Back to The Three Kingdoms, I am The Master

Chapter 28: Beacon fire at night


Liu Xin was shocked when he received the report, but he still came, and quickly ordered to go down and summon everyone to the hall for discussion. Liu Xin once explained to the soldiers guarding the city that once they noticed that a beacon was burning, they had to notify the adults separately, so in just a few moments, everyone came to the hall of the prefectural palace.

Liu Xin looked at the crowd and said, "There is a beacon in the direction of Gaoyang County. It must be a horse thief who has come to sneak attack. What do you think should be done?"

Jushou said: "My lord, since the flames have ignited, Gaoyang County must be prepared. You don't need to worry too much. You can send a cavalry to rescue."

Liu Xin nodded and said, "Who wants to lead the troops?"

Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, and Zhang Yun stood up and said, "I wish to go in the end!"

Liu Xin smiled and said, "How can one Gaoyang County use so many people. Let's go, Zhang Yun, you take two hundred cavalry to rescue." Liu Xin knew that every time the "horse thieves" harass, there are as many as 30 or 40 people. There are more than a hundred people, and it should be enough to take two hundred people there, and there are not many cavalry under him.

Zhang Yun took the order. Tian Feng suddenly stood up and said, "My lord, it seems wrong. The horse thief has not come to Hejian for many days. This time he suddenly came late at night, he must be prepared. General Zhang is going to lead too few troops, and he asked the adults to send out more troops. ."

Liu Xin groaned: "Master Tian is right. It's just that General Xu's injury is healed. It seems that Zhao Yun is the only one to ask. Zhao Yun, you will take all the two hundred cavalry in the Feihu Guard, and then respond, and pay attention to safety on the road. "

Zhao Yun, who had been gearing his hands for a long time, agreed with excitement, and rushed out of the hall like flying.

Seeing Zhang Yun and Zhao Yun leading their troops to leave, Liu Xin also led people to the top of the city, waiting anxiously for news from the front.

The day was getting brighter, and Zhang Jiao still woke up early as usual, and was walking in the yard. He recently felt that his body was not as good as before, and it seemed that he needed a lot of recuperation.

However, the development of things will not stop him. Someone from outside reported that Guan Hai was seriously injured! Guan Hai is his first warrior, with a high level of martial arts, how could he get injured for no reason? Zhang Jiao was shocked, full of doubts, and hurried over.

Zhang Jiao summoned the leaders of Taipingdao from various places to Julu, and decided to divide the Taipingdao followers into thirty-six parties. Each party set up a commander of the Taipingdao, and they were all called generals. According to Zhang Jiao's speculation, there will be a severe drought next year, and the disaster will be very serious. This is an excellent opportunity to vigorously develop the Taipingdao. Thirty-six Fang Qushuai took orders to go back and prepare for a big fight.

Guan Hai, as Zhang Jiao's first general, naturally also became a leader. Although Zhang Jiao repeatedly told him not to go to activities near Hejian County, Guan Hai and others took Zhang Jiao's words to heart. Now that he has become a commander of the party and has the right to make decisions, he is always thinking of finding an opportunity to find Liu Xin's bad luck, give him a look, and avenge Zhu Qing.

Guan Hai sent people to Hejian many times to inquire, but there was always no suitable opportunity. He thought about it and thought that it should be the best opportunity around the Spring Festival. On New Year's Eve, when the people who were listening came back, all parts of the river were heavily guarded, and it was still the case on the first day of the new year. It was almost impossible to take advantage of it. However, Guan Hai also heard the news. Although the army did not rest, Minzhuang who served as guard and patrol was only half of the usual.

After another ten days, Guan Hai felt that the time was right. He gathered all the men and horses on his side, about two hundred cavalry, more than one thousand infantry, and quietly marched towards Gaoyang County. Although through the night, there were too many people and horses, and except for the cavalry, the others had not received much formal training, and the noisy voices spread far and wide before arriving in Gaoyang. Min Zhuang, who was on the high platform, noticed the movement and hurriedly lit a beacon.

Seeing the flames ignited, Guan Hai ordered the whole army to attack and rushed into the village in front of him, knowing that his deeds had been revealed. These cavalrymen were all trained, and they rushed in a neat line when they heard the order, but the infantrymen did not follow the line and rushed forward in a swarm. Guan Hai didn't expect it to be like this, frowned and rode forward.

There was a small river outside the village, and the cavalry fell off their horses before they rushed to the river. It turned out that the villagers dug a lot of horse trapping pits by the river, built wooden boards on them during the day, and removed them after dusk, but the spies sent by Guan Hai didn't even find them. In a blink of an eye, more than 30 cavalrymen fell into a horse pit. Many bamboo poles with a sharpened end were inserted in the pit. Whether it was a man or a horse, they fell down and saw that they could not survive, and the team was in chaos for a while.

Guan Hai quickly restrained the team and walked around half a circle before reaching the river. This village is the most remote village in the river, but the village is quite large, and there is a wide wooden bridge over the small river on the main road leading to Luoyang. The villagers ran out one after another as the flames ignited. According to the plan, some villagers were armed with knives and guns, while others immediately removed the wooden boards on the small bridge. The bridge is withdrawn. Although it will be troublesome to set up tomorrow, it’s better than letting the horse thief enter the house. The villagers still figured this out, so everyone moved very quickly, waiting for Guan Hai to bring the horses to the bridge. , But only the bridge piles remain.

Although it was the early spring season, the weather in the north was still cold, and a thin layer of ice formed on the banks of the river. This layer of ice cannot support the weight of people and horses, so I can only wade across the river. The river is not wide and the water is not deep, but the weather is terrible. If you wade across the river, no one can stand these feet.

In fact, when the flames were burning, Guan Hai’s wisest approach was to retreat and return, but he was always looking for opportunities, and the whole Spring Festival was not going well. How could he give up lightly just for this day? The front team was caught in a horse pit and broke more than 30 cavalry, which made him even more angry. That’s all, more than thirty horses! It's not just a matter of money, sometimes you have money and nowhere to buy it. Guan Hai became dizzy for a while and even ordered a wading across the river. I don't know that the chief of this village also knows some art of war and understands the principle of half-passing. The people in the north have the spirit of martial arts, and they are not afraid of these horse thieves. More than two hundred young villagers with knives and guns stopped by the river. They believed that as long as they persisted for a while, the prefect would send troops to arrive.

Guan Hai’s people are actually just ordinary villagers. They finally waded across the river, and all their hands and feet were numb, and their spears were unsteady. The opponents of the villagers who were waiting for work, they were defeated and retreated as soon as they came in contact. More than 30 people were discounted. Guan Hai stomped his feet with anger, and refused to retreat. He simply led the team to the upper reaches to find a place to cross the river.

After tossing for a long time, he finally came to the entrance of the village. Guan Hai breathed a sigh of relief. He was about to give an order to rush into the village, but saw a group of cavalry rushing out of the village. Before he could get close, a shower of arrows came. At that time, there were few civilian bows and arrows. Guanhai’s people did not have bows and arrows, and the people in the village did not have bows and arrows. He immediately understood that this was the reinforcement of the army. Guan Hai looked at the officer army, but only about two hundred people, so he ignored them and ordered an attack. The two armies immediately collided.

Guan Hai had a spear in his hand, and he was fighting with a general headed by the officer and army. The general also used a steel spear with great strength, and it was Zhang Yun. Guan Hai's martial arts are also very outstanding. You come and go, and there are 30 rounds of fighting between the two, regardless of the outcome. The soldiers on both sides were also in a melee. The officers and soldiers were well equipped and well-trained, while the horse thieves relied on a large number of people to fight equally well.

While the battle was going on, another group of cavalry broke out from the village. The cavalry in this team is tall and big, with bright armor, and the momentum is much stronger than that of the cavalry team just now. The leader was a young general with silver helmet and silver armor, holding a bright silver gun, and a white horse. It was very dazzling in the dark, and swept towards Guan Hai like a ball of snowflakes, but it was Zhao Yun. Guan Hai deceived him when he was young and left Zhang Xi to fight Zhao Yun. The two horses crossed, the two guns framed each other, and Guan Hai was taken aback in only one round. The young man's martial arts was still above Zhang Yun. He didn't dare to love fighting at the moment. He shot Zhao Yunxu before turning around and left. Seeing that the lord was defeated, the thieves threw their helmets and armors and fled. Zhang Xi and Zhao Yun joined forces in one place, and then they covered and killed them, chasing them for more than three miles before they stopped.

After finally getting rid of the chasing troops and gathering the defeated army horses, only more than 50 cavalry and more than 200 foot soldiers remained. Guan Hai walked back dejectedly. Not long ago, another group of cavalry rushed forward like the wind. There were not many cavalry in that team, but they were coming like a rainbow, and they were the first two generals. Guan Hai was full of energy and greeted him with a gun. I saw one of them made a big knife and shouted like thunder: "The thief will die by the common name!" Guan Hai fought all night, was exhausted, and was so shocked by his roar that he did not dare to resist the enemy and dialed. The horse just left. The general chased after him, helpless, turned around to take on the battle. The two fought for three or five rounds. Guan Hai became timid, and his marksmanship gradually became disorganized. The general yelled, "Look at the sword!" "With a sound, the spear in his hand has long been broken into two pieces. The broad-sword cast unabated, and the "brush" fell down. Guan Hai only felt a cold on his cheeks, and blood flowed down from his forehead, covering half of his face, but he took advantage of the momentum and urged his horse, turned behind the general, and fled. The general who made the sword wanted to chase after him, but he heard one shout: "Don't chase, it's important that we rush to Hejian."

Guan Hai didn't dare to stay, and ran all the way to Julu under the escort of several defeated soldiers. Hearing what happened, Zhang Jiao was furious: "I've said it again and again, don't go to the river to cause trouble, you dare not listen!"

Guan Hai crouched on the ground, and said with sincerity and fear: "Hai loses the soldiers and breaks the generals, please master to condemn!"

Zhang Jiao looked at Guan Hai with blood on his face, sighed, and said, "Go down and treat your injuries first. This matter has to be discussed in the long term."

Seeing that Zhang Jiao didn’t punish him, he was relieved. He got up from the ground and said, “Master, I’m not in a serious problem. I only had half of my scalp and one ear cut off. I stopped the bleeding on the road. I’m fine now. I have to avenge this grudge!"

Zhang Jiao couldn't bear to blame him, and he became angry again after hearing this: "I still want to take revenge! Come, lock him up first!"

"General Guan just didn't watch for a while, please father to calm down his anger." At this moment, Zhang Ning rushed over after hearing the news, persuaded Zhang Jiao, and said to Guan Hai, "I don't know who hurt the general?"

Guan Hai gritted his teeth and said: "It's a black-faced man who uses a big knife. That's a lot of strength."

Zhang Jiao asked, "Ning'er, you have been in the river for many days, do you know who this person is?"