Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 108: Open the coconut snail again


Seeing that he was so happy that he almost killed the fish, I quickly reminded him, "This fish looks alive, you should get a bucket of sea water to feed it. It's more valuable when it's alive."

Ye Yaopeng suddenly realized and came back to his senses from his excitement, "Yes, yes, you are right, I was so happy that I almost forgot about it."

Seeing that the fish had been caught and away from him for so long and was already dying, he quickly put it into the shallow pool under the reef, then poured out the contents of the bucket at his feet and asked Ye Yaodong to go and get him a bucket of sea water.

"Hurry up, I'll wait here."


After handing the sack to his wife, he took the bucket, took off his shoes and ran towards the tide not far away. As soon as he filled the bucket with sea water, he saw a coconut snail rolling with the tide in the sea. Delighted, he threw the bucket aside, rolled up his trouser legs and went into the water.

As soon as the sea water reached his calves, he picked up the coconut snail. Compared with the one at home, it seemed a little smaller, but this was not the standard for measuring whether there were Melo Pearls.

He happily took it ashore, and he didn't expect that he missed the grouper but unexpectedly picked up a coconut snail.

After giving the bucket to his eldest brother, he pulled his wife out of the crowd. In just a short while, it seemed that everyone on the beach came to see the grouper.

"What are you doing? Why are you in such a hurry? I haven't finished watching, and your brother hasn't put the fish into the bucket yet."

"Look what this is?" He showed her the coconut snail hidden in his trouser pocket, and she was indeed surprised.

"Ah! Coconut snails!"

"Well, put it in the sack, and I'll go back and borrow a scale to open it later."

Lin Xiuqing nodded happily like a chicken pecking at rice, and reluctantly threw it into the sack, "Let's go back now. I see more and more people here, and there's nothing to pick up."


Having missed the chance to catch the grouper, he was completely dejected and decided to go back early and open a few top-quality snails.

"Let's sell the blue crabs first, so we don't have to take them back and if they get bitten by mosquitoes, they'll die and be worthless."

In order to take a shortcut to the pier, they simply crossed the beach and picked up a lot of shiny big clams along the way.

We walked through a mudflat area and picked up a lot of large sea clams. The clams were very large, some as big as a woman's fist.

They simply fetched a bucket of sea water to raise them. Seeing that Ye Ersao had picked up quite a few clams just now, the others must have picked up a lot as well. They would definitely be enough to eat for two days, so they had to raise them.

Unexpectedly, after crossing a beach, the bucket of sea water that they had just drawn was filled with large clams and sea mussels that they had picked up temporarily. They also threw a few stone crabs and stone crabs into the sack.

"The bucket is full of clams and is almost overflowing with sea water. Stop moving it around. Just stand by the shore and watch. I'll bring the blue crab over to Ah Cai."


In addition to an extra-large conch, two imperial crown conches and a coconut snail, the only valuable thing they harvested today was a blue crab.

Ye Yaodong took out the super-large conch and blue crab and walked towards Acai. The imperial crown conch and coconut snail had a chance of producing pearls, but the giant conch would never produce pearls no matter how big it grew.

Because of its well-developed salivary glands, it secretes proteolytic enzymes.

This conch is quite big, so Ah Cai generously bought it at 1 yuan per pound. I sold it for 3.9 yuan. Together with the blue crab, I made 5 yuan today, which is pretty good.

With money coming in, Ye Yaodong felt better. He asked his wife to keep the list, hung the sack on his shoulder and carried the bucket in one hand.

Lin Xiuqing followed behind and wanted to help him carry the bucket of water, but he refused.

"It's very heavy. You can't lift it."

"You said it's very heavy. I'll help you share it. We can carry it together. It's not close to walk back from here." She grabbed the handle of the bucket without saying a word.

Ye Yaodong raised the corner of his mouth, with a deep and gentle smile in his eyes. He moved his hand to the side and lifted it with her.

It's really heavy...

When they got home, only the old lady and her two sons were at home. Everyone else had gone to the beach and the children had gone to school.

When the two sons saw them, they happily rushed over, one in front and one behind, hugging their legs, and the water in the bucket spilled out.

"Go away, go away, don't get in the way here."

"No, I want a hug! Mom, a hug!"

"I want a hug from my mother, too!" Seeing this, Ye Chengyang stopped hugging his father's legs and squeezed closer to his mother to win her favor.

Ye Yaodong breathed a sigh of relief and quickly carried the bucket into the house.

Lin Xiuqing hugged one and followed another in, "Let's open all the snails while no one is here."

He was also impatient, "Well, open the coconut first."

They still used the old method. On the way back, they passed by a convenience store, borrowed a scale, and directly hooked the meat on the head of the coconut snail.

The old lady also came over curiously and said, "Did you pick up coconut snails today? Someone in our village also opened a Melo Pearl several decades ago, but it was later bought by a landlord at a low price."

"Ah? Then it was confiscated in the end?"

"Yes, the Doudizhu were all taken away more than ten or twenty years ago, and no one knows where they ended up."

"What a pity for that big baby..."

After chatting with the old lady about things that happened more than ten years ago, the coconut snail shell fell off and landed on the ground in full view of everyone.

She picked it up with anticipation, looked inside the shell, and the smile on her face instantly fell.


"Well, nothing!" she said disappointedly.

The old lady smiled and said, "Don't be disappointed. It's normal that there are none. Some people in the village have picked up a few over the years, but no one has ever opened a Melo Pearl. This thing is very rare. I heard that you may not be able to open one among thousands of them."

"Yeah, the probability of getting it right is too low, and I didn't hold out much hope."

Ye Yaodong smiled and said, they already have one, so if they don’t have this one, then forget it.

He hadn't originally thought that he could open another one, but since he had picked it up, he couldn't not give it a try

What if

Last time it was that ‘what if’!

I don’t have any now, so I might as well leave some to slice and stir-fry, or I can stir-fry a big bowl of it with the imperial crown conch!

His eyes also shifted to the two crown snails. He had only seen them but never eaten them. Suck it~

"Just boil these two and pick out the meat after they are cooked. Otherwise, it would be a waste to smash the shells."

"Well, I like these two shells, so I'll just collect them."

While she was boiling water to cook snails, Ye Yaodong had nothing else to do so he took the scale back to return it.

On the way back, he happened to run into his elder brother and his second brother. He asked curiously, "How much did that grouper weigh? How much did it sell for?"

Ye Yaopeng said happily: "Six or eight dollars a pound! He said it's more rare than sea bass."

Ye Yaodong pursed his lips, thinking that the local rich man was too cunning and his elder brother was too honest.

"Let's go back and open the conches. Didn't my second sister-in-law pick up two? Ah Qing is already boiling water. Let's open them together and see."

"Okay, okay..." Mrs. Ye quickened her pace.

Ps: The order of the chapters is wrong, 107 is published first, and 106 is published later. I will contact the editor to correct it immediately, but he may be on vacation. You can wait until tomorrow to read it, or adjust the order of reading by yourself.

I'm so sorry!