Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 37


Friday is the day of campus cleaning, and every student is assigned a cleaning task.

Lu Zhen didn't do the tasks assigned by her own class, but ran to the section that Lu Yan was in charge of, and helped her sweep the floor as a cow and a horse.

So Lu Yan was free and strolled to the corridor on the fifth floor.

Shen Kuo was sweeping the corridor with his head buried in a short broom.

The broom he carried was a very short flowered broom, so he always bowed his body when sweeping the floor.

He moved very seriously and cleaned very carefully, with a few beads of sweat hanging on his tall forehead.

She saw a broom next to her, picked it up, and followed behind Shen Kuo like a tail, bending over to sweep the floor together with him.

Shen Kuo didn't notice that the girl was following behind him, so when he stepped back, he accidentally stepped on her foot.


Lu Yan let out a low scream.

Shen Kuo almost tripped her, staggered a bit, and then quickly stabilized his steps.

Lu Yan gritted her teeth in pain, leaned against the wall, landed on the ground on her toes, waved her hand, and gave him a very ugly wry smile—

"It's all right, nothing at all, completely OK, no pain, no pain..."

Shen Kuo frowned, of course he knew how much strength he had unintentionally used just now, the little girl wore a pair of thin white mesh shoes, no wonder it didn't hurt.

He squatted down silently, gently patted the dust on her white net shoes, and reprimanded: "Stupid."

"Yeah, I'm a fool, you just found out today?"

She made a double entendre.

Shen Kuo snorted softly, stood up and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Lu Yan looked at him, and said in a drawn out tone, "It's all right~ so I can't find you?"

Of course she's fine, that's why she came here to look for him.

Shen Kuo picked up the broom and continued to sweep the floor, and asked casually, "You don't have any cleaning tasks?"

"Yes, but Lu Zhen rushes to do it for me, and I'll be fine."

Shen Kuo didn't respond, and continued to sweep the floor with his head down.

Although Lu Zhen hates it, it is undeniable that he really loves Lu Yan, it hurts to the bone.

Lu Yan picked up the broom next to her and continued to help Shen Kuo clean up. Shen Kuo turned around and said, "Don't do this."

"Help you, two people do it, it will be more efficient."

Her movements are relatively rusty, but she is also very serious.

Shen Kuo asked, "You haven't done these things before, have you?"

"Well, but the current No. 3 Middle School is not the same as the No. 3 Middle School I attended before. Now it is... work is glorious."

At that time, the sanitation of the No. 3 Middle School hired cleaners, and there was no need to ask students to clean the classrooms and public areas after school every day.

Shen Kuo didn't think about her words, and the corner of his mouth raised a beautiful arc: "If Lu Zhen knows that he sweeps the floor for you, but you come to help me, you will be very angry."

"Don't you just like to piss him off?"

Lu Yan pulled her sweaty bangs behind her ears, with a sweet smile on her face: "Then let me help you to piss him off, okay?"

Shen Kuo stared at the smiling girl in front of him, his breathing stagnated for half a second.

Suddenly, he looked away, grabbed the broom and walked towards the end of the corridor. When passing by her, he patted the back of her head.

Lu Yan followed him step by step. Wherever he swept, she followed there, peeking at him with those beautiful peach eyes, and immediately retracted her gaze after being discovered by him, and continued to sweep the floor pretendingly.

"Shen Kuo."

He looked up: "Yes."


"What's your name?"

"Nothing, just call."


"Shen Kuo."


"Shen Kuo, Shen Kuo, Shen Kuo."


She laughed again, making it clear that she was ingratiating and being obedient.

Shen Kuo felt that he might not have the firm willpower to reject her, if she wanted to get along with him...he really couldn't refuse.

The two continued to sweep the floor, Lu Yan rambled and said some unnutritious things like mashed potatoes at school at noon.

Most of the time, Shen Kuo listened silently, but he would also respond after every sentence she said to show that he was listening.

Lu Yan knew that Shen Kuo was a very patient man, but this patience was not available to everyone, so it was very precious.

After sweeping the floor, the two of them went to wash their hands by the water table. When Lu Yan touched the water, she rubbed it casually twice and it was over. Rub it carefully.

He washed his hands very hard, calluses formed on his palms, as if he wanted to give her a wrong layer of skin.

Lu Yan frowned slightly, but she was not willing to withdraw her hand, allowing him to pull her and wash her hands clean.

It hurts a bit, but...

This man is actually helping her wash her hands! Doesn't this rounding up mean...

Lu Yan's heart beat faster, she raised her eyes cautiously, and looked at Shen Kuo—

Shen Kuo lowered his eyes, his thick eyelashes lightly covered his eyelids, serious and focused.

So handsome that it doesn't make sense.

Lu Yan suddenly leaned forward and wanted to steal a kiss on his cheek, but Shen Kuo reacted very sharply and turned her head...


The hand holding her was also thrown away suddenly.

In the tap water faucet, the water was pouring out, splashing.

The two of them stared at each other, and stood there dumbfounded at the same time.

Lu Yan's cheeks swelled up to her earlobes, hanging like two red cherries.

There was a trace of panic in Shen Kuo's eyes, his breathing was messed up, his heart was also messed up, and everything was messed up.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely strange, every dust element in the air seemed to explode, and the temperature rose, making it extremely hot.

Finally, Lu Yan couldn't take it anymore, stomped her feet and questioned him: "What are you hiding from!"

Shen Kuo didn't know what he was hiding, it was just an instinctive stress reaction...


"Who asked you to apologize!" Lu Yan was so ashamed that she didn't know what to do, she turned and ran away.

Shen Kuo looked at her fleeing back, picked up the water, and slapped his hot face.

Shen Kuo couldn't force himself to calm down, so he kept patting his face with water. Drops of water dripped down the eyelashes, and a large area was wet on the front of the chest.

He couldn't stop thinking about the scene just now, his throat was itching unbearably, and there was a crazy flame in his body, slamming all over the place.

That silly girl... actually wanted to kiss him.

In those few days, Lu Yan began to avoid Shen Kuo, even if she met by chance on the road, she would take a detour or hide behind a tree.

She didn't come out until after he left.

It was so embarrassing when she washed her hands in the corridor. She was ashamed to see him, and she didn't know how to face him.

Lu Zhen noticed the strangeness of the little girl, and said with a smile: "Hey, that's right, stay away from that Shen Kuo, keep safe."

Lu Yan knew that Lu Zhen, a cub-protecting madman, wanted her to keep a distance from all the boys in the school.

In the evening, at the barbecue stall outside the school, Qi Yuhuan ate her lips like two greasy sausages, and asked Lu Yan, "Order so many skewers, don't you want to eat?"

Lu Yan drank the drink with a straw in her mouth and shook her head: "I don't want to eat, I have no appetite."

Qi Yuhuan put the grilled beef skewers on her plate, and said, "It's just that I didn't get a kiss, why are you so listless, you don't even eat meat, what do you think it did wrong. "

"It's not a question of not getting close, it's simply..."

Lu Yan knocked her forehead on the table: "This is a matter of dignity, it is... a matter of my wishful thinking, ah, I have lost all face in my previous two lives."

"It's actually not that bad."

Qi Yuhuan chewed Xiaojun liver that was charred on the inside and tender on the outside, and said: "If it was me, if I was suddenly frightened, my instinctive reaction would be to avoid it. This doesn't mean that he doesn't like you."

Lu Yan raised her face and looked at her aggrievedly: "Yes?"

Qi Yuhuan nodded vigorously: "It was only a moment at that time, how could people have time to react, and when I think about it later, I might regret it much."

Lu Yan hugged Qi Yuhuan's arm: "Woo..."

Qi Yuhuan patted her on the back and sighed: "You are so bold, how dare... just kiss Shen Kuo carelessly like this."

"Why can't we kiss?"

"That person is Shen Kuo."

Qi Yuhuan shuddered thinking about it: "He usually doesn't talk to girls, he looks fierce."

In fact, there are many girls in school who have good feelings for him, but... no one dares to approach him, he is too cold.

Qi Yuhuan asked Lu Yan curiously: "Why do you like him?"

"Do you need a reason to like someone?"

"Don't you need it?"

Lu Yan thought for a while, and replied very conventionally: "He is handsome."

"Please." Qi Yuhuan said incredulously: "You are too superficial, I thought you would say that he has good grades or hard work, just because he is handsome, you go to kiss him, I am really convinced It's you."

"As he pulled me to wash my hands, the sun fell right on his brown eyes, and I saw stars in his eyes."


Qi Yuhuan laughed so hard that she turned her back.

Lu Yan hit her and said in a daze, "What are you laughing at, I'm serious."

"Did you drink too much! You still have stars... why don't you say you saw the moon." Qi Yuhuan grabbed Lu Yan's drink and found that it was actually plum wine with alcoholic strength.

"Are you really drunk?"

"Who's drunk too much?" Lu Yan muttered and pushed her away: "Forget it, if you haven't met someone you like, you won't understand."

"Yes, I don't understand, hey, stop drinking, really..."

"I really hated him. Really, he bankrupted our family. When the bank ransacked the house, even my mother's only jade bracelet was taken away..."

Lu Yan lay on the table, whispering: "At that time, I really hated him, but..."

Qi Yuhuan frowned: "You are really drunk."

"Later, I went to the Shen Group's office to beg him to let our family go. When I met him for the first time, I... saw stars in his eyes, exactly the same stars."

"Okay okay, he has stars in his eyes."

Qi Yuhuan perfunctorily helped her up, took out the Nokia mobile phone in her purse, and was about to call Lu Zhen. At this moment, she looked up and saw Shen Kuoqi's tall figure walking out of the school gate.

"Hey, Shen Kuo!"

Seeing them, Shen Kuo walked over at a faster pace, looked at Lu Yan who was softened into mud by the table, and frowned, "What's wrong with her."

"Drink and get drunk."

Shen Kuo picked up the fruit wine, looked at it, and said, "This is not a drink, it's plum wine, and the alcohol content is not low. How can she drink this?"

Qi Yuhuan originally wanted to say that this looks like the packaging of the drink, but suddenly she had an idea and said deliberately: "Whoever makes some people act carelessly will hurt their hearts."

Shen Kuo looked at her silently, with waves in his eyes, calm and gentle.

Qi Yuhuan had never seen Shen Kuo showing such an expression, and finally understood why Lu Yan said "he has stars in his eyes".

Only when you really like someone can you unconsciously show such deep and gentle eyes.

"I'll take her home." After Chen Kuo finished speaking, he helped Lu Yan up and walked out of the barbecue shop.

"Then I'll trouble you." Qi Yuhuan didn't follow, and waved at them with a smile, thinking that if Lu Yan woke up, she might have to treat her to a barbecue again!

The school is not too far away from Lu's house, Shen Kuo carried her back home.

The little girl obediently lay on his back, hugged his neck, and breathed thinly like a soft feather, gently touching the skin on the back of his neck, itching.

She muttered in a daze, "Dad..."

He stepped forward on his own shadow.

"I'm Shen Kuo."

The voice is low alcohol and extremely magnetic.

The girl tilted her jaw, then rested it on his shoulder, and asked in a slightly crying voice, "Do you hate me?"


"Then...then why did you avoid it."

He breathed gently to relieve the dense sourness in his chest, but there was sweetness in the astringency: "You scared me."

No girl has ever done such a thing to him, and this girl is too bold.

Lu Yan countered and pouted, "Then you scared me too, I thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you, never have."

She tilted her head, looked at the back of his face, and asked seriously: "Then you like me?"

Shen Kuo paused.

The sky suddenly began to rain finely and densely. He looked at the uneven and wet ground, remained silent for two seconds, and said earnestly, "I like it."

I like it so much, I like it so much.

Later, Lu Yan fell asleep in a daze, and Shen Kuo carried her back to the Lu residence.

Aunt Li, the servant, took over Lu Yan: "Oh, what's going on?"

"The plum wine is drunk." Shen Kuo said softly: "Her clothes are wet, please change for her, don't catch a cold."

After exhorting her, she felt that she was unnecessary. Don't they know how to take care of her

Aunt Li thanked Shen Kuo and said, "Student, you can also sit in the house for a while, and wait for the rain to stop before leaving."

"Need not."

Shen Kuo turned around and walked into the rain, but at this time, he met Lu Zhen who was rushing home head-on.

Seeing Shen Kuo, Lu Zhen froze for a moment, and asked impatiently, "Why are you here?"

Shen Kuo didn't respond to him, and passed him by. Lu Zhen saw Lu Yan who was sleeping in Aunt Li's arms, and suddenly grabbed his collar: "What did you do to my girl?"

Aunt Li hurriedly greeted: "Young master, let go, this classmate sent her back because he saw that the second lady had drunk too much."

Lu Zhen didn't believe that Shen Kuo would be so kind, he was indifferent and always mean to him, would he kindly send his sister home

"What bad idea are you planning?" Lu Zhen stared at Shen Kuo's dark eyes, trying to see through his mind.

But such a person with exquisite seven orifices, no idiot like Lu Zhen could understand it.

"The grievances between you and me, we will settle it ourselves, and I advise you not to put your mind on my girl."

Shen Kuo pulled away Lu Zhen's hand, his wrist was so strong that Lu Zhen had no strength to resist.

"For Lu Yan's sake, I will let you off the hook in the past." He looked at him coldly: "But I have no patience with you, don't try to provoke me again."

"I fucking want you to let it go..." He wanted to make a move on Shen Kuo, but Shen Kuo tightly gripped his wrist, making him unable to move.

At this moment, the high beams of the car hit him in the face, Lu Zhen turned around and saw that it was Lu Jian's car coming, his expression changed a little, he shook off Shen Kuo vigorously, and took two steps back.

In the past few days, Lu Jian's attitude towards him finally changed, and she would praise him from time to time. Lu Zhen didn't want to have conflicts with others at the door of the house.

"Forget it, you're lucky." Lu Zhen said in a low voice, "I don't care about you today."

Shen Kuo rolled his eyes, turned and left.

In the rain, Lu Zhen looked at his Xiao Suo's back, and suddenly said: "Stay away from her, you are not good enough for her."

Shen Kuo paused slightly.

The rain suddenly fell heavily, like a torrential downpour.

After a long time, the boy in the rain suddenly said: "I will be worthy."

Every word seems to be bitten out from the exhaustion of the whole body.

One day, he will be worthy of her.