Back to The Three Kingdoms, I am The Master

Chapter 116: Brothers don't agree


Liu Xin's heart tightened. Ma Yun's hunch was correct. Their brother must have come for pornography at this time, so they pretended to be surprised and asked: "The two gentlemen came to Liu so late, could it be out? What's the big deal?"

Kuailiang and Kuai Yue said in unison: "Back to the lord, the two of me are here for Huang Shot."

Liu Xin sneered in her heart, as expected, but with a blank face, she asked, "Yellow shot? What is that?"

The Kuais brothers looked at each other, and Kuailiang arched his hands and said, "Master, Huang She is not a thing. He is the son of Jiang Xia prefect Huang Zu. He is the one who ran into his wife this afternoon and was arrested."

It turned out that there were several other wealthy children who were traveling with Huang She in Xiangyang today. Huang She was fat, walked slowly, and gradually fell behind. It was precisely because he had fallen behind that he happened to see Ma Yun and his party. For a while, he ran to the opposite side of the main road, and the next scene happened.

Huang She went to Xiangyang this time to purchase New Year’s goods. In the morning, he bought everything used and put them in the inn. He should come here at the appointment of his son and brother whom he had made on a few weekdays. Visit these places they call "Ladies' Street" to see if you can run into Aventure. As the Spring Festival approached, these streets were indeed full of colors, and they were dizzy to see them. When the brothers who were walking in front noticed that there was noisy here, they knew that the fat man had been lost. There are those sharp-eyed women who have seen the arguing with the fat man a long time ago. They turned out to be the husbands of Master Zhou Mu. How dare to step forward to help, they had to come back in shock and told the slaves brought by Huang She to the news. They can't help anyway.

These domestic slaves were all shocked, and if the son had a long history and two shortcomings, they wouldn't have to survive. Inside, there was the old man and respectfulness. Knowing that the Huang family and the Xiangyang Kuai family and the Cai family had some friendship, they ran to the Kuailiangmen for help. It coincided that Kuai Yue came back from Nan County to prepare for the New Year, and was chatting at Kuailiang's home. After learning about this, he insisted on coming to see Liu Xin with Kuailiang.

Liu Xin looked like he was suddenly enlightened, and said bitterly: "It turned out to be the fat man! Humph! He dared to molest my wife openly and beat my daughter on Xiangyang Street. I have already decided to take him tomorrow. light!"

Kuailiang and Kuai Yue said in unison: "Master, never!"

"Oh?" Liu Xin looked at Kuailiang in doubt, and said, "Zi Rou, why don't you talk about it?"

Kuailiang's heart was slandered for a while, what daughter, that is not your own person, this Zhu family is really a disaster, originally harmed Chen Jie's family, now because of her daughter, I am afraid that the yellow shot is too bad for her, but her face is As calm as water, he folded his hands and said, "Going back to the lord, although Huang She has ever had a crime, he is not dead. According to his subordinates, thinking of his first offense, it is better to severely reprimand him and ask him to pay for his sins, and let him think behind closed doors after returning home. ."

Liu Xin snorted, looked at Kuai Yue, and asked, "So, in Mr. Yidu's view, how should this matter be handled?"

Kuai Yue arched his hands and said calmly, "Going back to the lord, my subordinates thought that the brother's treatment was improper. Jiang Xia Huangzu had always refused to obey the lord's orders, and now his son has fallen into the hands of the lord. Easily put him back. The lord can use yellow shots as the quality to force Huang Zu to submit!"

Liu Xin was very surprised, dare to love these two brothers are not of the same mind! In fact, he didn't know that the Kuais brothers often disagreed in handling matters. Kuailiang has always advocated benevolence and righteous governance, of course, his benevolence and righteousness are more inclined to those noble families. However, Kuai Yue is different. He pursues profit-oriented, and he acts decisively and does not show mercy. Historically, the thieves in Jingzhou were rampant. He helped Liu Biao lure down more than fifty thieves, but he ignored Kuailiang's persuasion and killed them all without any mercy. The more Kuai sees it clearly, Liu Xin has now gained a firm foothold in Jingzhou and won the hearts of the people. The future of the Kuai family must depend on Liu Xin, the big tree. He believes that this is not aimed at his elder brother. It is for the sake of the long-term prosperity of the Kuai family. What's more, Kuai Yue didn't have a good impression of Huang Zu. In his eyes, Huang Shot was just a piece that could be used.

At this moment, Ju Shou was also called to come. He figured out the whole story and said, "Going back to the lord, the subordinates think that since this yellow shot is in the lord’s hands, things will be much easier. The lord can do it. There are two paths for Huang Zu to choose, either drag his son's body back, or give up Jiang Xia and move his family to Xiangyang. The Lord will allow him to be a rich and peaceful man."

Kuai Yue immediately looked at Jushou with admiration. He didn't expect that this seemingly weak-minded father and gentleman would be more ruthless than himself. He just wanted Huang Zu to be able to bow his head, but he wanted to uproot Huang Zu by the roots!

Kui Liang suddenly felt a sense of being alone, but he still didn't give up, and he said: "Huang Zu is quite popular in Jiangxia. If he rushes to pressure, I am afraid it will be counterproductive, so I ask the Lord to think twice."

Kuai Yue said disdainfully: "Brother's words are not good! Huang Zu is no longer popular in Jiangxia, is it still comparable to the lord's in Jingzhou? I am afraid that the people of Jiangxia have long been expecting the lord's benevolent government to be implemented there. !"

What he said is quite right. Huang Zu's hopes can probably only stay in Jiangxia's noble family. The people have long hoped that the new taxation policy will one day be implemented in Jiangxia.

At this moment, Zhang Ji hurriedly walked in when the curtain was picked up. Liu Xin stopped talking to them, and quickly stood up and asked, "Zhong Jing, what's the situation?"

Zhang Ji cleared his throat and said slowly: "Back to the lord, the eldest master was just a little frightened. I just used a few needles, and now there is no major problem."

Liu Xin breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked, "What about the lady and the lady?"

Zhang Ji replied: "Back to the lord, there is nothing wrong with the eldest lady and the second lady. The eldest lady has hurt my lungs. I have prescribed a prescription and need to stay in bed for some time. It is just the third lady who..."

Liu Xin grabbed his mind and asked sharply, "What's wrong with the third lady?"

Zhang Ji sighed, shook his head, and said, "Oh, the third wife has been pregnant for a month. This time she was frightened and had a fetal gas. The subordinates have already used a prescription to soothe the nerves, but can you? It works, it depends on the good luck of the third lady."

The expression on Liu Xin's face changed. Gradually, his face was full of anger, and he said fiercely: "Zi Rou, since you are here to help that fat man intercede, I must have some association with his family. You bring a letter to Huang Zu, I can let it go. His son will go back, but only one of his son's two heads can be brought back!"

When Kuailiang heard Zhang Ji’s words, he felt cold in his heart. He knew who the third wife was. It was Cai Yong’s daughter. If there is a long and two short, let alone the lord, Cai Yong will not be able to pass this level. , It seems that this lobbyist can't be regarded as a lobbyist, so he had to say nervously: "Subordinates obey orders. It's just that Huang She has only one head. Where did the two heads come from?"

Liu Xin said coldly: "He has a big head on the top and a small head on the bottom. If he wants to keep the big head on top, he cuts off the small head on the bottom. If he wants to keep the small head on the bottom, he cuts off. The big head above."

After listening to it for a long time, Kuai Liang finally understood the long series of tongue twisters Liu Xin said, which meant that Huang She would either die or be a castrate. But at this time, he didn't dare to say anything more in front of Liu Xin, so he had to retreat. Jushou, Kuai Yue, and Zhang Ji also retired one after another, and each prepared to go.

Liu Xin couldn't say goodbye to them, and hurried back to the back house, and went straight to Cai Yan's room. She was lying on her face, pale with tears on her face still wet, and Ma Yun was sitting on the edge of the bed and talking nicely. Comforting.

Ma Yun turned her head and saw Liu Xin come in, secretly sighed, and said, "My husband, I blamed me for not taking care of me well this time."

Liu Xin gently shook her hand and said, "No one can think about it all the time. How can I think that this kind of thing will happen in Xiangyang. How is Yan'er's situation?"

Cai Yan, who had just stopped crying, couldn't help but cry when Liu Xin asked, and sobbed: "My husband, I'm afraid the child won't be able to keep it."

Liu Xin gently wiped away the tears from her face, and said softly: "It's okay, there is no problem with Mr. Zhang's generation of genius doctors here. What you have to do now is rest assured and remember to take medicine on time."

After soothing for a while, Cai Yan's mood calmed down. This child in the belly is of great significance to her. She will eventually be able to marry the Liu family, which is also regarded as a mission. If there is an accident, how can she be at ease.

Liu Xin instructed Ma Yun to take good care of Cai Yan and hurried to Zhu Qian's room.

Liu Rui sat in her arms, facing a bowl of thick medicinal soup with a sad face, Zhu Qian patiently persuaded with tears in her eyes.

Liu Xin took the medicine bowl from Zhu Qian and said, "I'll do it."

Liu Rui blinked and blinked her big eyes, her brows twisted into a line, her small mouth puffed high, and sobbed, "Father, it's too bitter, Ruier doesn't want to drink."

Liu Xin said solemnly: "What can I do without taking medicine? If Rui Er never hears of it again, Dad's story will be completely broken!"

Liu Rui reluctantly swallowed the medicinal soup, spit out her little tongue, and cried out, "Bitter, bitter, daddy, I want a sugar man."

Liu Xin hurriedly continued to coax: "Hey, drink all the medicine. I will make you ten sugar people."

Good medicine is bitter, not to mention Liu Rui, even Cai Yan is not willing to take medicine obediently, Liu Xin has to persuade the right to reluctantly swallow it. Liu Xin couldn't help but stayed in the mansion for five or six consecutive days, coaxing Liu Rui to coax Cai Yan, coaxing Cai Yan to coax Liu Rui, and finally dealt with the two of them.

Zhang Ji also came to the house on time every day to review the two of them, and finally said to Liu Xin: "Congratulations, the madam and the young lady are no longer a serious problem. You don't need to continue taking medication, just rest for a while."

A stone in Liu Xin's heart fell to the ground, but he saw Kuailiang rushing in, holding a copy of the slip in his hand, and shouting: "Lord, Jiang Xia has come!"