Back to the Peak

Chapter 87: a month


Sheng Lin is a very ordinary level 3 Radiation Energy Warrior in Anhang City. His strength is not particularly strong, but it is not bad. His parents have always hoped that he could stay in the city to work, even if it would make less money, but at least it would be safe, but Sheng Lin was not willing. He likes fighting, taking risks, and preferring the feeling of fighting outside the city.

Those who dare to fight can always get more chances of success. At the age of 28, Sheng Lin bought two chariots by himself, and at the same time pulled up a small team.

These two chariots were purchased from a Radiant Energy Warrior who was planning to retire with all the money he had saved from hunting for many years. Although they were a bit old, they were good to use. Today, he is even more with his own. The three partners worked together and finally caught a grasshopper.

"Boss, your control over the radiation energy is so powerful that you actually used the wind blade to abolish the breathing holes on the legs of this grasshopper!" Wu Siwen, who used to be Shenglin's classmate and later became Shenglin's comrade-in-arms, was full of excitement. They tied up the corpse of the grasshopper beast. They used kite-flying to beat this grasshopper beast for a long time. Because they were reluctant to waste bullets, they were unable to kill it. I didn't expect that Sheng Lin could use the wind blade to destroy it. its breathing hole.

"This is also a coincidence." Although Sheng Lin said so, he was also a little proud. This grasshopper beast was their third prey today. Together with the two caterpillar beasts they had captured before, they could make a lot of money today.

"Boss, this is obviously your good marksmanship!" Wu Siwen said again, but then looked around suspiciously: "Hey, where is this place?"

"We ran in the direction of Anhang City, here..." Sheng Lin looked at the surrounding environment: "This place seems to be the swamp in the west of the city. This place used to catch a lot of mosquito cubs. Now With less and less water standing, there is nothing left, and few people come here, so we can have a good rest."

Sheng Lin just said his plan, but suddenly he heard someone calling for help.

"Boss, someone is calling for help!"

"Let's go and have a look!" Sheng Lin immediately said, all of them who go out to hunt will abide by an agreement, that is, when others call for help, as long as they can, they will help them.

Humans were once forced to near extinction by alien beasts. If they hadn't finally united, there would be absolutely no possibility of surviving.

As soon as Sheng Lin decided, the others also took their weapons. Their strength was not strong, so they became more cautious. At the same time, they also found that the cry for help came from a mud pond not far away.

The surrounding of the mud pond was covered with water jasmine. During the period, there were many small beasts the size of palms flying. Several people chopped off a few water jasmine with knives, and soon saw an astonishing scene.

In this swamp, a fat man in a life-long combat uniform was rolling and crawling forward, and behind the fat man, two caterpillar beasts were chasing him.

This fat man has probably been rolling in the swamp for a long time. Now his body is covered with mud, and even his helmet is covered with mud. Sheng Lin even doubts whether he can see the road ahead clearly now.

The caterpillar beasts behind Fatty also had a lot of silt. Even though these silts made it grow a lot of legs and run too fast, even so, they seemed to be about to catch up with that Fatty.

"Don't do it!" Just when Sheng Lin and others raised their guns, intending to kill the caterpillar beast to save people, and by the way to harvest two more prey's prey, a voice suddenly sounded.

The person being chased by the caterpillar was not in danger for the time being, and Sheng Lin was not in a hurry to take action. He turned around and found that there were more than one person in this swamp. The combat uniform, the tall and straight man, the face under the protective mask, and some familiarity...

"Shi Qingyang?" Sheng Lin recognized the other party, his face full of surprise.

"Hello." Shi Qingyang nodded with a smile, very kind, and kept tapping his feet on the mud surface. Probably because of his speed of action, his combat uniform was clean, not even a mud star, and it seemed that he never got stuck in the mud at all.

"Shi Qingyang, why don't you save people?" Wu Siwen frowned. Now that fat man was still shouting for help, Shi Qingyang was indifferent and even stopped in front of them...

"He's fine, it's just a matter of habit to call for help. By the way, hang your voice to consume calories." Shi Qingyang smiled.

"Habit? Hanging your throat?" Sheng Lin watched the fat man in the distance continue to climb forward, and the caterpillar beast behind him was getting closer and closer, somewhat incomprehensible.

Shi Qingyang used his hands and feet to keep himself from falling into the swamp, and nodded: "He is losing weight. And those two caterpillars are the most common cabbage caterpillars, so it's okay for them to catch up."

Sheng Lin was stunned for a moment, only to find out that this is indeed the case. Although some caterpillar beasts are very aggressive, this cabbage caterpillar has no attack power like aphid beasts. Generally, as long as it is found, it can be hunted. It is the best beast to catch. one of the beasts.

It's just that losing weight is needed like this

Just when he was wondering, the fat man was finally chased by the caterpillar beast, and the two caterpillar beasts climbed onto the fat man, making the fat man's scream even louder.

Sheng Lin shuddered and was about to say something when he saw Shi Qingyang, who was talking to him, had already run over quickly, and at the same time grabbed the fat man, pulled him out of the mud, and put him on the road. The caterpillar beast was more than ten meters away, and at the same time, he took out a water bottle and poured something on the fat man.

The two caterpillar beasts started chasing the fat man again, the fat man screamed and ran up: "Boss, ancestor, I beg you, don't you want to chase me with such a disgusting caterpillar beast? Ahhh! Help! "

"Do you know how much I spent to get them to chase you? The potions on your body are not cheap. If you are caught up by them soon, I will let you get in touch with them." Shi Qingyang said, looking at the Fatty rolled and started to run for his life again, and then he returned to Sheng Lin: "You saw it too, he is fine, we are training."

Sheng Lin didn't speak, but looked at Shi Qingyang's feet in surprise - there was no dirt on those one-piece boots.

He originally thought that Shi Qingyang could not get stuck in the mud because he ran fast, but now it seems that this is not the case? Just now, Shi Qingyang took that fat man out of the mud, and he used so much strength that he would sink into the mud no matter what...

"Have you found out? I'm also training. I'm under my feet, condensing the radiation energy..." Shi Qingyang laughed, and suddenly fell down and fell into the mud: "I have been holding the radiation energy just now. Myself, it's almost used now..."

"Aren't only high-level Radiation Warriors able to lift their feet off the ground?" Wu Siwen was full of surprise. Seventh-level Radiation Warriors could walk on the water with the help of Radiation Energy and jump very high. Eighth-level Radiation Warriors could just do it. Flying in mid-air, but Shi Qingyang should be very far away from these two, right? Although there are rumors that Shi Qingyang may have reached the fourth level, but that is only the fourth level.

"I haven't left the ground, and I'm still moving." Shi Qingyang smiled slightly. Although he had condensed a round shield made of radiation energy under his feet that could be settled, it was actually very easy to break. This is just to exercise their control over radiation energy.

"You're amazing!" Sheng Lin said sincerely, and glanced at the fat man who was screaming in the distance. At this moment, he suddenly found that three more people were running towards here.

Those were three people covered in mud like the fat man, and behind them, dozens of ant beasts were chasing them...

These three people did not call for help like the fat man, nor did they use both hands and feet like the fat man. They held their hands together, and the one in the middle ran at the front, pulling the people on the left and right. They pulled their feet out of the mud again and again and ran forward together. The speed of running in the swamp that was difficult to land on was actually able to catch up with the speed of ordinary people on the flat ground.

They are exercising! Seeing this scene, Sheng Lin immediately understood a lot of things, and admired the people in front of him even more.

Nowadays, most people will continue to cultivate radiation energy after they have radiation energy, but these people in front of them are exercising their bodies, and they can still use such methods to themselves... They will definitely become powerful radiation energy warriors!

Sheng Lin admired the people in front of him very much, but there was no doubt that they were as embarrassed as the fat man.

They should have been running for a long time, and now the speed has inevitably slowed down, and the ant beast behind them is still tireless...

Although the man in the middle still had enough strength to pull the people on the left and right, the man on the left stumbled and fell to the ground, and finally brought three people down.

Just now, Shi Qingyang watched the fat man being tossed by the caterpillar beast for a while before he went to save people. Sheng Lin thought he would do the same this time, but he didn't expect him to run over quickly, and then quickly blocked those ants. Beasts, they didn't let them touch those three people at all.

Then, he ran to the left and right, and the two who were already tired went back to Shenglin and put the two clay figurines on the side. As for the one in the middle, he ran again...

"Do you usually train like this?" Sheng Lin couldn't help asking.

"Yes, we usually train like this."

"No wonder you were able to win the championship! No wonder you are so powerful! I thought you guys got more resources than us..." Wu Siwen was a little embarrassed. After he knew Shi Qingyang's existence, he was very jealous of Shi Qingyang, but now Seeing that the other party trains so hard, he can't be jealous anymore.

The other two team members around Sheng Lin even took out the cleaner at this time to help the two people who were paralyzed on the ground and unable to move, and even their protective masks were covered with mud.

After wiping off the mud on the protective mask, he saw the appearance of the two people lying on the ground. Only then did Sheng Lin realize that the two were actually women!

The two people who were chased in the mud and didn't care about being covered in mud turned out to be women! For a time, Sheng Lin even felt a little ashamed.

At the same time, after watching the battle video of Anhang College and paying attention to Ye Houan's rescue of his daughter, he also recognized the two.

Li Jiajia, who was quickly defeated by Shi Qingyang during the battle, and Ye Jinyu, the daughter of Ye Houan.

Shi Qingyang's eyes were now on the two people still in the swamp. The fat man who was being chased by the caterpillar beast was still shouting for help, while the man who was being chased by the ant beast was still there. Running fast.

Sheng Lin said hello to Li Jiajia and Ye Jinyu, and watched quietly as well. After the fat man was overtaken by the caterpillar beast again, he saw that the hot man chased by the ant beast suddenly took out a He shot the gun towards the Ant Beast behind him. His marksmanship was not good, but the gun in his hand was obviously good. The Ant Beasts that were chasing him soon died under his grasp.

At this time, he seemed to lose his strength and slowly walked towards them. He was not as embarrassed as the two girls before, at least the protective mask was not covered with mud. Therefore, wait for him to get closer. , Sheng Lin and others saw his appearance clearly, and they were once again shocked.

Cheng Ran, this person turned out to be the Cheng Ran who, as an ordinary person, can prepare medicines and is known as the inspirational emperor!

Cheng Ran has no radiation energy, but he has learned to prepare potions. Not only that, he can even go out of the city and kill alien beasts!

For a while, Sheng Lin admired and felt even more ashamed. He always felt that the person who persisted under the pursuit of the ant beast for so long would be a powerful radiation warrior. Who would have thought that he was an ordinary person? Cheng Ran would suffer radiation damage without wearing a combat uniform in the wild, but he was able to become so strong, and he didn't know how much effort he had put in.

Cheng Ran is an inspirational emperor, there is no doubt about that.

"However, what do you think?" Shi Qingyang looked at Cheng Ran.

"I'm fine." Cheng Ran took a deep breath, walked slowly beside him, and then sat down after adjusting his breathing.

"It's fine." Shi Qingyang looked at Zheng Gaoyuan's situation in the distance, ran over, and finally brought Zheng Gaoyuan back.

Cheng Ran can still walk after the run. The two girls, Ye Jinyu and Li Jiajia, have lost their strength just now, and now they are starting to do exercises to relax their muscles, but Zheng Gaoyuan...

This fat man, after Shi Qingyang grabbed him from the mud, he didn't move at all, and now after being put on the ground by Shi Qingyang, he was completely dead.

Seeing this scene, Shi Qingyang was extremely helpless. It has been a month since Zheng Gaoyuan started training in his hands, and the results are gratifying, probably because of the large base. This month, he lost a full 50 pounds, and his flesh was strong. Now, the whole person looked a little smaller. However, I don't know when, he actually developed the bad habit of being completely motionless after training!

Seeing this big fat man pretending to be dead, Shi Qingyang really wanted to kick him... That's right, Zheng Gaoyuan is still fat now.

Fatty's weight loss career is definitely a long way to go, very, very heavy!

Who is Zheng Gaoyuan? Sheng Lin and the others naturally recognized at this time. They looked at the people in front of them in confusion. Although they knew that they should go hunting, they couldn't help but stay and wanted to see these people. what else to do.

Should they train well in the future

Sheng Lin was thinking about his exercise plan, but Shi Qingyang suddenly smiled at them: "Do you want to train with us?"

"We?" Sheng Lin looked at Shi Qingyang in surprise. There were only four of them, and they had no strengths at all...

"Yes, it's you." Shi Qingyang affirmed.

Sheng Lin had to admit that he was very excited, but he was no longer a student, and he had to support his family. The four of them didn't have a good family... "We really want to, but we all need to hunt..."

"It's okay, we will train for actual combat in the future. The prey we hunt can be given to you. However, you must also help us train and teach them to hunt. After all, your combat experience should be very good." Shi Qingyang smiled.

"Why us?" Sheng Lin was surprised and delighted, and couldn't believe it.

"Because of fate." Shi Qingyang said, there is no doubt that what he said was a lie.

In the past month, he took Cheng Ran and Zheng Gaoyuan to train here at first, and later Li Jiajia and Ye Jinyu who went out of the city to exercise also joined in. During this period, their behavior was discovered by many people, but he directly took this piece of land. The proof of possession drove those people away, and only Sheng Lin and the others, he let them stay here for so long, for nothing else, just because Sheng Lin once picked him up from the ant's nest and helped him There are many, many, the four people in front of him are all his former comrades-in-arms.

In addition to these four people, there is actually another one, and now, it is almost time to find him.