Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 66: Tease your wife


As soon as Ye Yaodong got home, he took a quick shower and then went back to his room to educate his two children.

"Boss, you don't know how to swim, do you want to learn?"

"I think, Dad, Brother Hai can swim, I want to learn how to swim too!"

The other Ye Chengyang was also jumping up and down on the bed, shouting, "I want one, too!"

"Do you want to eat your ass? If you collapse the bed, I'll beat you up." Ye Yaodong glared at the little guy and said to his eldest son, "That kid just drowned. Are you scared when you saw it?"

Ye Chenghu shrank his neck, and recalled the scene on the beach just now. He hesitated and said, "Dad, if I learn to swim, will I not drown?"

"Unless you fall into the deep sea, no one finds you, you are exhausted, and there is no driftwood to support you, otherwise you will not drown under normal circumstances."

"I am afraid… "

"What are you afraid of as a boy? I will teach you and nothing will happen to you."

He was also afraid that the children would be naughty, so he ran to the beach to teach himself. Although he didn't know how the two children learned to swim in the previous life, who knows if their trajectory will change. After all, the child was rescued by him today.

With him teaching, he can feel more at ease.

"Yes, let your father teach you how to swim. You are not allowed to go to the beach with your brothers and sisters and learn on your own."

Lin Xiuqing also nodded vigorously. Just now on the beach, she was also very worried, afraid that it was her child who drowned. People who live by the sea basically work in the sea, so they must know how to swim.

"Until you learn how to swim, no one of you is allowed to go into the water without an adult by your side. If I find out, I'll break your legs."

Ye Chenghu shrank back and said weakly, "I know, Dad."

"Wait and see if there are any sailing tomorrow? If not, I'll take you to learn tomorrow. Okay, let's go and have fun."

Free now, Ye Chenghu excitedly jumped off the bed, and Ye Chengyang followed suit, almost scaring Lin Xiuqing, who quickly caught him.

"You idiot, what is your brother doing? What are you doing too? Is this something you can do? Ye Chenghu, come here. You are not setting a good example as a brother..."

Knowing that his mother was cursing, only a fool would go over. Ye Chenghu just slipped away without looking back, leaving Ye Chengyang there screaming, "Wait for me..."

Lin Xiuqing was so angry that she hit her youngest son twice before letting him go.

The boy was also strong and didn't cry or make a fuss. Although he was a little kid, he just ran away.

She then looked at Ye Yaodong and said, "Teach me the moves you just did at the beach!"

"You want to learn?"

"Just in case. Living by the sea all day, there's no guarantee that it won't come in handy."

"Okay, then lie down and I'll show you."


At the beginning, Ye Yaodong earnestly told her how to perform first aid and how to place hands for compression. She listened carefully, but she changed her mind after a while.

"Where are your hands?"

"Isn't he teaching you?"

"Go away, are you teaching me? Is this the position? You are clearly rubbing..." Lin Xiuqing lowered her voice, fearing that she would be heard.

"Don't move. We have to keep giving first aid for half an hour. We can only give up if there is no sign of life..."

"Save your life, go away, I have to help mom cook..." She was almost pinned down by him, yet he still had the nerve to speak nonsense in a serious manner.

"There are the eldest sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law!"

"They went to the dock to sell their goods..."

"I helped you earn 40 yuan today. Don't you want to show your appreciation?"

Lin Xiuqing put her hands on his shoulders and gave him a fierce look, "Didn't I find it?"

"Then I contributed too! And I caught the blue crabs and the bass, too!"

So annoying!

Ye Yaodong looked at her with eyes wide open with a smile, then turned his head, put his side face in front of her, and urged: "Hurry up, show your gratitude and I'll let you go out to cook, otherwise the two sons will run in and see you and start to make a fuss again!"

His wife, why not tease her? Seeing her lively and expressive face, he was also very happy.

How could Lin Xiuqing let him succeed

She simply placed her palm on his face, pressing it hard against the pillow beside her, then turned over and rode on top of him.

He groaned, pinched her waist to prevent her from escaping, and whispered: "So you like this..."

Lin Xiuqing's cheeks turned red, she spat at him, quickly got up from the ground, casually combed her hair with her five fingers, and ran out.

Ye Yaodong, on the other hand, crossed his legs leisurely, put his hands behind his head and hummed a song. If he hadn't intended to let her go, how could he have let her run away

His father had gone to the safe harbor to sail a boat, and he didn't know whether he would go out to sea tonight, so he planned to close his eyes and rest.

As a result, he was woken up by his wife just as he fell asleep, "Your friends are here to see you."

He muttered sleepily, "How could you bear to call me? Didn't you even want to say I wasn't home before?"

Lin Xiuqing said unhappily: "Then I will just tell them that you are not at home."

If it weren't for the fact that his friends had done some serious work during this period and had gone over to the house from time to time to help with the work, she would not have come to call him and would have told them directly that he was not there!

Ye Yaodong pulled her and said, "No, I'm getting up. I'm going to go see if they have anything to do with me to make money."

"Come on, you guys just play cards and eat and drink together, how can you make money?"

"Who said there's nothing? I gave you almost 400 yuan a few days ago. Forgot? Maybe there's something good going on?"

"That was luck. I just happened to run into it when I was out at sea."

"That's also a fortune, isn't it?"

Lin Xiuqing didn't argue with him. It wasn't long before dinner time anyway, and he didn't have any money in his pocket. "Come back early to eat."


He fastened his belt and ran out in a hurry. His mother was nagging behind him, "It's already 4 o'clock. We should have dinner later. Why are you still not quiet? Why are you running out..."

At the door, A Guang, Xiao Xiao and the others were waiting there, neither standing nor sitting properly.

"What do you want from me? I'm sleeping."

Ah Guang touched his chin and walked around him, leaving him a little confused.

"What are you doing?"

"We heard that you showed your prowess this afternoon and saved Secretary Chen's grandson, so we came to pay our respects to you."

"It's for a fee, two cents for one look!"

"Bah, I thought I was a star!"

Xiao Xiao smiled and said, "Let's go, it's already 4 o'clock, don't waste time."

Ye Yaodong was dragged away for no apparent reason. "You guys haven't told me where you're going yet?"

"Would you like to go fishing for eels?"

"You're crazy. It rained heavily two days ago during the typhoon. The water level in the fields and ditches has risen. I can't even see the hole when fishing with wool!"

Isn't it a waste of time to go there? You might as well sleep at home, you idiots!