Back to The Three Kingdoms, I am The Master

Chapter 72: I hate iron but not steel


After thinking about it, Liu Xinsi decided to obey Ma Yun's policy, be lenient in confession, and be strict in resistance. Of course, he didn't tell her the truth completely. If Ma Yun knew that his body was caused by practicing that kind of meditation, she would definitely treat him as a cult member. Liu Xin just said lightly that after Zhang Ji's examination, his body is no longer affected and he does not need to be treated by that way. As a result, Ma Yun's fan fist naturally slammed him.

Although Liu Xin grinned in pain, she was filled with joy. After all, Zhu was already his woman, her real name was Zhu Qian, and she had nothing to do with the Zou family ever since. Zou Rui also changed her surname and became Liu Xin's stepdaughter. Liu Xin now thinks of that night of sex, and her heart is still itchy. Ma Yun is the hostess of the family and pays great attention to her own image. And Bian Yu was also determined to be a good wife and mother, and refused to let him go crazy. Only Zhu Qian did not promote her identity because she became his woman. She always regarded herself as an ordinary maid. Not only was she still working hard at the housework in the house, she was also obedient to Liu Xin in every possible way, like playing a jade flute and a gangster. All these tricks are based on his temperament.

The construction of Xiangyang City is progressing quite smoothly, and most of the city walls have been completed. Not only does the construction of the city wall require a lot of masonry, but the newly built official residences, research institutes, and academies in the city have also largely reduced the use of wood in order to prevent fires, and replaced them with blue brick and small tiles. In history, the masonry architecture was really developed in the Song Dynasty, but Liu Xin's arrival brought all this ahead. Brick-making requires a large amount of soil, so the large amount of earth excavated from the moat is used, and the moat is also continuously widened. It is almost as wide as the moat of Xiangyang City that Liu Xin's later generations have seen, and the widest point has been reached. Two hundred meters.

The first to be completed was the mansion assigned to Zhang Yun. The research institute, academy, and medical school are also nearing completion, and there is still some finishing work left. As for the residences of other people, it will take another month or so to wait.

Not only did the expansion of Xiangyang City go smoothly, but this year's Jingzhou was another harvest year, and the people's faces were filled with happy smiles. For the harvest of this fall, the people themselves can get 45 percent, which was never imagined in the past. Not only that, the Master Zhou Mu also added an official warehouse to openly purchase autumn grains at a price of 50 bucks per stone. Because the price of grain in Han Dynasty fluctuated greatly, when it was the cheapest, it was sold for five dollars per stone, and when it was the most expensive, it was sold for one hundred dollars per stone. In this way, the collapse of food prices that was thought to have been caused by the bumper harvest has been avoided, and the income of the people has actually increased.

Jushou was in charge of Jingzhou's finances, and he was so happy when he reported to Liu Xin. Originally, so many projects were launched at the same time, and the money was spent like running water. Half of the six billion dollars seized from the Yellow Turban had been used. Well, the land in Nanyang and Nanxiang counties is basically in the hands of the government, and farmers actually rent their crops from the government, and the government can get 50% of the harvest. In the two counties of Xiangyang and Changsha, although the land held by the government is not much, the tax revenue has nearly doubled. The tax revenue of these four counties in autumn this year is much more than that of the entire Jingzhou last year. Now he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Ju Suo said triumphantly: "Lord, not only that, now the road to Luoyang is blocked, and this year's tax revenue can be passed to the court."

Liu Xin looked at Jushou with excitement, and couldn't help but laugh: "Gongyou, don't be too happy too early. The part of the money handed over to the court is indispensable. You can calculate it carefully and be prepared."

Jushou said in surprise: "Lord, there was a severe drought in the north last year, and many counties did not pay taxes. Even a few taxpayers were discounted. Only our Hejian paid enough. And even if we want to pay this year, This road is also unavailable."

Liu Xin said positively: "We can't control what others do. We still have to pay the taxes we should pay, but we only pay these four counties, and the other five counties will be settled by themselves. As for the road, you don't have to worry about it. , I estimate that in two months at the earliest, the court’s battle to suppress the Yellow Turban should be over."

Jushou was even more surprised, and asked, "Where did the lord heard the news? According to the intelligence spied by the Mirage, the officer and the Yellow Turban are still at odds with each other, and there are many defeats, and the outcome is unpredictable."

Of course Liu Xin couldn't tell him, that was because Zhang Jiao was about to die of illness, so he had to switch the topic away: "Gong and, you will know this by then, you just need to be prepared. By the way, Phantom has also learned recently. What's the situation?"

Jushou's face became solemn and said, "Going back to the lord, his subordinates are about to report this matter. Recently, Changsha's Phantom Squad found that the Su family's activities were abnormal. I have gone to Jiangling secretly four times this month."

"Su family? Jiangling?" Liu Xin didn't know the situation in Changsha. His information about this era mainly came from "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and some games of the Three Kingdoms, and there was no mention of Su Dai in these. Of course, Liu Xin also understands that, let alone the drama, many records in the history books are wrong, and it is normal not to mention it. People like Chu Gong, Bei Yu, and Qin Jie have not mentioned it.

Ju conferred on Liu Xin's thoughts, and continued to explain: "The Su family is the number one gentry in Changsha. Su Dai himself has always wanted to get the post of Changsha prefect, while Jiangling is the office of Nanjun prefect Bei Yu. I have sent someone there. I asked Jiangling, and the news came back that there were a lot more soldiers and horses in Nanjun, and now it is close to 20,000. A small Nanjun, far away from the Yellow Turban, why does it need so many soldiers and horses? And the court obviously doesn't know this situation. , The inside is intriguing."

Liu Xin nodded and said, "Gongyou, your analysis is very reasonable. These two people have to keep an eye on me, and other big families in Changsha should also keep an eye on them. Changsha is our only fulcrum in Jiangnan, so there is no room for it. Lost, it seems that the strength there will be strengthened."

The power of the Phantom is still very weak, and it is very difficult to find these clues. Recently, Mo Xiangzhai's business has been good, and most of the money he made has been invested in Mirage by Jushou, but Mirage still has a long way to go before it can grow into a qualified spy organization.

However, Liu Xin was very satisfied with Mirage's performance and decided to build a secret training base for Mirage in the outskirts of Xiangyang. Naturally, Liu Xin didn't need to worry about these things. Jushou would post everything properly.

Su Dai once again quietly came to the Southern County Prefect's Mansion in Jiangling City, and he didn't notice a few shadows flashing behind him.

Bei Yu kindly welcomed Su Dai into the study, and asked with a smile on his face: "Brother, how are your preparations?"

Su Dai confidently said: "The four gates of Changsha have arranged for my people. As soon as the time comes, we will meet inside and outside, and Changsha City will be at your fingertips."

Bei Yu smiled and said, "Then I will congratulate my brother first. You must be the prefect of Changsha. I will send 10,000 soldiers to help you! However, the key to success is whether it can be removed smoothly. Liu Xin, brother, you have to go there yourself."

Su Dai looked at Bei Yu suspiciously, and asked: "If you want to get rid of Liu Xin, you can only do it secretly. The best chance is at Zhang Yun's wedding banquet. I don't seem to have any chance. I have to rely on my brother. You."

Bei Yu still smiled and said: "I have made arrangements for the wedding banquet. If I want to get rid of Liu Xin, there are only two methods, poisoning and assassination. But in order to prevent any accidents, I need my brother. Shot at the same time with me. I have already inquired clearly. This Liu Xin doesn't like drinking, but after he came to Xiangyang for more than half a year, he took two concubines in succession. Obviously, he is a womanizer. You can start from this aspect."

Su Dai said, “As long as he is good, it’s not difficult to get close to him. When I return to Changsha, I will choose a few beauties and give them to Liu Xin. If he is really lustful, he will definitely be happy. Accept it and treat me as a guest, and it will be a fuss here."

Bei Yu nodded and said: "I have also prepared a few stunning dancers here. They all grew up in my house. They are extremely loyal. I have sent people to Xiangyang. You should also prepare as soon as possible. It is scheduled to start on the night Zhang Xi gets married."

Su Dai understood his mind and hurriedly left the study. As soon as he left, two young people flashed out from behind the screen, came to Bei Yu, and said, "Does my father really want to help this Su Dai land Changsha?"

It turns out that they are two sons of Bei Yu, one is Bei Wei and the other is Bei Meng.

Bei Yu snorted coldly and said, "Just because he wants to be the prefect of Changsha, let's dream. Bei Meng, then you will take five thousand men and horses to Changsha and bring your father's treasure to Changsha. Beiwei stays in Jiangling. "

When Bei Meng heard this, he asked incomprehensibly: "Father, didn't you say that you can take ten thousand horses to Changsha?"

Bei Wei heard that Bei Yu gave the treasure to his younger brother, and felt a little unhappy. Before Bei Yu could answer, he took the opportunity to say, "Second brother, this is the father who lied to Su Dai. Then Tian Feng and Xu Chu will definitely return to Xiangyang for a dinner. There are many dragons in Changsha without a leader, and there are people from the Su Dynasty who are in charge. Why do you need so many people. Father, to be on the safe side, let me go to Changsha."

Bei Meng's expression changed when he heard what his brother said.

Seeing that his brothers were at odds, Bei Yu said in a deep voice: "Don't fight, this is the matter. I have worked hard to seize these territories. It is not for the two of you. You have to unite sincerely. Bei Meng, you remember, let you go to Changsha, not to fight, but to put down the rebellion! At that time, I will personally lead ten thousand horses to Xiangyang to put down the rebellion. No matter whether things are successful or not, I will never fail."

Bei Wei and Bei Meng looked at each other and shook their heads, obviously not understanding what he meant.

Bei Yu looked at the two sons helplessly, with a hatred of iron but not steel.