Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 31


On the weekend, Lu Yan struggled a lot, and finally dragged Lu Zhen to the library to study together.

If it was the past, as a younger sister, let alone pushing Lu Zhen to study at the table, even pulling him to the library to read idle books would be impossible.

Lu Yan didn't expect that as a daughter, talking would be quite useful.

Lu Zhen always wanted to set an example in front of his daughter. If he didn't set a good example, her daughter would follow him in the future, that would be fine.

In the library, Young Master Lu was listlessly lying on the table, looking at the densely packed English letters on the English textbook, as if a bunch of flies were flying over his head, which soon made him faint.

He yawned and slammed his head on the table.

Lu Yan picked him up mercilessly, shook him desperately, and said righteously, "Dad, study hard!"

Young Master Lu yawned in despair: "Little Yanyan, is this how your father forced you to study back then?"

"What is this? Back then you stood behind me holding the soles of your shoes, and you beat me whenever I dozed off."

"Nonsense, can I do that kind of thing!"

"Dad, there is a saying, don't do to others what you don't want done to you."

Lu Yan smiled and patted the back of his head: "Hey, don't sleep, study with me."

"Study is so damn hard, it's much harder than my business."

In fact, Lu Yan knows that it is not easy for him to do business. She once heard from Uncle Liang Ting that Lu Zhen left his family when he was in college and went out to work alone. He really suffered a lot. He lived in the basement and drank with clients late at night. drank to vomit...

It's just because Mr. Lu Jian is backing him now, and the huge Lu family group is behind him, so Lu Zhen's life is going smoothly so far, without any major setbacks.

"Dad, do the math. You are eighteen this year. Eighteen means you are an adult. In the near future, you will meet my mother, the most important woman in your life. You want her to see you now Is this a look that doesn't want to make progress?"

These words seem to have some effect, Lu Zhen finally straightened his back, and said with courage: "Study and learn, I want to meet your mother with the most handsome and cool appearance!"

Lu Yan laughed and patted Lu Zhen's head: "Dad is so good, if you don't understand anything, just ask me."

Lu Zhen turned her head to avoid her: "You can't touch a man's head, let alone your father's head."

"Tch, there's something you can't touch, but you have to touch it!"

The father and daughter didn't stop for a moment, and they started arguing about their positions. Fortunately, it was noon and there were only the two of them in the library.

During the fight, Lu Yan turned her head and saw a thin and aura figure walking into the bookshelf compartment of the library.

She was slightly taken aback, then stood up and said, "Dad, you learn by yourself first, and I'll borrow two books."

After she finished speaking, she didn't wait for Lu Zhen's reaction, and went straight to the shelf compartment where Shen Kuo was.

Sunlight slanted in shallowly through the floor-to-ceiling windows, shining on the boy by the window.

His handsome silhouette seemed to be illuminated by a layer of light, and the hair on his forehead was also illuminated through. Those dark coffee-colored pupils were breathtakingly beautiful under the sunlight.

His eyelids drooped slightly, he glanced at Lu Yan, and said lightly, "Come here."

Like a thief, Lu Yan glanced furtively at Lu Zhen at the table, then walked towards him recklessly.

"Shen Kuo." She called him in a low voice, and asked him with a soft breath, "You also read a book."


Lu Yan looked at the computer monograph in his hand, knowing that he must have listened to her words.

She was very happy, bowed her head and smiled lightly, showing two small front teeth.

Shen Kuo stretched out his hand to wrap her in front of him, pressed her against the bookshelf, and said in a low voice, "Close your eyes."

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Stop talking nonsense and close your eyes."

Lu Yan closed her eyes, and heard the sound of crumbling tape, and then she felt his cold fingertips touching her lips.

She trembled slightly, and a sweet and sour fruit candy was stuffed into her mouth.

Lu Yan blinked her thin eyelashes, and looked up at him in surprise.

Under the sunlight, the young man's slender neck looked white and transparent, with distinct veins.

He smiled at her, looking as good as a god.

"Is it delicious?"

Lu Yan bit the sweet and sour on the tip of her tongue, nodded: "It's delicious."

He took out a few candies from his bag, put them all into the small pocket on Lu Yan's chest, and said softly: "Zhong Kai chased girls and asked someone to buy imported goods. I snatched a few and was almost beaten unconscious by him." .”

It's hard for Lu Yan to imagine that Shen Kuo would snatch Zhong Kai's candy, which is very visual.

She couldn't help laughing, took out a piece of fruit candy from her bag, peeled off the candy coating and handed it to Shen Kuo: "Try it too."

Shen Kuo stared at her with burning eyes, and ate the candy with her hand.

"Very sweet."

"Yes, very sweet."

The two are close at hand, and the sweetness of fruit candy is mixed with their breath.

For some reason, Lu Yan felt her cheeks getting hotter, and her earlobes turned red.

Just then, she turned her head and saw Lu Zhen.

Lu Zhen stood beside the compartment between the two bookshelves, glaring at Shen Kuo with a sullen face, his eyes were burning with rage.

Shen Kuo stood up straight and faced him, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lu Zhen rushed over, grabbed Lu Yan's wrist and pulled her behind, and asked fiercely, "What are you doing with him!"

"Ah, nothing."

"What's in your mouth!"

Lu Yan stuck out her bright red tongue, with a piece of fruit candy on it: "Shen Kuo invited me to eat candy."

"You can eat it if he gives it to you. Don't be afraid that he will poison you to death!"

"Why did he poison me..."

Lu Zhen didn't bother to argue with this little glutton, she raised her head and said to Shen Kuo, "Stay away from my girl."

"Can you stop repeating this sentence every time." Shen Kuo rubbed his ears and said calmly, "It's all callused."

"You... I'm not kidding you! You bastard, you gave her candy back, what's your intention!"

"What is my intention, don't you know?" Shen Kuo sneered, half-jokingly said: "I like to rob you."

Lu Zhen's eyes widened suddenly, his orifices were smoking with anger, and he pointed at him and shouted: "Bad man!"

Shen Kuo casually passed by him, bumped his shoulder provocatively, turned to Lu Yan and said, "I'll bring you something delicious next time."


Lu Zhen gave her a hard look, and Lu Yan quickly fell silent.

After Shen Kuo left, he pulled Lu Zhen out of the library and into the hall, like interrogating a prisoner: "Hand over everything."

Lu Yan hurriedly took two steps back, clutching the lace purse on her chest: "No! Uncle Shen gave it to me!"

Lu Zhen came over to snatch it, and the little girl was nimble and slipped under his side like a fish.

"Smelly girl, if you like him so much, you should be his daughter!"

"Go and go!"

"Hey, come back! You... You really are going!"

Lu Zhen wanted to chase after her, but Lu Yan had already run away.

At the beginning of October, the autumn basketball leagues of major high schools in Beicheng kicked off in full swing.

In the last finals, Lu Zhen and Shen Kuo were selected into the final team at the same time to play against the basketball team of Beicheng No. 1 Middle School.

The venue for the competition was the basketball playground of the No. 3 Middle School. Under the scorching sun of golden autumn, the teenagers had bare elbows, bead-sized beads of sweat rolling down their faces, and their fronts were also wet.

At that time, the school did not have much spare money to build a basketball hall, so most of the sports fields were open-air, but this did not affect the high spirits of the students cheering and shouting at all.

The cheerleaders get ready and dance warm-up exercises on the playground.

Lu Yan was dragged by her father to the best position in the basketball team's spectator seats, and sat with a group of substitute boys in red uniforms to watch the game.

The No. 1 Middle School basketball team in black uniforms sat across from them, and Liang Ting behind him whispered to Lu Yan that the opposite basketball team seemed to have professional basketball players, so this game was probably going to be tough.

Lu Yan looked at them, there was indeed a guy who was close to 1.9 meters tall, and he was organizing the team members for warm-up exercises.

Judging by their menacing appearance, a fierce battle must be inevitable today.

Lu Yan turned her head and saw Shen Kuo in the last row of the spectator stands.

He was reclining lazily on the chair, with a pair of sky-defying long legs that had no place to rest, and were slanted to the sides.

He looked so handsome in the red ball uniform, and there was a bit of Rukawa Kaede between his eyes and brows.

Lu Zhen appeared out of nowhere, blocking her sight of the handsome guy—

"Girl, let's see if your dad is cool."

He bent his arms quite confidently, showing off his proud muscles to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan grinned.

"cool... "


When she turned her head to look at Shen Kuo again, the viewing chairs were empty.

Shen Kuo had already got up and left, and went to warm up under the scorching sun.

The muscles on his body are smooth and firm, not at all like the muscles trained with protein powder in the gym.

His muscles are muscle groups formed naturally through years of labor, and they are extremely powerful.

Lu Zhenshun followed Lu Yan's gaze...and finally settled on his deadly enemy, his face darkened instantly.

"Damn girl, who are you looking at!"

"No one."

Lu Yan withdrew her gaze, stroked the iced cola soda in her schoolbag, got up and wanted to slip away, but Lu Zhen grabbed her collar by the back and said, "Come back here."


"What's in the bag?"


Lu Yan clutched her bag tightly, but her irritable father still snatched it away, and took out a bottle of Coke: "I want to defect to the enemy and treason again."

"Dead Lu Zhen, give me back!"

Lu Zhen threw the can to Liang Ting who was behind him, and then patted Lu Yan on the head: "Eating inside and out will not end well, you know, if you have good things, you should honor your father first."

Lu Yan stomped her feet, she was about to die of anger—

"You don't need people to deliver water, why are you robbing me?"

Several girls around Lu Zhen were holding various drink cans in their hands, blushing and trying to strike up a conversation with him.

Perhaps it has something to do with his personal temperament. Lu Zhen was born in the sun, always radiant with heat, like a warm little sun.

Such a boy will never lack for attention.

And Shen Kuo is the complete opposite of him, the alienated and indifferent temperament on his body instinctively makes people fearful and dare not approach him.

After all, people don't like to be accompanied by suffering.

Lu Yan just went to the canteen to buy water, and the canteen was booming, bustling with girls buying water, she managed to break out from a group of girls and snatched a bottle of ice coke, unexpectedly... just like that, Lu Zhen seized it. went.

She was getting mad.

In terms of thick skin, no one can compare to Lu Zhen.

Just when the little girl was still angry, a can of ice coke was quietly handed over to her, shaking it.

Lu Yan turned her head in surprise, and met Liang Ting's deep eyes.

He seemed to see through the little Jiujiu in Lu Yan's heart, with smile lines in the corners of his eyes, he whispered: "Hide it well, I will lure Lu Zhen away, and you will send it secretly."

Like a thief, Lu Yan quickly took the can of Coke and hid it in her bag, her heart beating loudly.


"You're welcome." Liang Ting said with a loving face, "Be careful not to be discovered."


After Liang Ting handed over the "stolen goods" to her, he went straight to Lu Zhen and put his arms around Lu Zhen's shoulders: "Let's go to the bathroom together."

"Go to the bathroom together? Go by yourself."

"Are you still a brother, let's go, don't dawdle."

Liang Ting pulled Lu Zhen away and turned around to give Lu Yan a shiny wink.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Lu Yan's mouth, she quickly got up and walked towards Shen Kuo's direction.

Under the scorching sun, Shen Kuo felt a cold touch on his hand.

When he turned his head, he saw Lu Yan standing behind him, and said nervously, "Here, please drink some water."


"Hold it quickly, don't let Lu Zhen see it." Lu Yan stuffed the iced Coke into his hand, and looked behind him defensively, like a thief.

Shen Kuo took the Coke without hesitation, pulled off the bottle cap, and gulped down two gulps.

With two pairs of bubbles, the cola overflowed his throat and fell into his stomach, giving him a refreshing coolness.

Seeing that he accepted it so readily, Lu Yan unconsciously had two sweet dimples on the corners of her mouth.

The appearance of him drinking water with his head up was not gentle at all, his Adam's apple was rolling up and down, carrying the irritableness unique to summer, very tasteful.

Shen Kuo carried the can and murmured, "Thank you."



He rarely drinks this kind of sweet carbonated drink, not because he doesn't like it, but because he thinks it's unnecessary.

Actually... still delicious.

The smile on the girl's face grew wider and she looked very cute.

"Shen Kuo, I heard that No. 1 Middle School has a professional basketball player, can we win?"

Shen Kuo looked at the players in black uniforms across the street, and there was a rare youthful spirit in his eyes——

"Definitely win."

Lu Yan looked at him in amazement, it was rare to hear him speak so confidently, his aura was simply bursting!

She nodded heavily: "Come on!"

As long as Shen Kuo said that he would definitely win, Lu Yan would be confident that he would definitely win this game.

The whistle for playing was blown, and Shen Kuo handed half of the remaining drink to her hand: "Help me hold it."

"it is good."

Lu Yan took the half bottle of soda cans and returned to her seat.

After a while, Lu Zhen and Liang Ting also entered the venue.

Seeing that the competition had started, Lu Zhen immediately took off his coat, and hung it on Lu Yan's head: "Get clothes for your dad."

"Can't you be gentle..."

Before she finished speaking, she felt that her hand was empty. Lu Zhen snatched the half bottle of Coke left from Shen Kuo's drink, and drank it with her head up.

"... ???"

Lu Yan watched helplessly as Lu Zhen drank up Shen Kuo's remaining half bottle of Coke, feeling ill.

The corner of Liang Ting's mouth twitched behind him.

Lu Zhen threw the empty soda can into the trash can, turned her head and glanced at the petrified Lu Yan, and murmured casually, "What are you doing?"

"It's... poisonous."

Your enemy drinks the rest.

Lu Zhen rubbed Lu Yan's head, her face full of concern: "My daughter looks so dumb, was it me?"

Lu Yan covered her face, she really had nothing to say.

How blind her mother must be to see her father, a mentally handicapped child.