Back to the Peak

Chapter 13: cohabitation


Although Shi Qingyang really wanted someone to tell him that Cheng Ran was lying, it was clear that Cheng Ran didn't lie at all, and Cheng Ran seemed to be more powerful than he thought.

He took the recorder and opened the "Compendium of Alien Beasts" and recited a sentence casually. Cheng Ran could continue to memorize it without saying anything. He even knew some foreign records. The book he was reading before was from abroad. The introduction to a certain kind of xenograft is different from the domestic books.

Only then did Shi Qingyang know that Cheng Ran actually knew the languages of several countries!

Since the whole earth has been enveloped by radiation, the connection between countries has become less and less. In addition, there are translators, and the number of people learning foreign languages has naturally decreased sharply. Shi Qingyang has never studied foreign languages at all, but Cheng Ran, He actually learned a few foreign languages with pure accents just by watching some foreign film and television works and literary works!

Moreover, he doesn't speak foreign languages in a clunky way, but is unusually smooth and speaks very fast, probably because others don't understand what he's saying, and he doesn't need to care about other people's opinions.

For the first time, Shi Qingyang discovered that he was actually a scumbag, not the scholar he always thought.

"Shi Qingyang, you... Are you unhappy?" Cheng Ran's face suddenly turned pale, and at the same time he looked at Shi Qingyang cautiously.

"How come?" Shi Qingyang asked back, although he was a little jealous, he was also happy for Cheng Ran.

Cheng Ran has such a talent. In fact, as long as he doesn't want to become a Radiation Energy Warrior, he can definitely live a happy life.

"Before my younger siblings were not happy." Cheng Ran seemed a little helpless.

"That's why they are jealous of you." Shi Qingyang was very sure of this.

Cheng Ran smiled, but soon became frustrated: "Unfortunately, I am very repulsive of Radiance, my dad said I was a waste..."

Crap? Shi Qingyang frowned. When Cheng Ran was in school, everyone said he was a waste, but if he was a parent, he would say that too

Cheng Ran's parents, what happened

After all, when I just met, Shi Qingyang is not easy to ask questions, so he can only comfort him: "How can you be a waste? I think you are very powerful. I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire country who can do this."

"Really?" Cheng Ran looked at Shi Qingyang in surprise.

"Of course it's true!" Shi Qingyang said immediately: "Cheng Ran, if you want, I will take you to the Central University in the future!" Central City, the largest city in China, has two of the best colleges in China One is the Central Radiation Energy College, and the other is the Central University. The Radiant Energy University mainly recruits Radiation Energy Warriors and Pharmacists, as well as related Radiation Energy researchers, while the Central University recruits students from other fields.

In Central University, there are many top talents in China, and there are ordinary people, radiators, and even radiant warriors who study in it. For many first- and second-level radiant warriors, it is better to go outside the city than It's better to learn something else and find another job to fight against alien beasts.

"Okay," Cheng Ran nodded, "Dad asked me to finish the courses of Radiance Energy Academy, and I'll take the exam when I finish."

Shi Qingyang frowned. He didn't understand what Cheng Ran's parents did, and even wondered if Cheng Ran was their biological child.

Unfortunately, it was impossible for Cheng Ran to resist the Cheng family, not to mention his little "accompanying reader".

Moreover, he will stay in Spark City for the next two years, so he naturally hopes that Cheng Ran will stay here. As for learning, it can be done through distance education.

"I believe that you can be admitted to the Central Academy. Now, if you like it, you can also learn to make potions." Shi Qingyang said again, since Cheng Ran likes potions, it doesn't matter if you learn something.

"Okay." Cheng Ran showed a big smile and said solemnly: "Shi Qingyang, I will make potions for you, and always make potions for you."

Cheng Ran spoke very slowly, but it also made people hear the sincerity in his words. Shi Qingyang nodded: "I'm waiting to drink the potion you made."

Gu Changjin stood outside the door for a while, did not go in, and left quietly.

This day, Cheng Ran went to bed early, Shi Qingyang exercised for a long time, and finally fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow, but the next day, he still got up early in the morning, and then helped Gu Changjin prepare breakfast .

Whether it was an illusion or not, Shi Qingyang always felt that Gu Changjin was much kinder to him.

After eating the breakfast prepared by Gu Changjin, Shi Qingyang went to work in the meat shop. He no longer needs the scraps of the meat shop, but because he made a start, many employees of the meat shop have taken a fancy to it. Those leftovers, these people will even help him sort out, which makes him a lot easier, and can get a piece of money for sorting out for nothing.

During the morning, Shi Qingyang had been running around, and whenever he had the chance, he would take a detour and pass through the villa.

He did this to make Cheng Ran not suspicious. After all, he ran here too many times in the past few days, but what he didn't expect was that every time he passed, he could see Cheng Ran.

Cheng Ran seemed to have settled down behind the window of the restaurant. Whenever Shi Qingyang passed by, he would stick his head out of the window and wave at Shi Qingyang with a smile.

Cheng Ran didn't say anything, just smiled at Shi Qingyang every time, but this feeling of being valued made Shi Qingyang feel warm.

And this feeling reached its climax when he returned to the villa at noon and found that Cheng Ran was sitting at the door waiting for him.

"Shi Qingyang, it's time to eat." Seeing Shi Qingyang from a distance, Cheng Ran ran over. He brought a bottle of water to Shi Qingyang, and then went back to the house to help Gu Changjin clean up the already in the kitchen. The prepared meal was brought out.

Slowly drinking the water from the bottle, Shi Qingyang felt warm in his heart. Someone was waiting for him to eat. Processing herbs at home, preparing meals for his father's return...

This is the feeling of home.

For a moment, Shi Qingyang was even in a trance, but soon, he calmed down.

Cheng Ran is the young master of the Cheng family, his grandfather is an eighth-level Radiation Energy Warrior in the Yangtze River City, and his father should not be underestimated. Although he is now incognito in Starfire City, although he treats himself equally, there is no difference between the two. The difference is huge...

You must become stronger!

Cheng Ran didn't know what Shi Qingyang was thinking. Now he was in the joy of getting a good friend, so naturally he put all his thoughts on Shi Qingyang. After setting the meal, he even returned I wanted to help Shi Qingyang pull the chair like Gu Changjin did.

Of course, Shi Qingyang couldn't let Cheng Ran do this. He pulled out the chair and sat down, lowered his head and feasted, hiding his complicated expression by the way.

As usual, Shi Qingyang finished the meal first, and Cheng Ran glanced at him from time to time, perhaps because he was infected by his good appetite, and ate more food than usual.

Seeing this scene, Gu Changjin also had a smile on his face.

Cheng Ran always wanted to say something when he was eating, but his upbringing prevented him from opening his mouth. When he finished eating, he immediately smiled at Shi Qingyang: "Shi Qingyang, Grandpa Gu helped me buy some medicinal herbs. ." He pointed to a table next to the window, and Shi Qingyang discovered that there were many boxes on the table beside the window, and the boxes were full of common medicinal materials that had been processed, some of which had undergone secondary processing.

So, Cheng Ran has been processing medicinal materials by the window this morning? Shi Qingyang couldn't help but remembered how his mother, a junior pharmacist, looked like when he was handling the medicinal materials. He couldn't remember the specific situation, but he always remembered the warm atmosphere at that time.

"Shi Qingyang, I also asked Grandpa Gu to buy us a computer. In the future, I can study distance education. If you want to check anything, you can also go online." Cheng Ran said again, pulling Shi Qingyang upstairs.

Shi Qingyang was stunned for a while, and obeyed, but he didn't dare to squeeze Cheng Ran's soft hand.

After waiting upstairs, Shi Qingyang discovered that the so-called computer he bought was different from what he imagined.

Nowadays, signals cannot be transmitted in the wild, so each city will form a network, and the cities are connected by huge optical cables. Human communication and life depend on the network, and computers are naturally very common.

However, the computer Gu Changjin bought was different. The two in front of him turned out to be the latest security computers!

Some hackers are very powerful and can secretly obtain information on other people's computers. At first, people used software to intercept them. Later, some people developed secure computers. This kind of computer can be upgraded regularly and has very good confidentiality. Generally, powerful people , will use such a computer.

Shi Qingyang knew this, but he didn't expect Gu Changjin to spend a lot of money on such a computer. After all, compared with ordinary computers, the only advantage of this kind of computer is that it has better security performance, but the price is a hundred times that of ordinary computers. .

Moreover, Gu Changjin not only bought it, but also bought two.

"This computer is too precious." Shi Qingyang said immediately.

He really wants a computer like this, and with a secure computer, he can figure out how to make money online or do something else! But he really didn't expect that in just a few days, Gu Changjin would actually buy one for him.

"I only bought one, yours was bought by the young master with his New Year's money and pocket money." Gu Changjin glanced at Shi Qingyang, and seemed a little resentful, but there was a smile in his eyes: "Young master All the money in the account was spent."

"No, I still have money, and I... I don't usually spend any money." Cheng Ran said quickly, his face flushed.

"Yeah, I still have money. It's a good coincidence that I have fifty credit points left. It's because I bought the front and back of the computer I bought with the same account and got a discount." Gu Changjin added: "Last night, young master, didn't you want to borrow money from me?"

"No, not... Grandpa Gu!" Cheng Ran was at a loss.

There are many people who spend money for themselves, but there are really no people who spend all their money for themselves. Shi Qingyang looked at Cheng Ran and sincerely thanked: "Thank you."

Being watched intently by Shi Qingyang, Cheng Ran turned his eyes away uncomfortably, and suddenly felt that after Gu Changjin ordered a computer for him, he went bankrupt and ordered another thing that was the most sensible thing. However, he has no money at all now, and what Shi Qingyang wants, he has no money to buy.

His cousin is the same age as him, and he lives with his parents. He doesn't have enough money every month. He lives alone, and he needs to rent an apartment to eat. The money must be more expensive. Should he really think about what he wants in the future? doing what

Gu Changjin looked at Cheng Ran and Shi Qingyang with complicated eyes. His young master finally had someone to accompany him. Although Shi Qingyang was weak, at least his background was simple.

However, the young master of his family was still too naive, he didn't know what to say after spending money, so he could only help out and let Shi Qingyang know.

Not only that, his young master doesn't seem to know his net worth. Although his young master's younger brother is crying and poor all day long, the living expenses given by the Cheng family are actually very high. His young master never spends money, so he naturally saves some money. Pen, enough to buy a lot of computers.