Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 26: Exclusively published by Jinjiang Literature City


That night, Lu Yan lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

I haven't slept for a long time.

There was the sound of procrastinating footsteps at the top of the stairs, and one didn't need to listen carefully to know that her father, Lu Zhen, had returned.

Lu Yan was always very sensitive to her father's voice, because she and her father were the only ones in the house before, and she could hear her father's footsteps going upstairs every night.

When he came home from get off work, he would stand at the door of her room for a few minutes, listening to her saying that if she was asleep, he would not bother her; if she was not asleep, he would always knock on the door a few times and tell her not to stay up late.

Lu Yan opened the door, poked her head out and shouted, "Dad, where are you fooling around with Uncle Liang Ting again!"

Lu Zhen covered Lu Yan's mouth, and said in a low voice, "Shh, don't bark, I tell you, don't let your grandpa hear about this! Otherwise, he will have high blood pressure."

Lu Yan shrugged and didn't care. Grandpa wouldn't believe it anyway, just like Lu Zhen didn't believe it before.

Lu Yan muttered, "What's the matter with the national economy and the people's livelihood? I come back so late every day."

"Adults, children don't care."

"whispering sound."

Now start talking to her adults and children.

Compared with being at a loss a few days ago, Lu Zhen now looks a bit like a father, and he is no longer as unscrupulous in speaking and doing things as before, and even changed his swearing.

At least, he will never swear in front of Lu Yan again.

So being a father is very different from being an elder brother. The elder brother can bully her, squeeze her, and steal her pocket money unscrupulously, but the father cannot.

Lu Yan patted his shoulder on tiptoe and said, "Don't forget, Dad is only one year older than me now!"

"So what if you are one year old, even if it is only a minute older than you, your father will always be your father."

What this says...

Lu Yan was powerless to refute.

Lu Zhen went back to the room and lay on the bed tiredly. Lu Yan immediately followed and sat on the edge of the bed.

Lu Zhen didn't even bother to lift her eyelids, and asked lazily, "Why don't you go to sleep so late?"

"When I encountered something, I wanted to hear my father's opinion."

In the past, when Lu Yan encountered anything during her growth, she would ask Lu Zhen for help. Because she had no other elders when she was growing up, Lu Zhen became her only benchmark and role model, and she had to ask him about everything.

It is still no exception.

Lu Zhen was so sleepy that his eyelids were fighting, but as a new father, he sat up patiently and rubbed Lu Yan's head: "Tell me about it."

"That's... If there is a person, you clearly know that he will bully you and even hurt your closest relatives when he becomes prosperous in the future, but now you see him walking on a wrong path, but you feel uneasy in your conscience, after all He's treating you... just fine now."

With Lu Zhen's troublesome IQ, he has not yet reached the level of being able to understand this vague metaphor.

He said righteously: "It's okay to bully me, but you must never hurt my family, no matter how nice he is to me won't work, this is the bottom line."

Yes, family is Lu Zhen's bottom line.

Lu Yan pondered for a moment, her gaze became much firmer—

"I see, Dad."

After all, she was just trying to protect her family.

Lu Yan is no longer entangled, wealth is his destiny, everything is his own choice.

"Dad, I'm going to bed, good night."


He suddenly called her to stop, hesitated for a while, and asked, "When I grow up, am I... a good father?"

After asking this sentence, the young man's fair cheeks were instantly flushed, and he wished he could make a hole on the bed and get in!

Young Master Lu, who is a goddamn god, would actually ask such a hypocritical question!

But... He really wanted to know, what he would be like in the future, and whether he would be considered a qualified father in the eyes of his future daughter.

"Do you want to know about my childhood?"

Lu Yan sat cross-legged on the bed, straightened her skirt, and got ready to tell a story.

Lu Zhen didn't feel sleepy at all, hugged the pillow and came over, listening to her story wholeheartedly.

"We have a pet cat pocket in the utility room."

Lu Yan gestured in front of her stomach: "When I was young, you often put me in it. Whether it was a business trip or a meeting, you would take me with you to feed and change diapers anytime and anywhere. You are really a very cool super dad. "

Lu Zhen frowned: "Did I get my brain caught by the door, and I'm a super dad, don't I know to hire a nanny?"

Lu Yan laughed, and there was no one else who vomited on herself.

"I have hired a nanny before, but I heard from Uncle Liang Ting that once the nanny accidentally dropped your baby girl who just turned one year old, and you fired her in a rage. Since then... About your baby girl is mine Dad will do everything by himself.”

Lu Zhen raised her eyebrows with a rather smug expression: "Then it seems that I am also a very good father."

"Besides flipping your diaper inside out a few times, or going to the supermarket to buy formula instead of cat formula, and throwing a big check in the face of the boy I had a crush on in high school, well... you're still a good guy father."

Lu Zhen: "..."

Who hasn't had their first time yet!

That night, Lu Yan lay on Lu Zhen's stomach to reminisce about the past and said a lot of things. In fact, if she didn't mention many precious memories, she would almost forget them.

But no matter how many times this world overlaps, time and space rotate, love is the only thing that will not change.


When the results of the last test before the third year of high school came out, Shen Kuo actually won the first place in his age, which made the students feel incredible.

In school, Shen Kuo often left early for self-study classes. Except for the short time for class and lectures, his study time was almost squeezed by work.

That's it... to be the first in the grade.

His brain is also very good!

Listening to the students discussing Shen Kuo's grades, Lu Yan still felt uncomfortable when she thought that he was about to drop out.

But she has made up her mind that she will not interfere in this matter again. If it was not a matter of life and death, she would not comment on his decision, or even his life.

The news about Shen Kuo's going to drop out of school was also tied to his first grade in the grade, and it was widely circulated in the school.

Even Shen Kuo's class teacher visited his home and chatted with Shen Kuo's father. After learning about the plight of his family, he wanted to mobilize all the students in the school to donate to him.

When Shen Kuo found out about this, his face was extremely ugly, and he went straight to the Academic Affairs Office, and said bluntly to the grade director: "I am not missing any arms or legs, and I don't need anyone's donation."

Of course, the grade director didn't want to let a good seed like Shen Kuo leave the school, so he tried to persuade him: "Student Shen Kuo, tell me what difficulties you have, let's find a solution together, why bother to drop out of school?"

"Teacher, just tell me whether you will approve the application for withdrawal."

"This... If you insist on dropping out of school, the school can't stop it, but..."

"That's fine."

Without waiting for him to finish speaking, Shen Kuo turned and left the office.

In the corridor, he stood alone by the skylight, looking at the luxuriant sycamore tree outside, his hands clenched into fists.

Because of too much force, his body trembled slightly...

He doesn't need anyone's sympathy, never has.

It's not his fault that his family is not well off, nor is it his fault that his father got sick, but...

Being so poor, but falling in love with such a girl who was raised in such a rich soil...

This is his fault.

Every night, the ever-expanding possessiveness made his body almost explode.

He doesn't know if his decision is right or wrong, but whatever... If you can't prove yourself, then stay away.

Shen Kuo turned around, but saw Shu Mengfei in a white dress.

His face was slightly gloomy, he ignored her, and left.

But Shu Mengfei stopped him: "Shen Kuo, I heard that you are going to drop out of school, is it true?"

Shen Kuo didn't answer, it was a tacit consent.

The corners of Shu Mengfei's eyes were slightly red, and she grabbed his sleeves: "Uncle's condition must be very serious and needs someone to take care of him, but he can't drop out of school no matter what. You take care of uncle together..."

Shen Kuo was not moved by her words, looked down at her tightly clutching his sleeve, and said coldly, "Let go."

Shu Mengfei's voice trembled: "Shen Kuo, we have all experienced the hardships of life. Those children from rich families don't understand anything, but Shen Kuo, I understand you."

Shen Kuo pulled her hand away, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said word by word: "I don't need you to understand me."

After saying such a sincere confession, but being refuted by him, Shu Mengfei felt ashamed, and shouted at his back—

"The whole school knows that you are going to drop out of school, but Lu Yan still pretends not to know. Don't you have a good relationship with her! She pretends to be deaf and dumb and doesn't say anything, and she doesn't even persuade you. Such a person, you count on her Can I understand you!"

Before Shu Mengfei finished speaking, Shen Kuo suddenly turned around and grabbed her by the collar.

His eyes were as cold as a knife's edge.

Anyone who slandered or slandered him, he could just ignore it without saying a word or even laugh it off, but when she mentioned Lu Yan, it touched the softest part of his heart.

Shu Mengfei was frightened out of her wits, and looked at him tremblingly: "You...what do you think, I'm telling the truth."

Shen Kuo didn't do much after all, he shook her off forcefully, turned and left.

Pushed by his strength, Shu Mengfei staggered a few steps back, clutching her chest, as if she was quite frightened.

Shen Kuo was extremely hostile, but... such a man was fatally attractive to a girl.

Shu Mengfei knew that the girls at school were afraid of Shen Kuo, those girls who said they hated him, and those girls who advised her to stay away from Shen Kuo.

They slandered Shen Kuo simply because they couldn't get it, so they didn't want others to get it...


The summer vacation is coming, and Lu Yan received an invitation from Meng Zhining. This year, the men's clothing brand "Ao Lang" under the Meng Group will hold a large-scale fashion show. I hope Lu Yan can attend the show. She wants to introduce her to the cooperation partner.

Lu Yan readily agreed.

She could see that Meng Zhining had a faint intention of cultivating her.

Meng Zhining also asked Lu Yan which celebrity he likes, and our men's clothing brand endorsement will invite him, so that Yanyan can get to know the male celebrity he likes.

At that time, eight out of ten high school girls were chasing stars.

Lu Yan thought for a while, and gave Meng Zhining a suggestion with her unique aesthetic vision: "I think... Qin Yuxiao's temperament is quite suitable for our brand, but he is quite popular, so I don't know if he will come."

After all, Qin Yuxiao has continued to be popular in recent years, and his popularity has not diminished. He has become the most promising new star in the entertainment circle.

Unexpectedly, Meng Zhining said simply and neatly: "Okay, since Yanyan likes it, then we will ask Qin Yuxiao to be the endorsement of our men's clothing."

"Uh... "

It's not that she likes Qin Yuxiao, she just thinks he's suitable.

But Meng Zhining didn't care so much, she wanted to pamper her precious daughter more and make up for the maternal love she had lost for many years.

At the Century City Hotel, Zhong Kai was wearing a black suit that looked like a man, standing at the door, rubbing his hands anxiously and waiting.

Seeing Shen Kuo approaching slowly, he hastened to meet him: "Didn't I tell you to tidy up well, why is it still like this?"

Shen Kuo said lightly, "This is my most formal dress."

The clean white shirt on his body is his most formal clothes.

"This opportunity is once in a thousand years. I made a lot of connections to help you get it."


"The 'Ao Lang' men's wear brand under Meng's is going to hold a grand show recently, recruiting male models, no other requirements, handsome, tall, handsome, with a hanger figure. Pass in your photo, and they will meet you only after seeing it, can you offer some snacks! If you do, one day’s wages can be worth half a year’s hard work for you!”

Shen Kuo frowned slightly: "Being a model?"


He turned around and was about to leave, but Zhong Kai grabbed him: "What are you doing! What are you running for!"

"I don't do that kind of thing."

Shen Kuo didn't like the camera by nature, and when he thought of posing in front of the camera, he felt disgusted!

"Oh, you really... Don't worry, they have invited big-name male stars to walk the runway, even if you want to show your face on the runway, you are not qualified."

Zhong Kai persuaded: "It's just wearing other people's clothes and acting as a backdrop for male stars, no one will pay attention to you."

Shen Kuo still didn't really want to do it, being a model or something gave him goosebumps.

Zhong Kai said: "This time we earn money by pinching our noses, and we have the capital to do business. Shen Kuo, don't you still think about that girl? She has no money, no house, and is poor. What are you going to do to marry her?"

Shen Kuo was silent for a long time, then he finally turned around and asked Zhong Kai, "How much is a day?"

Zhong Kai pointed a finger.

Shen Kuo was finally moved: "One hundred yuan is quite a lot."

Zhong Kai saw that he was moved, and added: "One hundred a day, you think too much."

Shen Kuo knew that there was no such good thing, and asked, "10 yuan a day?"

Only then did Zhong Kai grin: "What kind of big company is the Meng Group? If you want to choose it, it's the background board of the big star Qin Yuxiao. One hundred, that's an hour's fee."


Although Shen Kuo didn't like this kind of publicity, he experienced the failure of the song and dance hall and the CD business, and almost wiped out his previous savings.

It's quite unlucky to think about it. These two failures were basically due to unkind people.

Zhong Kai apologized to Shen Kuo for being super invincible, and tried every means to find a way to make money for him. No, when he heard the news that Meng's Clothing was hiring good male models with high salaries, he immediately reported to Shen Kuo Name, and stuffed a lot of red envelopes, so that Shen Kuo's photo can be handed over to the people in charge of the Meng Group.

The private rooms of the Century City Hotel are high-end and elegant. Behind the relief screen of the small bridge and flowing water, there are about a dozen young and handsome men sitting around the round table.

Zhong Kai graciously toasted Director Fang, who was in charge, and kept pulling Shen Kuo to ask him to toast together.

"Boss Fang, thank you so much this time!"

"Don't thank me first." Director Fang waved his hand: "Our Mr. Meng has a very vicious eye for picking people. This time, 'Ao Lang' is her main brand. It is not certain whether you can pass her test. .”

"Although that's what you said, but who knows, whether you can be selected in the end is not a matter of your words, Mr. Fang. Come, Mr. Fang, I respect you!"

A few young men around cast contemptuous and disdainful looks at Zhong Kai. A flatterer like him at the wine table has always been looked down upon by these arrogant young people.

Zhong Kai doesn't care about other people's eyes. He was born in the society early, and he has seen all the hot and cold things in the world.

Why do others use you? Isn't it because you work harder than others to fight for it.

"Mr. Fang, look at my brother, this body, this appearance, this waist, this hip... Even if he is not inferior to a male star."

Director Fang glanced at Shen Kuo. Indeed, this young man's physical aptitude is really good, his appearance is delicate and handsome, especially his strong body, which is indeed much better than the male models around who also applied for the job.

It just looks like he has a calm temperament, quiet and not very talkative.

Zhong Kai explained: "My brother is still a student, quite shy, but a man, everything is in the wine, come, respect Mr. Fang."

He patted Shen Kuo on the back lightly. Shen Kuo knew that Director Fang had come to select people for this dinner. There were about ten people present, but only three or four people could be selected.

He has no resources, no connections, and opportunities to make money will never come to him by himself.

No money, no house, poor and white, what are you going to do to marry her.

Shen Kuo looked at Mr. Fang and said lightly, "I don't like beer."

Mr. Fang's face changed slightly, and in the next second, Shen Kuo immediately said: "To show respect, Mr. Fang drinks beer, and I drink soda. Let Mr. Fang have three cups first."

After he finished speaking, he took white wine and filled it up for himself. After three hot glasses of wine, there was not a single drop left.

Mr. Fang's face was soothed, and he smiled: "Okay, young people are good at drinking."

Zhong Kai heaved a sigh of relief, he was still worried that Shen Kuo's temper would offend Boss Fang, but he didn't expect this kid to be quite good.

Next, Shen Kuo exchanged a glass of white wine for a glass of beer, which made him feel comfortable and happy. He praised Shen Kuo to Zhong Kai, saying that you are a good brother, and you will become a great talent in the future.

Seeing Shen Kuo like this, Zhong Kai felt slightly uncomfortable.

He has been in a low mood these past few days, and Zhong Kai can see it.

He was deliberately getting himself drunk.

When the lights came on, Lu Yan was riding a bicycle, swaying along the side of the street facing the cool summer breeze.

After Meng Zhining knew that Lu Jian had bought her a guitar, she decided to buy a piano for Lu Yan in order to prevent Lu Jian from being inferior.

The piano was shipped back from abroad and left in Meng Zhining's villa. Lu Yan couldn't wait to rush over to try it out, and she liked it very much.

Meng Zhining said he would send her to the Lu residence in two days.

On the way home, passing the Century City Hotel, Lu Yan caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

After looking at it for a long time, she was sure that it was really Shen Kuo.

Shen Kuo was lying on the uneven wall at the entrance of the alley, covering his head with his hands, looking very uncomfortable.

Lu Yan quickly parked her bicycle by the side of the road, walked over and called softly, "Shen Kuo, why are you here?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Shen Kuo turned around and staggered towards the depths of the alley, leaning over to vomit.

He barely ate, so all he spit out was wine.

Lu Yan saw the Century City Hotel nearby, and guessed that Shen Kuo must have dinner to drink so much wine.

Lu Yan hurried over and patted him on the back lightly to comfort him.

"Why do you drink so much!"

Shen Kuo was already too strong to drink, but now his stomach was on fire, as if he had vomited out his stomach.

He was holding his abdominal cramps, but one hand was still covering Lu Yan, he didn't want her to get close to him, and he didn't want her to smell the filth from him.

Seeing his uncomfortable appearance, Lu Yan quickly took out a thermos from her bag and handed it to his mouth: "Drink some water to warm up."

Shen Kuo turned his head away, stubbornly refusing to touch the rim of her water glass.

"I made goji berries to nourish the stomach." Lu Yan held the back of his head and fed him two mouthfuls.

Goji berry water, with its sweetness, passed through his burning throat and entered his abdomen, and the cramping feeling was relieved a lot.

Shen Kuo was still in a state of drunkenness, but he also knew that the girl he was thinking of was standing in front of him.

Tears flowed out of him, either crying, or being stimulated by the spicy wine poured into his nasal cavity, he knew that he must be extremely disgusted with his tearful appearance now.

This most unbearable side was bumped into by the most beloved girl.

Shen Kuo pushed her away bluntly, and was about to leave after stumbling.

"Dangerous!" Seeing him running straight towards the main road, Lu Yan quickly grabbed him, terrified and sweating.

"Shen Kuo, I'll take you home."

"Leave me alone." Shen Kuo said in a deep nasal voice, "Go away."

It's impossible for her to ignore him, otherwise he would be so reckless that he would lose his life.

But Lu Yan's petite body couldn't support the dizzy man at all, so she could only hold on to the hem of his clothes tightly to prevent him from rushing to the road.

Shen Kuo instinctively wanted to pull her hand off him, and muttered indistinctly: "Dirty... let go..."

"Stop it!"

Shen Kuo suddenly grabbed her hands firmly and pressed her against the wall.

The eyes of the two were facing each other and they were pressed tightly together. His body was hard|hard and hot like a branding iron.

The strong smell of alcohol filled Lu Yan's nostrils, she gasped, and looked at him tremblingly: "Drinking so much, is it because you are in a bad mood?"

He made a deep nasal voice: "Yeah."

I haven't been in a good mood these days.

"Because you're dropping out of school?"

"No, it's because..."

You didn't tell me not to drop out.

I don't know if it's because of alcohol catalysis, but Shen Kuo suddenly feels wronged.

Even Shu Mengfei came to persuade him, as did the head teacher and the head teacher, but why...why didn't there be anyone he had on top of his mind? She didn't even mention it.

As if, indifferent.

Shen Kuo knew that he was making progress. He shouldn't have expected her to have any thoughts about him, and he couldn't expect her to do more...

But people who are stuck in the mud, they are always greedy, and after getting a little warmth, they want more, and more...

Lu Yan took out a small square handkerchief from her pocket, gently wiped his crimson eyes, and comforted him softly, "Shen Kuo, don't cry."

"I didn't cry."

His nostrils were filled with the scent of jasmine from a girl's handkerchief.

"Then I'll drive you home, okay?"

All the grievances and unwillingness disappeared the moment she held his sleeve.

In fact, he is really easy to coax, as long as she says something simple, he won't be sad.