Back To the Small Fishing Village In 1982

Chapter 97: Put the trap in the sea


The coming of his father-in-law and elder brother-in-law made his wife very happy. Although she didn't say it, she knew that this time he had finally allowed her to be able to afford it, and she had some good things to say to her family.

Ye Yaodong also felt a little guilty, but fortunately he was reborn at a good time and he could make it up to her.

The next morning, he got up in high spirits and went out to sea with a dozen traps he had prepared. Although the number was a little small, it was better than nothing. A few dollars earned is a few dollars, and it will add up to a lot!

Working as a seaman depends on luck and the weather.

After piling all the traps on the boat, Ye Yaodong looked around and saw the boat of A Guang and the other two. It was easy to identify and very conspicuous. They had not yet taken off the big red hydrangeas on it.

They had agreed to go out to sea together this morning, and he was waiting on the boat.

He didn't have to wait long before three people came over, talking and laughing.

"Dongzi, why are you here so early? We went to your house to call you, and your grandma said you were already out."

"You are just too late."

Ah Guang asked, "Didn't I tell you yesterday morning that you were going to my house for dinner last night? Why didn't you come? We specially kept a lot of fish we caught yesterday morning. I waited for a long time but didn't see you come. I thought it would be good for you to come later so that I could let you wash the dishes."

"It's a good thing I didn't go, otherwise I wouldn't have had anything to eat and I still had to wash the dishes. My father-in-law and eldest brother-in-law came yesterday and also had dinner at home last night, so I couldn't leave."

"What are you doing here?"

"A cartload of watermelons was delivered."

"Your father-in-law's family is very nice. He even sent you watermelons from far away."

"Well, it's okay, let's get on the boat and go."

The two boats were sailing side by side, they were rowing and chatting, the sun did shine a little, but it couldn't stop their passion for life.

After having the boat, their whole mental outlook seemed much more positive.

"It seems like the tide is about to recede. Do you want to go fishing in the sea later? If you don't go, you won't know. There are so many things on the isolated islands around us." Ah Zheng looked at Ye Yaodong with a smile and said, "You are out now. It won't take much to put out a trap net. It's better to go fishing in the sea than to go back to work."

"Yes, there is no wind today, and the waves are not big. We wanted to go to the isolated island after casting a few nets yesterday, but who knew that the wind would pick up yesterday afternoon."

"There is no tide today, so it's quite dangerous. If you want to go, just take a look around. I'll put down the trap first." Ye Yaodong was also quite tempted. He hadn't fished in the sea for a while.

The two boats moved forward side by side. Various buoys were floating in the middle of the sea. They were ground traps or crab cages placed in this sea area by their village or the neighboring village.

After rowing the boat to a position in the middle of the sea that he thought was suitable, he straightened and stretched the prepared ground trap until it was fully deployed.

He tidied the ground trap again and checked that there were no knots. Then he tied a rope and made a knot while putting the prepared small fish as bait into the ground trap. Then he held the ground trap line with one hand and used the other hand to throw out the small anchor and then the ground trap.

After one ground trap is placed, the second ground trap is tied to the rope of the first ground trap, and a row of them are placed continuously.

Please note that the cage should not be placed too tight. If it is placed too tight, you will not be able to catch any fish or shrimp.

He only had sixteen traps, which he placed in two rows. After doing that, he rowed the boat to the distance where the three of them were working.

"I've cast a few nets. Have you caught anything good?"

"We caught a bunch of worthless small water bass, but the biggest prizes were the two blue crabs and the big bass."

Ye Yaodong moved the boat a little closer and saw the big perch in the bucket. "Not bad, we got two big catches in just a short while. This perch weighs about 5-6 jin. The ones in the small bucket are either plum croakers or small yellow croakers, which is not a small amount."

Small yellow croaker and large yellow croaker are two species, and the small yellow croaker cannot grow up.

Ah Guang looked at the buckets at his feet and said, "It's Mei Tong, it's OK, let's change to another spot after this net is cast."

"Then you guys go ahead and throw it. I'll go around and see if there's any island with a beach exposed."

"The water level isn't that high, it doesn't look that steep, after all, it's not the first or fifteenth day of the lunar month, the tide hasn't dropped that low."

"I'll go take a look first."

He rowed the boat towards the nearest island, but found that it was difficult to even get on the island. There were reefs on all sides, and it was very steep. With waves hitting it, it was easy to be thrown into the sea.

But there must be a lot of stuff on the reefs of this kind of small island, and there may even be chicken of the sea feet on the reefs that are hit by waves all year round.

After circling around it, he secretly memorized the island and rowed away again, planning to come back to see it on the first day of the new year in a few days.

As a result, he searched three islands in a row, but couldn't find a suitable one. There was no point in searching any further, so he returned empty-handed.

But he didn't expect that as he was rowing back, a stupid fish jumped directly onto the fishing boat and jumped around on the boat, "Fuck, stupid!"

Ye Yaodong kicked the big fish speechlessly, "It actually came to my door on its own accord. It would be nice if there were two more."

As soon as he finished speaking, another message popped up. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was just a casual remark, how could it be so effective

He walked over to take a look, and saw a bigger one jumping up from the sea surface. He was quick-eyed and quick-handed, and he grabbed it with both hands, held it in his arms, and threw it back onto the boat.

"Fuck, each one is bigger and dumber than the other!"

It would be a waste to get something without any effort, so he stopped the boat here for a while, wondering if there was anything else. However, there was no movement after waiting for a long time. Just when he wanted to leave, he saw a grayish-white floating object floating on the sea surface.

He looked closely and it seemed to be a big fish.

Out of curiosity, he rowed the boat over and saw clearly that it was a dead sea pig.

It was about one meter long and didn't look small, but it was a pity that it was dead. He took a bucket and spent a long time to scoop it up and throw it onto the boat.

After checking, I found that it was still fresh. I don’t know how it died, maybe it was bitten by a big fish.

This sea pig is worth a lot of money, it’s a good deal!

He happily put it back into the bucket and rowed back to look for Guang, Zheng and Xiao Xiao.

The three of them have switched positions to work.

"Hey, I just found a good thing at sea."

"What?" The three turned around curiously.

After he rowed the boat closer, he handed them the bucket and showed them, "It's a recently dead sea pig. It looks fresh."

The three of them looked over and said, "We are so lucky. We didn't do anything, but we still found a sea pig."

"There were three more fools who jumped onto the boat by themselves. The big one weighed five or six kilograms, and the small one looked to be more than two kilograms."

"This fish is not worth much, but it tastes good if you cut it into small pieces and pickle it."

“You can also use it to make hot and sour fish soup!”

Suck it~