Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 84: Seafood from hell


The four of them happily got back on the boat, full of energy. It turned out that having money was the best way to motivate people.

"Dongzi, let me see the receipt," Guang rubbed his hands with a smile, "How much can each of us get out of 478 yuan?"

"I don't know. It must be more than 100. Let my wife calculate it when I get home."

Xiao Xiao said with a chuckle: "Those who didn't come will probably regret it again."

"It's just right that they didn't come. Why do we need so many people? We can just divide it up. With fewer people, we can get more."

"that is."

Ye Yaodong rowed the boat and said, "When you get back, you can use this money to build a boat together."

Ah Guang smiled and folded the receipt and put it back into Ye Yaodong's pocket, saying, "Okay, I'm so jealous of you for making so much money just by rowing a small boat for the first time. Anyway, I have nothing to do lying at home all day, so let's try to get a boat together."

Ah Zheng seemed to have seen his mother praising him for his success and nodded happily.

Xiaoxiao has no objection, it's good to have something to do.

The boat slowly sailed towards the isolated island again. After working for so long, it was only noon.

As soon as they got off the boat, they were not in a hurry to go fishing. Instead, they found a pile of dry branches and planned to roast some turtle eggs to eat to fill their stomachs.

Ye Yaodong dug up a pile of mud and planned to wrap the turtle eggs in the mud and throw them into the fire to roast.

This can be considered as a memory of their childhood. When they were young, they often stole eggs from home and roasted them outside to eat. They were so delicious.

"Wrap some yourself if you want to eat them!"

"Oh, I haven't eaten like this in a few years."

"Today is a good day for you to reminisce!"

“I wonder if roasted turtle eggs taste better than chicken eggs?”

"It's a turtle egg, okay? Just wrap it in mud first, and you'll know when you bake it."

After each person wrapped four or five turtle eggs and threw them into the fire, they used branches to poke the fire and turn over the turtle eggs. Fortunately, they all smoked and carried matchboxes with them.

Sitting on the beach and feeling the salty sea breeze, it would be even better if the sun wasn’t so strong!

The four of them sat on the beach, chatting while waiting for the turtle eggs to be roasted, looking quite comfortable.

The fire in the fire burned more and more vigorously. After waiting for about 15 minutes, the mud was completely dry and the turtle eggs were almost cooked.

They dug out all the turtle eggs and went to the beach to get a bucket of sea water to put out the fire.

"It smells delicious. I've never eaten turtle eggs before."

"It strengthens the kidneys and strengthens the yang, so you should eat more!"

Xiao Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "You're going to be the groom soon, so you should eat more. I'm not weak!"

Listening to their chatter, Ye Yaodong pried off the mud on the outside of the turtle eggs. He used both hands to weigh the eggshell a little bit before sucking it directly because he was afraid of the burn.

I haven't eaten baked eggs like this for many, many years.

"Hmm... why isn't it solidifying? Is it not cooked?" Xiaoxiao looked at the milky egg white in surprise and quickly took a sip because she didn't want to waste it.

"No way, it's been baked for so long, the soil is dried up and yet it's not cooked?"

Ah Zheng peeled the eggshell off his hand in disbelief, and liquid flowed out. He quickly leaned over to suck it, but to his surprise, it didn't solidify.

Ah Guang looked at the turtle eggs in his hand, and then at the wet fire on the ground. "We just put out the fire, and it will be troublesome to light it again. Just drink it directly. You can eat it even if it's half-cooked."

Ye Yaodong just took a sip of the egg white from a turtle egg and looked at the three bumpkins with disdain. "Turtle eggs don't solidify. They will remain liquid after being cooked. Only the yolk inside will solidify. Let me show you."

He handed them the turtle egg with a big mouthful of white in it and showed it to them, and then they believed it.

"Shit, the yolk is solidified but the white is not. We thought it was not cooked yet."

“I learned something new!”

"How did you know that, Dongzi?"

"It's because I'm more knowledgeable than you!"

"Tsk~" After a disdainful hiss, everyone started eating with big mouthfuls. It was noon and everyone was hungry.

While eating, Ye Yaodong said, "I heard that turtle eggs are one of the eight delicacies among the delicacies from land and sea."

"No way? That's it?"

"Then our sea turtle eggs are not more precious than tortoise eggs?"

"Something like that?"

"Can the things in the sea be the same as those on the land?"

A debate has begun again...

After Ye Yaodong ate five turtle eggs in a row, he patted his butt, got up and went to work with the bucket, not caring about these three idiots!

"Ah, Dongzi so fast?"

"Fuck you!"

Seeing that he finished eating so quickly, everyone also wolfed down the food and followed him, carrying buckets and tools.

"Don't follow me, spread out and find your own way."

"Follow me and you'll have something to pick up."

"Follow me and eat my fart, will you? Whatever you have is mine, why are you picking up the wool?"

"That's right, then you can show us a way!"

"Get lost~"

Unfortunately, Dongzi refused to cooperate, so they had no choice but to disperse and look for their own way.

Without any followers, Ye Yaodong felt relieved. He specifically looked in the shallow water area and soon half the bucket was full. None of the goods were valuable, but he was content. He had just caught a big one, so these could just be considered as light refreshments.

After walking around and was about to change place, he saw a lot of bubble holes on the beach under his feet. He tried to dig them out with his hands, but didn't find any sand clams. He thought it was probably razor clams again. Fortunately, he was well prepared this time.

The bucket was half full, so I went back to change it for an empty bucket and get some salt.

After returning here again, he scraped off a layer of sand on the surface of the beach, and the exposed bubble holes became more obvious. He opened half a can of salt and sprinkled a little into each hole.

After a while, the bamboo clams in the bubble holes rushed out one after another, standing straight up each one.

Ye Yaodong happily pulled out the roots one by one and filled his hands with them. "This method is still the most efficient!"

There were identical bubble holes all over such a large area, and he used the same method to pull out all the bamboo clams in this small area. It was so easy and satisfying, and it took him less than ten minutes to pull out five or six kilograms.

He shook the bucket and planned to move to another place to see if there was anything valuable.

But I didn’t expect that as soon as I walked to the edge of the big reef, I saw a snake wriggling in the water!

His orifices tightened and he couldn't help swallowing. He quickly stepped back and shouted in a pinched voice, "A Guang, A Guang, come quickly!"

"What's the matter? What good stuff did you find?"

When Ah Guang heard his call, he ran over excitedly. Others also ran over curiously. As a result, they took a look and said, "It turned out to be a sea snake! You coward, you don't even dare to catch it?"

"Come here, come here, I can't do this, you are the best at catching snakes."

"Look at me, everyone will have an extra meal tonight!"

"This one is more than one meter long!"

"Be careful, this sea snake is very poisonous."

"It's okay, what are the fire tongs for? I don't have to use my hands directly."

As soon as he finished speaking, the fire tongs in his hand clamped the sea snake's head, and its body twisted and struggled instantly.

"Get a sack to put it in."

"It's really creepy. Let's just smash the snake's head and kill it. We don't have extra sacks. There's no need to waste it on this snake."

"That's fine, we can just stew it when we get it back."

After killing the sea snake, A Guang simply dealt with it, put it on the boat, and went to the island to pick a banana leaf to cover it.

"There are many banana trees on this island."

"Are there any banana trees?" Ye Yaodong looked up, but he couldn't see any without going up.

"Yes, there are quite a lot, but they are too high to pick, and they are not ripe enough, so forget it."

"Come back next month."

Ah Guang said nonchalantly, "It's just bananas. There are plenty in my back hills. We can go to the hills and pick as many as we want next month."

We can pick them next month. It’s just right for Yun to pick some and take them back. There are many children at home, so they are all greedy. His wife likes to eat bananas very much.

Ye Yaodong still had some grudges about the sea snake, so he simply changed his location. Unexpectedly, there was a huge blue crab hiding in a place with some water under a reef!

"Fuck, this weighs at least three pounds!"

He was very surprised. This must be the king of blue crabs. Such a big wild blue crab can only be found in this era, right

"What do you mean three pounds? What big stuff did you find?"

Ye Yaodong grabbed the shell on its back with both hands and held it high for everyone to see. "Blue crab, big blue crab, I've never seen such a big blue crab before. Its shell is bigger than my face. This is definitely the king of blue crabs."


All three of them cursed at once. They had never seen such a big blue crab!

Ye Yaodong happily put the big blue crab back into the bucket, but he didn't expect its big claws to clamp onto the edge of the bucket and he couldn't put it in.

Afraid of breaking its big claws, he had to carefully take it down and put it in the bucket. However, he found the bucket was a little small, so the blue crab could only stand tilted in the bucket, moving its legs all the time, trying to climb out.

He touched the sack in his pocket and decided to put the food into the sack first. If the sack was not full, he could just take out the sack later.

It turned out that the reason he hadn't found any good stuff before was because it was waiting for him here.

After this big blue crab, Ye Yaodong found three orchid crabs in succession, each weighing more than half a pound. He was very happy, as these were much better than stone crabs.

The shallow water area on this side of the reef is mostly filled with various crabs and stone crabs. After loading them up, he simply carried two buckets in his hands, one for stone crabs and sundries, and one for various crabs!

I kept my head down and my neck was very sore. Occasionally I needed to raise my head and twist it. As a result, when I raised my head, I saw clusters of chicken of the sea feet in the cracks of the steep slope above.

Huh? There are chicken of the sea feet here

He was surprised and quickly put down the bucket in his hand. He didn't plan to waste any more time on the beach. He took out a sack and planned to put the chicken's foot into his bag first.

The scientific name of chicken of the sea is gooseneck barnacle, but it is known as "seafood from hell". It became popular in European countries in later generations and can be found in many places, but it has never been seen on the reefs near their docks.

It grows on the reefs in the intertidal high-tide zone that are beaten by waves all year round. This living environment also makes it taste sweet and high in trace elements.

They have only seen Buddha's hand/pen holder in this sea area. The two look very similar, but they are not the same thing. It is indeed easy to confuse them when you see them for the first time, but if you look closely, you will find that gooseneck barnacles have a long and thin stem, like a swan's neck, so they are called gooseneck barnacles.

The Buddha's hand/pen holder has a stem, but it is very short and green in color, so if you observe carefully, it is easy to distinguish between the Buddha's hand snail and the gooseneck barnacle.

It's rare to see it here, so I definitely can't miss it.

It is not easy to pick them out from the cracks in the rocks, but no matter how difficult it is, he has to pick them out.

After finishing this small area, Ye Yaodong was not in a hurry to dig other things. He first looked for the chicken of the sea feet, which were worth 200 euros per pound, which is about 1,500 yuan in RMB.

Higher quality sea chicken feet can be sold for around 4,000 to 5,000 yuan.

Now... hehe...

Let’s look for it first. If it’s not valuable in this era, then it won’t be a loss to keep it for yourself. Let him have a taste of what seafood from hell is like.

He saw clusters of Buddha's hands on the rocks and distinguished them. To an outsider, they would all look the same.

In order to avoid getting mixed up, he planned to pack them separately later, otherwise it would take him a long time just to choose.

If there are not many chicken feet, you can pour them into the bucket with turtle eggs.

But after searching for a long time on the surrounding reefs, he only dug out about five or six pounds. The others were curious about what he was looking for and took a look at his sack.

Ah Guang asked, "Are you looking for Buddha's hand? Aren't there lots of them here?"

"Who told you this is Buddha's hand? Go away, go dig yours."

"What is in your sack if not Buddha's hand?"

“Chicken of the Sea, have you heard of it?”

"What's all this mess?"

"I told you you didn't understand."

"Tsk~ I've dug almost a sack!" A Guang shook his sack, feeling a little proud. It was rare that he harvested more than Dongzi today.

"Have a good job, I have five sacks, if you fill them up you can help me fill them!"

Ah Guang glared, "Fuck, I'm going to help you dig."

"Not just you, the three of you have to help me dig because your sacks are full! You'll even have to rely on me to row the boat back!"

Xiaoxiao and A Zheng also turned around and glared at Ye Yaodong. So this was his plan!

No wonder he is not in a hurry and keeps hanging around there!

"You're going too far. Each of us only brought two sacks, but you brought five and were still wandering around leisurely. Are you planning to capture us as soldiers?"

So annoying!

Ye Yaodong smiled slyly, "Why? I want you to be soldiers? I just want to ask you if you are willing to do it!"

"Fuck! I'm going to fuck you to death!"

He slowly took out the receipt from his pocket and blew it. "More than 400 yuan~"

Xiao Xiao immediately put on a smile and said, "Oh, it's just five sacks. There are four of us. If we all lend a hand, we can fill them up in no time. It's not that difficult."

Ah Zheng also patted his chest and assured, "It's just five sacks. They will be full before the tide comes in."

Ah Guang glanced at the receipt in his hand with resentment, "Alas, when you are under someone's roof, you have to bow your head~"

"Haha, I'm glad to know. You really want me to use my trump card!"

Ye Yaodong proudly put away the receipt and hurried to dig. If he delayed any longer, he would not be able to fill the dig when the tide came in.