Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 34


When Lu Yan was doing her homework, she was always distracted, sometimes looking at the dense night outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, and sometimes sighing silently.

Lu Zhen raised her head and poked her forehead with the tip of a pen: "Why are you in a daze, concentrate on your homework."

The girl rubbed her head, frowned, and said in dissatisfaction: "You wrote your homework first, so why not care about me."

Lu Zhen said confidently: "If you don't write it, what will I copy?"


Copy your daughter's exercise book, are you embarrassed!

Lu Yan hugged the book, turned her back, sat cross-legged on the sofa, and ignored him.

Like a big dog, Lu Zhen leaned over and asked her patiently, "Are you in a bad mood?"


"You can't fool me."

It is rare for Lu Zhen to see her optimistic and cheerful little girl have any troubles. She is acting like this today, which is very abnormal.

"Tell Dad, is someone bullying you?"

"Stop asking."

Lu Yan stood up impatiently, and went back to the room with her slippers on.

Lu Zhen rubbed his chin, feeling that something was wrong, he watched Lu Yan secretly with his dog eyes for several days, and then called his military adviser and staff officer, Liang Ting casually said something—

"Your girl's symptoms are very similar to that of a girl in Huaichun who has a secret heart."

Lu Zhen fell off the chair in fright, her face turned pale, and she instinctively touched the pencil sharpener on the table.

It's fucking worth it... Who dares to break ground on Tai Sui's head and seduce his girl.

Liang Ting grabbed his hand: "Brother, what are you doing!"

"I... cut him off!"

The upright and righteous Qin Hao patted Lu Zhen on the shoulder suddenly, almost giving him an internal injury—

"Which son of a bitch dares to be tempted by my goddaughter, let him go!"


"Where to go." Liang Ting greeted each of them one by one: "Do you know who it is? You can ask."

"Uh." Qin Hao looked at Lu Zhen: "Who does our daughter like?"

Lu Zhen: "If my mother knows, how much more nonsense can I talk to you here?"

Later, Lu Zhen tried to get some clues from Lu Yan, but the little girl was so tight-lipped that she didn't reveal a word.

"Well, don't tell me, if you tell me, you'll go find someone to trouble you."

"I...Can I do this kind of thing." Lu Zhen waved his hands and smiled generously: "I am the most reasonable person."

Seeing that Lu Yan ignored him, he leaned in front of her relentlessly, suppressed his curiosity and said, "It's fine if you don't mention his name, then tell me, what grade is he in, is it you?" In class?"

"Don't talk, don't talk, don't ask!"

Knowing that her precious daughter's heart was secretly promised, Lu Zhen felt like ten thousand cats were tickling her, how could she let it go so easily.

In the evening, he came to Lu Yan's room again, and knocked on the door lightly: "Xiao Yanyan?"

"have you slept?"

"Dad is coming in?"

He pressed the doorknob and entered the room. Lu Yan sat on the bed wrapped in a quilt and looked at him helplessly: "Can you calm down!"

Lu Zhen clutched her chest and said she was really sad. Apart from him, Lu Yan would actually like other male creatures in this world.

"Unless you tell me which bastard you like."

Lu Yan looked at him speechlessly: "I told you, you're the same as before, throwing the check in someone's face and telling him to stay away from me?"

Lu Zhen smiled awkwardly: "I am such a qualified father, can I do that kind of thing? I never break a check."

He only smashes bricks.

"Must you know?"


"What if I don't say it?"

"Then I'll ask Liang Ting, there is no information in the school that he can't collect."

What a clever mind Liang Ting is, if Lu Zhen asks him, Lu Yan guesses, nine out of ten...he will guess the correct answer.

"You don't have to ask, I'll tell you right now, that person is Liang Ting! My admiration for him is like a torrent of river water, and I love him so much!"

After Lu Yan finished speaking, she jumped out of bed and pushed the stunned Lu Zhen out of the room without any explanation.

With Lu Zhen's brain, it was absolutely impossible to guess what was going on in Lu Yan's heart. She guessed that Liang Ting was behind his back to help him analyze it.

Lu Yan had to give Liang Ting a warning, lest this little uncle always help Lu Zhen "deal with" her by relying on his own cleverness.

So when Liang Ting learned that Lu Yan said that "the admiration for him is like a torrential river", he was so frightened that he nearly knelt down and apologized to Lu Zhen for his death.

"Brother Lu, you know my character. In my eyes, little girl Yanyan is just like my own daughter! Can I do that kind of bastard thing!"

Lu Zhen put on the posture of the third trial, patted Liang Ting's face, and sneered at the corner of his mouth: "Well, I believe you."

As soon as the words fell, Qin Hao came out from behind the tree in a sad mood, holding a rope for hanging in one hand, and two sets of math test papers in the other: "For the sake of brothers, come on, choose one .”

Liang Ting: ...

During that time, Liang Ting was bullied by Lu Yan. He had to help Lu Zhen and Qin Hao with their homework every night. Lu Zhen euphemistically said - let him restrain himself and stop being smart in front of his daughter all day long.

Liang Ting was really suffering until one evening, when he saw that little girl Lu Yan smiling at him with a sly smile on her face.

Sure enough, he was tricked.

Of course, he was wrong in this matter first, who told him to guess the girl's thoughts hidden in the bottom of the girl's heart, just guess, he even told Lu Zhen...

Being attacked and retaliated by a little girl is not wronged.

During the school cleaning break in the afternoon, Lu Yan walked to the door of Shen Kuo's classroom with a set of math workbooks.

In the classroom, there were a few students who were seriously reviewing their textbooks. Shen Kuo sat in the middle of the aisle in the third row from the bottom, and lowered his head to do his homework.

Lu Yan walked over to him with the textbook in her hands, and said in a low voice, "I can't do one question, can you tell me about it?"

Shen Kuo's dark eyes were sideways, and he gave a faint "hmm".

Lu Yan hurriedly opened a moderately difficult practice question that she had prepared, and handed it to Shen Kuo.

Shen Kuo glanced at the question, and the hand holding the pen immediately landed on the draft paper, rustling out a series of steps to solve the problem, very detailed, including ideas, the kind that no brain can understand.

Lu Yan's eyes fell on his hands.

The skin on the back of his hand is very white, faintly visible light blue veins of blood vessels, slightly raised, extending all the way up to the arms, the knuckles are long and strong, slim and beautiful...

For some reason, after the matter was revealed, Lu Yan began to pay special attention to all aspects of Shen Kuo's body.

When she looked back, she found that Shen Kuo was looking up at her—

"Where are you looking?"


Lu Yan's cheeks flushed suddenly after being caught suddenly, and she felt that her breathing was going to be difficult: "That... good hand."

After saying this, she wanted to bang bang bang bang against the big wall, what are you talking about!

Shen Kuo lowered his head and continued to write the step-by-step formula. Although he tried his best to hold back, there was still a faint smile on his thin lips.

Two minutes later, a whole article of problem-solving steps was written out, covering three solutions, very detailed, almost no explanation was needed, and a fool could understand it by himself.

Every word is so strong and powerful, like grass in the wind.

Lu Yan leaned her slender arms on the edge of the table, looked down at the question: "Why don't you tell me?"

Her black hair hung down on the back of Shen Kuo's hand, and the silky smooth touch tickled his heart.

Lu Yan leaned closer on purpose, and a large piece of hair fell down, almost covering the draft book.

Shen Kuo smelled the faint fragrance of jasmine on her body, faintly.

"Why don't you talk, Shen Kuo?"

Shen Kuo's Adam's apple rolled up and down, swallowing hard. Although he was on guard in his heart,...he still couldn't bear the provocative tone of the little girl.

"Let's look at the first solution first..."

His throat felt dry and itchy, and his voice sounded unnatural.

Taking advantage of the gap between his lectures, Lu Yan simply sat down on the chair at the same table, moved closer to him, and looked intently at his face.

He is really handsome, not that delicate handsome, although his facial features are cold and hard, but very masculine.

"Lu Yan..."

Shen Kuo couldn't stand her burning peach eyes staring at him all the time: "Am I pretty?"

Lu Yan's cheeks turned red again, and she said shyly, "It's pretty."

Shen Kuo twirled the pen in his fingertips, not knowing how to respond to her for a moment.

When the little girl came to ask for help, it was obvious that the drunkard didn't care about drinking.

Lu Yan stared at him for a few seconds, then took out two movie tickets from the pages of the book and slowly handed them to him, without saying anything, looking at him nervously.

Shen Kuo lowered his gaze and glanced at the movie ticket. It was Zhou Xingchi's "The King of Comedy".

Her white and tender fingers "walked" onto the two ticket stubs, and then passed a few inches in front of him, and whispered: "I bought two movie tickets for the cake, do you... have time?"

stared at him pitifully.

It's not that Shen Kuo is unmoved, but... so what is it.

He wasn't ready yet, ready to accept a girl coming to him, to love her, to take care of her, and now he couldn't even take care of himself, it was a mess.

Falling in love is a very beautiful thing, and at this young age, the most beautiful love is enough to be remembered for a lifetime.

Shen Kuo didn't want her to think about the rough sneakers on his feet and the whitewashed T-shirt every time she thought about it in the future...

If so, he would rather keep this beauty in his heart.

She deserves a love that is more suitable for her, and the hero should not be someone like him.

"I do not have time."

Shen Kuo packed his books, put them in his schoolbag, got up and left.

Looking at his leaving back, Lu Yan's hot heart was quenched by cold water, and unprecedented sourness welled up in her throat.

got rejected.

When you like someone, being rejected is a very uncomfortable thing, I really want to cry.

The girl rubbed her sore nose, took back the two tickets, and put them back into her schoolbag.

Looking at the problem-solving steps in the draft book... She felt like a joke.

When Shen Kuo walked to the door of the classroom, he still couldn't help but look back at her. The little girl lowered her head and wiped her tears gently, like a wounded little animal, not wanting to attract anyone's attention.

He made her cry after all.

Shen Kuo hardened his heart and took two steps, the soles of his feet seemed to be filled with lead stones, and every step was extremely difficult.

Finally, just as Lu Yan picked up the ticket stub and stuffed it back into her schoolbag to leave, a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her slender wrist.

She looked up in surprise, and saw Shen Kuo's cold face, looking down at her condescendingly.

"Do, what to do." She had a strong nasal voice.

"What time is the movie?"

Lu Yan's eyes flashed in surprise, and she said "ah" in a daze.

Shen Kuo took the ticket and looked at the time: "At eight o'clock on weekends, I have time."

The little girl didn't react: "You mean, you can..."

"You can go to the movies." He took her words and said helplessly, "Let's go together."

"Just... just the two of us." She wasn't sure what he was thinking, and reminded him: "There is no one else."

The movie of two people is a date, a date that is different from the past friends.

Shen Kuo could understand what she meant, and said calmly, "Like a friend."

"Okay, okay." Lu Yan immediately revived with full blood, fearing that he would regret it, she emphasized: "Just like friends...go to the movies."

He gave a low "hmm" and picked up the draft paper: "So, have you mastered this question?"

Lu Yanhong's peach blossom eyes sparkled with a smile, and she said with a playful smile, "I already know how to do such a simple question."

"Then what are you asking?"

"You know why I'm asking."

Seeing that Shen Kuo didn't mind, she got thicker and thicker. She approached him and said in a low voice, "You've been ignoring me these days."

Shen Kuo couldn't bear the little girl's acting like a baby at such a close distance. He covered the draft book on her face, pressed her head punitively, got up and left the classroom.

Lu Yan shouted at his back: "Shen Kuo, Saturday night, it's a deal!"

Shen Kuo turned his back to her and gestured OK.

Lu Yan was so happy that she was about to fly. She picked up the draft book and hugged it to her chest, rubbed it vigorously, and put it under her nose to sniff.

Anyway, he is good in everything.

Lu Yan was full of expectations for Saturday's movie date, and she was in high spirits every day, while Lu Zhen, like a widowed old mother, sensitively noticed the changes in her daughter's mood immediately.

So every day, Liang Ting could feel a stern look from behind.

After school that afternoon, Liang Ting called Lu Yan out secretly, and begged, "Xiao Yanyan, I beg you, please explain to your father that your uncle is not a beast, and I really have no other thoughts about you."

Lu Yan smiled and said, "Who made you... um, talk nonsense."

Liang Ting's attitude was surprisingly good: "Yes, it's my uncle talking nonsense. Uncle won't dare anymore. From now on, he must keep his mouth shut and don't tell your dad anything. It won't work."

Lu Yan was not a person who could not let go, so she patted Liang Ting on the shoulder and said cheerfully, "Okay, Uncle Liang Ting, please do one more thing for me, and I will explain it clearly to Lu Zhen."

"Just open your mouth, uncle will help you do it even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire."

"You don't need mountains of swords and seas of fire. You just need to find a way to call Lu Zhen out on Saturday night. You can go anywhere."

Liang Ting looked at Lu Yan suspiciously: "What are you going to do?"

"I have something to go out."

Now that Lu Zhen is in danger, he will immediately be alert whenever there is any movement from Lu Yan. If she is going out on Saturday night, Lu Zhen will definitely follow her secretly.

The little girl's eyes and brows were full of spring joy, Liang Ting naturally guessed the outline at a glance.

"You made an appointment with Shen Kuo?"

Lu Yan immediately tiptoed to cover his mouth, and looked around defensively: "Oh, don't say it! People heard it."

Liang Ting gradually became serious, and asked Lu Yan: "Are you really getting along with Shen Kuo?"

Lu Yan's face turned red suddenly, and she stammered, "Not... not yet, but... hey, I won't tell you!"

Liang Ting grabbed her wrist and said to her, "You can't be with Shen Kuo."


"You know, your dad and Shen Kuo are rivals. If you are with him, your dad will die of anger if he finds out."

"So I can't let him know." Lu Yan withdrew her hand, but Liang Ting held it tightly and couldn't break free: "Besides, the horoscope hasn't been written yet."

"Lu Yan, listen to me, it's okay to be friends, but stop here, otherwise... it will be very troublesome in the future."

Liang Ting hesitated to speak, and did not say the rest.

Lu Yan looked at him in surprise: "Uncle Liang Ting, do you know something?"

Liang Ting frowned and said, "Anyway, I'm definitely on your side, and I won't hurt you. Get out in time, and don't get stuck in the mud."

"But I don't understand why not."

"Anyway, if you can't do it, you can't. The conflict between your dad and Shen Kuo is not as simple as bullying and being bullied. Shen Kuo's hatred for your dad can't be resolved easily... But it's all about them, and it has nothing to do with you. In short, , I don't want you to get involved."

Lu Yan shook her head: "No."

Liang Ting's eyes tightened.

"I won't like anyone easily, and I won't give up easily."

Those who can give up easily are not really liking.

After Lu Yan finished speaking, Lu Zhen and Liang Ting strolled over holding the basketball, talking and laughing. When they looked up, they saw Liang Ting holding Lu Yan's wrist. The two were very close, and he heard What Lu Yan said, "I won't like anyone easily, let alone give up easily".

With a "snap", the basketball fell to the ground, rolled a few times and got into the grass.

At this moment, even Qin Hao was dumbfounded, pointing at Liang Ting and shouting: "You... beast!"

Liang Ting immediately shook off Lu Yan's hand: "Brother Zhen, listen to my explanation!"

Lu Zhen clutched her chest, as if she had suffered a serious internal injury: "You actually... actually really treated my girl..."

"NO, I have not!"

Lu Zhen didn't listen to the explanation, and didn't want to see him again. She rushed over and pulled Lu Yan away. When she passed him, she bumped into his shoulder hard: "Brother is gone."

Qin Hao also played a lot, so he gave Liang Ting a "bah": "Beast!"

Liang Ting: ...

Lu Yan turned her head and waved at him in embarrassment, but Lu Zhen pressed her hand down mercilessly.