Back to The Three Kingdoms, I am The Master

Chapter 35: Calculate


"How could it not be planned?" Liu Xin said without hesitation, "Look, I am now the prefect, and I am on the site of Hebei. The Yellow Turban uprising will happen next year, and then in another five years, the Han Lingdi is dead. The three kingdoms stand alone. Hebei will belong to Cao Cao's territory. Until the Jin Dynasty, there will be no major wars. At that time, all you need to do is to rely on Cao Cao and be a peace official."

Ma Yun shook his head and said: "You are too simple to think. Before Cao Cao completely occupied Hebei, Hebei was still in constant wars. First, the center of the Yellow Turban Uprising was in Hebei, and then Yuan Shao occupied Hebei and Cao Cao for several battles. Time, what do you use to protect the safety of our mother and child?" Now in troubled times, Ma Yun first thought of her own children.

Liu Xin pondered for a moment, and said, "Forget it, don't think so far. Now I have civil and military under my staff, and I am afraid that I can't make it through. I can't do it. I can win the world."

Ma Yun hurriedly covered his mouth and said: "You can't talk nonsense about this, it's terrible to spread it out. You should think of a way to bring the Zhang Jiao incident to the court."

Liu Xin sighed: "Oh, it's a pity that the horse thieves I caught last time, I didn't have a good interrogation. I just wanted to calm down the situation. Now I play the court. There is really no real evidence."

Ma Yun thought for a while and said, "Don't you often lie to them that there is a golden armor god who entrusts a dream? Can you think of a way from this."

When Liu Xin and Ma Yun were calculating Zhang Jiao here, Zhang Jiao was also preparing for the incident.

In the secret room, the main leaders of Taiping Dao, such as Zhang Jiao, Zhang Bao, Zhang Liang, Guan Hai, Cheng Yuanzhi, Ma Yuanyi, Bo Cai, Peng Tuo, and Zhang Mancheng, gathered together.

"You generals, I brought everyone here today to discuss the major event of rebelling against the government." Zhang Jiao has long called the leaders of all parties generals, and the antipathy is clear.

"Today the emperor is desolate and has no righteousness, castrates in power and misunderstands the country, and the people do not have a life. The immortal masters do more acts of benevolence and righteousness, and the world is united. Now we have hundreds of thousands of people on all sides. The subordinates think that the time to raise troops has come. "It was Bo Cai, the leader of Yingchuan Taiping Road who spoke.

"The subordinates thought that the time had not come. There was a severe drought last winter and summer, and the northern states had no harvest. Now the cold winter is approaching. There will be countless people freezing to death and starving to death. The world will be chaotic. At that time, it will be a good opportunity to raise troops." It was Zhang Mancheng, the leader of Nanyang Taipingdao.

"Brother, listen to me a long time ago. Don't help the victims. The world has long been chaotic. Now the government has begun to distribute food. It's hard to tell whether it's chaotic or not." Zhang Bao is impatient.

"Or Mancheng is justified. I intend to raise troops when I will not pick up next year. How would you like to wait?" Zhang Jiao asked for a moment.

"Since the big brother has this intention, why don't you know the date, when the thirty-six parties start all together, the government will be caught off guard, and things will happen." Zhang Liang, who has not spoken, suggested.

"Okay, then make an appointment with all parties to start on March 5 next year. Yuanyi, what's going on with you in Beijing?" Zhang Jiao turned to Ma Yuanyi and asked.

Ma Yuanyi has been bribing eunuchs recently, and has already had a close relationship with Feng Xie. Hearing Zhang Jiao asked him, he immediately stood up and said: "Guru, I have contacted Zhong Chang servant Feng Xie recently. What should I do next? The master showed it."

Zhang Jiao nodded and applauded him: "Well done, you will start from today, prepare enough gold and silk, bring more people to Beijing, and agree to seal the title as an internal response. I have a nursery rhyme-"The sky is dead, Huang Tiandang" Li, I’m in Jiazi, and the world is prosperous. "You can buy more and ask the children to sing in Beijing. At the end of the new year, the word "Jiazi" will be written all over the capital to confuse people."

Peng Tuo, the leader of Guangyang Taiping Road, said loudly: "This nursery rhyme is well made!'Cang Tian' is the Han Ting, and'Huang Tian' is the guru. If this rumor corresponds, the big things will be harmonious."

Seeing that everyone had no objection, Zhang Jiao said: "Okay! After the generals go back, you can make the children sing this rumor, and you need to step up the training of the people. The success of major events depends on your strength, and we will share the wealth and wealth!"

Everyone's plan has been decided, and they will act separately.

Liu Xin also summoned Jushou, Tian Feng, Xu Huang, Zhang Fei and others, and those who sat in the hall were his confidants.

Liu Xin looked at everyone and said, "I had a dream last night. I dreamed that there was a group of bandits with yellow turbans on their heads. They called themselves the Yellow Turbans. They were numerous and powerful. They attacked cities and seized cities and burned government offices. They were unstoppable." Liu Xin said in his heart, dreams are really good things, and everything can be pushed to this.

Zhang Fei stood up and said, "Big brother, soldiers are coming to block, the water is coming, where is the Yellow Turban thief? I will bring a soldier and horse to kill him without leaving a piece of armor!"

Knowing that Liu Xin's dreams have always worked, Tian Feng couldn't help feeling nervous, and asked: "I wonder how many people in this Yellow Turban thief party have ever dreamed of, an adult?"

Liu Xin thought for a while and said: "It's not very clear in the dream. I just think there are too many people. There are about 100,000 or 200,000 people."

"Ah! So much!" Everyone present was taken aback and started talking.

Liu Xin waved his hands at everyone: "Everyone is quiet and listen to me finish. I also dreamed that the leader of these yellow turban thieves was the so-called great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao, and he also called himself General Tiangong. In addition, I seem to have dreamed about it. He sent a man named Ma Yuanyi to the capital to make friends with the eunuch. It seemed to be an eunuch with the surname Feng. I can't remember it for a while. "In fact, he really can't remember it for a while.

Xu Huang said: "I have been banned in the capital for many years, and I have never heard of an eunuch's surname."

Liu Xin couldn't help hesitating after hearing Xu Huang's words. After all, it was something from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. There are many errors in the records in the history books, let alone the Romance.

Jushou also believed in Liu Xin's dream, and said cautiously: "Since we have never heard of an eunuch whose surname is Feng, we might as well send someone to the capital to find out. If there is an eunuch whose surname is Feng, it will be taken seriously."

Liu Xin nodded and said, "This is a good way. For this matter, I think I still have to report to the Emperor Ming to prepare the court early. But now that the autocratic authority is castrated, my memorial may be difficult to listen to. I think. Repeatedly, only to take the opportunity of the coming New Year to send someone to the capital to give Zhang Rang a gift, tell the truth about what he saw in his dream, and ask him to submit it on his behalf. Also, Zhang Rang must know if there is an eunuch with the surname Feng."

Both Tian Feng and Jushou were deeply hurt by the eunuchs. After hearing Liu Xin's words, they looked at each other. Tian Feng got up and said: "The grown-ups must not make friends with the eunuchs because of what they saw in their dreams and destroy their reputations. The world's gentlemen are not ashamed." Xu Huang, Zhang Yun, Zhao Yun, and Zhang Fei also nodded secretly, apparently agreeing with Tian Feng's opinion.

Liu Xin showed an awe-inspiring appearance and said: "How can I not know Yuan Hao's words. But if what I saw in my dreams becomes true, the world will be in chaos, and life will inevitably be overwhelmed. Liu is also afraid of being able to love himself. , And ignore the safety of all people in the world."

Jushou hesitated and said, "This... In this way, the adult's sacrifice is too great."

Liu Xin stood up "huo": "For the sake of the people of the world, personal sacrifices count as much."

Seeing that Liu Xin had decided, everyone had no objections. The gift-giving errand was naturally handed over to Xu Huang's hands.

Zhang Rang was extremely happy to hear that Liu Xin gave him a gift. Although he had only met Liu Xin once, he felt that this kid was very prosperous. First he gave him a tiger whip to heal his old cold legs for many years, and then he gave him a kind of furniture called "chair". After the eunuch is cleansed, his lower body is always dripping, and there is always a bashful smell when sitting on his knees. Therefore, the eunuch always uses some perfume on his body, but this chair is different. Sitting higher, the lower part will naturally be refreshed. It's not so uncomfortable anymore, so he helped Liu Xin speak in front of the emperor twice.

In fact, he really didn't care about the gold and silver jewelry Liu Xin sent. But when Xu Huang explained what Liu Xin meant, Zhang Rang hesitated. There was indeed an eunuch named Feng in this palace, who only appeared in this year, so Xu Huang didn't know. This seal was also a cronies of Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong, so Zhang Rang was a little undecided and agreed to visit.

Xu Huang came back from Luoyang and did not bring any news that satisfied Liu Xin and Ma Yun.

It was New Year’s Eve in a blink of an eye, and the day when the Yellow Turban Uprising broke out was getting closer and the court was still quiet. There were no pedestrians on the road in Hejian County. The people all returned home. Tomorrow is the Spring Festival. This is the most important festival of the Han nationality in a year.

In front of the gate of the prefectural palace, Jushou neatly wrote "Firecrackers resigning from the old year, Taofu to welcome the new year" on two pieces of red cloth with official script. He had hardly seen Liu Xin write, so this year's Spring Festival couplets took the initiative to do it for him.

Ju Zhizheng directed the soldiers to hang on the gate. Liu Xin was delighted when he saw it, and hurriedly stopped him and said, "Wait, wait. You guys, last year's Spring Festival couplet was this, but this year it's still the same. Change to a fresh one. "

"Fresh? This is also just written." Jushou was puzzled.

"This Spring Festival couplet is to express good wishes, as long as the text is neat, dual, concise, and exquisite. It would be boring if every family and every household and every year post the same couplets! So, you can ask your madam, this year His spring couplets are in charge of his wife." Liu Xin also knew that there was not much in his stomach, so he didn't dare to show his ugliness, so he immediately kicked the ball to Ma Yun, who was standing with his son in his arms and enjoying the scenery.

In fact, Ma Yun didn’t have many couplets in her stomach, but when she was doing winter homework in school, she always asked to copy a few couplets. The common ones still had some impression. So Liu Xin gave a blank look and said, "Well, let’s get a fresh one. . For example,'Spring returns to the earth, a hundred flowers are blooming, and the sun is warm, everything is radiant in China','The days increase in the days and the life increases, and the spring is full of the universe and the world is full of blessings'.

Jushou applauded: "The phrase'the days increase, the years increase the life' is a good phrase, I can't think that the lady has such a literary talent! Admire, admire."

At this moment, a group of cavalry came from the direction of the city gate and went straight to the prefectural palace. Liu Xin looked around, and the head one seemed to be dressed up as an eunuch. When the team came closer, the leading eunuch turned over and dismounted, but it was the little eunuch Zhang Gou'er.

Zhang Gou'er got off the horse and shouted: "Liu Xin takes the order!"

Liu Xin didn't dare to neglect, so he knelt down in a hurry. Zhang Gou'er slowly unfolded the yellow silk in his hand, and said slowly: "Feng Tian accepts transportation, the emperor said..."