Back to The Three Kingdoms, I am The Master

Chapter 32: Taoyuan Juyi


Liu Xin knew in his heart that Zhang Fei was very loyal, and his feelings for his brothers might be deeper than those for his brothers. Since they are about to be righteous, he can't miss it, so he hurriedly jumped out: "What is there for three people to worship? Meaning, it’s not as lively as there are people."

Zhang Fei saw Liu Xin. Yesterday, while drinking with Dianwei and Xu Chu, he told them many stories about Liu Xin. He was preconceived and knew that he was a good official praised by everyone in Hejian, so he said respectfully. : "I don't know what the adults have to say?"

Liu Xin said: "Although I am a prefect, I am very fond of you. Why don't you agree to be brothers together?"

Dianwei and Xu Chu hurriedly said, "How dare I wait to climb high."

Liu Xin waved his hand, and said disapprovingly: "You have two eyes and one nose, and I also have two eyes and one nose. What's the difference? Everyone only talks about loyalty, and don't care about the small sections.

Zhang Fei applauded: "Okay! Your lord said so well, you two don't want mother-in-law, hurry up, and the four of us will worship together."

Liu Xin pointed to Zhao Yun and said: "It's not busy. There are two generals in Hejian, and the Zhao Yun brothers are also gentlemen, it is better to worship them as well."

Zhang Fei is a straightforward temper, and he couldn't wait to say: "Well, the seven of us are stronger than anyone else, and the stronger one is the eldest brother!"

Liu Xin heard what he said and remembered a story. Legend has it that when the three of Liu Guanzhang bowed, it was also Zhang Fei who suggested who had the stronger strength to be the eldest brother. As a result, Liu Bei came up with a bad idea, better than climbing a tree. As a result, Zhang Fei was impatient and climbed to the top of the tree. Guan Yu saw that the situation was not good, so he rushed over and climbed to the middle of the waist. Liu Bei stood at the root of the tree without moving, and asked them whether the roots or the tops came first. It turned out to be a big brother.

Liu Xin didn't want to be so treacherous, shook his head and said, "Of course it's younger than age. If you compare strength, who can compare me? That's invincible."

Zhang Fei looked at Liu Xin incredulously: "My lord, you're not bragging. It doesn't seem to be very strong, so how strong it can be."

Liu Xin pointed to a dying poplar tree in the yard, and said, "Can you break the branches of this tree?"

Zhang Fei laughed loudly: "Don't talk about branches, it's so difficult to interrupt this tree."

Liu Xin walked about five meters away from the tree, secretly luck, "ha", hit the tree branch as a punch, only heard the "pounce" sound, the tree fell off a broken branch. Liu Xin arched his hand toward Zhang Fei and said, "Can you do it like this?"

Zhang Fei looked at all this, but couldn't believe it anyway. He rushed forward and picked up the broken branch. It was indeed newly broken. He tried again and punched in the direction of the tree. The branch on the tree. Not moving. Zhang Fei stared at Liu Xin in a daze: "Impossible, this branch was already broken just now, it was blown down by the wind."

Liu Xin said: "Then you are optimistic." After finishing speaking, he punched out in the direction of the poplar tree, and saw the branches swaying, and "pop" another twig fell.

Zhang Fei was completely convinced this time, turning over and bowing to the ground: "Big brother is here, please be respected by younger brother!"

Liu Xin helped him up and said, "Hey, we'd better rank him according to age."

Zhang Fei still wanted to be the eldest brother in his heart. Seeing Liu Xin's handsome appearance, he estimated that his age would not be much older, so he pushed the boat along the water and said, "Okay, then I will listen to the adults."

As a result, Liu Xin was still the oldest compared to his age, Zhang Fei ranked third, but Xu Huang ranked second. Liu Xin looked at Zhang Fei and couldn't help being joking. This kid still couldn't escape the fate of being a mistress. Liu Xin thought, now it’s all right, Liu Bei, the big-eared thief’s brother, let me abduct him. It seems that I should compose his old love story, so he asked: "Yide, you Does this village have a Taoyuan?"

Zhang Fei was taken aback: "Yes. Brother, how did you know?"

Dianweihaha said with a smile: "Our eldest brother has the ability to predict the prophet, and there is often a golden armored god who entrusts him with dreams, and the eldest brother does not know what is going on."

Liu Xin's mind was dizzy. This guy regarded me as a god stick: "Okay, don't talk nonsense. Yi De, take us to Taoyuan to worship."

There are hundreds of peach trees in the Taoyuan in Zhangfeizhuang. Unfortunately, there are not many leaves on the trees due to the severe drought this year, and a few peach blossoms sporadically bloomed. Someone had arranged the Xiang case long ago, and Liu Xin took the four of them to kneel together, leaving the positions of Xu Huang and Zhang Xi. Liu Xin kowtowed three heads toward the Xiang case, and said with a vigorous voice: "The emperor is above, and the earth is below. I, Liu Xin, Xu Huang, Zhang Fei, Zhang Yun, Dian Wei, Xu Chu, and Zhao Yun have become brothers with different surnames today. If you break this oath, people and gods will punish each other." Liu Xin didn't want to say something bad about dying on the same day, the same year, and the same day, like the big-eared thief. The four of them also followed Liu Xin's appearance and swear together.

The worship was over, and all five of them were beaming. Zhang Fei suddenly led everyone to a remote courtyard in the back house, and shouted: "Daughter-in-law, come out and meet every uncle and uncle."

Liu Xin was very surprised when he heard this. This Fei has already married his wife? Seeing the courtyard door opened, Pingting Tingting walked out of a beautiful girl, about 13 or 4 years old, and said to the crowd a blessing: "Hard concubine Xiahou, I have seen all uncles and uncles."

Seeing that it was Zhang Fei's wife, everyone hurriedly returned the gift. Zhang Fei helped the woman up and said to Liu Xin: "My wife was robbed. I am afraid that others will know that she has been hiding in this small courtyard."

Liu Xin was shocked: "Third brother, you snatched this woman back? This is not what a big man did." Liu Xin knew that Zhang Fei had a violent temperament and often whip soldiers after drinking, but he did not expect that he would still rob him. The matter of the people's daughter came, and I couldn't help but slap my tongue.

Zhang Fei smiled and said: "Hey, my eldest brother doesn't know. Zhang Fei has a rough appearance, and he is just a pig-killer and wine seller. Ordinary people would not be willing to marry his daughter to me. This girl is called Xia Houjuan, and I was in the mountains that day. Seeing her cutting firewood alone, she was matched at a glance, and we took her home. We are in good agreement now, and we are a couple."

Liu Xin ignored him and asked Xia Houjuan: "You really want to be with my third brother. If you don't want to, I will be the master for you."

Xia Houjuan bowed to Liu Xinying and said, "Thank you, Uncle. The slave family has both died since childhood and was brought up by her uncle. The year before, her uncle didn't know where to go. The slave family was alone and had no means of living. He was taken home by her husband. Husband Although he looks rough, he has a very good heart, and he loves the Nujia very much, and the Nujia is willing to be with him."

Liu Xin was shocked, Zhang Fei would love his wife? He beat his wife after drinking and it was almost the same. Maybe Xiahoujuan was afraid of being beaten by him, so he didn't believe it, and asked: "I ask you if my third brother beat you up after drinking."

Xia Houjuan shook his head repeatedly. Zhang Fei was anxious: "Brother, am I such a person? I hate the person who bullied my daughter-in-law the most. I haven't touched her a finger until now. Moreover, I pity her when she is young. …"

Zhang Fei blushed and couldn't say anything, Xia Houjuan turned away shyly.

Liu Xin understood immediately, saying that Zhang Fei was rough and fine, but he didn't expect him to be so careful when he hurts people. It's really unpredictable, so he laughed and said: "The third brother, younger brother and sister, as long as you and Meimei, I will Don't worry. There is just one, third brother, you are not allowed to snatch women in the future."

Zhang Fei patted his chest: "Big brother, don't worry, there is such a good wife at home, how would I go to snatch another woman, even if it comes to the door, I won't want it."

Liu Xin sweated badly, Zhang Fei said so, his wife would still follow him without giving up? I didn't expect Zhang Fei with thick lines to have this set. Alas, it's not that I don't understand. The world is changing fast, and Liu Xin was silent for a long while, with nothing to say.

Zhang Fei handed Zhuangzi to a few old servants, cleaned up some details, took Xia Houjuan, and followed Liu Xin and his party to Hejian. After this time, almost a month has passed, and Liu Xin couldn't help but sigh. Now, the traffic is really inconvenient in this era.

As soon as the wind enters the river, the scenery is very different. Looking across the fields, the green fields are green. The people are working hard in the fields. It seems that the drought has not caused much impact. Passing through the county and villages, people live comfortably with happy smiles on their faces. Although people often talk about this year’s drought, almost everyone believes that the prefect Liu can lead them through the difficulties. At this time, Zhang Fei finally believed in Dianwei and Xu Chu's words. Under Liu Xin's governance, Hejian was like a paradise on earth. However, Liu Xin knew in his heart that if it didn't rain anymore, the river would not last long.

Maybe God was moved by people's perseverance, and a few clouds floated, gradually covering the sun.

Zhao Yun looked at the slowly gloomy sky, and said, "Brother, it seems that it's going to rain, let's go faster."

Liu Xin also raised her head, her face full of joy: "It's good to rain. If there is a heavy rain and drought, it will be effectively alleviated. People's life will be much better this year."

Sure enough, light rain floated in the sky. Both the people working in the fields and the soldiers accompanying Liu Xin couldn't restrain their excitement and cheered. Even the horse was infected and neighed happily.

However, the reality is always merciless. The first rain in 183 AD was like passing by in a hurry, coming fast and going faster. The cheers of the crowd hadn't landed yet, and Father Sun's smiling face appeared from the clouds again, raindrops sparsely, and it disappeared without a trace after a while.

"The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Let's continue on our way." Liu Xin shook his head helplessly, the sky has no eyes! Everyone felt the same and urged the horse to move forward.

When we arrived at Hejian County, it was already dusk, and the gate had not yet been closed. I heard that it was the prefect who traveled far back to the city. Many people who were busy entering and leaving the city gate spontaneously stepped aside, separated on both sides, cheering. Zhang Fei once again felt Liu Xin's prestige among the local people.

Ma Yun, with a big belly, went to the gate of the prefectural palace to wait for Liu Xin's return almost every day. Today, she finally got her wish. The first thing Liu Xin did when he returned to the house was to hold another worship ceremony. Xu Huang, who had been in a bad mood, also showed a long-lost smile on his face.

At the dinner party, Zhang Fei, Dianwei, and Xu Chu would naturally have a big drink. Xu Huang and Zhang Yun, who are usually not good wines, also drank freely. Liu Xin still did not allow Zhao Yun to drink. He was also happy to find Fan Juan. went.

Liu Xin returned to the back house alone, but saw Ma Yun sitting on the side of the bed unhappy.