Back to The Three Kingdoms, I am The Master

Chapter 18: Drinking is not full of fun


These days, the recruitment has been going smoothly, with Wang Lei’s postings, and many people from the counties in the subordinate counties also came to join the army. After all, if you can be elected as the prefect, the salary is still very high, even if you can’t be selected as a soldier, you can still get food and pay as an ordinary soldier, and your family’s taxes can be cut by half, and now the world is peaceful, there is no danger in being a soldier. , So within a few days, ordinary soldiers were already full, but Zhao Yun's requirements for personal soldiers were relatively high, and there were still more than a hundred people short.

Today, Zhao Yun was sitting in front of the gate of the Prefect's Mansion as usual, and he saw a big man in the distance rushing straight towards him in stride, followed by a group of people chaotically, there were thousands. Zhao Yun was overjoyed. With so many people coming to apply, he should be able to recruit enough today.

The big man came to him in a blink of an eye, and Zhao Yun took a closer look. He was more than seven feet tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, a tiger-backed waist, and a majestic man. Zhao Yun gave a secret compliment, what a man, and said to him: "You don't have to try, you can be directly selected as a soldier, but you can just register there."

The big man ignored him, stared at Zhao Yun twice, and laughed loudly: "You are Zhao Yun? I think it's a hairy kid. Hahaha..."

Zhao Yun heard that he was unkind from his words, "Huo" stood up and said: "I am Zhao Yun, didn't you come to apply?"

"Don't talk nonsense, take my punch first and then say it." After speaking, the big man drew his body and raised his hand to punch. Zhao Yun didn't panic, twisted his body slightly enough to pass the punch, and gave him a palm with his left hand. The two of you came and I fought, fighting for thirty or fifty rounds, the big man was winning with great power, and his fists and kicks continued uninterrupted. Zhao Yun was not very young, but he was also born with supernatural power. Even so, Zhao Yun didn't fight with him, he just lifted the weight lightly, wandered around, and couldn't tell the victory or defeat for a time. The two sides fought for more than 30 rounds, and the strength of the big man could not last, and his skills gradually slowed down. Seeing that the time had come, Zhao Yun suddenly exerted his strength and fisted together, and immediately gained the upper hand. The big man did not parry, and slowly showed a defeat. Zhao Yun won the power and didn't forgive others. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, he used a mandarin duck leg technique to hit the man's lower abdomen. The man snorted and fell into the crowd.

There was a burst of applause from the crowd, and the big man got up, still rushing forward, and said: "We are not ashamed of fists and feet, let's compare ourselves with weapons."

Zhao Yun remembered Fan Juan’s instructions to help the prefect to do things seriously, so he didn’t want to fight him again, and said: "Big brother, I am here to recruit soldiers on the order of the prefect. If you come to apply, please Go over there to register. If you are here to make trouble, I think you are very skilled and don't make it difficult for you, so please leave."

The big man didn't follow him, grabbed the spear from the soldier in front of the door, and shouted at Zhao Yun, "Boy, show your weapon!"

Zhao Yun was furious, and took a long spear to fight him.

However, Liu Xin said that since Zhao Yun came, he was very relieved that the recruiting matters would be entrusted to him. During the day, I would check the progress of Zhang Jun’s home confiscation, or take Dianwei to train recruits, or urge the counties to step up the collection of taxes. In the evening, the clip is with Ma Yunqing and I, and I have a happy and fulfilling little life.

With the help of Fan Jing, Zhang Jun finally checked Li Cheng's property. In order to retaliate against Li Cheng's suppression of him over the years, Zhang Jun copied all the family properties of the five Li Cheng brothers in one go. When Liu Xin knew that by the time it was done, he had to make mistakes. Zhang Jun originally meant to sell all the female relatives of the Li Cheng brothers into the prostitution house, but the Hejian area was not big and there were not so many brothels. Secondly, Liu Xin refused to allow him to do this, and Zhang Jun had to give up. But the family members of the Li Cheng brothers have all been driven to the countryside. The land of these people has been confiscated by Zhang Jun. There is no way to live, only selling as a slave or walking along the street and begging. He finally dissipated his hatred. .

Liu Xin looked at the account book submitted by Zhang Jun. These people actually had more than 70 million fortunes. Except for the two elements mentioned to Zhang Jun, Fan Jing and the soldiers, there were still 60 million. Liu Xin knew that Zhang Jun was the official who bought it, and it was also the official who bought it through Zhang Rang, so he instructed Zhang Jun to escort 30 million yuan to Luoyang and pass it to the court through Zhang Rang. Of course, Liu Xin himself dictated a memorial and asked Fan Jing to write it, and asked Zhang Jun to take it to Luoyang. After handing over 30 million, Liu Xin felt distressed, but he knew that Liu Hong was a greedy man. He took all five Li Cheng brothers from his home. He didn’t know whether it was in compliance. If someone took the opportunity to slander him and frame him. Then the gain is not worth the loss. As for Li Lin, Liu Xin directly sentenced him to a halt.

After handling all this, Zhang Jun was sent away, and Liu Xin easily returned to the prefectural palace. With Zhao Yun guarding at the door, Ma Yun's safety no longer needs to be worried, and Liu Xin can let Dian Wei follow him again. The two of them didn't bring soldiers, so they just wandered down the street, seeing the crowds of people in the direction of the Taishou Mansion from a distance. Liu Xin was taken aback, and hurriedly told Dian Wei: "Quickly, leave the road, something went wrong!"

Dianwei got the order and said loudly: "Quickly get out! Quickly get out of the way!" His voice was already loud, and at this time, with all his strength, it spread out like a thunder. There are many people in the crowd who know Dianwei’s bloodthirsty reputation. Hearing this fierce god came, he immediately exploded the pot, and ignored Zhao Yun and the big man, running away, just like seeing a ghost, and reacting slowly. Yes, I was swept to the ground by the crowd and hurt many people in a blink of an eye.

Liu Xin was shocked. Isn't this a legendary stampede? Hurriedly said to Dianwei: "No! Tell everyone to calm down! Don't move!"

Dian Wei raised his throat again and shouted: "Stop for me, no one is allowed to move!" After hearing Dian Wei's words, the crowd really stopped fucking and slowly quieted down. Seeing that the situation had subsided, Liu Xin rushed to the Taishou Mansion. Dian Wei followed along the way, and the crowd voluntarily gave way. Liu Xin walked quickly, but saw two people in front of the gate of the prefect's mansion. Zhao Yun and the other big man were standing opposite each other with a spear. When Dian Wei saw it, he waved a big iron halberd and rushed over, shouting: "Who dares to come to the prefectural palace to make trouble? I am impatient!"

Just now Zhao Yun was about to do something with the big man, first there was a commotion behind the crowd, and then Dian Wei's thunderous roar came. These days, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei have become familiar with each other early, and the two often compete in martial arts together. Zhao Yun heard Dian Wei's voice and didn't know what was going on, so he stopped and looked out, but unexpectedly Dian Wei danced with an iron halberd to kill the big man. Zhao Yun hurriedly stopped and said: "If the evil comes, you have to do it, and watch me catch him."

At this time, Liu Xin had already walked in and said in a deep voice, "Stop it for me!"

Zhao Yun and Dianwei stopped their hands after hearing Liu Xin's words. The big man turned to see Liu Xin's official uniform, lost his spear, and stood aside.

Liu Xin looked at the big man up and down and asked, "Who are you and why did you make trouble in front of my house?"

The big man saw Liu Xin's momentum, knowing that this young man must be the new prefect, and he immediately said: "Back to the lord, Xiaomin is a native of the county and his surname is Zhang. I heard that there is a young man in the mansion who has a strong martial arts skill, Xiao The people are not convinced, so they come to challenge him."

Liu Xin suddenly realized that it was him! He is one of Cao Cao's five good generals, juxtaposed with Xu Huang, and said: "So Jun Yi, I have also heard of the name for a long time. I saw it today, and it is really a hero! Come and come, let's go in and talk together."

Zhang Xi was surprised when he heard this. When did he become so famous, even the prefect had heard of me? Liu Xin took a step forward, took Zhang Xi's hand and walked to the mansion. As he walked, he told the soldiers at the door: "Just now the crowd has been injured. Many people have been injured. Go and organize medical treatment. The cost is required. All are borne by the Taishou Mansion."

This fee is said to be borne by the prefectural government, but in fact it is borne by the prefecture himself. Hearing this, Zhang Xi couldn't help but sincerely admire Liu Xin, saying: "It is the blessing of the people to have an official like an adult in Hejian who loves the people like a child."

Dian Wei has always ignored these false names, but Zhao Yun secretly gave a thumbs up, it seems that he did not follow the wrong person.

Liu Xin humbly said: "It's our duty to be an official and benefit one party. However, there are too many affairs, and Liu is lacking in skills and lack of helpers."

Zhang Xi suddenly bowed to the ground and said, "If the adults don't give up, I would like to do my best!"

Liu Xin hadn't spoken yet, Zhao Yun had already said next to him: "My lord, Big Brother Zhang has a strong martial arts, and he is brave enough to be brave, please accept him!"

Liu Xin smiled and pulled Zhang Yun up and said: "Jun Yi is willing to come and help me, I can't ask for it! Go, let's go in and talk slowly."

Liu Xin unexpectedly accepted another veteran, and he was in a good mood. I asked about Zhao Yun’s recruitment situation, and said: "Zhao Yun, your requirements are too high. I am afraid it is not easy to recruit a thousand people. Well, you have been busy for so many days, and you have to rest and rest. Now, let’s end the recruitment of soldiers. From these people you selected 800 people were selected to form the guards of the official, named Feihuwei, led and trained by you and Dianwei. What do you think? "Liu Xin knew that Cao Cao's personal guards were called Tiger Guards, and Dian Wei was one of the commanders.

Zhao Yun and Dianwei naturally had no objection, and Zhang Xi said on the side: "So what's the plan for the lord to do it?"

Liu Xin thought for a while and said, "Jun Yi, there were more than 2,000 soldiers in the barracks, plus the new recruits. Now there are 6,000 people, but there is no one to command. You can go and be a captain. You are here. In the barracks, we must strictly observe military discipline and strengthen training, and we must not slacken our efforts!"

Zhang Xi did not expect that he would become a captain as soon as he came. He was overjoyed: "The final general will definitely live up to the entrustment of the adults!"

The four held a banquet in the prefect's mansion. Although the alcohol level was not high at that time, Liu Xin was very strict with himself since he was a child, and always insisted on not drinking. Today he was in a particularly happy mood and couldn't help drinking three bowls. Liu Xin only drank three bowls before he would not drink again. Zhao Yun was young and Liu Xin directly forbid him to drink. Zhang Xi was not very good at drinking. It was a bitter for Dian Wei, and finally he could let go of the opportunity. Drinking, but there is no opponent, hate him itching, and secretly made up his mind to find someone who likes to drink in the future.

Zhao Yun returned to Dongkuayuan and was facing Fan Juan. Fan Juan asked happily, "Brother Yun, why did you come back so early today?"

Fan Juan and Zhao Yun were childhood sweethearts since they were young. Now there is Liu Xin, the prefect guarantor. The relationship between the two has been established, but Liu Xin believes that they are both too young and will not allow them to marry for the time being. The relationship between people goes even further.

Zhao Yun took Fan Juan's hand and said, "This time is too busy, and I didn't accompany you well. Now the recruitment is finally over."

Fan Juan asked happily, "Did the lord appoint you any official position? My father cares about this most."

Zhao Yun knew his old husband, and quickly told Fan Juan: "The adult established the Flying Tiger Guard, which is the adult's personal guard. Dian Wei and I will take the left and right command. I will follow the adult in turn, and I will be able to accompany you in the future. Up."

Fan Juan leaned her head on Zhao Yun's chest and said softly: "Brother Yun, you have to do things well for the adults and don't miss me. I'll go to see Madam when I am fine. Madam treats me well. By the way, Madam is talking today There’s something I don’t understand, so I will tell you to listen to it.”