Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 25: Exclusively published by Jinjiang Literature City


In the billiard room, Lu Zhen leaned over to stare at the white ball. With a "bang", the white ball hit the net, and the entire billiard table shook.

It was obvious that there was anger in the corners of his eyes.

"Who the hell is it? They even invited people from the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to come to the school to help him clarify."

Qin Hao said unwillingly: "It's hard to win a round, and now it's evened again."

Lu Zhen supported the pole and stood up straight: "This report didn't kill him, and the next time, the next time, anyone will show their feet."

"Shen Kuo behaves well and sits upright. It's not easy for us to take advantage of him." Liang Ting sat by the billiard table, propped his nose with his hand, and meditated: "Shen Kuo holds grudges very much. Let's go to the industry and commerce to report him. He will Fighting back."

"Come on, I'm still afraid of him!" Lu Zhen rolled his eyes: "Now I just want to kill the guy who spoke for him."

Lu Yan sat at the pool table, her hand holding Coca-Cola trembled.

Lu Zhen looked at her: "Do you know who it is?"

"Where can I go to eat this kind of food!" Lu Yan waved her hand, smiling very guilty.

Liang Ting suddenly looked at Lu Yan: "Eating inside out? This word is used interestingly. How do you know that person eats inside out?"

Lu Yan was about to cry, and looked at Liang Ting miserably, her eyes were clearly begging him—

Uncle, let me go.

Liang Ting smiled, and when Lu Zhen hadn't come to his senses, he changed the topic to the game hall.

Mentioning this made Lu Zhen annoyed. His grand ambition to open a game hall was still aborted due to a lack of funds.

Liang Ting said: "It's okay, we can't open a game hall, but we can do something else. Three hundred and sixty lines, the number one in every line, Shen Kuo can earn so much selling discs, the three of us Zhuge Liang are not as good as one Shen Kuo?"

"What do you mean, let's also get some discs to sell?"

"Selling discs is just an idea. Look, even our girls can earn money by playing the piano and singing in the People's Park. There are too many ways to make money in this world."

"That's right..."

Lu Yan looked at them speechlessly: "Dad, can't you just listen to grandpa and study hard so that you can inherit the company obediently in the future?"

Lu Zhen curled her lips: "Then how shameless I am!"


Liang Ting turned on the TV in the billiard room with the remote control, and a live snooker game was playing on the TV.

Lu Yan recognized the player on TV, the most potential snooker genius Yang Feng back then.

Lu Zhen is a snooker enthusiast. He used to collect a lot of photos and surroundings of snooker stars at home, so Lu Yan also knew Yang Feng.

"I don't have to watch this game, Yang Feng will definitely win!"

"George is definitely not his match."

Lu Yan said quietly: "He will lose."

"What are you talking about, little girl!" Lu Zhen tugged at her braid: "Don't talk nonsense."

"I remember the score seemed to be 18:9, and Yang Feng made a mistake."

The boys didn't take Lu Yan's words to heart, but soon, Yang Feng's lead over George was quickly leveled, and the smiles on the boys' faces gradually disappeared.

The final score, as Lu Yan said, was 18:9. The reason why Lu Yan remembered it was because of this regret, which made Lu Zhen often sigh on his lips even in middle age.

At the end of the game, the boys were completely silent in the ball room.

Lu Zhen turned her head in disbelief, and looked at Lu Yan: "You... how do you know, is it just a wild guess?"

Lu Yan looked at Lu Zhen, and said calmly, "There's something even worse. In a week's time, he'll be on the headlines of the newspapers, and he'll be on the headlines."

At the beginning of the 2000s, Yang Feng won many international championships in one fell swoop, and he was in the limelight. However, when he was in the limelight, he was photographed by entertainment tabloids and shocked the whole world. Since then, the name Then disappeared in the snooker world.

"Yang Feng, smoking du? What are you talking nonsense about?"

"I didn't talk nonsense, and you will know when the time comes."

The teenagers absolutely did not believe Lu Yan's words, Yang Feng was their snooker idol!

It wasn't until a week later that the TV news broke about Yang Feng taking du. Amidst the public's regret and condemnation, Lu Zhen didn't care to be shocked by Yang Feng's incident at all, because what shocked him was...

Lu Yan is really a prophet!

In the empty classroom, Lu Zhen put the little girl on the table, and the three boys surrounded her, looking at her from inside to outside, back and forth, as if watching a national treasure giant panda.

"You... are you really from the future!"

Lu Yan shrugged: "2003 SARS, 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Wenchuan Earthquake, financial crisis... all of these will be proved by time."

Qin Hao interrupted her, and asked straight to the point: "What's the next sports lottery number?!"

Lu Yan: ...

How can I remember such a thing!

Qin Hao and Liang Ting asked Lu Yan many things, and Lu Yan told them everything she could remember.

From the beginning to the end, Lu Zhen was unexpectedly quiet, staring at Lu Yan intently the whole time.

Lu Yan felt hairy all over when he saw it, and said, "What are you looking at?"

After a long time, Lu Zhen sighed softly.

"Why are you sighing, are you disappointed to see your daughter!"

Liang Ting laughed and said to Lu Yan: "Which man doesn't want to have a caring little padded jacket with a gentle personality and elegant manners, you may have shattered his dream a bit."

Lu Yan: ... ... ... ... ..

In physical education class, Lu Yan's class 2 and Chen Kuo's class 10 happened to be in the same class. Lu Yan passed the basketball court and saw Chen Kuo playing basketball alone from a distance.

He doesn't wear ball uniforms like other boys, he only has a faded black T as a sweatshirt, looking like a little black ant fighting alone.

The other half courts were full of bustling boys, sweating wantonly, but Shen Kuo was alone, occupying half of the court.

No one plays basketball with him.

Shen Kuo has long been used to this kind of loneliness. When he was growing up, he was alone most of the time. He never shared with others and buried his emotions deep in his heart.

Lu Yan felt very uncomfortable.

At this moment, a basketball flew over lightly, without even touching the backboard, hit the pole, bounced back, and rolled into the grass.

Shen Kuo turned around and saw a little girl in a white tennis skirt, with flushed cheeks, smiling at him.

She was wearing a pair of twisted braids, which hung down her shoulders, embellishing her fair and beautiful collarbones.

Facing the sun, Shen Kuo narrowed his eyes slightly—

"Is there something wrong?"

"That's right!" Lu Yan picked up the basketball and said to him, "I want to have a battle with you, do you dare to fight?"

Shen Kuo raised his eyebrows, followed the basketball in her hand, and made a layup in three steps, all in one go.

Very handsome.

"Do you know how to shoot ball?"

"Wow, you underestimate people." Lu Yan picked up the basketball and patted it clumsily: "What's so difficult about it?"

Shen Kuo said lightly: "Come on, stop me from laying up."

After he made a fake move, Lu Yan reacted quickly, and caught up with him and grabbed the corner of his clothes, pulling him hard to prevent him from jumping.

"You made a foul." Shen Kuo lowered his eyes helplessly: "No one is playing basketball and grabbing clothes."

"It's available now!"

Lu Yan stretched out her hand to snatch the ball from his hand, Shen Kuo turned around, and the little girl wrapped her arms around his waist.

She didn't seem to notice it at all, after she let go of him, she got in front of him like a fish swimming, dragging him to prevent him from laying up.

This game was not so much a battle as Shen Kuo was teasing her throughout the whole process.

He has been controlling his strength to avoid hurting her.

If the little girl who is as delicate as a flower wants to play basketball with him one-on-one, he has to restrain himself, and he is reluctant to bump into each other accidentally.

However, after Lu Yan slammed into the air several times, she became angry and insisted on taking the ball back from him.

So at the moment when Shen Kuo jumped up to shoot, Lu Yan stretched out her hand to grab it, but her foot slipped and she fell on Chen Kuo.

Her subconscious reaction was to tightly hook the man's firm neck.

Shen Kuo caught her firmly, holding her slender waist with his broad palms.

The two looked at each other from a short distance away.

Shen Kuo's dark coffee-colored pupils became more and more translucent under the sunlight, and Lu Yan saw herself flushed in the reflection of his pupils.

The hot and humid breath intertwined with each other, and the hearts of both of them were a little ups and downs.

Looking at Shen Kuo from a close distance, it seems that he is not as cold and unkind as usual, his facial features are not so hard, and there is a gentle color between his brows.

"Shen Kuo, you...let me go." The girl's voice was as faint as a gnat.

Shen Kuo didn't let go, his eyes were deep and deep, like a vortex trying to swallow her up.

Lu Yan began to feel a little uneasy, turned her head to look around, and let go of the hand holding his neck: "Shen..."

Before calling out his name, Shen Kuo suddenly let go.

Through the thin fabric, she could even feel the coolness and emptiness of his waist held by his warm palms.

He picked up the basketball on the ground, patted it, and said to Lu Yan, "I understand."

"What do you know?"

"You're not playing with me." There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth: "You're acting like a spoiled child to me."

Lu Yan: ...

"No no!"

Her voice was a little unsteady, and her face turned purple: "I... never act like a baby!"

Saying this... seems to have no confidence, after all, she grew up having fun in her father's arms since she was a child.

The two of them had a great time, which caused many boys around to watch... feel a little uncomfortable for some reason.

Ever since Lu Yan emerged in the rookie cup talent competition, she can almost be called the goddess of the whole people in school. At least, in the minds of the boys, there is no girl in the school who can match the adolescent agitation that Lu Yan brought to them.

She is beautiful without knowing it, and her words and deeds are full of youthfulness and cuteness, which almost exploded the hearts of all the innocent boys in the school.

But now, the goddess in their hearts is playing basketball with Shen Kuo, a guy who has been "branded" with shame.

Their eyes reveal unwillingness and jealousy...

At this time, a few boys from the next half came towards them, as if they were not friendly.

The first boy in the red jersey was Pan Mingyuan, the student union president of Beicheng No. 3 Middle School.

High school student unions are no better than universities, they are basically empty decorations. However, the president of the student union always has a high profile on weekdays, with a leadership style and ostentation. No matter where he goes, he always has a bunch of boys around him.

This point is similar to Shu Mengfei.

Pan Mingyuan came over and said to Shen Kuo, "We're going to play the whole game, please make way."

His tone was very arrogant and made people feel uncomfortable.

Shen Kuo tilted his head and asked Lu Yan: "Do you still want to play?"

Lu Yan nodded, she didn't want to play basketball, but she wanted to play with Shen Kuo.

Shen Kuo passed the ball to Lu Yan and walked to the basket: "Come, I will teach you how to shoot."


Seeing that they were being ignored, the boys shouted angrily, "Can't you understand people's language! We're going to play the whole game, Shen Kuo, get the hell out of here..."

Before the words were finished, a basketball slammed over and hit the boy who spoke rudely in the chest firmly.

He snorted and staggered back a few steps.

Shen Kuo said coldly, "Keep your mouth clean."

Pan Mingyuan came out and said to Shen Kuo, "Is it because your ears are bad, I said we want to play the whole game."

Shen Kuo was expressionless, without looking at him, and replied: "You seem to be a little deaf too. My friend told me that you still want to play."

When the boys heard the words, they suddenly laughed, leaning forward and backward.

"Did you hear what he said?"

"Shen Kuo, you don't even look in the mirror, just like you, if you want to be friends with Miss Lu, are you worthy?"

Lu Yan frowned, feeling that these guys were taking too much control.

Before she could speak, Shen Kuo suddenly threw the ball and walked towards Pan Mingyuan.

The boys seemed to be very afraid of him, and they took several steps back in succession, for fear of offending this guy and doing something terrible.

Shen Kuo looked at them coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Whether you deserve it or not, I have the final say."

Lu Yan looked at Shen Kuo in surprise. He was usually very low-key, but it was rare to see him show such a dazzling edge.

The boys were captivated by Shen Kuo's aura and did not dare to annoy him. Seeing that he insisted on not giving up the field, they had no choice but to give up.

In fact, Pan Mingyuan came over to find fault, not because he really wanted Shen Kuo to give up half of the court, but because he didn't like him playing with Lu Yan.

In school on weekdays, there is no boy who does not want to be friends with Lu Yan, but it is a pity that Lu Yan is more than polite, but she is very alienated from them.

However, she chose Shen Kuo as her friend.

How can these boys be reconciled.

What kind of person is Shen Kuo

Pan Mingyuan said to Lu Yan: "Classmate Lu Yan, I advise you to stay away from him, he is not a good guy."

Lu Yan really didn't know what heinous thing Shen Kuo did and why the whole world was persuading her to stay away from him.

In fact, she was very resentful. This is an era when people are generally afraid to admit themselves, and it is also an era where hypocrisy is common.

All Shen Kuo's "heinousness" is just because he thinks and wants what he wants, and he lives a more real life than others.

Listening to Pan Mingyuan's gentleman's tone, Lu Yan's temper tantrum came up again.

"Student Pan Mingyuan, why are you talking about why Shen Kuo is not a good thing? If you can't explain why, I will treat you as the president of the student council and slander others maliciously."

Pan Mingyuan didn't expect that Lu Yan would suddenly ask back, if he was really asked to list Shen Kuo's "crimes" one by one, he really... couldn't find them.

Shen Kuo did not do any ostensibly bad things. Even in the disc incident some time ago, the industry and commerce department personally came to the school to defend him and clarify that he is innocent.

"If you can't tell, you have to apologize to Shen Kuo."

Pan Mingyuan raised his head suddenly: "Apologize?"

How could he apologize to Shen Kuo, and spread the news that he, the president of the student council, should lose face!

Lu Yan looked at him coldly: "It's fine if you don't apologize. On the campus broadcast tomorrow morning, I will tell the whole story of what happened today. Who is right and who is wrong, I will have my own judgment at that time."

Although the students didn't like Shen Kuo very much, a person like Pan Mingyuan, who has a heavy burden of being an idol, made a casual joke, and definitely didn't want this matter to be broadcast on campus.

Lu Yan looked at him seriously.

He gritted his teeth and said to Shen Kuo unwillingly, "I'm sorry."

Shen Kuo was holding the basketball and didn't even look at him.

Anyway, Lu Yan beat the dog in the water, and said deliberately: "It's too quiet, I can't hear it! Shen Kuo, did you hear it?"

Shen Kuo said lightly, "My ears are not very good."

Pan Mingyuan finally let go of his voice and shouted, "I'm sorry!"

Half the people in the playground cast curious glances at him, and the faces of the boys who were looking for trouble all turned red, and they wanted to dig a crack in the ground to get in.

After they left, Lu Yan smiled and said to Shen Kuo: "It's a complete victory, come, give me five!"

Shen Kuo looked at the hand that the little girl extended to give him a high five—

Fair and slender, her nails are as smooth as jade, and her palms are covered with fine palm lines.

must be very soft

He blinked, stretched out his big palm, wrapped her little paw around her, and held it tightly.

Lu Yan: "Uh."

hello... can't you high-five


After Lu Yan told the truth about her rebirth, in those few days, Lu Zhen always avoided Lu Yan intentionally or unintentionally, and she would blush from time to time when she saw her, feeling quite embarrassed.

Lu Yan saw Lu Zhen on the playground several times and called him. Lu Zhen threw the basketball in his hand and ran away, rolling and crawling like a ghost.

Liang Ting said to Lu Yan: "After all, my brother Lu became a father at a young age, it's normal to be a little bit shy, give him a little more time, let him change his mind."

Lu Yan can also understand that this kind of thing is hard for anyone to accept.

That afternoon, Lu Yan unexpectedly saw Zhong Kai at the school gate, Zhong Kai was buying candied haws skewers and sesame balls.

"Little girl, come here." He beckoned to Lu Yan, took a bunch of candied haws and handed them to her: "Please eat."

"Thank you, Brother Zhong Kai." Lu Yan took the candied haws, licked a mouthful, and asked with a smile, "Brother Zhong Kai, your industry span is quite large."

"Well, a businessman is a million essential oils, he can sell anything."

"Not everything can be sold, don't forget the lesson from last time."

Zhong Kai smiled embarrassedly: "Don't make fun of me, it was my fault last time, I lost all my belongings, and I won't do any illegal activities in the future."

"Well, you can succeed in serious business."

"Thank you for your good words, come, let's eat another bunch."

Lu Yan knew that Zhong Kai would of course succeed, because he was a brother who followed Shen Kuo along the way, and he definitely had an important place in the business empire of Shen's Real Estate.

Zhong Kai scratched the back of his head embarrassingly: "I'm selling candied haws now as a transition, wait a few more days, and after Shen Kuo's withdrawal procedures are completed, we are going to start some other businesses..."

Lu Yan was stunned: "Shen Kuo dropped out of school?"

"He didn't tell you that after this semester, he will drop out and start a business with me."

"Why did he drop out of school?"

Zhong Kai smiled and said, "Why else, come out earlier to earn more money."

"But... then you have to study."

"Hey, little girl, you don't understand this. When a man cuts off all escape routes and desperately wants to prove himself, there can only be one reason."

"what reason?"

"Hey, I won't tell you."

Lu Yan's mood suddenly fell, and the smile on her face disappeared: "No matter what, you can't drop out of school."

This era is different from Lu Yan's era. It is very common for students to drop out of school. Many people drop out in middle and high school to find another way out.

"No, I don't want Shen Kuo to drop out of school. It's a pity. He is a good material for studying. Maybe he can become a scientist in the future."

"He won't be a scientist."

After Lu Yan finished speaking sullenly, she left, looking a little distraught.

On the way home, Lu Yan's heart was astringent, feeling that there was always a gloom stuck in her chest that couldn't go away.

Even though he went to work and set up a stall after school every day, and only had a little time to study when he returned home late at night, Shen Kuo's grades were still among the best.

Not only is he hardworking, he's also a genius.

He will not be a scientist, but he will change the way of human communication and even the way of life. In this turbulent social transformation period, he will become a man who makes history.

In the next decade or so, Shen Kuo will become a dark horse in the fledgling Internet field, and even become a well-known leader in the entire industry.

But Lu Yan deeply remembered that Shen Kuo in the previous life did not drop out of school.

Not only that, but he was admitted to one of the top famous universities in the country, studying Internet-related majors, and started his own business during college.

Lu Yan has read his personal biography. At that time, he had no resources, no connections, and no money... He only relied on his incomparable talent and a little bit of opportunity to fight with his bare hands to create his own Shen Empire.

But again, things seem to be getting out of control.

If Shen Kuo really dropped out of school at this stage to start a business, maybe he would be successful and rich in the future.

But he will definitely not become the Internet upstart who makes the entire upper class of Beicheng respect "Master Shen".

Lu Yan felt that the crossroads of fate had quietly arrived...

If she did nothing at this time and allowed Shen Kuo to drop out of school and leave the campus, maybe Lu Zhen's fate of going bankrupt in the future... would be changed.

But can she really do nothing