Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 95: There was a conflict


On August 20, the boat that A Guang, Xiao Xiao and A Zheng had jointly ordered was officially delivered.

They asked someone to pick a good day three days later and then told everyone to go to the dock to set off firecrackers.

The other three friends then found out that the three of them had bought a boat together, and everyone had different reactions.

The fat man was just a little surprised, "When did you order it? Why haven't I heard you mention it before?"

"Ah? Didn't we tell you?" The three little guys looked at each other.

Ah Guang spread his hands and said, "Whenever I have time, I will go to work for Dongzi. I don't have time to get together with you. I thought you said that."

Ah Zheng also said innocently: "No, you are not at home, and we have no place to gather."

"That's because I was too busy and forgot to tell you."

Ah Wei frowned and said unhappily, "You guys are too disloyal. You didn't even tell me about buying a boat together. Are you worried that if there are too many people, the share will be less?"

Ah Guang raised his eyebrows and looked at him in surprise, "Why do you think so? We just rode Dongzi's small wooden boat once when we were fifteen, and we caught a thousand-jin sea wolf fish and tasted the sweetness, so we became interested. We discussed on the spot that we would use the money we earned to buy a boat together. We can't ride Dongzi's boat every day, he also has to set out his nets."

Ah Zheng agreed: "Yes, we also made a last-minute decision, and you were not here at the time."

It would be fine if I didn't say this. If I did, even Haozi would be unhappy. He wasn't there twice when we divided the big money. "You could have told me in advance. If you didn't tell me in advance, who would sit at home and wait for you all day?"

"Could we have expected that there would be a large shipment? It's not like we didn't go to your house to call you, you just happened to be away." Xiao Xiao was also angry as she spoke. It was he who suggested going on the 15th, and he went to everyone's house to call them, and no one was left out on purpose. It was their own fault.

Ah Zheng also looked at Ah Wei gloomily, "On the morning of the 15th, our Xiao Xiao came to call you. It was you who was asked by your father to go to the mountain to carry watermelons. Who can you blame for missing it?"

Ah Wei said confidently: "It's not about the money. If you didn't go, then you didn't go. But you should have informed us when you bought the boat."

"Didn't I tell you that? I was so busy that I forgot. Dongzi and I are exhausted like dogs every day. We lie down as soon as we get home. We haven't gotten together much recently, and it's not the delivery time yet, so I didn't mention it specifically." Ah Guang tried his best to explain to him. They have been brothers for many years, and he didn't want to quarrel over such a small matter.

Xiao Xiao also said: "If you have an idea, you can also buy a boat together. It's not a big deal."

Ah Wei sneered, "That's easy for you to say. Buying a ship is a big deal. Can you just buy it if you say so?"

"Then what are you talking about? We just buy it when we say so!"

Ah Zheng also got angry and spoke louder. He then continued, "One moment you said it wasn't about the money and that I didn't inform you. Now you say buying a boat is a big deal and you can't just buy it. Then it's useless for us to tell you in advance. You can't decide right away, so what's the point of telling you?"

Awei's face turned ugly instantly, and Haozi helped him by saying, "If you had told us in advance, we would have considered whether to join, instead of waiting until the moment comes and you buy it back before we know."

Ah Guang said sarcastically, "If you have an idea, you can buy a boat together. It's no big deal. It's just a small wooden boat. Do you think it's a big boat? You will be laughed at. Even a metal boat doesn't require five people to buy it together."

"You just didn't treat us as brothers and excluded us directly..."

"Can you please stop saying hurtful things? If it's not a matter of dividing the money twice, then if the three of them can form a partnership, then the two of you can form a partnership too. The difference between two people sharing and three people sharing is not much. Or you can order a smaller boat."

Ye Yaodong was speechless when he heard them arguing about this matter. It was no big deal to buy a boat together. In the final analysis, it was just because they didn't get a share of the money.

They have always been together, and they are all poor. No one is richer than anyone else. Suddenly, some of their brothers who played together made some money but didn't take them with them. They must feel a little uncomfortable.

Buying a ship together was just a trigger.

Now he is still arguing that it is not a matter of money, and that they did not expose his psychology because they did not inform him in advance, but they just did not want to tear off the fig leaf.

They all knew what was going on clearly, but they were just afraid that if things got out and they made a big scene, they would no longer be able to continue being brothers.

The fat man who was standing by also frowned as he listened. His family didn't do any sea business, so he didn't really care. Besides, it was he who took the initiative to say he didn't want to go, so he didn't feel unbalanced at all.

But he also understood the discomfort of Awei and Haozi, because he didn't get any money twice, and he was really depressed...

But there's really no need to fall out over this!

After Ye Yaodong spoke up, he also pulled Xiao Xiao Zheng who wanted to retort and tried to smooth things over, "Yes, you two can also order a smaller boat together. If you are a partner, then the profits will be shared by only two people. A small boat only needs two people to operate it. More people are useless and will only get in the way, making it difficult to cast the net. More people can only sit and watch, and there is one more person to share the money."

When Awei heard this, his expression looked better.

"Right, that's the logic," Ye Yaodong breathed a sigh of relief, "Five people share a small boat, and when you go to work at sea, you five share a small wooden boat, and four sit and watch? One person casts the net? When you pull up the net, at most one or two more people come to help pull it. Is this what you want?"

Haozi looked here and there, then patted Awei and said, "Dongzi is right. Three people is too many for a small wooden boat. It's normal that you didn't tell us."

Haozi's words were meant to comfort him, but they sounded a little strange to Awei. He snorted coldly, "Yeah, they've already discussed it. It doesn't matter whether they tell us or not. We're not important to them anyway!"

After saying that, he waved away Haozi's hand and turned to leave.

"Hey, Awei? Awei!" Haozi glanced at the others and chased out.

The fat man watched the two people leave and scratched his head in annoyance, "Hey, why did they start arguing when everything was fine?"

Ah Guang was also in a bad mood. He had specially called everyone together to inform them that they would be returning by boat in three days and wanted everyone to go to the dock to set off firecrackers, but what was a happy occasion ended up with quarrels.

"They said it wasn't a matter of money, but in fact it was because they missed the race twice and didn't get any money, while we had the money to buy a boat, so they were unhappy and deliberately got angry at us and made trouble."

"It's obvious, who can't see it? We're just giving him some face." Ah Zheng said disdainfully.

"What can I do if I don't get any money? It's just that he didn't catch up, not that everyone didn't call him."

After watching the farce, Ye Yaodong was helpless. "Oh, forget it. Let's stop talking and let Ah Wei calm down for a few days. He will feel better after some rest."

"It may be a little difficult!" A Guang sat down and said, supporting his chin.

Friends are most afraid of money issues. If it is distributed evenly, everyone will be in a good mood and be open-minded, and that will be pleasant.

But I’m afraid that I’ll easily get into a dead end and won’t be able to think flexibly, which would be difficult.

"Never mind him. We'll set sail the day after tomorrow. We'll arrive at the dock at 10 o'clock at the latest. They said it was in the morning... What time was it?"

Xiao Xiao scratched his head, forgetting what time it was. He glanced at A Guang and Xiao Xiao, who were also a little confused. He waved his hand and said, "Well, it's 8 to 10 o'clock anyway!"

"Got it. I'll call Fatty and buy some firecrackers and go to the dock to meet you guys at 8 o'clock so you don't miss it."

Ah Guang smiled and said, "When your boat was launched, we didn't know it was yours alone, and we didn't buy you any firecrackers..."

"What's the big deal? It's not a new boat. I'm just sailing it for now. When I get rich and buy a bigger boat, I'll ask you to set off firecrackers for me!"

"Okay, okay! With your recent hard work, God will surely make you rich!"

"Hey, let's all get rich together!"

The five of them stayed together to chat and laugh, putting aside the unpleasant things that had just happened.