Back to The Three Kingdoms, I am The Master

Chapter 9: Air strikes


"Dian Zhuang has any requirements, but it's okay to talk about it. As long as Liu can do it, he will never break his promise." Liu Xin understands that Dian Wei is a loyal person. As long as he is willing to be his own subordinate, he will not worry that he will have two minds.

Seeing Liu Xin's refreshment, Dianwei became embarrassed and murmured: "This, this, I don't have any big requirements, as long as I'm full of wine and meat.

Ma Yun saw him say this for a long time, but at such a request, she couldn't help but laughed "puff". Liu Xin glared at her and said with a serious face: "As long as the strong man is willing to come, make sure to eat meat every day. As for Alcohol can be drunk but not drunk. If you are marching in war, you are not allowed to drink. Can you do it

Dian Wei heard that he could eat meat every day, and excitedly held Liu Xin with a fist, and said: "From now on, I will follow the adults, only the adults will look forward to them! The adults are here for a while, and I will come as soon as I go."

After Dianwei finished speaking, before Liu Xin could answer, he left like a gust of wind. Liu Xin shook her head helplessly and looked at Ma Yun, only to see that she didn't know when she ran to the tiger's bloody viscera and looked like it was turned inside out. Ma Yun felt Liu Xin's gaze and turned and walked over, but she was holding the flying knife in her hand.

Liu Xin asked strangely: "It's just a small knife. What are you looking for? You see, your hands are covered with blood. Go and wash by the side of the stream."

Ma Yun said while washing her hands, "The material of your knife is really special. I can't see what it is made of for a while. It's a shame to lose it. Give me this one. You can teach me later. How about playing with flying knives?"

Liu Xin knew that she was not an ordinary girl. Not to mention that she had studied at the police academy for two years. Even if she was born in a police family, she was good at fist and kicks. Hearing that she wanted to learn, she took out eleven flying knives from her waist. , Handed it over to her hand and said: "Then I will give you some more. When the river is settled down, I will teach you well. Although the world is still calm now, it will be messed up soon. Many self-defense Skills are also good."

Ma Yun took the flying knife unceremoniously, and said: "I just checked. The flying knife you shot has penetrated into the skull from the tiger's eyes, and the internal organs were indeed hit by a heavy external force. Until it breaks, it's hard to say whether this tiger died of a throwing knife or your fist, but your strength is really great. Why haven't I found it before?"

Liu Xin said: "I also have this discovery. I feel that my strength seems to be getting stronger. Is it because of the crossing?"

Ma Yun saw a big rock on the side of the mountain stream, so she walked over and moved it and said, "I have also crossed, no matter how strong I am, this reason seems to make no sense."

At this time, a fresh mountain breeze blew the bloody smell away without a trace. Liu Xin suddenly figured it out and said to Ma Yun, "I see, it's the air problem. Look, the air here. It’s so fresh and without any pollution. I’ve recently adjusted my breath and practiced the exercises, and I felt that my blood was much more comfortable than before. There seemed to be an air current in my body. One year!"

Ma Yun didn't believe it: "You said too much, don't I also breathe fresh air now? Why is there no effect?"

Liu Xin smiled and said, "You have not practiced your own kung fu, of course it has no effect. Although you have some grappling and fighting skills from elementary school, you are no better than the internal martial arts I learned. You must practice one breath inside and train your muscles and bones outside. Pi. There is another characteristic of my open punch. It can hit objects in the air. If you don't believe me, let me try it."

Liu Xin walked a few steps, about five meters away from a small tree, secretly lucking his inner strength, and slapped a punch at the branches of the small tree. He only heard a sound of "pounce", the small tree swayed and the tree swayed. The branch on the tree was really cut off.

"Okay!" Before Liu Xin could finish her work, there was a loud shout from the mountain stream. It turned out that Dianwei rushed back with a pair of big iron halberds. He happened to see Liu Xin punching the tree five meters away. He was still suspicious of Liu Xin who had beaten the tiger bare-handed, but now he admires Liu Xin. Get five bodies on the ground.

At this moment, Xu Huang also walked over and said to Liu Xin: "My lord, the tiger meat is already cooked. Please enjoy it with my adults."

When Liu Xin heard this, he greeted Dianwei and said, "Dianwei, you came just in time. The meat is already cooked. Let's go and taste it. I haven't tasted the taste of tiger meat yet."

Seeing them coming, Zhang Gou'er mysteriously pulled Liu Xin aside and said, "Master Liu, I have a good thing for you. Look, this is the tiger whip. You will eat it tonight. Yes, I'm sure that Madam won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow."

When Liu Xin heard that this little eunuch had no roots anymore, he wanted to make fun of him because of his nasty thoughts, to see what would happen if he eats this tiger whip, so he said, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your kindness. Nothing to hide. You said that there is a lot of money in the next stage, and you don't need to rely on this to make a strong wind. If you eat this game, it will be good for your health. If you don't believe it, try it."

When Zhang Gou'er heard this, he said, "There is also this saying that this stuff is also good for our body?"

Liu Xin patted him on the shoulder and smiled ambiguously: "What is your relationship with you, my lord? This kind of thing can deceive you."

"Then thank Master Liu!" Zhang Gou'er listened to Liu Xin's words, and immediately hid the tiger whip like a treasure.

Liu Xin and Ma Yun felt that the tiger meat was too tainted, and they ate a little and then stopped eating it, but Dian Wei, Xu Huang, and Sergeant Yi Cong enjoyed it. Ma Yun pulled Liu Xin aside, and whispered in his ear: "You honestly confess, what were you talking about sneakily with that little eunuch? The expression on his face seemed to be very sexy."

Liu Xin sweats profusely. It turns out that she has been under her surveillance! I had to tell her what I had just said to Zhang Gou'er as it was, making Ma Yun's face flushed with embarrassment.

After eating the tiger meat, everyone continued on the road. Along the way, Xu Huang was jealous at Dianwei's big iron halberd. The pair of big iron halberds were made of iron, each weighing 40 kilograms. He had always wanted to build a big axe, but he couldn't afford it. Liu Xin heard about it, so he asked Xu Huang to draw a picture, and promised to send him a big ax after he settled down in the river. These days, Dianwei and Xu Huang often competed in martial arts, but they got along very well. Liu Xin observed carefully, because there was no weapon to match his hand, Xu Huang could not walk under Dianwei for 20 rounds. If he had a big axe in his hand, There is no problem in insisting on more than fifty rounds.

Along the way, hurriedly hurried, and after another five or six days, the group finally reached the boundary of Hejian at the end of July.

Hejian belongs to a county in Jizhou, with eleven counties under its jurisdiction, with its administrative office in Lecheng County. Hejian County Cheng Cheng Li and Chang Shi Zhang Jun, who received the news, took a group of subordinate officials to wait at the gate of the city early. Surrounded by everyone, Liu Xin came to the Hejian Prefect's Mansion, delivered the official documents, and officially took office.

Li Juncheng had originally arranged a banquet to receive the wind, but Liu Xin was very tired when he was on the way, and Zhang Gou'er was anxious to bring two million back to Beijing, so the banquet was postponed a few days later. When Li Cheng retired with all the officials, Liu Xin gave out another 100,000 yuan to reward Xu Huang and all the sergeants. Zhang Gou'er brought Xu Huang and a group of sergeants, and Le Dian escorted the twenty large boxes back to the capital. Before leaving, Xu Huang told Dian Weiqian that he must protect his eldest brother's safety.

The prefectural residence is very large, but since the predecessor resigned, it has been unoccupied. Li Cheng, who recently received news, arranged for someone to clean it up. There were no servants. Only two sergeants were sent to guard the door. Liu Xin allocated a yard to the west for Dian Wei to live in, and he took Ma Yun around the house.

As Ma Yun walked, she was calculating her account. There was a lot of money spent on this journey. In addition to the rewards for Xu Huang and others, she used 300,000 yuan, and she suddenly felt distressed and said to Liu Xin: " Husband, I can’t think of it in a blink of an eye. You only have one hundred and seven hundred thousand dollars left when you said ten million. I don’t know how much the salary of these two thousand stones is. You have to save the point in the future, otherwise you will be tight for a while. , We have to go back to the old business again."

Liu Xin couldn't help but laughed and said, "I can't think of a wife who can live a life. Don't worry, the salary of two thousand shi is definitely a lot, and you can't be hungry. I think this prefectural palace is empty. Now the most important thing is to buy a few. The next person will come back. Just now, I have instructed Li Cheng to call both the two tooth wives in the city in a while. We will discuss how many people need to be bought back. Both men and women will definitely want them."

Ma Yun was taken aback when he heard this: "Husband, I heard you right, you are trafficking in human beings! You are not a thief now, but a court official, how can you..."

Liu Xin interrupted her and said, "Hehe, my wife, your mind is still in the 21st century. It is the second century AD. You have to keep up with the times. As a prefect, it is normal to buy a few servants and servants at home. But, um, I have to buy a cook. If you don’t buy some people and come back, you will have to cook and clean such a big house in the future, so that you won’t be exhausted."

Ma Yun then realized that it was illegal to buy and sell people in the Han Dynasty. She smiled embarrassedly: "I almost forgot that I had crossed. Time flies so fast. Forty days have passed in a flash."

Liu Xin listened to Ma Yun's words, and whispered in Ma Yun's ear: "Yes, it has been more than 30 days since the death of my foster father. Let's take care of that important event tonight."

When Ma Yun heard Liu Xin talk about it, she couldn't help blushing, and said, "You, when you are a high official, you don't want to benefit the people, but think about these bad things."

The two were talking, and reported the sergeant at the door, and the toothpother had arrived.

Liu Xin was about to go out, but was stopped by Ma Yun and said, "Husband, just rest, and leave this to me. Don't worry, you know what I do. Anyone who sneaks and rapes can't escape me. My eyes, I promise to pick them all up with diligence and hard work."

Knowing that Liu Xin couldn't hold him back, she let her deal with the two tooth wives, while she went to the study to read the volume sent by Li Cheng.

Ma Yun ordered the sergeant to put the toothwoman in. The newly appointed prefect wants to buy slaves and maids. Naturally, the toothwoman did not dare to neglect, and brought all the qualified candidates. Seeing the people brought in by the dentists, Ma Yun, who was kneeling on the table, felt angrily rushing in her chest. She snapped a few cases in front of her and stood up.