Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 715: Tell the 胞輝


Lin Xiuqing was also very suspicious. Seeing the mysterious looks on the father and son's faces, it seemed that it was not as simple as cleaning the bottom of the boat. Otherwise, what was there to hide

Besides, who would stay up all night to clean up? Why would they be in such a hurry

However, seeing that neither of them were going to bring it up and seemed to be avoiding the question, it would be pointless to ask at this time. When Ye's mother asked, she was just passed the buck.

She thought about it and swallowed her words back. She decided to ask again later when she returned home.

The adults were talking back and forth, which was a good thing for Ye Chenghu.

While the adults were talking excitedly, he quietly sat back in his seat, holding the spoon and carefully picking up the rice in the bowl, trying not to make any noise and taking as little food as possible to avoid attracting attention.

While the adults were talking, he would take the initiative to eat a few more bites. It would be best if he finished his meal before they finished talking.

The old lady looked at him with a smile, and he kept his index finger close to his mouth, reminding her not to make any sound so that he could eat his meal safely.

Otherwise, he doesn’t know what’s waiting for him later

Everyone actually saw it, but they just pretended not to know and ignored it.

After Ye Chenghu finished his meal quickly, he tiptoed down from the table and returned to his room. It was not until Ye Chenghai from next door came over and called him to go to school that he quickly put on his schoolbag and ran out.

Afraid that his mother would remember it again, he just wanted to use the stomachache as an excuse to ask for leave.

In fact, they didn't go to school immediately. They had just finished their meal and it was still early for school. They just went to the Mazu Temple to join in the fun.

Lin Xiuqing was too lazy to care about him and turned a blind eye to it, pretending not to see it.

Anyway, I just need to go to school obediently on time. I usually go out early and I don’t know what time I will arrive at school.

Let Adong go to the Tianhou Temple later. If he doesn’t go there by the time, he will really get a beating.

The Mazu Temple and the Tianhou Palace are just named differently, there is no difference between them. The new temple is larger, so the plaque is engraved with Tianhou Palace, but they are used to calling it the Mazu Temple, and occasionally they will call it the two names alternately.

After dinner, Ye Yaodong strolled to the door and took a look at the bustling Tianhou Temple in the distance. Even from a long distance away, he could see the bustling crowds coming and going.

They had just finished their meal and there were already so many people. When the opera is about to start, it will probably be even more crowded. By then, people from the surrounding villages will probably fill up the Mazu temple. He will have to send the old lady there early.

"Adong, come in for a moment!"


Here it comes, his wife’s questioning is finally coming.

As soon as Ye Yaodong entered the room, he saw her taking off her apron and immediately helped her.

"Go back to the house. I have something to ask you."


The couple went into the house one after another, leaving Ye Xiaoxi alone at the door listening to the radio with the old lady, waiting for them to finish their conversation and go to the Tianhou Temple.

Lin Xiuqing walked behind and closed the door.

"What on earth were you and Dad doing last night? You didn't come back all night and didn't come back until the early morning."

"Hey, guess what?"

She looked him up and down, "Did you do something bad with Dad? You don't even dare to say it. Tell me now, don't keep me in suspense. After that, let's go to the Tianhou Temple to watch a play together."

"I'm afraid that if I tell you, you won't be in the mood to watch the show. How about I tell you when we go to bed at night? Let's go to the show at noon, and there will be another show in the evening. I'll tell you in detail after you come back after watching it."

"It would be fine if you didn't say that. Once you said that, I really didn't want to watch the show anymore. I just wanted to know first."

Ye Yaodong touched his nose, thought about it, and felt that it would be better to tell her honestly. She was not his mother and would be tight-lipped. He had to tell her that there was a new boat in the house, otherwise he would not be able to explain where the boat came from.

"I picked up a boat from Luzhou Island yesterday evening!"

"Ah? What!"

Lin Xiuqing opened her eyes wide and her mouth opened wide, looking at him in disbelief.

"What were you talking about? Wait, are you serious? You picked up a boat? Can you pick up this boat? No, no, how did you pick up the boat? Can you pick up the boat on Luzhou Island?"

She was so frightened that she was incoherent, and a series of questions popped up in her mind all at once.

How could he find this fishing boat? And it was from Luzhou Island

Are you kidding? Are you teasing her

"Nonsense, why would I lie to you?"

She covered her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from making any sound of surprise. After a while, she whispered in disbelief, "Are you serious? You really picked up a boat from Luzhou Island? No way, is it possible to pick it up?"

"Is it a fishing boat floating on the sea and no one wants it? Or did they have an accident? So the boat was abandoned there, and then you picked it up?"

After hearing her guessing and asking a series of questions, Ye Yaodong told her what happened yesterday afternoon and explained what they did last night.

Lin Xiuqing looked at him speechlessly, "You call this picking up?"

Ye Yaodong bared his teeth and grinned, "It must have been picked up. There's no one on this boat, and it's drifting on a deserted island. Wouldn't it be a waste to leave it there? We can use it when we bring it back."

"It's too risky. What if someone suddenly shows up? Besides, can we be safe if we dock the boat at the port in town? What if we get recognized?"

"It won't be recognized. We repainted it and removed all the logos. I even painted the cabin."

"What kind of paint did you use to make it sink so quickly?"

"I bought Taiwanese products on purpose, and I chose the easiest to dry. Although the time is a little short, the color may fade in water, but it shouldn't all fade. And it's painted black, which is a dark color, so it shouldn't be very obvious if it fades. And it doesn't matter if it fades. If the color fades in a mess, people will be even more reluctant to recognize it."

Lin Xiuqing also admired his courage, as he even dared to steal fishing boats from Luzhou Island.

"Then the cranks of their machines are still on the boat?"

"Not only did they not take it away, they also put it directly next to it. They probably thought that Luzhou Island is well-known and the sign on the fishing boat is so obvious that no one would dare to take it."

But I didn't expect to meet someone like him who doesn't play by the rules.

"It's too dangerous for you to do this. What if they left someone on the boat? Or what if they came down the mountain in time and happened to run into us?"

"I've been close to them before, so I was sure that there was no one on their boat, so I took the courage to get closer. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, just keep it to yourself, don't tell anyone, not even mom."

"You colluded with Dad and didn't tell your mother, right?"

"Of course. How can I tell mother about this? Don't you know her temper? I have discussed it with father and told mother that I heard from a friend that someone wanted to sell the boat at a low price. I want to buy it, but I am afraid you will not agree. After all, I just bought a big boat and now I haven't got it yet. I still owe a large balance. Why do I want to buy another boat?"

"But this boat is hard to come by. Some people can't even buy it. It's a rare opportunity, so I borrowed some money without asking for permission, paid a deposit, and bought it from someone."

"When I came back yesterday, I secretly drove the boat back, but I didn't know how to explain to you after I drove it back, and it would be too conspicuous to dock in the village, so I temporarily drove it to the dock in town."

"Look, isn't this a perfect reason? A reasonable explanation! After I tell my mother, I can use her to spread the news in a few days, and then come back openly and say that I have convinced you."

Lin Xiuqing really admired his brain, which was so quick that he suddenly decided to "pick up the boat" and after "picking it up" he even arranged everything else in an instant.

"Since you have arranged it, that's good. Don't do this next time. It's too dangerous. We'd rather not take advantage of it..."

"How can I say I am taking advantage of you? I am suppressing the danger. Didn't I tell you before? Wherever there are nugget gold, there is a high probability of gold mines. Although they don't have nugget gold and don't know this, maybe there are other treasures? What if they accidentally discover a gold mine?"

"If there are no other treasures, why do they go to the island so frequently? They can make enough money just by sailing the boat out to pick up a few cargoes. Why waste time going to the isolated island?"

"Besides, we have to start catching squids in a few days. It's just right after Mazu's birthday, so we have to go to the mountains to cut branches and get ready."

"Tell me, if I don't solve this problem, how can we catch squid? We will all be working for nothing."

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