refresher early in the morning? Didn't you sleep well last night?" Wen Zhuoyi sniffed, quickly smelled it, and asked curiously.

Shi Qingyang froze when he heard the words - what kind of nose is Wen Zhuoyi

Fan Jia then glared at Wen Zhuoyi: "they are young people, there will definitely be more activities in the evening..."

Wen Zhuoyi quickly reacted, and glanced at Shi Qingyang with some envy: "Young man..."

Although they did nothing but were misunderstood, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran had learned to face it calmly. Their performance was so insipid that in the end Wen Zhuoyi couldn't look at them meaningfully anymore. .

After breakfast, Cheng Ran followed Wen Zhuoyi to make potions, while Shi Qingyang went out to the practice room rented by the Radiance Energy Guild to prepare for the upcoming Radiance Energy Competition. He had contacted Zheng Gaoyuan before he went, and in the past, he saw that Zheng Gaoyuan was practicing putting on a protective cover for himself.

Not to mention other combat skills, Zheng Gaoyuan's speed is no slower than his speed by just a set of fifth-level protective shields... After Shi Qingyang observed it, the sixth-level combat skills were thrown towards Zheng Gaoyuan one by one. Of course it's not his speed, but the speed of ordinary people.

In the past, a level 6 combat skill could make Zheng Gaoyuan scrambling, but this time, he was unusually calm and did nothing else, just put a level 5 shield on himself.

The sixth-level combat skills can easily break the fifth-level protective shield and hurt people, but one shield is not enough, you can come with two, three...

Zheng Gaoyuan blocked all of Shi Qingyang's attacks. Until the radiation in his body was finally used up, he sat on the ground and didn't move: "Master, every time you hit me, I will be abused by you..."

"It's a good performance." Shi Qingyang was a little surprised to see Zheng Gaoyuan's performance. Zheng Gaoyuan is now very good at putting a thick shell on himself.

If he's learning some combat skills besides that...

Shi Qingyang quickly handed the radiation explosion technique, which was a bit of a toss, to Zheng Gaoyuan, and let Zheng Gaoyuan practice on the side, and he also practiced himself. , like every workout, without wasting any time.

He is now level seven and looks very strong, but Feng Yunhong is level nine!

If he can reach the level of Feng Yunhong, with the strength of the ninth level, where does he need to be afraid of Feng Yunhong? Still need to be as careful as now

The Radiance Energy Competition first started in the third-tier cities, selected a group of people, sent them to the second-tier cities, continued to select a group of people, and finally sent them to the first-tier cities... After several first-tier cities have their respective contestants, these contestants will participate in the competition. Players will be sent to Central City.

Because of this, Shi Qingyang and Zheng Gaoyuan did not need to participate in the competition at the beginning of the competition. It would take two months after the first-tier cities to participate in the competition in the Central City are all confirmed, and the Central City will be contested by players from all over the country. The preliminaries started before the Central City - Nanguang City is a long way from the Central City, and it will take a lot of time on the road. This time is enough for the Central City to conduct the trials.

At this time, Shi Qingyang doesn't actually need to participate in the competition, because Central City will also open the door for the best players in the competition. For example, at the beginning, they will let those with lower strength just come to see the world The third-level and fourth-level Radiation Energy Warriors will play first, and when these people are almost eliminated, the fifth-level and sixth-level powerhouses will face them.

Of course, this is not just for the good of those who are strong. For these third and fourth radiant energy warriors, if they are allowed to go up to the fifth level from the beginning, I am afraid that they will be defeated in one face-to-face, and they will lose their participation in the competition. Instead, let them compete with people of similar strength first, so that they can get exercise.

Because there are live broadcasts on the Internet, although many of them are low in strength, as long as they perform well, they can still get the support of many people, or they can be recognized by others.

Shi Qingyang didn't pay much attention to this kind of game originally, but for Zheng Gaoyuan, when he started the game in the third-tier city, he specially found someone to find out the most educational games every day, and then gave them to Zheng Gaoyuan. Zheng Gaoyuan explained.

After all, Shi Qingyang used to be an eighth-level radiation fighter, and now he has a seventh-level. He has a very good vision. He has seen this game once, and carefully figured out the battle videos of many of them... His explanations are easy to understand. It's also very thorough, and it's inspiring to listen to.

Only Zheng Gaoyuan knew this at first, but when Fu Xiaoyang, who came to see them, found out by accident, everyone in China knew about it—Fu Xiaoyang brought Shang Mufeng, and then began to videotape Shi Qingyang every day. It will be screened at Qinghe Tavern.

At the beginning of the competition, all the competitions were in third-tier cities, and the contestants were also low in strength. When Qinghe Tavern held a screening for the first time, some of the central city and first-tier cities had been whetted by what Qinghe Tavern said a few days ago. of people still found it boring, but soon, they found that the explanation was extraordinary.

The person explaining the situation can clearly analyze the situation of each battle, and even some rare combat skills can be described as precious.

The lecturer's speech is so incisive, and his eyes are extremely vicious!

Many people agree with Qinghe Tavern's explanation, and think that those who explain on the spot are not even worthy of Shi Qingyang's shoes, and even in the end, contestants from various cities even download the video of Qinghe Tavern for use. Observation - such an incisive explanation, some well-born people can hear it from their elders, but most people may not hear it in their entire lives!

This person who wore a mask and used a voice changer, first explained the radiation energy interception method to people, and now the person who analyzes the battle has attracted the attention of many people. It is a pity that the secrecy of the Qinghe Tavern is so good that it is fundamental No one knows who this person is.

However, most people also have their own guesses, thinking that he should be a middle-aged person of at least level seven.

"Level 7 is right, middle-aged people... Those people are really stupid!" After Shi Qingyang finished explaining, Zheng Gaoyuan watched Shi Qingyang take off his mask and sighed with emotion, his hands were still doing it completely Different movements - under Shi Qingyang's high pressure, the radiation explosion technique has been practiced by him.

When he used to practice the protective shield, although his father thought him strange, after he explained it, he could understand it, and even tried to control his expression and praised him, but now he is practicing this combat skill that is not like a combat skill, and his family sees it. His expression has become more and more strange.

Fortunately, no matter what he does, his grandparents will support him unconditionally.

"Middle-aged people, it's actually okay, at least I don't think I'm an old grandfather." Shi Qingyang said, recently Cheng Ran helped Cheng Xuze and Fan Jia sort out the radiation energy every three or five meetings. Cheng Xuze also strongly recommended me not to be hungry on the Internet. My grandson, let me try the benefits of combing radiation energy without going hungry...

Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran share the same bed, how could they have not tried this? Naturally, Cheng Xuze, who wanted to face the foundation and failed again, directly defined me not to be hungry as an old man in his 90s who has no pursuit of strength at all...

"Tomorrow's video is already available, Zheng Shao, you can also shoot a video. After this competition, you will definitely shine. We can also release an album for you at that time." Ye Houan looked at the video in his hand. , and then looked at Zheng Gaoyuan with a smile. Originally he had been working in a media in the central city, but after the last incident between the Feng family and the Cheng family, he couldn't do anything there, and it happened that Shi Qingyang contacted him. After getting on him, he resigned decisively and came to Shi Qingyang.

Ye Houan is a reporter, but he used to accompany senior radiation fighters out of the city. He recorded battle videos and was included in textbooks. He also has deep attainments in videography. After following Shang Mufeng, he took over the official website of Qinghe Tavern and its daily operation. The video recording of , and now, he has great plans to make it into a column program.

"Uncle Ye, okay, okay..." Zheng Gaoyuan said immediately, shrinking his head subconsciously. He once behaved like this to Ye Jinyu in front of Ye Houan, which made him always feel that he was a little short when facing Ye Houan.

Ye Houan is very calm: "Then Young Master Ye, you continue to exercise."

"Okay, okay!" Zheng Gaoyuan nodded again and again.

Zheng Gaoyuan couldn't be obedient, Ye Houan told him to do whatever he wanted. Shi Qingyang was deeply touched by this. Although Cheng Hong doesn't need him to pay more attention, he should definitely curry favor with Cheng Xuze!

Just when Shi Qingyang was praising and praising a fifth-level contestant from Nanguang City at Qinghe Tavern, the talent competition teams from the first-tier city finally came to Central City one after another. Shi Qingyang and Zheng Gaoyuan also It's finally coming.

It has now been more than two months since Fan Jia accepted Cheng Ran as his adopted son. In these two months, the Feng family did not take any action against the Cheng family. Shi Qingyang originally thought that there would be something to suppress the Cheng family. None of it happened, which made him even more worried. Besides worrying, he was even more convinced that the Feng family should plan to do it in the Radiance Energy Contest.

In this way, Shi Qingyang felt more urgent about improving his strength. On the day he was going to play, he still insisted on exercising. He hurried to the competition venue until the time was almost up. He and Zheng Gaoyuan were here. There are competitions every day, and he is earlier than Zheng Gaoyuan.

As soon as Shi Qingyang arrived at the competition venue, he saw dozens of competition tables surrounded by countless people, and among these people, Cheng Ran was the most conspicuous one.

"Qingyang, your opponent today is a fourth-level Radiation Energy Warrior. He is already twenty-eight years old. He has performed very well in previous competitions. Some people think that he can leapfrog the challenge." Cheng Ran stood beside Shi Qingyang. , talking about Shi Qingyang's opponent.

"Of course, I will definitely win, don't worry." Shi Qingyang smiled and said again, "You have a good rest by the side, don't get tired." Cheng Ran has to help Fan Jia and Cheng Xuze sort out the radiation in the body these days. Yes, if you want to learn how to make potions, you have to look at the materials of Central University... He doesn't dare to touch Cheng Ran these days and nights.

"I will. The adoptive father and adoptive mother are also here. We have a box above." Cheng Ran said, Fan Jia's health has improved a lot these days, and he and Shi Qingyang are also getting better. This time Shi Qing Yang was about to come to the game, and Fan Jia even took the initiative to come.

"Wait for me." Shi Qingyang kissed Cheng Ran's face, and when he saw Cheng Ran's ears were red, he arrived on the field with satisfaction.

The fourth-level contestant who competed with Shi Qingyang is indeed very good, and he has strong actual combat experience, but he is not comparable to Shi Qingyang in terms of strength and experience, so there is no suspense in this battle - Shi Qing After Yang entered the field, he used the fastest speed to issue three fifth-level combat skills in succession, which already made the opponent unable to fight back.

The biggest feature of his previous life was that he was extremely fast in his combat skills. Shi Qingyang didn't plan to hide this. Anyway, when Zheng Gaoyuan played, others would find out.

It would be a good thing for someone to learn from him after watching the game.

Shi Qingyang won very fast, and Zheng Gaoyuan was not slow. Zheng Gaoyuan's opponent was also a fourth-level opponent. As soon as he played, he put a protective cover on himself, and then used a radiation explosion, his opponent Immediately kicked out...

This day's competition was completely unattractive because it was all a similar combination. In the end, it was Feng Yunhong and Fan Jia who appeared on the field.

The two of them came to watch the game, very low-key, but they entered the best box, and there were people around them, but they would be seen to some extent. At the end, both of them were led by the first-tier cities. The eighth-level master who participated in the competition stopped him.

The Feng family has a lot of power, and there are many people looking for them, but there are also many people here in Fan Jia. Who makes Wen Zhuoyi the most powerful pharmacist in China now? Many level 8 Radiation Warriors in Tier 1 cities are deeply affected by Radiation Riots and are always desperate for the help of Apothecaries.

Fan Jia and Wen Zhuoyi didn't like this kind of thing. In the past, they would probably ignore it. Today, the two of them patiently talked to people a lot, and even accepted the invitation of two of them with good reputation. At the same time, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran were also introduced.

In this way, how could Shi Qingyang not understand what they were doing

"Feng Linqiu is backed by Feng Yunhong, so of course I want to give you a long face." Fan Jia smiled when he saw Shi Qingyang's expression.

Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran are too special. Although they haven't reached their heights yet, one day... Fan Jia has already decided to spare no effort to both of them.

And, speaking of it, if she and Wen Zhuoyi had a child at an early age, they would indeed be this big now...

With Fan Jia helping to promote it, and the Zheng family's public relations team, which Shi Qingyang had explained long ago, was operating behind the scenes. The match between Shi Qingyang and Zheng Gaoyuan became popular just after the game ended. That is, on this day, the most distant The participating teams from the far Nanguang City have also arrived in the Central City.

There are more than 700 talented players in the five first-level cities and the central city. Among them, the lowest level is fourth-level, but there are only three. Most of them are fifth-level radiation warriors, and there are even dozens of them. A sixth grade.

Feng Linqiu was indeed a genius. He had reached the sixth level before the age of twenty-four, but there were not many people who had reached the sixth level at the age of twenty-seven or eight.

Shi Qingyang's next opponent is a sixth-level, well-known expert in Northeast City.