Back to the Peak

Chapter 94: The meat of the queen


Before Li Rong was in the chariot, everyone was detained in two groups for safety reasons, but after he entered the mobile fortress, he chose the hall in the middle of the mobile fortress, and then divided Shi Qingyang and others into two groups. The three groups were placed in the corners, and someone was found to guard them.

More than 20 people guarded the six people whose limbs were weak after being injected with the medicine. It was not difficult, but even so, Li Rong was still worried, and specially took out two bombs and installed them in Shi Qingyang and Cheng respectively. on the body.

Cheng Hong doesn't look down on him, Wang Qing and Gu Changjin are subordinates, and Zheng Gaoyuan can be ignored... Now the most important ones are undoubtedly Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran.

After doing all this, he smiled and patted Shi Qingyang on the shoulder: "Shi Qingyang, you'd better cooperate with me obediently, otherwise no one will know what Cheng Ran will become."

Shi Qingyang didn't speak, closed his eyes, and just continued to run the radiation energy in his body at an extremely slow speed.

He is used to relying on himself for everything, so naturally he has to find a way to save himself at this time, and the top priority is to unlock the medicinal properties in his body, and then remove the bomb from his body.

At this time, he should be thankful that Li Rong chose to take the mobile fortress given to him by Cheng Xunze, and he also made some arrangements on this mobile fortress during this time.

Watching Li Rong's subordinates inspect the entire mobile fortress, and all the dangerous things were found, Shi Qingyang looked at one of the boxes, thoughtful.

"Boss, do you want to put bombs on other people?" a man beside Li Rong asked. As soon as he said the words, other people in combat uniforms stared at him.

"Two people are enough." Li Rong also saw the reaction of those people. Although the subordinate in front of him was loyal, the others who followed him were not necessarily.

These people would never have done such a dangerous thing if he hadn't had them in his hands. For things like bombs, it's enough to put one or two. If you put too many, once it explodes, the people who are in charge will not want to live. Even if he wants to let go, those people will not agree.

Moreover, people like Wang Qing and Gu Changjin, who knows if they have any special means? If they use their bombs in a suicide attack...

"Li Rong, what are you trying to do? You are breaking the law!" Cheng Hong was knocked unconscious by Li Rong without hesitation, and only then did he wake up with anger on his face.

"Cheng Hong, don't tell me you don't seem to have done anything illegal." Li Rong sneered. He knew Cheng Hong very well, and he knew a lot about what Cheng Hong had done. Speaking of which, he is nothing but a hypocrite.

"You..." Cheng Hong glared at Li Rong, and quickly glared at Shi Qingyang and Cheng Ran. Cheng Ran was his calamity. As long as he had a relationship with Cheng Ran, it would definitely be bad. Shi Qingyang, if Shi Qingyang hadn't caught him into the car, how could he have gotten to where he is now

Shi Qingyang only felt that the radiation energy in his body was rampant, but such a collision also made the toxins in his body disappear.

Although the toxins in his body are gone, he still leans softly on Zheng Gaoyuan, who is softer—now he and Zheng Gaoyuan are bound together, Wang Qing and Cheng Ran are bound together, Cheng Hong and Gu Changjin are bound together , are far away from each other.

Awakened by Cheng Hong's words, Shi Qingyang swallowed another mouthful of blood, and at the same time smelled a strong stench of blood - everyone else was fine, but Zheng Gaoyuan next to him was full of wounds, but it didn't look very good: "You... are you going to let Zheng Gaoyuan's blood drain?"

"Heal him." Li Rong glanced at Zheng Gaoyuan, who was lying panting: "Master Zheng is not cheap, but he can't be allowed to die."

"Yes." The people around Li Rong quickly helped Zheng Gaoyuan with medical equipment.

Shi Qingyang leaned aside and finally determined that Li Rong didn't want to kill them, which was undoubtedly a good thing.

And because Zheng Gaoyuan is too fat, although he seems to be seriously injured, it is actually a skin injury, which is also a good thing.

Of course, even if there is such a "good thing", he can't relax. Wang Qing and Gu Changjin are being taken care of, and can't be counted on now, let alone Zheng Gaoyuan and Cheng Hong, he and Cheng Ran are the only ones who can rely on him if he wants to do something.

"However, how do you feel? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Shi Qingyang looked at Cheng Ran, who had never said a word or moved... The last incident in the ant nest had already shown Cheng Ran. He was very calm at critical moments, and now Shi Qingyang naturally wouldn't feel that he didn't do anything.

In fact, Cheng Ran, who has no radiant energy in the eyes of others, really wants to do something in private, which is much easier than him.

"I'm fine." Cheng Ran smiled at Shi Qingyang and gave a reassuring expression.

"However, don't be afraid, do you have any research on bombs?" Shi Qingyang asked again.

"As long as the control chip on the bomb is destroyed with radiation energy, the bomb can be destroyed." Cheng Ran smiled again.

When the person guarding Cheng Ran saw this scene, he kicked Cheng Ran with a kick, and scolded with a smile, "What nonsense? Sure enough, he is someone who has no radiation energy, and such a thing can be imagined. Destroying a bomb with radiation energy? I'm afraid it will only increase the power of the bomb explosion!"

"What are you doing!" Shi Qingyang immediately looked at the man with anger on his face, but he was relieved a lot. He was afraid that Cheng Ran didn't know how to use the radiation energy to remove the medicine on his body, and he was afraid that Cheng Ran would not know how to deal with it. Cheng Ran knew all about the bomb on his body now.

"What am I doing? I'm teaching my turtle grandson!" The man laughed.

"Keep these people, don't cause trouble for yourself." Li Rong glanced at the person who was speaking, and that person knew what to do, so he stopped talking immediately.

Li Rong went out of the city by going out of the city to repair the optical fiber, but he actually chased after Cheng Xuze, because Cheng Xuze and others had already set off, and they also drove the mobile fort to the fastest speed.

The bumps caused by the high speed made people uncomfortable. Shi Qingyang closed his eyes and began to study various coping methods.

Anhang City is not close to the Yangtze River City, and there is even a big river in the middle. Even if there is a road left by a mobile fortress for a long time between the two, it takes 15 hours to drive on the road. Cheng Xuze and others went to the Yangtze River this time. The city, for the sake of safety, is riding a small mobile fortress, and the speed of advance is very slow.

"Mr. Cheng, are those people really going to stop us?" The judge of Changjiang City looked at Cheng Xuze with some doubts.

"As long as there are no accidents, it will definitely be." Cheng Xuze said, Li Rong is a sixth-level powerhouse, not the kind of powerhouse that has never been out of the city to fight. If he knew that Wang Qing took a witness to the Yangtze River City, Will definitely start.

You know, the news they released is because Li Rong's status is too high, so he has to bring witnesses to Changjiang City to file a case for trial...

The judge of Changjiang City saw Cheng Xuze's determined appearance, and finally calmed down and went back with a smile. Cheng Xuze stood in the protective cover of the mobile fortress and looked at the situation behind him through the protective cover. I deliberately slowed down the speed, but the people behind have not kept up...

Did Li Rong discover something, or was he too timid to follow

Time passed quickly. Cheng Xuze and his party set off in the morning, and in a blink of an eye, it was evening. They had already driven to the central area of Anhang City and Changjiang City, and even just passed the big river that separated the two cities.

At this moment, a chariot suddenly caught up behind them. Seeing the chariot, Cheng Xuze's first reaction was "here".

Soon, he felt that he had guessed wrong. Although there were very few chariots in this area, Li Rong would not have only one chariot when he came over.

When Cheng Xuze was in doubt, the chariot suddenly accelerated, passed their mobile fortress, and blocked the road.

The people on the mobile fortress had been waiting for a long time. At this time, all the weapons were taken out. Cheng Xuze's face was even more solemn. He was about to make a move, but suddenly saw Shi Qingyang walking down from the chariot.

How could it be Shi Qingyang

"Sir..." The judge of Changjiang City knew Shi Qingyang, and his face was naturally full of curiosity at this time.

"I'll go take a look." Cheng Xuze said, Shi Qingyang couldn't suddenly appear here, he had to go and have a look.

What's more, an eighth-level radiation fighter like him can only exert his maximum combat power in the wild.

As soon as Cheng Xuze left the mobile town, he saw clearly that Shi Qingyang was wearing a bomb, and guessed the reason. Suddenly, the radiation energy around him seemed to be under his control. In this piece, he is the king. The chariot in front of him, and the people in the chariot, even felt like he couldn't move, as if he would be crushed to pieces if he moved.

For a time, no one could even break this coercion.

Li Rong sat in the back seat of the car and hadn't gotten out of the car before. Feeling the pressure, he subconsciously wanted to resist, but almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, he could clearly feel the gap between himself and Cheng Xuze. If he didn't know Cheng Xuze's existence, he would come to kill...

Closing his eyes, Li Rong walked out of the car under pressure: "Cheng Xuze, you'd better not do anything to me. Once I have an accident, other people caught by me will die immediately."

As he spoke, he used his PDA to play a video that he had saved a long time ago. In the video, Cheng Ran, Cheng Hong, Gu Changjin, Wang Qing and others were all pointed at by guns.

"You are Li Rong? Before you threaten me, don't forget that this is in the wild. I am an eighth-level radiation warrior." Cheng Xuze snorted coldly, staring closely at the person in front of him.

"Are you sure you can catch me and all of us before the bomb explodes? It's not bad to have your son and grandson buried with us when we die." Li Rong narrowed his eyes under the mask: "Whether I was killed or not If I get caught, the people who follow me will kill the captives and then run for their lives. After all, they have all committed crimes, and once I die, the evidence will be completely exposed on the Internet."

The pressure brought by Cheng Xuze made the radiation energy in his body chaotic, but Li Rong laughed instead.

"What do you want?" Cheng Xuze glanced at Shi Qingyang. Shi Qingyang had a bomb on him. Because the remote control signal could not be transmitted in the wild, Li Rong was now pulling a thread between the two of them. , There is no doubt that once Li Rong broke the wire, the bomb on Shi Qingyang's body would explode immediately.

Shi Qingyang in front of him was in danger, not to mention Cheng Ran and others.

"I want you to kill Ao Zhi and the Yin family in front of me." Li Rong said immediately.

"What do you want to do?" Cheng Xuze was surprised.

"You drove me to a dead end, but I don't want to live outside the city..." Li Rong put the thread connected to Shi Qingyang around his finger a few times: "When you kill people, I will videotape, if If you target me again in the future, I am afraid this thing will appear on the Internet."

Cheng Xuze's face changed, and he immediately understood Li Rong's plan.

Whether it was Ao Zhi or the Yin family, they were all witnesses to the mobile town incident. If Li Rong had a video of him killing these people, he could naturally threaten him because he had no way of explaining to the public why he was To kill those witnesses - even if the public does not think he is the mastermind behind the scenes, they will definitely suspect Cheng Hui or Cheng Hong.

At the same time, there are no witnesses who can testify against Li Rong, so Li Rong can naturally return to the city innocently. Even if they tell the truth, Li Rong can also say that they are framed.

After the video of him killing those witnesses fell into Li Rong's hands, he might have to help Li Rong cover up what Li Rong had done.

The original plan to lure the snake out of the hole was actually bitten by a snake...

Li Rong looked at Cheng Xuze's face and was even more happy: "You can now go back to the mobile fortress and follow me with all the witnesses. If you kill someone in the distance, I will only give you half an hour." He and Cheng Xuze are standing now The location is not close to the mobile fortress behind. The person who moved the fortress can record the video, but the sound is absolutely inaudible.

In fact, what if you hear it? He changed his voice, and the mask on his face only exposed his eyes. Cheng Xuze could guess that he was Li Rong, but he couldn't prove to others that he was Li Rong.

Cheng Xuze originally planned to delay the time, but at this time he also knew that it would not work. He glanced at Shi Qingyang and gritted his teeth: "Okay, I will kill!" Those of the Yin family who are not deeply involved in the mobile town, this time They didn't bring them with them. For example, Yin Tiancheng couldn't be a witness because he was young and had never been to the mobile town. In the end, he stayed in Anhang City, waiting to be sent back to Starfire City to serve.

This time, there is no innocent one. Even if he wants to kill, he will not have a psychological burden, but after he does so...

Li Rong smiled proudly.

When Li Rong brought Shi Qingyang back to the mobile fortress, he was full of pride. As soon as he got there, he pushed Shi Qingyang aside, then turned on the handheld computer in his hand and released the previous video.

In the video, Cheng Xuze killed several people with the eight-level combat skills that everyone knows. This video has not been edited. Only the eighth-level radiation warriors can use the eight-level combat skills. .

"Li Rong, what do you have in mind?" Cheng Hong looked at this scene in horror.

"Cheng Hong, you said that if this video is released, will others think that the person behind the mobile town is you?"

The fear on Cheng Hong's face deepened.

Shi Qingyang took a deep breath and calmed down his mind. His body was almost in good shape. If he hadn't been afraid that Li Rong would find out, he could destroy the bomb placed on his body at any time, but these people in front of him, But not easy to deal with.

Today is his wedding day. It was supposed to be a wedding night that was worth looking forward to. He even bought candles on the recommendation of others and planned to do something under the candlelight, but now everything is in vain.

Li Rong didn't intend to kill them. In fact, in the current situation, it was no problem for them to return to the city in peace, but being forced to this extent was really unacceptable.

Moreover, if they really want to go back like this, Li Rong will probably use this video to threaten them again and again in the future.

Shi Qingyang closed his eyes, and suddenly opened them again, he poked Zheng Gaoyuan beside him, and looked at Cheng Ran: "Of course, do you have any discomfort, are you hungry or cold? "

Shi Qingyang was asking about Cheng Ran, but Zheng Gaoyuan, who was paralyzed beside him, suddenly opened his eyes after hearing the words "Hungry or not": "I'm hungry, I'm dying of hunger, you arrest me. You can't help but give people something to eat, right?"

Shi Qingyang had long noticed that the people in front of them had not eaten for a long time. In contrast, they had eaten a lot of barbecued meat before they came. Although they were hungry now, they were not hungry.

Li Rong had already made a few copies of the filmed video for his confidants to keep. At this time, he felt hungry when he heard Zheng Gaoyuan shouting.

Today, his nerves have been tense all day, he has not eaten anything, and the radiation fighters can't bear hunger more than ordinary people...

"Go to the kitchen and see what's there to eat." Li Rong looked at his subordinates, he was in a hurry to return to the city, and naturally he couldn't delay hunting at this time.

"There are only some vegetables and potatoes in the kitchen." Li Rong's subordinate said, "But boss, we found a frozen prey in Shi Qingyang's room before."

"In the room?" Li Rong frowned.

"Boss, Shi Qingyang probably has a hobby of collecting food. He has been in the city before, but we found a lot of food and water from him." The man said again.

Li Rong also knew about Shi Qingyang's body, "Then cook all the meat."

"Okay!" Li Rong's subordinate said, and opened the box that had been dragged out earlier. Inside that box was the queen ant that had already been eaten half of it.

After Shi Qingyang arrived in Anhang City, he brought all the ant eggs into the city, and finally rented a cold room for storage. few.

He didn't want to use the things there for the time being. For the sake of convenience, he kept half of the corpse of the huge queen on the mobile fortress, intending to find an opportunity to anonymously send it to research institutes other than the Feng family.

He deliberately mentioned that he was hungry. In fact, he wished that these people would eat the meat of this queen. Although this meat is very magical, after eating it, it will cause pain all over the body...

He couldn't act because of the pain, so Li Rong and others naturally wouldn't be surprised... It's totally fine to treat them as free experiment subjects.

"Wait." Li Rong suddenly stopped his subordinates. He was always cautious. Although there was no problem with the meat, he didn't dare to move it. In the mouth of Zheng Gaoyuan who was shouting hungry.

It is natural to find the weakest person to try poison. Cheng Ran is that ordinary people may have problems eating raw meat, but Zheng Gaoyuan will be fine.

"Do you know who I am? You actually gave me raw meat! You bastards!" When he was not careful, the meat slipped into Zheng Gaoyuan's throat, and he immediately cried out, full of anger.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about him, Li Rong's subordinates dug out the remaining meat from the queen's body and sent it to the kitchen.

The smell was already coming from the kitchen, but Zheng Gaoyuan continued to cry and scold. It looked the same as usual, but Shi Qingyang, who was beside him, could feel his whole body shaking.

Not only that, but Zheng Gaoyuan's body also oozes out some blood beads just like he did at the beginning. If it wasn't for Zheng Gaoyuan's body was covered in blood, and his face was a mixture of blood and tears, I'm afraid people would have seen something wrong long ago. .

Under such circumstances, Zheng Gaoyuan was able to endure it, and Shi Qingyang suddenly had a feeling of admiration for him.