Back to The Three Kingdoms, I am The Master

Chapter 12: Liu Xin acts as a matchmaker


The grievance in Dianwei's heart is just a little ugly. The tiger saw me running away, and the villagers saw me running away. Now when he met a beautiful boy, he took me as a robber. Dian Wei was annoyed. He waved the big iron halberd in his hand and shouted: "Where is the little hairy boy, eat my halberd!"

The young man danced his spear and held the iron halberd without fear. Liu Xin knew that this young man must be Zhao Yun, so he wanted to see his martial arts, so he didn't stop him. Fan Jing shouted from the side: "Nephew Zhao Yunxian, don't do anything, these two are good people who help us put out the fire!"

Dian Wei listened, skipped aside, still glaring at Zhao Yun. Liu Xin couldn't pretend anymore, so he stepped forward and said, "It turns out that Chief Fan knew this person, so it must not be a robber. Everyone has a misunderstanding, so stop."

Dian Wei listened to Liu Xin the most, took the iron halberd, and said to Zhao Yun: "Since I am not a robber, I will not fight you."

Zhao Yun also put away the bright silver spear, first helped the beautiful girl behind him off the horse, and turned himself over, and said to Liu Xin and Dianwei: "Zhao Yun saw a fire in the village just now. He was in a hurry. Please forgive me if you offend. "

"Oh, your name is Zhao Yun. I am Liu Xin, the new Hejian prefect, and this is my guard Dianwei." Liu Xin introduced herself and looked at the girl behind Zhao Yun, wondering if it was Zhao Yu. He blurted out, "This girl must be your sister."

Seeing Liu Xin's opening, Zhao Yun inquired about the girl next to him, and suddenly said unhappy: "I am the only child in the family and I have no sisters."

"This is the little girl Fan Juan." Fan Jing waved to the girl and said, "I haven't seen Master Liu yet."

The beautiful girl stepped forward and reluctantly said a blessing to Liu Xin: "The girl has seen an adult."

Liu Xin hurriedly saluted. Only then did she know that she was the Fan family, who was said to have been a childhood sweetheart with Zhao Yun. Later, Zhao Yun went to Gongsun Zan to join the army. Her father climbed to power and married her to Zhao Fan's brother. When Fan Jing saw Liu Xin question her daughter, he was immediately very enthusiastic and determined to invite Liu Xin to sit at home. Liu Xin looked at Zhao Yun, saw that his face suddenly changed, and he was amused, so he said, "Thank you, Mr. Fan, for your kindness. The village has just suffered banditry, so it is important to appease the villagers first." Then he said to Zhao Yun, "This little brother. Call Zhao Yun. I don’t know where your home is. I’ll go and see with you, but I’ve been victimized by bandits."

Zhao Yun looked at Liu Xin vigilantly and said, "You don't need adult care. Zhao Yun is alone and has no longevity at home, so he is not afraid of any robbers."

Seeing Zhao Yun's appearance of rejecting others thousands of miles away, Liu Xin secretly cried out, Fan Jing, you have hurt me miserably. Zhao Yun now regards me as a love rival, and it seems that Fan Juan has to start with. Unexpectedly, Zhao Yun is also an orphan, and Fan Jing is a person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich. Naturally, he would not want to marry his daughter. So he turned to Fan Jing and said, "Leader Fan, since Zhao Yun’s family has nothing to worry about, then I’ll go to you. It’s good to have a look at home."

Fan Jing was about to investigate the villagers' losses. He was flattered when Liu Xin said he was going to his house. He hurriedly pulled Fan Juan and said to Liu Xin, "My lord, please come with me."

Without a word, Liu Xin followed Fan Jing's father and daughter. Dian Wei held the pair of big iron halberds and followed closely with two horses. Upon seeing this, Zhao Yun gritted his teeth with hatred, but had nothing to do, so he had to pick up the gun and lead the horse along with him.

When I came to Fan's house, I saw the door fell to one side, and some grain was scattered outside the door, but fortunately, there was no trace of fire. Fan Juan asked her father in surprise: "Father, has our family been robbed too?"

Fan Jing sighed: "Oh, just now the group of people rushed in like a wicked spirit, grabbed food and left. Fortunately, they haven't set the fire yet. It's already a blessing."

Zhao Yun took the conversation and said, "Unfortunately, it would be nice if I had just been here. These bandits must not be allowed to be presumptuous."

Fan Jing ignored him, and aimed at Liu Xin, but said in his mouth: "Daughter, the robbers have robbed the food. How can I live this day? I don't know if I can make it until next summer. Nor did my father. I’m looking forward to other things, I just hope you can marry a wealthy family, maybe you can help the family."

Seeing that Fan Jing had brought the topic to her daughter’s life, Liu Xin smiled in his heart and said: "Leader Fan, your local government does not care about this. I don’t know it, and it’s not easy to ask. But don’t worry, either. Tomorrow, you can take some people to the Hejian Prefect’s Mansion, and I will send you some food back in case of emergency."

Zhao Yun said angrily from the side: "Fake benevolence and righteousness, who wants your smelly food!"

Fan Jing became unhappy and said, "Zhao Yun, Master Liu is giving me food. It's up to you. My family doesn't welcome you, you give me out!"

Fan Juan groaned: "Father, why do you talk like this."

Liu Xin interrupted next to him: "Lead Fan, the girl is outgoing, I think Miss Fan has a lot of affection for Zhao Yun's younger brother."

Fan Jing said hurriedly: "Nothing, nothing. The two of them are just children, they often play together. Adults don't get me wrong."

Liu Xin laughed and said, "Lead Fan, this is your fault. I see his two talented and talented women are in good shape, and they are a natural match. I happened to meet today, so how about we just keep them a matchmaker?" "

Dian Wei, who had not spoken all the time, suddenly shouted, "Well, you must take me with you when you have a wedding drink."

When Zhao Yun saw that the two of them were actually helping him to speak, he realized that he had just blamed the good guy, but Fan Juan blushed, lowered his head and peeked at Zhao Yun, feeling uneasy, and didn't know if his father would agree.

When Fan Jing heard that this was far from his original intention, he suddenly froze: "This... this..."

Liu Xin secretly said in her heart that you don’t want Zhao Yun to be your son-in-law. This vision is too bad. On the contrary, she married her daughter to Zhao Fan’s brother and became a widow early. He said disapprovingly at the moment, “Hey, Chief Fan, Don’t look down on your son-in-law. I’m quite accurate. Zhao Yun is a bit poor now, but I look at him as a talent. If he is willing to go with me to Hejian, I will give him some advice. He will surely have a bright future in the future. The day."

After hearing Liu Xin's words, Fan Jing changed his words and said, "The adults are kind, but my nephew has a perverted temperament, I am afraid I am not willing to go with the adults."

Zhao Yun didn't wait for Liu Xin to speak, and said first: "Since the adults are so kind, I would like to go with the adults to the Hejian, waiting for the adults to send them."

Seeing Zhao Yun's permission, Liu Xin said to Fan Jing secretly proudly, "Leader Fan, let's make it happen. Tomorrow you will take someone to Hejian to fetch food, as my betrothal gift for Zhao Yun to your lady. , I'll take care of their affairs in a few days, what do you think?"

Fan Jing had no choice but to say: "Since the adults have life, how dare the villain not obey, it is up to the adults to decide everything."

Liu Xin suddenly remembered something and asked Zhao Yun: "Zhao Yun, how old are you this year?"

Zhao Yun said: "Back to the adults, Xiaomin is fifteen years old this year."

Liu Xin said: "I'm only fifteen, not short, but it seems that the age is a bit younger. But it doesn't matter, let's settle the marriage first."

On the contrary, Fan Jing said, "My lord, it doesn't matter. Our countrymen marry many wives and children at the age of sixteen or seven, but I don't know if Zhao Yun is too young, will adults not use him?"

Liu Xin laughed and said: "In ancient times, Gan Luo was twelve years old and worshipped the minister. Zhao Yun was already fifteen years old. It would be more than enough to be a guard by my side. Zhao Yun, you rushed back to Hejian with me overnight. opinion."

Zhao Yun looked at Fan Juan, he wanted to speak but stopped, seemingly reluctant to leave. Dian Wei said displeased: "You kid, what a mother-in-law, you should leave as soon as you want to go, it's getting late."

Liu Xin stopped Dianwei and said, "Hey, I think Zhao Yun is reluctant to miss Fan. How about this, Chief Fan, your family is willing to move to the river, so everyone can take care of each other. I will take care of the land and house. It will be arranged."

Fan Jing never thought that one day he would be able to climb the tree of the prefect, so he naturally promised: "Xiaomin obeys the arrangements of the adults."

Liu Xin was overjoyed: "Okay! Zhao Yun, you will escort Fan Li's family to Hejian tomorrow, and go directly to the prefectural mansion to find me. Dianwei, lead the horse, we will go home now."

Seeing Liu Xin sincerely planning for himself, Zhao Yun was moved, and said, "It's better for you to rest in the village for one night. How about going back together tomorrow?"

Liu Xin said in his heart, you little guy is in love. It's like glue that can’t be separated. But I have a taste for the first time. In order to find you, I left my wife at home and kept the vacant room alone. Now that things have been done smoothly, how can I be here again? After the delay, he said: "Since the incident of robbers robbing grain in Changshan, I, as the prefect of Hejian County, must not ignore it. I have to rush back to set up a patrol post, just in case. Liu Zai can't stay for long, and leave first. , I am waiting for you to come by in the river."

After Liu Xin finished speaking, he turned on his horse, bowed his hands at everyone, and walked away with Dianwei. Zhao Yun looked at Liu Xin's fading back, and did not speak for a long time. Fan Juan stepped forward and took his hand and said happily: "Thanks to Master Liu today, Daddy finally agreed to our business. You must work hard with Master Liu in the future, and you can't disappoint the adults."

Zhao Yun also said with emotion: "Yes, I almost blamed the adult just now. Now it seems that the adult not only helped you and me, but is also a good official who is dedicated to his duties."

Fan Jing looked at her daughter, then at Zhao Yun, and sighed, hoping that, as Liu Xin said, Zhao Yun would have a great future.

Liu Xin left Zhending Zhao’s Village. He returned home like an arrow. He didn’t care about fatigue, and hurried all night. Along the way, he and Dian Wei only ate some dry food, drank some cold water, kept running without stopping, and came to the river. Between the county city. At this time, the gate of the city hadn't been opened yet, Dianwei yelled under the city: "The prefect returns to the palace, open the gate."

The soldier on duty at night had fallen asleep long ago, was dreaming, was awakened by the sudden shout, and was annoyed in his heart. He went up to the tower and cursed: "Where is the birdman, what is the name of the ghost in the middle of the night. Want to enter the city, wait." Let's talk at dawn."

Dian Wei was furious: "I'm blinded by your dog's eyes, this is the prefect, don't open the city gate soon."

The soldier slept in a daze. Hearing Dian Wei's words, he ignored him and said, "What prefect, I only know Li Juncheng, except for the Lord Juncheng to call the door, I won't open the Tianwang Laozi."