Back to The Three Kingdoms, I am The Master

Chapter 65: Catch the week


A burly man with a naked torso was pushed out. He walked swayingly, his eyes fascinated, and he was still a little confused. Before Liu Xin was in front of him, he heard a strong scent of alcohol. The soldiers looked at him like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, sweating for him in secret.

Kuailiang attached to Liu Xin's ear and whispered: "This person is Wenpin. Although he is only a team member, he has some prestige in the Nanyang Army. The other team seems to be no longer in the camp."

"Wen Ren?" Liu Xin was taken aback, with her eyebrows furrowed. Could this be the Wen Ren who is known for his loyalty, wisdom and courage? He turned his head and said to Kuailiang, "Tie him up first, and then send him to me when he wakes up tomorrow. In addition, we will arrange for another team to come and see me."

Liu Xin returned to the prefecture from the barracks, but his anger was not quenched, but he saw that the mansion was beaming.

Seeing Liu Xin's return, Ma Yun groaned: "Husband, you ran out early in the morning and only came back after a while. What day is today, do you know?"

Liu Xin asked strangely: "Is there anything special about today's day?"

Bian Yu also heard the sound and walked out and said a blessing to him, saying: "Master, today is the first birthday of the young master."

Although Liu Xin accepted Bian Yu, he did not neglect Ma Yun in the slightest. Moreover, he has figured out the secrets of his body. The behavior between husband and wife is no longer the same as in the past. He only knows that he will use some gentle methods blindly, and the life of the husband and wife will be much more harmonious. Ma Yun knew that Bian Yu was born in a brothel, and only when Bian Yu taught Liu Xin, her character was open, but she didn't mean to blame Bian Yu. The sisters still get along very well. It's just that Bian Yu pays great attention to etiquette, and the predecessors only called Liu Xin and Ma Yun as the master and the wife. Even Liu Yu has always been regarded as the young master, and he is not willing to be too polite. Liu Xin said about her many times, but she insisted on not changing it, so she had to let her go.

Liu Xin just woke up like a dream. He patted his head with his hand and said: "Look at how incompetent my father is. He should be punished and punished."

Bian Yu said again: "Madam prepared for a day and arranged a program called Catch Zhou. I will wait for the master to come back to host."

"Catch Zhou!" Liu Xin looked at Ma Yun in surprise, only to see a triumphant smile on her mouth.

There is no custom of catching Zhou in this era, but Ma Yun is very fond of her son, and the process of catching Zhou is naturally indispensable. In fact, Ma Yun only remembered the matter of catching Zhou. She didn't know exactly what to prepare. Anyway, this was the first time that everyone caught Zhou. She would do what she said.

There are no outsiders in the house, only Qiao'er, Ying'er, Xiao Liu Yu and Zhu's mother and daughter. The little girl Zou Rui held a large lacquer tray in her hand, which contained some things collected by Ma Yun, including brushes, inkstones, copper coins, wooden knives, small guns, flowers, jewelry, abacus, and snacks. What surprised Liu Xin the most was that there was a book on it, which was cut with the best paper and bound with silk thread. This is probably the oldest thread-bound book.

Liu Xin picked up this thread-bound book casually, and on the cover there were two simplified characters he was familiar with—Science. Open it gently, the inside is full of charming lower letters, with a lot of popular science knowledge written in it, of course, all in simplified characters. Liu Xin couldn't help turning to Ma Yun, and gave a thumbs up: "My wife, I can't think of your brush writing so well!"

Ma Yun covered her mouth, smiled "Eat," and said, "This is written with a brush. Take a good look, it's clearly written with a hard pen."

"Hard pen?" Liu Xin became even more strange, "Where did you get the pen?"

Ma Yun smiled and said, "Don't guess, it's important to preside over Yu'er's week-grabbing ceremony."

Liu Xin was also interested, put down the thread-bound book in his hand, and said: "Okay, wait a while, I'll add another thing in, see if Yuer likes it or not."

After a short time, Liu Xin hurriedly returned from the outside, and lightly placed a copper bump in the lacquer tray. Everyone took a closer look, and it turned out that he had taken his official seal over.

Ma Yun hugged Liu Yu in front of the large paint tray and put it down. Everyone's eyes were fixed on Liu Yu's hands. Ma Yun stood behind Liu Yu, most nervous.

Liu Yu looked at the plate full of exotic toys, feeling at a loss for a while, not knowing which one to use. The purpose of catching Zhou is to predict the children's future ambitions, prospects and careers. Although it is not accurate, Ma Yun pays too much attention to it, so he does not allow others to speak and prompt, and let Liu Yu choose by himself.

Liu Yu's small hands danced around on the lacquer plate, and finally stretched out his right hand and firmly grasped Liu Xin's official seal.

Although Liu Xin knew this was just a small game, he already had the determination to fight for the hegemony of the world. It was a good sign to see Liu Yu chose his official seal, and he couldn't help but laughed proudly: "It really is mine. Good son!"

Unexpectedly, before his words fell, Liu Yu stretched out his left hand again, but this time tightly grasped Zou Rui's wrist holding the plate, and refused to let it go.

Ma Yun suddenly leaned forward and closed, laughing so much that tears came out, and pushed Liu Xin next to him and said: "If you have a father, you must have a son, and he is also a lascivious."

Instead, Zhu's mother and daughter made a big blush on the sidelines.

In the early morning of the next day, before dawn, there was a big man kneeling in front of the door of the prefecture and animal husbandry. This big man was naked and tied a bundle of thorns on his back. It was Wenpin.

Liu Xin heard the news and walked out of the palace and said: "What's wrong? The Wen team is right, dare you to play a negative role?"

Wen Pin knelt on the ground, crying: "I think Wen Pinkong has a martial arts, can not protect the people of Li people, can not protect his wives and children, what kind of face is born in the world! If it weren't for the words of Taishou Kuaishou to tell me yesterday, I have not yet awakened. The villain is so dull that he violates the military law, please be punished by the lord according to the law!"

It turned out that Huang Turban attacked Wancheng at night. Chu Gong was unprepared. Nanyang Army was in a state of chaos. Wenpin relied on martial arts to fight a bloody way and escaped from the city. However, his parents and newlywed wife stayed in the city and were killed by Huang Turban. Since then, Wenpin has not wanted to make a living, and has spent the entire day with wine to seduce his sorrow.

Liu Xin yelled when he saw this: "If a man has tears, don't flick it lightly, stand up and speak for me!"

Wenpin had his hands tied behind his back and thorns tied on his back. It was easy to kneel down, but it was a bit difficult to stand up. Kuailiang sympathized with his experience, stepped forward to help, and helped him up.

Liu Xin continued: "Wenpin, your parents and beloved wife are alive in the sky, and you certainly don’t want to see you like this. Man, man, wherever you fall and where you get up, you must not abandon yourself. The road is still long. Although the Nanyang Yellow Turban is destroyed, the people's life is still difficult. Are you willing to help me do something for the people?"

Wen Pin was surprised, and was taken aback for a while. With a "plop", he fell to the ground again: "Lord Meng will not give up! Wen is willing to follow the lord to the death!"

Liu Xin laughed, stretched out his hand to lift him up, untied the ropes on his body, threw the wattle aside, and said, "I know that the past can be changed, and there is no way to be good. This is how you look like a man! But the mistakes you made before can't Forgive me, like other soldiers, help the people for twenty-five days. Do you have any complaints?"

Wen Pin said loudly: "No complaints!"

"Okay!" Liu Xin turned to Kuailiang and asked, "Is the team that evacuated the barracks caught?"

Kui Liang shook his head and said, "This person has been away from the barracks for a long time, I'm afraid he will not be in Xiangyang long ago."

Wen Pin said, "Going back to the lord, this person is called Huang Zhong. I was in the Nanyang Army with me. He had a lot of fate in the past. I heard that he took his family and escaped from Wanzhou together. City, now I rent a house in Xiangyang City, so I’m not in the army. This person is also a loyal person, and I hope the Lord will be able to open up the Internet."

"Huang Zhong?!" Liu Xin was overjoyed and said: "This Huang Zhong evacuated the barracks and deserves to be punished. The punishment to him is the same as you, and I will never tolerate it. Do you know where he lives?"

Wenpin heard that Liu Xin just wanted Huang Zhong to help the people for twenty-five days, so he relaxed and said: "Back to the lord, Wenmou once heard the sergeant talk about his rental land. The villain is the lord lord. Go."

Wenpin led Liu Xin to a house in Xicheng, Xiangyang, and lightly buttoned the door knocker, but heard the faint sound of women crying from the room.

When the door opened, a man appeared in front of Liu Xin. This person is more than 30 years old, is more than seven feet long, has thick eyebrows, big eyes, a tiger-backed waist, and his face sinks like water, but with a slightly sad expression.

Seeing this extraordinary popularity, Liu Xin thought to himself whether he was Huang Zhong.

Just listen to Wenpin said: "Brother Han Sheng, this is Master Mu Liu of Jingzhou, I am here to look for you."

Liu Xin muttered in her heart, it really was Huang Zhong. It turned out that Huang Zhong was not very old at this time, it was the time when he was rich and powerful.

But seeing Huang Zhong arched his hand at Liu Xin and said: "It turns out that it is Master Zhou Mu, there is something in the little man's house, it is inconvenient to receive, the adults should come back." After finishing, he wanted to close the door and see him off.

Liu Xin's face sank and said, "Huang Zhong, I didn't come to you for gossip. As a soldier of a big man, you have left your post without permission and violated the military law. Don't you still have no idea to repent?"

Seeing his poor speech, Huang Zhong clenched his fists and said angrily: "Your lord is here to arrest Huang today!"

At this time, there were bursts of crying in the room, and Liu Xin was puzzled and asked: "Huang Zhong, what is going on in your house? If there is something embarrassing, just say it. But no matter what the reason, you can't. Become your reason to escape punishment!"

Huang Zhong clenched his fists and unclenched them, unclenched and squeezed, seemingly difficult to choose, hesitated again and again, finally sighed, and said, "Oh, the child is seriously ill, and his life will be soon!"

When Liu Xin heard this, he frowned and asked, "Have you ever seen an imperial doctor?"

Huang Zhong shook his head helplessly, and said, "Several well-known imperial doctors in Xiangyang City have visited, alas..."

Liu Xin suddenly woke up and said anxiously: "Quick, hurry up, take the child, and see someone with me! It is important to save the child first! For other things, I will settle accounts with you later!"