Back to the Peak

Chapter 12: Never forget


It was not difficult for Shi Qingyang to resign from Tao Rubao. What he did at Tao Rubao was only part-time. Even without him, Tao Rubao was busy and it was not difficult to find another one.

Of course, because of his diligent work, Tao Rubao tried his best to keep him at first, but after knowing that he resigned because he wanted to study at Xinghuo Academy, he immediately agreed and gave him an extra 800 credit points as a bonus for him I will take care of the business of the car wash more in the future.

Shi Qingyang responded with a smile, and when he left here, he was still a little melancholy.

That night, Shi Qingyang sorted out his things. After finishing his part-time job the next morning, he retired from the house and took all his belongings to Cheng Ran's place, intending to start living together.

The villa where Cheng Ran lived was not big. It had three floors. The ground floor was the living room, dining room, and kitchen. The second floor was the master bedroom, the second bedroom, and a small hall. The third floor also had a bedroom and a very large exercise room.

Cheng Ran and Gu Changjin lived on the second floor, while Shi Qingyang was placed on the third floor. The bedroom he lives in is just above the master bedroom. It has the same large balcony as the master bedroom. Although it is only a bedroom, it is larger than the house he used to live in.

Of course, the bedroom was nothing. To him, what could be called a surprise should be the exercise room next to his bedroom.

Every Radiation Energy Warrior needs to have a good body. With a good body, it can withstand more radiation energy. Therefore, in addition to cultivating radiation energy, today's people also need to exercise the body.

Other than Shi Qingyang, he used the method of exercising the body without spending any money. He did some training by himself. Now, in this practice room, all kinds of equipment are prepared. Although all of them are only for physical fitness, they are enough to surprise people.

"You can use all of these training equipment. In the past, the young master used to exercise often, but unfortunately..." Gu Changjin didn't say any more with a face full of regret.

Shi Qingyang of course knew that Cheng Ran was just an ordinary person's business, but he couldn't show it at this time: "What happened to Cheng Ran?"

"Young master did not awaken the radiation energy after injecting the radiation inducer. Instead, he became seriously ill." Gu Changjin did not hide what happened to Cheng Ran, in fact, it cannot be concealed in itself: "Young master has no radiation energy in his body. There is no legacy, and it is very repulsive to radiation energy, and even has a rejection reaction, which almost killed him."

"Cheng Ran, aren't you going to go to Xinghuo Academy?" Shi Qingyang was full of curiosity, half-truth and half-truth, and the reason why there were half-truths in it was because Cheng Ran rejected radiation energy...

Nowadays, the world is full of radiation. Although humans live in cities with greatly reduced radiation, there is also weak radiation around. Therefore, after injecting radiation inducers, although some people will not wake up, there will be no rejection. reaction.

"You didn't choose to go to school, you don't need to know the specifics, as long as you can take good care of the young master at school." Gu Changjin said again.

"If Cheng Ran is not a Radiator, can he learn something else?" Shi Qingyang asked. In fact, he felt that it was totally unnecessary for Cheng Ran to go to Radiant School. Cheng Ran is only sixteen years old now, so he can totally do it. Learning other things, machinery, scientific research, network... Many ordinary people have become leaders in these fields, haven't they

"Of course he can learn other things, but he has to go to Xinghuo Academy." Gu Changjin sighed: "After you have sorted things out, then come down for dinner."

Does the Cheng family have to make Cheng Ran a radiation warrior? Shi Qingyang put his things away, and when he went downstairs, he saw that Gu Changjin had already prepared a table of meals.

Or can't say one table, what Gu Changjin prepared was two plates of roasted meat sprinkled with diced vegetables, and a few plates of vegetables and a small bowl of gooey.

He and Gu Changjin naturally ate barbecued meat, but Cheng Ran was there... Most of the vegetables in front of Cheng Ran were vegetables, and the only meat dish was a small piece of steamed egg of a foreign beast.

Seeing that Shi Qingyang noticed his food, Cheng Ran's expression became embarrassed: "I... don't like to eat..., I, I like to eat."

"Don't you like meat? Sorry, I didn't know yesterday." Shi Qingyang guessed what Cheng Ran wanted to say. Cheng Ran probably didn't like meat, but he ate a lot yesterday...

"I don't... I don't like meat, I just like vegetables..." Cheng Ran said quickly, lest Shi Qingyang misunderstand.

"I see." Shi Qingyang smiled reassuringly at Cheng Ran. In fact, it was his fault that he cooked food that Cheng Ran didn't like. Cheng Ran looked like this, but it was his fault.

Such a temper, no wonder he was bullied.

Seeing that Shi Qingyang didn't ask any further questions, Cheng Ran immediately showed him a big smile.

It was still early after dinner. Gu Changjin put the tableware into the washing machine and started cleaning around with the dust collector, but Cheng Ran kept looking at Shi Qingyang cautiously. He clearly wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to speak. .

Shi Qingyang knew that Cheng Ran was very afraid of life, and finally decided to take the initiative: "Cheng Ran, what do you usually do after dinner?"

"Me?" Cheng Ran paused before saying, "I read books."

"Then let's go upstairs? I'm exercising, can you read?" Shi Qingyang smiled.

Cheng Ran smiled, revealing two dimples, and his fleshless face became a little bigger. While laughing, he nodded vigorously: "Okay."

Shi Qingyang used those exercise equipment to exercise, and Cheng Ran held a recorder and read a book beside him.

The original book is long gone. Instead of the book, there is the recorder. The recorder is very thin. It can store a lot of files and record various things. However, it cannot be connected to the Internet. It can only be connected to a computer or a contact terminal. , not for anything else, but to protect privacy - the current network is not very secure.

Shi Qingyang was sweating like rain on those equipment. When he was training, Cheng Ran watched. At first, Cheng Ran read a book for a while, and then he secretly glanced at him, but later, Cheng Ran's mind was all on the book. On the other hand, it was Shi Qingyang. After he got used to the rhythm of the exercise, he would look at Cheng Ran from time to time.

Apart from Cheng Ran, he has nothing else to see now.

Cheng Ran was very serious when he was reading, and the expression on his face was serious, but when he turned to the back, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Shi Qingyang had been practicing for an hour. He got off the equipment, took a breath, and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"What I wrote here is different from what I've read before." Cheng Ran frowned slightly, and then quickly noticed Shi Qingyang's situation, he immediately took a bottle of water to Shi Qingyang from the side, and slowly instructed: " You have to drink slowly, you have to slow down."

After sweating all over, Shi Qingyang was really thirsty. Just as he was about to drink the water in one breath, he heard Cheng Ran slowly asking him to drink water slowly.

Shi Qingyang was in a better mood after drinking water at a rare slow speed—there are really too few people who care about him like this.

"Do you like reading books?" Shi Qingyang asked curiously, looking at the recorder in Cheng Ran's hand.

"I like it," Cheng Ran nodded vigorously, but his expression soon darkened, "I can't do anything except read."

"What kind of books do you like to read, and have you thought about what to do in the future?" Shi Qingyang asked again, he really hoped that Cheng Ran would learn something, otherwise it would be too boring.

As for Xinghuo Academy... What if Cheng Ran got full marks in all the theoretical exams in his previous life? He's not even a radiator!

"I have read every book, and I don't know what to do in the future..." Cheng Ran looked at a loss: "My parents said that I would become a powerful Radiation Energy Warrior, but I was repelled by the Radiation Energy Potion... Others are at most There is no way to absorb the radiation energy, so I directly reject the radiation energy…”

"At present, the radiation fighters in the world only account for one-third of the total population. There are still many options if they are not radiation fighters. The founder of the Australian City Company, which specializes in the business of radiation protection suits, is an ordinary person. The researchers there are not Are they all ordinary people?"

"Actually, I actually want to be a medicine... pharmacist!" Cheng Ran suddenly said, feeling that he was a little unclear, so he slowed down again: "Although my parents always said that I can become a powerful radiation fighter, but I I always wanted to be a pharmacist, but a pharmacist has to come into contact with a lot of medicinal materials that have radiation, and a radiator must be able to be…”

pharmacist? Shi Qingyang has to admit that this is indeed a good profession. If radiant energy users want to become stronger, and those who have been injured by radiation energy want to be cured, they need potions, but a good pharmacist must have the ability to perceive The radiation carried by the medicinal materials should also be able to remove the radiation energy rejection when several medicinal materials are compatible.

Primary potions, because some simple materials can be processed by machines, and simple potions can also be prepared with the help of machines, so it does not matter if the configurator is not a radiator, and even some potions can be mass-produced, but intermediate potions, advanced Medicines generally need to be prepared by pharmacists themselves. During the preparation process, they also need to use their own radiation energy to change the properties of some medicinal materials to avoid accidents.

Therefore, intermediate pharmacists and senior pharmacists are generally radiation fighters themselves. Ni Feng, one of the most powerful pharmacists in China today, is a sixth-level radiation fighter. He even relies on his identity as a pharmacist to marry It was Fan Jia, the stunning female god of war in China in the past.

Fan Jia is one of the two level 9 Radiation Energy Warriors currently owned by Hua Guo, and is also the only female Level 9 Radiation Energy Warrior in the history of Hua Guo. Her husband, a pharmacist, has contributed greatly to her achievement.

"It doesn't matter if it's not a radiator. The materials used in the primary potions can be processed by machines. Even the herbs used in intermediate potions, many of them can be processed by machines? If you want, maybe you can become an intermediate pharmacist. , you see, I may not be able to break through the third level in my life, but I will still work hard." Shi Qingyang comforted, everything is possible, even if it is not possible, there is no harm in learning more.

Cheng Ran is only sixteen years old now, and there are still decades to live!

"You... you're right." Cheng Ran's eyes lit up, obviously a little excited.

"However, if you want to become a pharmacist, you must understand alien animals and alien plants, and even understand the function of each part of them. This will take a lot of effort." Shi Qingyang added.

He killed a lot of alien beasts in his last life, but there were a lot of them, even if he killed them, he didn't know what they were.

The joy on Cheng Ran's face became stronger and stronger, perhaps because of Shi Qingyang's approval, his words also increased: "I know all the recorded alien beasts, and I also know all the recorded alien plants. You know, I've read "The Complete Book of Alien Beasts" and "The Complete Book of Alien Plants"."

Cheng Ranti's "The Complete Book of Alien Beasts" and "The Complete Book of Different Plants" are two sets of books, which are published by the state, and the contents of which are added and revised every year. There are countless pictures, and Shi Qingyang has also read these two sets of books, but most of the time, he uses search software to check the contents: "Then you have to write down some of the contents."

"I wrote it all down!" Cheng Ran said seriously.

"Have you written it down?" Shi Qingyang asked in shock.

"Well, I have seen it, and I have written it down." Cheng Ran seemed a little embarrassed: "As long as I have seen it, I will remember it."

Shi Qingyang moved his lips, and some were speechless. Although radiation can make humans stronger, it is only the body and not the brain that is stronger. You can remember it after seeing it. What kind of skill is this

It's no wonder that the theory exam procedure, which they thought was tasteless in the past, was able to take the first place in the grade every time!

"But I can only write down that knowledge, but I can't do number operations at all." Cheng Ran said again, stunned: "If it weren't for this, maybe I could do scientific research. If this is the case, my parents shouldn't be like this. Angry… "

only? Those two sets of books, I didn't even remember the catalogue! Shi Qingyang looked at Cheng Ran's innocent appearance, and suddenly felt that he wanted to vomit blood just like the time he was kicked by a petunia and injured his chest.