Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 27: A nest of snow clams!


In just a short while, Ye Yaodong found five stone crabs, six or seven sword shrimps, and a few jumping fish. The best catch was the big nine-segment shrimp.

He continued to wander around in the shallow waters. "Ah, snow clams. Damn, there's another nest!"

There were very few people with myopia in that era, and he couldn't read, so his eyesight was very good. He saw from a distance that there were several snow clams with their mouths open and tentacles exposed on the surface of the sand. He quickly trotted forward two steps.

“It really is a nest!”

"What nest?" Xiaoxiao, who was not far from him, heard his excited voice and turned around to ask.

"Snow clams, I found a nest of snow clams. They are playing with their mouths open and their tentacles showing." Ye Yaodong squatted down and picked one up. As soon as he took it in his hand, its mouth closed tightly.

He weighed it and grinned happily, "It's quite big. What a good harvest! What a good harvest!"

With a sound of winter, he threw it into the bucket!

Xiaoxiao ran over curiously and took a look. "Fuck, how lucky are you? You picked up such a big snow clam, and a whole nest of it..."

Ah Zheng also ran over and took a look. "What the hell is your luck? You picked up so many stone crabs in the bucket? Look at mine, two sword shrimps, two jumping fish, nothing else!"

"Me too! I got even less, so I only picked up two jumping fish." Chen Wei was far away, but he also raised his bucket and shook it twice.

"You are just unlucky!" Ye Yaodong happily picked up the blood clams gathered together and threw them into the bucket.

Listening to the sound of Dong Dong Dong, everyone was envious and jealous.

"How many are there in this nest? They are all very big. They will taste so good!"

He shook the bucket and estimated it with his eyes. Based on the size of the pieces, they definitely weighed more than a pound. "I forgot to count them, but there seemed to be about 18 or 19 of them, some weighing more than a pound."

"What a shit luck! Go away, come and search this area for me. If you go somewhere else, my bucket is still empty. Do you have the nerve to do that?" Ah Guang waved his long hook in envy and jealousy, trying to drive him aside, ready to occupy the area he was looking for.

Ye Yaodong was forced to move aside a few steps. "Hahaha, I was wondering why you were silent the whole time? It turns out that the bucket is empty and you don't have the courage to speak!"

"Get lost! I'll take care of this place. Go find it somewhere else. Let me change your luck!"

"I think you have bad luck because your father gave you a bad name, Pei Guang, which means losing everything. Doesn't that mean you have nothing and everything goes wrong? Don't you think you always lose a lot when playing cards? You only won yesterday, which was a rare occasion. And over the years, you haven't been very successful in other things either."

He was quite serious about what he said. Ah Guang's luck had never been very good. After he went to Zhoushan, they occasionally talked on the phone, and all he heard was that he was losing money in everything he did!

It was not until he was in his forties that someone reminded him to change his name to see if it would improve his luck.

Unexpectedly, after changing his name, everything he did went smoothly. Within a few years, he had paid off his foreign debts and was able to buy a house for his son to get married.

Ye Yaodong felt that he needed to remind A Guang that it was better to believe it than not to believe it, as the country people of their generation have always been quite superstitious.

A Guang touched his chin and said, "I also think my name is not very good!"

"How about you ask your dad to change your name to Awang? Hahahaha~"

"Haha~ This is fine, this name is good~"

"That won't work. If I call him Awang, he will win every day when playing cards. That will be terrible! I will lose all my money."

"Right, right, right, we can't call him Awang. It's not good to be too prosperous. He will win all the money. Change him, change him. He can't be too prosperous!"

Everyone laughed and teased him one after another.

"Get out of here and do your job!" A Guang looked at this bunch of bad friends with contempt.

"Or you can change your name to Pei Shun! May everything go well and good luck!" Ye Yaodong walked happily to the area in front of A Guang and looked for that area. In his previous life, his name was Pei Shun.

"Hey, Pei Shun is okay, it's a nice name and has a good meaning!" A Guang was somewhat tempted.

"The science of naming is indeed very mysterious. I heard that it is related to a person's fate, luck, future and so on. Don't fortune tellers calculate the birth date and time of a child based on the Yi Xiang Bagua? I have a copy of the Zhou Yi at home. Do you want me to give it to you to study when you go back? It's better to believe it than not to believe it."

Ah Guang looked at Ah Zheng in surprise, "What is the Zhouyi? You still have it? Are you planning to teach yourself and become a charlatan?"

"Tsk, I found that by accident at home. There's also a book of acupuncture secrets. It might be something my ancestors left behind! Do you want to practice it? It's something passed down from my ancestors. Maybe you can even become a martial arts master!"

"Damn, it turns out that your ancestors may not only be charlatans, but also heroes. They may even have acupuncture secrets. Do you have the Sunflower Manual? The Sword Manual of Exorcism?"

"Do you want to practice? I can write it down for you. If you want to practice this skill, you must castrate yourself first. I don't mind helping you! How about a chopping knife? A blunt one will allow your bird to stay longer."

"Have you castrated yourself? That's why you haven't married yet. Damn it, you're the only son your father has. You're too cruel~ You don't even want his little bird~"

"What little bird? You are the one who castrated yourself! Mine is a big bird!"

While they were making fun of each other, Ye Yaodong was surprised to find a fish with black and gray spots on its tail under a large rock next to him. He quickly interrupted them and said, "Fuck, come and take a look under this large rock. Is this fish with its tail exposed a grouper?"

"Where? Where is it?" Ah Guang ran over excitedly and lay down to look under the big rock. "Damn, it's a tiger banderilla. I just walked around this rock, but why didn't I see it?"

"I told you, you're unlucky. Make way, I'll poke it with the tongs and see if I can get it to swim out. It's impossible to catch it under the diamond head." Ye Yaodong was very excited. It was a grouper! This was a big fish!

Others gathered around and couldn't help complaining, "How come you always come across such good stuff? Guang just walked around here for a long time and didn't see anything!"

"Maybe my luck has turned?"

Or is it that everything turns to its opposite? If you are unlucky, you can fall into the sea and die while peeing, and then you will be reborn, and your bad luck will be gone, and you will be full of good luck

A Wei patted A Guang on the shoulder and said, "Wait until your father comes back and change your name!"

Ah Guang was also very depressed. He had just walked around under the big rock and thought there should be something there, but he didn't see any fish running out. When he heard Dongzi say that there was a nest of snow clams over there, he ran over happily.

My luck is so bad. I have been walking around here for a long time and didn’t see anything. As soon as Dongzi came over, he immediately found a grouper. It’s really fucked up!