Back to the Peak

Chapter 93: caught


When they arrived at Cheng Xuze's residence, Ye Jinyu, Li Jiajia, Sheng Lin and others had already arrived. Shi Qingyang knew these people in Anhang City, and they invited them to barbecue today to celebrate his marriage to Cheng Ran.

Both Li Jiajia and Ye Jinyu had prepared gifts. They were familiar with Shi Qingyang, so they weren't too timid at this time, but Sheng Lin and others were relatively cautious, especially Fu Xiaohua. Everyone else brought gifts more or less. He didn't think of what to bring, but he was embarrassed and didn't know where to put his hands.

In the past, Shi Qingyang could make the atmosphere lively with a few words at this time, but now he is not in the mood. Along the way, although Wang Qing told Cheng Hong about the matter and Cheng Xuze's plan, Cheng Hong also agreed. No longer making a fuss, but knowing that Cheng Xuze was not there, he became arrogant and no longer put others in his eyes, and he was the first to be targeted by Shi Qingyang.

Just now, Shi Qingyang, an eighteen-year-old boy, actually dragged him into the car, and made the radiation in his body mess up... The more Cheng Hong looked at Shi Qingyang, the more unpleasant he felt.

Shi Qingyang's talent is very high, and he also knows that as his wife said, it is the most suitable to win Shi Qingyang, but he can't do this: "These are the friends you taught? , can't come to the table at all!"

"Dad, don't you and grandpa have something to say?" Shi Qingyang frowned, if he could, he didn't want to call the person in front of him "Dad" at all, but unfortunately in front of outsiders...

"I'm just talking about something, and I'm not in a hurry, but you are so reluctant to call me?" Cheng Hong looked at Shi Qingyang and suddenly thought that since Shi Qingyang has married his son, he will always be his The younger generation, even if Shi Qingyang is promising again in the future, he will always be respectful to him...

"Cheng Hong, you come in with me, do you still want to cause trouble?" Wang Qing said.

Cheng Hong's face changed, and he was very dissatisfied with Wang Qing's daring to call him, but he also knew that if he really destroyed Cheng Xuze's plan, he would be in big trouble in the future, so he immediately followed Wang Qing inside.

Seeing this, Shi Qingyang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and moved the prepared barbecue ingredients to the yard. Zheng Gaoyuan watched eagerly and sat listlessly. After eating only some vegetable leaves at noon, he Don't expect anything else.

Unlike him, the others were in high spirits and soon started roasting.

Cheng Ran used to be vegetarian most of the time and couldn't eat more meat at all, but now this problem no longer exists, and even his appetite has improved a lot.

Even though I ate a lot not long ago, I can still eat it now.

"Of course, don't eat too much, be careful to break your stomach." Shi Qingyang persuaded to see this situation.

Cheng Ran nodded, not knowing what to think, suddenly his face turned red: "I see, I won't eat it."

"There's no need to stop eating, just eat less." Shi Qingyang kissed him on the face, a little proud - this was the first time he did such an action in front of others, and he always felt very proud.

"Eating too much will cause diarrhea, otherwise constipation is not good." Cheng Ran spoke in a voice that only Shi Qingyang could hear.

Shi Qingyang hadn't figured it out at first, but at this time he suddenly figured out the reason - he and Cheng Ran were both married, and they always had to do something at night. It was normal for Cheng Ran to have such scruples.

However, he didn't even know anything about bed climbing before, but now he has thought about it... This is really impure!

Of course he liked it.

Although Shi Qingyang was worried about Li Rong's affairs, he also knew that with the current situation, he didn't worry too much, and he didn't think much about it. At most, Li Rong was not fooled.

However, he soon realized that what he thought was too simple.

Just when everyone had eaten a lot and Fu Xiaohua, who was the most prudent at first, had relaxed, everyone's contact terminals made a "di-di" sound because they couldn't connect to the Internet.

Nowadays, people's communication is completely dependent on the network, and life is inseparable from the network. Once there is no network, many things can no longer be done. Usually, the contact terminal cannot be connected to the Internet, it is definitely because the contact terminal is broken, but now all the Contact terminals are not connected to the Internet...

The radio installed in various areas of Anhang City suddenly sounded: "All residents, please pay attention, all residents, please pay attention to the problem of the city's network, we have already sent someone to rush to repair, please don't panic..."

Speakers played over and over again to appease people's hearts, but even so, the people in the city couldn't calm down at all.

Shi Qingyang was even more surprised. He had participated in urban construction, and he knew very well what happened to the urban network. Because signals cannot be transmitted in the wild now, there are huge optical fibers connecting cities, and these optical fibers are buried deep underground. , very thick, in addition to the usual use, there are spares.

The optical fiber is buried in the ground, and it is wrapped with materials that alien beasts don't like. Even if an alien beast encounters it when digging a hole, it will be bypassed. Generally, it will never be damaged. Even if it is damaged, it can be quickly replaced with another fiber. A spare, but for now...

The common and spare fibers are all faulty, definitely artificial! And few people know where the fiber is located...

A name instantly appeared in Shi Qingyang's mind - Li Rong.

Li Rong was the city owner of Anhang City, and he also controlled many people through that mobile town. It is not difficult for him to find the location of the optical fiber burial. It's easier to just cut the fiber and bring down the entire city's network.

However, he would do such a Shi Qingyang because of a personal matter, which undoubtedly shocked Shi Qingyang. You must know that the optical fiber in Anhang City is connected to the Yangtze River City, and the three surrounding Anhang City are The establishment time of the third-tier cities is shorter than that of Anhang City, and the optical fiber is only connected to Anhang City, which means that the network of those three cities should be paralyzed now.

This kind of thing has only happened in the beginning of the establishment of various cities in history, and I did not expect it to happen now.

"Hurry up and enter the room!" Shi Qingyang reacted and shouted directly.

The others were stunned for a moment. Although they didn't know the seriousness of the matter, they were used to listening to Shi Qingyang's words, and immediately ran into the house.

"This house has a basement that connects to the dungeon, you hurry up and leave..." Shi Qingyang was about to say something, but suddenly he felt something being thrown towards them, he subconsciously fell on Cheng Ran beside him, and then Just saw that thing explode in an instant.

This is just an ordinary grenade, and its power is not strong, but after all, it is in the city, not in the wild, and everyone is not wearing a combat uniform, how can it be stopped

Shi Qingyang felt a pain in his back, and immediately understood that he should be injured. Fortunately, he had already activated the radiation energy in his body, so the injury would not be too serious.

If he was in the wild, at this time, he could completely mobilize the surrounding radiation energy to build a protective shield, but now they are in the city, and there is no radiation energy around at all. In this case, the use of the radiation energy in the body is very small.

Not to mention, their opponents have hot weapons in their hands.

The hot weapons that are forbidden to be brought into residence also appeared here, except for Li Rong, "Run!" Shi Qingyang did not dare to neglect, and said sharply, at this time, the second grenade also arrived here.

Shi Qingyang rolled on the ground with Cheng Ran in his arms and avoided the grenade, but he didn't want to dodge when he heard a scream: "Help!"

The person who called for help was Zheng Gaoyuan, who was paralyzed beside him and slept with the smell of meat.

Because the target of the grenade was them, Sheng Lin and the others ran fast again, and they didn't suffer at this time, but Zheng Gaoyuan was different. He was cumbersome and had no time to hide. Now his clothes have long been cut by shrapnel. Blood spilled out of his wound, turning him into a blood man.

Shi Qingyang was startled and was trying to save people when suddenly a few people came out from the corner. These people were all wearing combat uniforms and faceless helmets with guns in their hands and belts around their waists. With a grenade, the man at the front even pointed his gun at Shi Qingyang: "Shi Qingyang, Cheng Ran, you'd better not move, if you move again, I can't guarantee that the only grenade will be thrown next time. already."

If he was alone now, Shi Qingyang would definitely find a way to escape, but there are more than one person here...

In the mobile town before, he was also besieged by people. At that time, if those people didn't take the two intruders to heart, and he had hostages in his hands, it would not be so easy, but now, what is he? nothing.

"I've always been ruthless. If you don't act obediently, you'll be captured. The people here and the people around you will be buried with you!"

Just as Shi Qingyang was hesitating, gunshots and explosions were heard inside the house. It didn't take long for someone to press Wang Qing and Cheng Hong out, and the bodyguards hired by Gu Changjin and Cheng Xuze were all now. being pressed.

Whether it was Cheng Hong or Wang Qing, both of them were injured, especially Cheng Hong, who had a big wound on his thigh, and his face was full of horror.

"Li Rong?" Shi Qingyang looked at the person walking in the front. Although he couldn't see his face, he should be Li Rong with such a body type.

Li Rong didn't even look at Shi Qingyang: "Inject them with medicine, relieve their mobility, kill others, take them and go quickly!"

Those people quickly gathered around, and the guns on their bodies were always aimed at Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran.

Shi Qingyang has a lot of fighting experience, but all of them are outside the city, facing alien beasts, facing people with hot weapons, and there are drags around...

There were a total of twenty people who came, and they were well-trained. Shi Qingyang was soon locked in the compartment of a van. After a while, Wang Qing and Gu Changjin were also thrown up. But Cheng Ran, Cheng Hong, and Zheng Gaoyuan were taken to another chariot.

The compartment of the van is very spacious, but it feels very bad to be a prisoner, and at this time, Shi Qingyang also heard the voice of Li Rong from outside: "I keep you because I don't want things to go on. If it gets out of hand, you can ask for help, but it's best not to announce what happened today, if it gets too big, the people I arrest will die."

Hearing this, Shi Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief. If Li Jiajia and the others and the bodyguards he was implicated were killed, he would always feel guilty. Fortunately, Li Rong still thought about power and did not do it.

Li Rong didn't kill them, he captured them alive, most of them still thinking about turning things around, maybe he would take them to Cheng Xuze...

Shi Qingyang thought so, and saw Li Rong crawling in. He didn't take off his combat helmet, didn't even talk to them, just sat down beside him.

"Li Rong, if you let us go, mention any conditions!" In the end, Wang Qing spoke first, but he was not greedy for life and fear of death, but for fear that Li Rong would hurt others.

"Release you? Can you release my mother?" Li Rong asked, suddenly softening his voice again: "As long as you kill those witnesses and sign an agreement to release me, I can naturally release you. Now, I'm going to take you to find Cheng Xuze first." It was impossible for him to kill Ao Zhi and others who Cheng Xuze was watching, and now he needed to find another way.

Shi Qingyang couldn't help but smile when he saw Li Rong gnashing his teeth. Cheng Xuze's plan was half successful. At least Li Rong recruited him after he didn't know that Ao Zhi had taken the medicine, and he didn't know that Ao Zhi was already unconscious and could no longer testify against him. Therefore, he finally decided to take the risk. .

It's a pity... Cheng Hong's appearance made everything come to nothing. Li Rong should know that Cheng Xuze was following the prisoners, so he made such a big move, just to hunt them down and to let others not know about this. Something he did.

After Li Rong said a few words, he didn't speak anymore. Shi Qingyang wanted to understand the matter, but he didn't want to provoke him, so he simply closed his eyes and began to try to use radiation energy to dissolve the injected medicine in his body.

Such an approach would definitely not be feasible for others, but it was different for him. His radiation energy was far more stable than others. Even if it couldn't be as effective as Cheng Ran, at least it was effective.

It's just that it's easy to think about, but it's very troublesome to do. While Radiant Energy is dissolving toxins, the violent energy also caused a lot of damage to his body...

Shi Qingyang was trying to dissolve all the toxins, but Li Rong suddenly reached out and grabbed him and took him away from the chariot.

"You'd better be obedient. If I don't survive, your Cheng Ran will die with me right away."

Radiance hurt the internal organs while removing the toxins. Shi Qingyang felt a bitter taste in his mouth, he swallowed the saliva, and a smile appeared on his face: "I will cooperate."

Now they are leaving the city entrance. A person beside Li Rong has just finished negotiating with the city owner with the instructions of the city owner. The reason for leaving the city is to repair the optical fiber. The network will be up soon.”

"Your mobile fortress should be parked at the gate of the city. Now that the city is in danger, you will naturally lend it out to make it easier for us to repair the optical fiber." Li Rong said in a low voice, it is not suitable for him to drive a chariot this time. , it is not suitable to use other mobile fortresses, only this one of Shi Qingyang is the most suitable.

How to arrest people, how to get out of the city, and how to find Cheng Xuze, it seems that Li Rong has everything planned... Shi Qingyang nodded and did not resist.