Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 31: Sweet potato vermicelli


When Lin Xiuqing came back and heard the noise at the back door, she hurried out. She was really worried about her husband who was so unreliable.

As soon as I came out the back door, I saw his miserable appearance. I was afraid that he would get angry and beat my nephew, so I quickly said, "Let me wash my son, you go wash yours."

"You're finally back, I was almost killed!" Ye Yaodong stood up depressedly, took off his shirt and used it to wipe his dripping hair.

Seeing that he didn't get angry, Lin Xiuqing felt relieved.

"Mom is already cooking noodles. You can eat them after you take a shower and come out."

"Got it. I'll wash my hair first. Those of you who have finished washing, please get out of here and free up a basin for me."

Several children came into the house naked, laughing and shoving each other, leaving only the youngest, Ye Chengyang, sitting in the washbasin. He stood up immediately in a hurry.


"You little idiot, you keep calling me brother all the time, hurry up and take a shower so you can go in too."

Ye Yaodong did not use hot water. He directly fetched a bucket of well water, poured it into the basin, took off his clothes except for his shorts, and then poured the water over himself one scoop at a time.

After two days of sunbathing at the beach, his face and neck were obviously darker than his body. However, compared with his older brothers, he was still very white.

His two sons are also very white, but they got tanned when they grew up. In fact, no one in his family is ugly, they are just short...

This is also a shortcoming of most southerners!

In fact, it was because of his poor family conditions and lack of nutrition. He was able to grow to a height of 1.8 meters thanks to his grandmother's preference for him. From childhood to adulthood, he had never eaten less eggs. Whenever the family killed a chicken, there was always a chicken leg for him.

In the past, the team still had sheep herding. When he was little, his grandma would secretly squeeze a bowl of goat's milk and boil it with tea leaves for him to drink. His brothers and cousins were all grown up by then, so they could only watch. His younger sister was drinking breast milk, so he could occasionally taste it.

Because of this, he also had a genetic mutation and grew up to be the tallest in his family and the tallest among his friends.

Nowadays, in their countryside, it is rare to find someone who is 1.8 meters tall.

After most of the day, apart from a little sweat, he was not dirty, so he didn't use soap, just showered casually, went into the house to get a towel to wipe himself, then took off his shorts and went to the closet to find his clothes and pants.

But when he opened the closet, he remembered that he only had one set of summer clothes, which were probably still hanging outside and not brought in.


The door was pushed open at once. He ran to the bedside in panic and wrapped his lower body with the bed sheet. "I thought it was someone else. Why didn't you knock?"

"Dad~shame on you~shame on you~"

"Get lost! You are so naked yourself, how dare you laugh at me!"

Lin Xiuqing glanced at the shorts thrown on the stool and said, "I am going to my room. Why should I knock on the door? I am standing there naked without any pants on. I am not embarrassed at all."

"I was just about to look for it when you came in. Didn't you say there were only two sets? They were both drying outside, so what should I wear? Besides, it's not like you haven't seen them before, so why should I be embarrassed?" Ye Yaodong came up to her and winked at her with a wicked smile.

"Don't talk nonsense. There are only two pieces of clothes, but four pairs of shorts. They are not in the closet, but in the drawer." She pushed him away angrily, put the child on the bed, and went to the drawer to get him shorts, throwing them into his arms, "Hurry up and put them on. I'll go outside to buy you some clothes and pants."

"Your ears are red, you thought I didn't see it. You've been married for several years, why are you shy?"

"Shameless..." Lin Xiuqing turned around and glared at him before closing the door.

He happily walked to the side of the bunk bed with his shorts in his hand. Just as he was about to change, he saw his youngest son lying on the fence of the bunk bed, looking at him.

"What are you looking at? When you grow up, you will have the capital of your father."

After saying that, he lifted up the mosquito net and threw the bed sheet directly onto Ye Chengyang's head, covering his entire body.

"Ahahaha~ Dad~"


There was a sound of his head hitting the bed, followed by a loud cry. Ye Yaodong quickly put on his shorts and stretched his head over, "This idiot!"

Lin Xiuqing also came in with clothes at this time, "Why are you crying again?"

She took a few quick steps and saw that her youngest son was wrapped in the bed sheet, kicking and pulling, unable to get out and calling for his mother. She glanced at Ye Yaodong in annoyance.

"You are so old, why are you still bullying him? Mom has already cooked the noodles, hurry up and get dressed and go out to eat."

Ye Yaodong touched his nose. He just threw it casually and was just joking with his youngest son.

Listening to her coaxing the child, he quickly put on his clothes as he was starving.

For lunch, we had sweet potato vermicelli. The sweet potatoes grown at home were ground into pulp and then made into sweet potato starch for storage. When we wanted to eat it, we scooped out two bowls of it, added water and stirred it evenly. Then we took a small amount and rolled it in the pot like a pancake. After both sides were cooked, we took it out and cut it into strips. We repeated this process many times.

Add some side dishes and the clams dug yesterday and cook them into noodle soup. It’s so delicious.

Ye Yaodong ate a big bowl of it by himself. This thing only requires sweet potatoes and labor, and can be made at home without spending any money. His family grows a lot of sweet potatoes every year and makes a lot of sweet potato starch, so he can have it whenever he wants.

When he finished eating, Ye's mother was still spreading the vermicelli. There was nothing she could do as there were too many people in the family.

"I'm leaving, so you don't have to cook my meal at night."

"You don't even have time to rest for a while, and you want to pat your butt and leave after eating. Do you still think you are a child? Haven't you grown up yet?"

"Haven't I worked most of the day? You don't have anything to do now, right? I'll be back early in the evening, don't lock the door, mom."

He wanted to run away, but Ye's mother stopped him, "Wait, when we came back, we saw the wind was picking up, and the waves on the sea were a bit big. Your father and the others will probably be back soon. Don't run around. Go to the dock in another hour to help pick up the goods."

Mother Ye only thought of asking him to go out and help because she saw that he had been more diligent in the past two days.

"Where's Ahua?" He was still thinking that after he finished his housework, he could go and reconnect with his friends.

"The old lady said he had noodles at noon, sprinkled the ash on the vegetable garden in the backyard, and went to work in the fields. He shouldn't be back so soon. Do you think everyone is like you, idle all day long?"

"Ah, stop scolding me, don't scold me. I've been working hard with you guys today, haven't I? In another hour, I'll go to the dock and help pick up the goods."

"Remember, if you don't go, don't come back at night."

"Don't worry, I'll remember it."

If he doesn't come back, he will have plenty of places to sleep, but he will definitely go to help. He caught a big yellow croaker yesterday, and who knows what he will catch today

It was too long ago, and without any special goods, he couldn't remember it clearly.

If possible, he also wants to have his own boat, so that he can make a living by living on the land and the sea.