Back to the Peak

Chapter 66: Upgrade again


"Qingyang, it's a pity that I can't help you much." Cheng Ran looked a little depressed when Shi Qingyang was preparing something to kill the ant queen.

"It's okay, you are not blessed now, and you will definitely become very powerful in the future." Shi Qingyang smiled. He had confidence in Cheng Ran. This was not because he trusted Cheng Ran blindly, but because he saw Cheng Ran's behavior. How hard and hard it was for a few days.

"But I can't activate the radiation energy around me at all." Cheng Ran has been working hard these days, but he still can't do it. He has already told Shi Qingyang about it, but unfortunately Shi Qingyang can't tell the reason. .

"It doesn't matter if you can't activate the surrounding radiation, it's good enough now." Shi Qingyang said, bowing his head and kissing Cheng Ran's face, then immediately put on his helmet, under Gu Changjin's glaring eyes Start climbing down the cave.

In front of Cheng Ran and Gu Changjin, he showed nothing, but in fact, he is really not sure that he can win.

In his last life, he was too weak. Before dealing with the ant queen, he was only a second-level radiation fighter, and his speed at killing ant beasts was also very slow. Because of this, the ant beasts in the cave did not pay much attention to him at first, and he was slowed down by him. It was almost after the slow grind that I started to take precautions.

Moreover, he didn't even plan to kill the ant queen at that time. He was accidentally forced by several male ant beasts into the cave where the ant queen was, and then he became ruthless. There are only a few male ant beasts, and those worker ant beasts have even been eaten by them.

He relied on this at the time, hid in the crevices where the queen ants could not enter, and slowly killed the queen ants.

But this time is different this time, maybe because of his stronger strength, the queen ant also took precautions, and called the remaining ant beasts to her side, and the food in the ant nest was also moved together...

What he has to deal with is not only the ant queen, but also a large group of ant beasts.

Shi Qingyang cautiously approached the huge cave, and then rushed in quickly.

The queen ant looks very clumsy, and it seems that there is no radiation energy on her body, but her movements are very fast. It dodges aside, but the other ant beasts all pounce towards Shi Qingyang.

Shi Qingyang quickly got into an erected stone crevice that could only accommodate one person, and sent out several wind blades, which prevented the ant beasts from biting him.

He hid in this crevice back then, thinking that he was about to die, so he fought with these ant queens and exploded with unprecedented potential. Unfortunately, he couldn't do this in his life. Now, he is very Cherish your life.

Shi Qingyang tried his best to save the radiation energy, and held a bottle in his mouth, which contained the ant egg liquid that could restore the radiation energy. When the ant beasts were squeezed in, he could say that he saw one and killed the other.

But the remaining worker ant beasts are too many, and even new ant beasts are hatched. If this continues, when his radiation energy is exhausted, it is estimated that it will become food for others.

How good was the last life, that ant queen could not enter this ant nest at all... Shi Qingyang suddenly felt blessed and thought of a way.

Finding the right time, he immediately sent out a few wind blades at the ant queen who was wandering not far away.

The queen ant was provoked and rushed towards him, showing her teeth and claws outside the stone crevice. At this time, Shi Qingyang did not send wind blades, but began to rest.

The ant beast is a low-level alien beast, and there is no way to mobilize the radiation to attack him, and the body of the queen ant is too large to enter the stone crevice at all... In the end, the ant queen just blocked the stone crevice, so that the other ant beasts did not The way to attack Shi Qingyang again.

In such a situation, Shi Qingyang was happy to see it succeed, he took a good rest, and when the ant queen found that she had been unable to attack him, and wanted to leave, he sent out a few more wind blades.

This lowest-level wind blade can split the worker ant beast in half after touching the joint of the worker ant beast, but against the queen ant, the lethality is not so great, it can only irritate the queen ant.

If it is one-on-one, Shi Qingyang relies on his rich experience, and it is not difficult to kill the queen ant, but there are still many ant beasts outside, and those ant beasts can completely consume his radiation energy...

Shi Qingyang didn't rush to enlarge his moves at all. He found the time to rest when the queen ant wanted to attack him. When the queen ant wanted to leave angrily, he sent out a few wind blades to attract it back. …

When Shi Qingyang felt that the radiation energy was almost recovered, he would also let the queen ant leave, and then began to deal with the worker anteaters who wanted to attack him after the queen left the stone crevice.

After he killed some worker ants, he felt a little tired and his radiation energy was low, so he sent a few wind blades to attract the queen ants, so that the queen ants blocked the hole and let him have a good rest.

Unconsciously, the number of ant beasts decreased a lot, and the injuries on the queen ant became more and more serious.

Of course, it took Shi Qingyang a long time, and even a whole day and a night had passed since he left the cave.

Cheng Ran and Gu Changjin must be very worried... After Shi Qingyang attracted the queen, he closed his eyes, squinted for a few minutes, and opened his eyes quickly when the queen wanted to retreat, and then Continue to issue a few wind blades.

He has a kind of ability, as long as he is very tired, he can close his eyes and sleep for a few minutes at any time. At this time, he is still very alert, and he can wake up with a little disturbance.

Of course, if he hadn't been a teenager now, this body had high requirements for sleep. In a previous life, he would have been able to survive even if he didn't sleep for three days and three nights.

This cycle has been repeated several times. When he opened it again, Shi Qingyang saw that the queen was a little tired and wanted to retreat. At this time, the radiation energy in his body had recovered a lot, and he generously let go of the queen. Start to deal with other ant beasts.

The queen ant finally took advantage of this time to have a good sleep, but unfortunately it didn't sleep for a long time, Shi Qingyang's radiation energy was almost used, so a few wind blades flew towards it...

The angry queen rushed over again and blocked the entrance of the hole, giving Shi Qingyang a safe environment.

After spending thirty hours, Shi Qingyang finally found that there were no other ant beasts in the ant nest except the queen, and the queen's minor injuries had gradually worsened, turning into serious injuries.

The flower master Qingyang did not have much time to deal with such an ant queen, and this battle of his was the least injured battle after he entered the ant's nest - this time he was not injured at all.

After the queen ant crashed to the ground, the first thing Shi Qingyang did was to cut its body, and then cut off a few pieces of meat as quickly as he had been in a rock crevice for three days in his previous life. stuffed into the mouth.

The meat of the queen ant is old and woody, and very unpalatable. If he was not forced to die by the queen in his previous life, and wanted to eat the corpse to vent his anger, he would not eat it, but this time, he was very active, and even deliberately ate more. a few mouthfuls.

Shi Qingyang ate while cutting the meat. After he had almost eaten, he packed the rest of the meat and started walking back.

Shi Qingyang used both hands and feet, and climbed up along the exit of the ant nest for a while, but his stomach suddenly began to hurt, and it became more and more painful. Every part of his body seemed to be split. , In every pore, tiny blood beads began to ooze out.

The pain came so suddenly that Shi Qingyang couldn't even grasp the rock wall. He really wanted to climb up in one go, but the pain made him unable to exert his strength at all.

In the severe pain, Shi Qingyang remembered one thing. After he killed the ant queen in his last life, he had been in a coma for a long time, and his whole body was in severe pain, because at that time, he had lost his strength in the battle and was seriously injured. I don't think it's strange, but this time, he wasn't actually hurt...

So, he was in a coma at that time because he ate the meat of the queen? But he wasn't in as much pain as he is now, he just felt uncomfortable.

Maybe he was really too greedy and ate too much. Shi Qingyang was trembling against the rock wall. The pain made him want to pull out his hair. At this time, he even found a cave. The strength is gone.

Suddenly, the pain suddenly intensified, and the radiation energy on the body suddenly began to rush left and right in the body. Shi Qingyang's eyes were black, and everything he saw seemed to have turned black and red.

Usually in such a situation, he would create some wounds for himself to wake him up, but now, he has been in extreme pain, and his whole body is convulsing.

Unable to grasp the rock at hand anymore, Shi Qingyang almost fell straight down. In a trance, he heard someone calling his name.

Shi Qingyang had been out for too long, and Cheng Ran was able to wait with confidence at first, but as time passed, he could no longer be at ease, so he finally pushed away the stone at the entrance of the cave. , and then look down from time to time, waiting for Shi Qingyang.

For two days and one night, Cheng Ran had no intention of sleeping at all, lest something happen to Shi Qingyang. He had already seen Shi Qingyang climbing up, worried that Shi Qingyang would be distracted when he heard his voice, so he didn't speak, but Unexpectedly, Shi Qingyang suddenly stopped halfway, and then fell again.

Cheng Ran's face turned pale in an instant, but he couldn't do anything except call Shi Qingyang's name. Gu Changjin saw him like this and understood that something might have happened outside: "Master, is it Shi Qingyang? Something happened?" He is a fifth-level Radiation Energy Warrior, so he should take care of his two children, but in the end he had to let them take care of him... Gu Changjin's mood was extremely complicated.

"Grandpa Gu, I... I'll go down and have a look..." Cheng Ran's voice was trembling. In this case, he must not sit idly by.

"Young master, go, you must be careful, I'll wait here." Gu Changjin said, Cheng Ran has never lived in the wild, and going out may be in danger, but if something happens to Shi Qingyang, Are they still alive

Shi Qingyang fainted in pain, he knew that he fell, and the last thought before the coma was to be glad that he didn't climb high.

When Shi Qingyang woke up again, he didn't even know how long he had been in a coma.

"Qingyang, are you awake?" Cheng Ran's voice trembled a little. As soon as he came, he found that Shi Qingyang was trembling all the time. Not only that, but under the combat uniform, Shi Qingyang was covered in blood. No wound can be seen.

The scene at that time almost made him think that he was about to lose Shi Qingyang, but fortunately, he soon discovered that Shi Qingyang was still breathing.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Shi Qingyang asked, but suddenly found that his body became more and more painful. His upper and lower teeth collided and he was speechless.

"Qingyang, you've been in a coma for less than an hour, what's wrong with you? You must be fine..." Cheng Ran stroked Shi Qingyang's body over and over again. At this time, these radiation energy also entered Shi Qingyang's body.

The restless radiant energy in Shi Qingyang's body suddenly seemed to be comforted. If his pain made him seem to be scorched by fire, Cheng Ran's radiant energy was like a clear spring, which made him feel better. .

It's a pity that there are too few clear springs. After it disappears, the pain feels more and more intense.

Shi Qingyang lost consciousness again.

Shi Qingyang wasn't in a coma for a long time. Before, Cheng Ran couldn't do anything except hold him. Until now, he discovered that his radiation energy seemed to be useful to Shi Qingyang.

However, his radiation energy is too low!

Cheng Ran suddenly remembered what Shi Qingyang said about the ant queen, and also saw the meat that Shi Qingyang put next to him. According to what Shi Qingyang said, the meat of this ant queen is better than the eggs of ants... Cheng Ran didn't care about his nausea, he cut the meat open with a knife and stuffed it into his mouth little by little. What made him happy was that , After eating this meat, the radiation energy in his body did appear again, and it was slightly more.

All these radiant energy were put into Shi Qingyang's body. Seeing Shi Qingyang's painful expression softened, Cheng Ran felt relieved, but after his radiant energy was exhausted, Shi Qingyang's expression changed again. pain.

Seeing this, Cheng Ran immediately cut off another piece of meat and ate it into his stomach. After a while, the radiation energy in his body recovered again, and all of it was lost into Shi Qingyang's body as usual.

The radiation energy is exhausted again and again, and each time it seems to be a little more than the last time, but Shi Qingyang is still very painful, and he really can't eat too much meat... Cheng Ran's eyes are on the meat, eating ants Eggs are of great benefit to Shi Qingyang, the meat should be the same, and Shi Qingyang has been in a coma for a day... Cheng Ran chewed a piece of meat without hesitation, and did not care about Shi Qingyang's mouth With blood on his face, he fed Shi Qingyang mouth to mouth.

Shi Qingyang felt that he was being roasted in a furnace, and that was all he needed to do. He was halfway through, and someone would cool him down.

Cooling down is a good thing, but if the pain persists, that's what's going on. He might be dizzy all the time, but it is often slowed down in the middle to make him awake, and then when the pain reappears, he will feel more pain. …

That's all. After finally waiting for him to get better, someone even added a handful of firewood... I don't know what he ate, and he seemed to be in more pain.

Every cell in the body seems to be changing. The radiation energy in his body is completely dissipated, but soon reorganized...

This time, Shi Qingyang was in a coma for two days and two nights. When he woke up again, he always felt that his whole body was different.

Even, this situation is different from his previous life. His current radiation energy is more gentle than his previous life. Even his body seems to have undergone a baptism. more powerful.

And, if there were no accidents, he should have been level four.

Even if the cultivation of Radiant Energy is faster the younger you are, there is a good chance that there will be no chance of improvement when you get older, but the fourth level of the eighteenth is too rare... Fortunately, his current Radiant Energy is too gentle. Therefore, others may not be able to see his radiant energy, just like although he knew that Cheng Ran already had radiant energy, he could not feel the slightest fluctuation of radiant energy in Cheng Ran.

You must hide this!

Although he suffered a little, there is no doubt that this is a good thing. After Shi Qingyang found that all the pain had dissipated, there was a smile on his face.

"Qingyang, you finally woke up, how is it?" Cheng Ran asked. He has been holding Shi Qingyang for the past two days. The blood on Shi Qingyang's body has also stained him, making him a little stink. At that time, no one can control that much.

"I'm fine, I'm fine now, what about the meat?" Shi Qingyang remembered the meat he had collected before.

"That's all that's left. I'll keep it for Grandpa Gu." Cheng Ran took out a small piece of meat from his arms, feeling a little embarrassed. Shi Qingyang brought a big bag of meat, and he should have kept a little more for Gu Changjin. , but Shi Qingyang's situation is too serious...

"I haven't finished the meat, let's go back and get some and give it to Grandpa Gu." Shi Qingyang said, the corpse of the ant queen should not be wasted at all. In addition, the ant eggs that have not hatched are also Save it well.

The blood on Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran was drying up, and they both turned black, and just as they were looking for the queen's flesh, a mobile fortress came nearby...