Back to the Peak

Chapter 91: marry


As soon as Shi Qingyang's words came out, except for Zheng Gaoyuan who was still thinking about the wedding banquet, everyone else was shocked and speechless.

Especially Shenglin, Fu Xiaohua and others, they have only been with Shi Qingyang for a few days, and they are men who are rambunctious, so they have not had time to discover the ambiguity between Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran, but they already admire Shi Qingyang, and Cheng Ran even more. Admiration... As a result, these two are going to get married.

If this is known to others, it will definitely be big news! You know, there are still many people speculating on which granddaughter Cheng Xuze will marry to Shi Qingyang.

Moreover, Shi Qingyang's eager appearance... I really didn't expect Shi Qingyang, who seemed calm, to be so anxious.

Sheng Lin desperately wanted to share the gossip he knew with others, but thinking of the possible consequences after sharing, he finally decided not to say anything.

In contrast, Li Jiajia and Ye Jinyu are much calmer. They have been exercising with Shi Qingyang for a longer time. Naturally, they know Shi Qingyang's thoughts on Cheng Ran, but they just feel a slight sadness - a good man is only eighteen years old. , even decided to marry another good man...

Wang Qing paused for a while, then silently picked up the meat that fell back on the plate and stuffed it into his mouth. He was really old and couldn't compare with young people.

Cheng Ran was very happy. After he established a relationship with Shi Qingyang, he had been thinking about this matter, and now it finally came to fruition: "Qingyang, where will we live in the future? Do you want children? Do you want to? how many kids?"

"..." Even if he said about the marriage in advance, he still lost, because Cheng Ran thought deeply... Shi Qingyang was a little helpless: "The child or something, let's forget it..." How old is he now? Moreover, as long as he thinks of the beast tide twenty years later, he has no way to think about it.

He now has enough money to go to Central City to raise a child, but he can't be responsible for the child.

"I think so too, it's good to have no children, as long as we two stay together all the time." Cheng Ran nodded, in fact, if he hadn't read a lot of posts recently, he wouldn't have thought of having children.

He was confessed to love again in public... Shi Qingyang managed to control himself to maintain a serious expression, and then immediately looked at the people around him, his eyes widening: "It's already eaten, why don't you hurry up and train?"

Li Jiajia and Ye Jinyu reacted the fastest. Seeing that the mobile fortress had arrived near the swamp when they were eating, they put on their combat uniforms and walked out. Sheng Lin and others were a little slower, but not much slower. Only Zheng Gaoyuan was a little bit slower. Not happy: "Didn't you say take an hour off? Fifteen minutes left..."

Zheng Gaoyuan was finally thrown into the swamp by Shi Qingyang.

This afternoon, everyone's performance was very good, but Shi Qingyang's reaction was a little different. In the past, he would always run a few laps in the mud in the middle, but this time he didn't let his feet touch the mud from the beginning to the end. , In order to prevent himself from being unexpectedly unable to radiate energy, he even prepared a few huge leaves so that he could settle down when he couldn't.

He looks so clean even his shoes, standing next to a group of people covered in mud, is extraordinary.

People who are about to get married should always maintain a good image in front of the people they like! Shi Qingyang watched Cheng Ran crawling out of the mud again. The protective mask was covered in mud and water, so he suddenly felt a little sad—why didn't Cheng Ran notice the handsome man

Because Shi Qingyang found Shenglin, Fu Xiaohua and others to join his team for the first time, some people would inevitably recommend themselves to him these days, and when he returned to the city that night, it was no exception. A fourth-level radiation warrior came to him and expressed that he was very happy. Strong, there are also young Radiant Warriors who come to him and express that they are poor.

Shi Qingyang rejected all of these people. This time, he selected all the people who had helped him a lot in the past, and these self-recommendations in front of him...

Some of these people came for the Cheng family's name, and some paid more attention to Wang Qing than him... There is no doubt that if they were the same as their previous lives, they would never pay attention to him.

When Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran returned to their residence, Cheng Xuze was standing at the door. As soon as he saw Shi Qingyang, he immediately asked, "Are you going to get married tomorrow?"

"Yes, Grandpa." Shi Qingyang smiled and nodded: "Let's register first, and if there is a chance later, I will definitely hold a grand wedding!"

Cheng Xuze's expression was a little weird, but he finally smiled: "I originally wanted to ask you not to leave the city tomorrow, but I didn't expect this to happen, and I don't know if it was God's will..."

"Grandpa?" Shi Qingyang asked curiously.

"Come in, I have something to tell you." Cheng Xuze said.

What Cheng Xuze wanted to say was about Li Rong. He had already figured out a plan to lead the snake out of the hole, and the days for the implementation of the plan were set in these two days.

Originally, according to Cheng Xuze's plan, he would personally "secretly" send the Yin family and Ao Zhi to the Yangtze River City in the past two days, and revealed that this trip to the Yangtze River City was for the purpose of interrogation.

In order not to let others know what he did, Li Rong would definitely try to kill Ao Zhi and others when he encountered such a thing. At that time, he could wait for him to throw himself into the net.

Of course, Li Rong is not stupid, and he doesn't dare to take action easily. Because of this, he must not let others know that he is also leaving with the escort of the Yin family, and needs to stay in the city.

Originally, Cheng Xuze was still thinking about what kind of reason to stay in the city, but he didn't expect Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran to decide to register...

Although he felt that it was too early for the two children to go to the registration so soon, it was undeniable that the reason seemed very good - it was normal for his grandson to get married and not to escort the prisoners with him.

"Grandpa, you mean that you will secretly follow the team that escorted the prisoners to Changjiang City, and then you need to find someone to pretend to be you in Anhang City, so that Li Rong thinks you haven't left the city?" Shi Qingyang asked simply.

"That's right, that's it, then I will exchange identities with Wang Qing and let Wang Qing follow you." Cheng Xuze opened his mouth with a little apology on his face, and looked at Cheng Ran at the same time: "Xiao Ran, grandpa is here. You can't follow me at that time, but grandpa will definitely arrange a grand wedding for you in the future."

"Thank you grandpa." Cheng Ran smiled.

"Then tomorrow, Xiao Ran, you have to get up early so that you can put on makeup for your grandfather." Cheng Xuze said, tomorrow he will dress up as Wang Qing and follow the team out of the city, while Wang Qing will dress up as him to witness Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran When it comes to marriage, makeup is naturally a must.

And this happens to be what Cheng Ran is good at.

"Grandpa, I will definitely get up early!" Cheng Ran assured, but in the end he didn't do it, not because he slept late, but because he didn't sleep all night.

Cheng Ran always felt a little unbelievable about the fact that he was going to be with Shi Qingyang. He was tired all day. After such high-intensity training a few days ago, he basically fell asleep, but today, Still can't sleep.

I fell asleep several times in a daze, and finally woke up with a sudden thought of what I was going to do tomorrow.

In fact, if he came to Shi Qingyang's side, he might have a good sleep, but tonight, he didn't know what was going on, he just didn't want to go there.

After thinking about it, in the end, he simply stopped sleeping. Instead, he took out a small box from the side and opened it, looking at the contents in every way.

He always carried these things with him, and often couldn't help but take them out and look at them.

Cheng Ran couldn't sleep, and Shi Qingyang was similar to him. He was chased in his previous life, and later agreed to be with Liang Liang, but it was definitely the first time to register for marriage, and he was inevitably a little nervous in the end.

Originally, after feeling uneasy, he still wanted to wait for Cheng Ran to come to his room and have a good talk, but he didn't expect Cheng Ran to never come...

After waiting for Cheng Ran, Shi Qingyang decided to take the initiative and knocked on Cheng Ran's door.

Cheng Ran didn't sleep like him, so naturally he opened the door very quickly. When he saw Shi Qingyang, he couldn't help but feel at a loss. For a while, he even wanted to close the door immediately.

"Of course, don't let me in?" Shi Qingyang asked with a smile when he saw Cheng Ran's restrained appearance, and the original insecurity disappeared.

Cheng Ran silently stepped aside, knowing that Shi Qingyang had entered, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately went to clean up the things on the bed.

"What is this?" Shi Qingyang had already seen bits and pieces on the bed at this time, and walked over curiously.

"Nothing..." Cheng Ran was even more embarrassed.

"The rabbit robot I gave you before?" Shi Qingyang saw the biggest thing at a glance, and then looked at others.

A bunch of tiny metal sticks, a tiny box, and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff…

At first, he didn't react when he saw these things. Later, he contacted the rabbit robot to think about it, but found that these were all things he once gave to Cheng Ran. Among them were the medals he had won in the Xinghuo Academy competition, and the gifts he gave to Cheng Ran. Cheng Ran bought the leftover cans of candy, including gadgets he made with the bones of other animals he had hunted, and even a game console that he bought for Cheng Ran.

Cheng Ran obviously left all the things he sent and kept them.

Shi Qingyang only felt that his heart was full, but he quickly discovered something that puzzled him. He picked up a few metal rods next to him and asked, "What is this?"

"The stick left over from the lollipop..." Cheng Ran replied subconsciously.

Lollipop? Shi Qingyang was stunned for a moment, and remembered that he had taken Cheng Ran to the playground before, where Cheng Ran won many, many lollipops.

He almost forgot about it, but he didn't expect that Cheng Ran still had a lollipop stick.

Thinking about it this way, Shi Qingyang remembered the origins of a few things, including the box he gave for the jerky when he and Cheng Ran first met...

My heart is warm and numb... Shi Qingyang's mouth is getting higher and higher - when someone gives him something, good or bad, it is all treasured and collected, even if he gives trust and affection, he should Nor will I be betrayed like before.

He always suspected that Cheng Ran was still young and couldn't understand his feelings, but now that he thinks about it, he is suspicious all day long...

Shi Qingyang kissed Cheng Ran and took Cheng Ran to the bed.

"Wait, something is stuck on me." Cheng Ran eagerly reached behind his back and groped.

Seeing Cheng Ran's anxious look, Shi Qingyang suddenly couldn't help laughing.

This evening, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran didn't sleep all night. The two leaned against each other and slowly began to talk from the time they met. Even when they talked about the movement outside, they still felt unfinished.

If it was before, Cheng Ran would have been very haggard if he hadn't slept all night, but now, he couldn't tell just by looking at his face. Shi Qingyang took Cheng Ran downstairs, and both of them were in a better mood than ever before.

Cheng Xuze and Wang Qing were already up, but they didn't say anything when they saw them together. They just pulled Cheng Ran over and asked him to help with makeup.

Gu Changjin made breakfast. He made a lot of food. Looking at Cheng Ran who was smearing something on Cheng Xuze's face, he was in a complicated mood. His young master has grown up today...

Cheng Ran's craftsmanship was very good, and Wang Qing and Cheng Xuze quickly changed their faces. Cheng Xuze and Wang Qing are about the same size, both of them are familiar with each other, and there is no pressure to play.

However, when he got close, it was easy to be spotted... Fortunately, Cheng Xuze needed to wear a helmet when he was outside the city. When Wang Qing was in the city, after dressing up as Cheng Xuze, no one usually dared to approach.

After preparing for work last night, Shi Qingyang glanced at Cheng Ran and took Cheng Ran to the marriage registration office directly.

Marriage registration is not difficult, as long as a simple routine examination is required, because today's personal physical conditions are recorded in the contact terminal, and even health examinations are exempted.

When they went out, for safety reasons, Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran both wore hats and sunglasses, but they didn't take them off when they got there. They just swiped their contacts after the couple in front of them registered. terminal.

The staff who registered the marriage was a woman. The first thing she saw was her age. After scanning the ages of the two, she paused on Cheng Ran's birthday. The man asked subconsciously, "Get married as soon as you get married. Do you have a child? Do your parents know? Have you checked the child? No... Cheng Ran? Shi Qingyang?"

I really didn't expect that I would become famous so early in my life... Shi Qingyang pushed his hat up: "We are all men. Without the help of technology, it is impossible to have children."

"Haha, that is... I just didn't expect it..." While checking the information, the staff member looked up at Shi Qingyang from time to time, his eyes full of curiosity.

"If you help us get things done quickly, you can chat with people and break the news." Shi Qingyang said.

"Ahaha, why didn't I think of that?" The staff member's speed suddenly accelerated. Not long after, the contact terminal of the two received a prompt box asking whether they would like to get married. Shi Qingyang clicked yes without even thinking about it. Soon I found that my profile above has become married.

Seeing that the matter was done, Shi Qingyang took people away without turning his head. He could imagine how lively it would be here later - he didn't want to be besieged with Cheng Ran!

Seeing that Cheng Ran and Shi Qingyang were gone, the staff member opened the contact terminal and was about to reveal the news to his family, but suddenly regretted it - she really did it too fast just now, and didn't have time to spend more time with the two handsome guys. , I didn't even have time to take pictures...