Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 96: My father-in-law and my eldest uncle came


On the morning of the next day, Ye Yaodong thought about it and decided to ask Fatty to call Awei and Haozi. They have been friends for many years and there is no need to have a conflict over a small amount of money or a trivial matter.

This kind of thing never happened in the previous life, and we never had such a quarrel until we parted ways.

A lot has really changed in my life.

Call them over, give them a way out, and have some fun together, and the matter will naturally pass.

But although his idea was good, others did not buy it. The fat man went to call Haozi, but Haozi was out moving goods and was not at home. As for Awei, he had gone into a dead end and would not come out. No matter how the fat man tried to persuade him, he just said that he did not intend to come here to be a clown!

What else could the fat man say? He could only return empty-handed.

Ye Yaodong patted the fat man on the shoulder and said, "Forget it. Everyone has their own ideas. We can't force our ideas on others."

"Alas, it's all about money~"

"If they really want to buy a boat, they can afford it, but they just feel unbalanced."

As he said, he couldn't control whether other people ate shit or not, so he could only put the matter aside for the time being and invite them to have a drink together in a few days to see if they could reconcile.

The two stood on the shore for a while, but didn't see any shadow. They estimated that it wouldn't come that fast, so they walked to the small door of the purchasing point and sat down to cool off.

Ah Cai saw them and came out with a big belly to greet them. He gave each of them a cigarette and said, "What are you doing here? Do you have good stuff so early in the morning? Dongzi hasn't had much to sell lately?"

"Maybe the newbie's luck has run out. How can he be online every day?"

"I heard you're going to put up ground trap nets, so when the time comes, send the goods over to me for collection."

"Sure, as long as you don't mind the small amount."

"Little by little, it adds up to a lot. When will it be released? How many nets will there be?"

"There are only a dozen or so for now, let's get one or two rows first."

"Ah?" Ah Cai was dumbfounded. He thought he was just being polite when he said "don't think it's too little", but he didn't expect it was really too little!

How much goods can be caught with only one row

Isn't it useless

"You must be kidding. We are going to put out ground trap nets, how can we only put out one row? We have to go out and collect the nets anyway, why not put out a few more?"

"I'm too busy to do it, and I can't bear to pay someone to do it, so I can only do it slowly by myself!"

Ah Cai was speechless. "You guys make a lot of money from trawling every day, but you're not willing to hire someone to do just a few traps. You should finish it sooner so you can start fishing and make money. Don't you know how to count this?"

Ye Yaodong glanced at him sideways. The money earned from the trawl net belonged to his father, and the trap was his own property and he had to pay for it out of his own pocket. How could they be mixed up

And the main reason was that his mother and his wife were reluctant to hire someone, saying that building a house at home would cost a lot of money. Although he didn't have to pay, when the family was divided, they would have to spend a lot of money to buy their own furniture, and the materials for the ground traps would also cost money. They had to make more than a hundred of them, so they could save as much as possible.

A few days ago, he finally convinced his mother that he would pay some wages and ask his two sisters-in-law and his eldest and second brothers to help out. This way, the benefits would remain within the family and things would be done faster. Otherwise, his mother would still want to take on all the work and do it slowly, which would really delay things.

People in the countryside are used to being frugal, and they are also very hardworking. They don’t want to hire anyone to do things they can do themselves, and would rather work harder themselves.

Ye Yaodong flicked the ash off his cigarette and said perfunctorily, "My family is too busy, I have to haul the net and build a house, so I don't have time to do any private work for the time being."

"So what are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Guang and his friends got a small boat, and we are waiting here to set off the firecrackers."

It's not a big ship, and it's not a good idea to mobilize a large number of people and let all relatives and friends know. Just the two of them can come over and set off two strings of firecrackers as a token of their appreciation.

"You~ Is that ok? It hasn't been long since you and your friends got the boat."

"I'll have to rely on you to raise the price in the future!"

"Okay, okay, I've always been honest in my business!"

Ye Yaodong and the fat man rolled their eyes at the same time.

The three of them had nothing to do, so they just sat there chatting and bragging.

As the conversation went on, Ye Yaodong asked him curiously, how much money can he earn from collecting goods in a year

The local tycoon was very tight-lipped, not saying a word, just smiling and talking about something else, "A boat is coming in, is that the one you see?"

The two of them stood up at the same time and looked at the sea. They saw a small boat in the distance with a red hydrangea tied on it slowly approaching.


“Go out and take a look!”

They stood on the shore and watched for a long time. When they got closer, they could see clearly that there were three people on the boat. It was undoubtedly the three of them.

They also ordered a six-meter-long boat, similar to his, except that it looked very new.

The two men held firecrackers and started setting them off as soon as their boat docked!

"When firecrackers go off, there's a ton of gold!"

"Hey, we have a boat too!" After tying up the boat, the three of them happily jumped down.

"Let's go out on a boat together tomorrow and try casting a few nets?" A Guang said excitedly to Ye Yaodong.

"Yes, I'll just take the trap to the sea."

Ah Zheng rubbed his hands and said anxiously: "Why don't we go now? We have nothing to do anyway, right?"

"Then you go. I'm still busy at the house and can't leave all day. I'll go with you tomorrow."

"Oh well."

The three of them discussed and decided to strike while the iron was hot. They took advantage of today's good weather and went out to cast a few nets to try it out.

Ye Yaodong had nothing to do with Fatty, so they agreed to go to A Guang's house for dinner in the evening and went back first.

As a result, as soon as Ye Yaodong arrived at the homestead, he actually saw his father-in-law and brother-in-law Lin Xianghui coming and helping with the work there.

He took a few quick steps in surprise and called out with some difficulty, "Uh... Dad? Why are you here?"

Even though his father-in-law disliked him now, at least he wasn't going to point at him and scold him decades later.

At this moment, I could still smile and say to him, "The watermelons at home are ripe, so I'll send a truckload over for you to eat. I didn't expect you were building a new house, and why didn't you go back and tell us to come and help."

"It's so far away, it will be inconvenient for you to go back and forth. We can just hire someone to do it ourselves. You sit down and take a rest, I'll do it." As he said that, Ye Yaodong snatched the shovel from his father-in-law's hand and helped him stir the pile of stones and loess.

Seeing that he seemed to have matured a little and was helping with the work, Father Lin's smile became more genuine. "It's okay. Since you're here, just help me."

"It's a rare visit for you, and we don't have time to greet you. Sit down and rest for a while. Does my mother know you're here?"

"I know. She asked us to go sit at her house. How could I stay idle? She had to go back to make snacks first."

My eldest brother-in-law also wiped his sweat, walked over and said with a smile: "I haven't seen you for a while, you have become much darker recently."

"Don't you come here to work every day? How can you not get tanned under the sun?"


Lin Xianghui was a little surprised. His brother-in-law had always been idle, but he could come here to work every day? But looking at his face, he didn't seem to be lying. It was indeed much darker.

"You have come all this way, so there is no reason for us to ask you to work. Sit down and rest for a while. We have invited quite a few people."

"It doesn't matter. I'm used to doing farm work at home. Now that you've built a house, are you going to divide the family?"

"That's what I said."

Father Lin said, "Then tell us in advance. Don't tell us like you did when you were building a house. We won't know anything until someone comes and sees us."

"Okay, when the new house is built, I will invite you to come over for dinner."

Seeing that he was indeed more mature and sensible, Lin's father and Lin Xianghui nodded secretly in their hearts.

At this time, Lin Xiuqing also hurried over, "Dad, why are you and big brother here suddenly?"

"But I didn't even know you were going to build a new house when I came here, and you didn't even bother to tell us about such a big thing."

She smiled and said, "I'm too busy to go back. I'm always busy. When did you get there? My child just went up the mountain and told me. I just found out. Let's go home and sit and talk."

"It's okay. You guys still have a lot of work to do here. Why are you sitting here? We didn't come here on purpose to be guests. I only saw one of the two children just now. Where is the other one?"

"It should be by the stream. There are workers working there, and there are a few older kids watching. It's okay."

"That's good. The child is young, so you need to keep a close eye on him. You can't just focus on yourself."

Lin Xiuqing smiled and nodded, "I know."

Now that his wife is here, Ye Yaodong just needs to be a tool and stay by their side to listen to their greetings.

"Ah? You all have a boat?" Father Lin was extremely surprised. This surprised him even more than seeing Ye Yaodong working in person. The change was so big!

It's only been a few months since I last saw my son-in-law, and he has become so motivated that he even bought a small boat to set up his own net.

"Yes." Lin Xiuqing explained the origin of the boat to her father.

Father Lin smiled and nodded, "That's good. You people living by the sea need a boat. Odd jobs won't last long. Besides, we'll have to split up after the house is built. A-Dong will have more responsibilities. There are so many mouths to feed at home. He can't play all day."

Ye Yaodong smiled and nodded.

Lin Xiuqing also spoke up for him, "He knows. Ever since the house was built, the three brothers have taken turns going out to sea with their father to trawle the nets. Even when they are not out to sea, he comes to help every day."

Lin Xianghui was very satisfied after hearing this. He thought that this brother-in-law was finally decent.

Father Lin learned more about their current life. He was a little worried when he first came, but now he is relieved. They have no worries about food and drink, and his son-in-law is sensible, so there is nothing to worry about.

Ye's mother cooked a pot of snacks for them. After they finished eating, Lin's father and Lin Xianghui did not rush to leave. Those who had shovels took shovels, and those who had hoes took hoes and joined in the work.

Until the sun went down in the evening, when it was time to finish work, Ye's mother kept them for dinner and packed a large basin of seafood that she had specially reserved for them, as well as dried mullet, dried shrimp, dried Chinese cabbage, and pickled salted fish, filling their cart.

Lin's father and Lin Xianghui waved their hands in embarrassment to refuse. It was just a truckload of cheap watermelons, and they were not comfortable carrying a truckload of seafood back. However, they could not resist the enthusiasm of their in-laws, so they had to accept the gifts shamelessly.