Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 74: Come to the door


No matter how much Ye's father and mother tried to persuade them to stay, Secretary Chen's family insisted on going home for dinner, so they didn't force them. The rice consumption in building the house was already very high recently, so it would be good to save a little.

After Secretary Chen and his family left, the house became noisy. A bunch of ignorant children didn't care about the adults' affairs. They stretched their necks and looked at the rice cakes and canned oranges in the basket.

They had eaten rice cakes before, which were sweet and filled their mouths with one bite. But they had no chance to eat canned oranges because their family was poor and their parents were reluctant to buy them canned food.

Ye Yaodong patted the heads of his two oldest nephews and said, "Stop drooling and eat."

Ye Chenghai tilted his head and asked him, "Uncle San, can we have some rice cakes and canned food after dinner?"

"I'm already full, can you guys still eat more?"

A group of children nodded frantically and said in unison, "Of course we can eat it."

"Then eat it!"

He didn't think it was anything special. Since they wanted to eat it, they could just share it after dinner. But Ye's mother disagreed and glared at him. "Canned food is so expensive. Don't let the children waste it. Put it away first. In two months, on August 15th, it will be time to give gifts for the festival. You can add it in so that the gifts look better."

If she wasn't afraid that it would expire before the Chinese New Year, Ye's mother would have wanted to keep it and wait until the Chinese New Year to give it as a gift so that it would look better and give her face.

Ye Chenghu looked at him eagerly and said weakly, "Dad... I want to eat canned food..."

"Your grandma won't let you!"

He spread his hands. The food was in his mother's hands and he had no choice. He really wanted to give it to the children.

Mother Ye poked Ye Chenghu's forehead with her index finger and said, "Eat, eat, eat. You want to eat everything. It's time to eat. No one else is allowed to eat. This is for a gift."

She locked all the canned food, cigarettes and alcohol in the cabinet, leaving only the noodles and cakes on the table. "I'll give you some noodles and cakes after dinner. I'll ask later if I can exchange the cigarettes and alcohol for money. We can't afford such expensive cigarettes and alcohol."

No one had any objection. Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye were relieved after hearing this. They thought that Mother Ye would give all these gifts directly to the third house, after all, it was Ye Yaodong who saved the people.

But what they didn't expect was that right after Ye's mother took the things to the town to exchange them for money, she secretly went to Ye Yaodong's house when it was dark and everyone went back to the house and gave the money from the sale to Lin Xiuqing.

She was afraid that she would not have time to work during the day, so after dinner she hurried to the big store in town to exchange the money. She walked back and forth for two hours, and it was dark when she returned.

Lin Xiuqing was surprised when she saw the money in Ye's mother's hand, "Why did mother give it to me?"

Ye's mother whispered, "Shh, they came here to thank Dongzi, and the things should be given to you. I just thought that since the whole family is here, if I give them all to you, someone will feel uncomfortable."

"But, we haven't split up yet, these things..."

"It's true that we haven't divided up the family yet, but doesn't everyone keep their own money? He came here to thank Dongzi, not to thank us two old people, and the things are all for him. Just take it. Your father and I have worked hard all our lives for you guys, right? Why should we take your money? It belongs to whomever it belongs."

Ye Yaodong watched from the side with his lips tightly pursed. He thought his mother was very smart. Rural women were also wise and knew how to balance the family.

"Keep it. You'll have plenty of other places to spend money after the house is built." After stuffing the money into Lin Xiuqing's hand, he looked at Ye Yaodong and couldn't help but said, "Be more diligent in the future. Don't be so lazy all day and hang out with your friends..."

"Hey? How do you call it fooling around? Who doesn't have a few friends? Mom, you have a bunch of friends who ask you to go fishing every day."

"I said something to you and you talked back. My friends always ask me to do serious things, but your friends always ask you to play and drink."

"No, didn't we go catch eels yesterday afternoon? You ate them. Didn't we go fishing in the sea a while ago? We just divided a few hundred yuan, and you forgot about it? Also, didn't they come to our house to help with the work? We don't play and drink every day."

Ye's mother tongue is...

If the second-rate guy becomes serious, how can she say anything

She glared at him and said, "Get up early and work tomorrow!"


After Ye's mother left, Lin Xiuqing counted the money in her hand. "Mom said that Moutai was sold for 12 yuan a bottle, and Zhonghua was sold for 1 yuan a pack. She said that the recycling price was a little cheaper than the selling price."

"It's normal. People buy and sell things. They have to make money. Otherwise, why would they want to recycle them?"

"Well, I'll keep it then." She was very happy to get some free money. She had been collecting money quite frequently in recent days!

"Go to bed. We have to get up early to work tomorrow."

"You're still quite concerned?"

"What else? Isn't that my house?"

When building a house in the hot summer, sweat drips like water and clothes are so wet that water can be wrung out. Besides being a little lonely, working on a big ship is not as hard as moving stones.

As soon as Ye Yaodong finished carrying the load of stones, he sat down to drink some tea and rest. He touched his sore shoulders and simply took off his wet shirt. As a result, he saw a red mark on his shoulders from being pressed by the carrying pole.

He couldn't help but shed a tear of sympathy for himself. God threw him back to the age of 25. Did he want him to make up for the suffering he had missed when he was young

Lin Xiuqing happened to be pushing a ash bucket truck over and saw it. She whispered, "I'll get you some tea oil to apply to the wound tonight and it will be fine."

He raised his eyebrows and was about to say something, but he saw two unfamiliar middle-aged men from Lin Ji in his memory swaggering towards the house they were building.

"Is Uncle Ye here? Is this Uncle Ye's house?"

Secretary Chen just reminded me yesterday, but I didn’t expect it to come so soon.

Ye Yaodong stood up with a frown, threw the shirt in his hand over his shoulders, walked up to them, looked down at them and said, "Lin Jishang? What are you doing?"

The three of them took a step back at the same time, and couldn't help cursing in their hearts, was it intentional? Is it a big deal to be tall

"Haha, I want to talk to Uncle Ye about something."

"It's the same if you tell me anything!"

Ye Yaohua also saw the commotion and walked over. "What's wrong, Dong?"

At the forest gathering

He instantly thought of what Secretary Chen had reminded him of yesterday evening: They wanted to buy this piece of land

"They are looking for our father," Ye Yaodong said, turning to look at the three people, "The house built here is for us three brothers. If you have any questions, just tell us and don't delay our work."

"It's like this, my cousin wants to buy your land and wants to discuss it with you."

Ye Yaodong rolled his eyes. "Haven't you seen that we have already laid the foundation? We have hired so many workers and transported so much stone and soil. You said you would sell it to you? Then all our work during this period would be in vain, right?"

How much sweat did he shed as he carried one load of stones after another

Without adding more money or offering any benefits, you just say you want to buy it without any reason. What are you expecting