Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 40


During the class break, Qi Yuhuan rushed into the classroom excitedly, lay down in front of Lu Yan, and complained to her: "Just now I heard from Li Qingqing from Class 2 that they were having physical education class, and the canteen saw Lu Zhen... sneakily bought a pack Sanitary napkins! Mom too!"

Lu Yan put down the writing pen and widened her eyes: "It's true!"

"What are you doing lying to you! They saw with their own eyes that Lu Zhen was wandering around the sanitary napkin shelves like a thief. The aunt in the commissary kept staring at him and almost thought him a thief. Later, he bit the bullet and took a pack. When paying, many girls saw it!"

Lu Yan was puzzled: "Who did he buy it for?"

"You didn't have your period, did you?"

"I do not have it!"

"Who would you buy it for?" Qi Yuhuan said inexplicably, "It can't be Shu Mengfei, right?"

"Impossible, it's been so many years." Lu Yan shook her head: "Lu Zhen won't take her back, he promised."

"Then your brother may... have a girlfriend again."


Lu Yan supported her cheeks, feeling very melancholy.

Why doesn't her mother show up yet? Lu Zhen has so many ex-girlfriends. If his mother doesn't come out to take care of him, he will go to heaven.

When the school bell rang, Lu Zhen had just walked out of the classroom door, so Lu Yan grabbed her by the collar, dragged her all the way to the empty stairs, and slammed into the wall.

"Hey, pay attention, you are talking, this is a school, your dad doesn't want to lose face?"

"You still know how to save face." Lu Yan lowered her voice and asked him fiercely, "Who bought the sanitary napkin for!"

When this matter was mentioned, Lu Zhen's face flushed red: " do you know."

He rubbed his nose unnaturally.

"How do I know, all the girls in the school know about it!"

When Lu Zhen heard the words, her face turned pale: "Sun, how is it possible, I saw... there is no one around."

Lu Yan rubbed the corners of her eyes: "Dad, you underestimate girls' curiosity about gossip."

Lu Zhen tugged at the collar of his shirt, his face turned purple: "I'm done."

Lu Yan didn't intend to let him go easily, and asked: "Be honest, who are you with again? Didn't I warn you, before my mother shows up, you... you must clean yourself!"

"Yanyan, you are too strong." Lu Zhen scratched the back of her head: "If your mother never shows up, I can't fall in love?"

"No, absolutely not!" Lu Yan said righteously: "You talk about so many girlfriends, what if my mother despises you in the future, if my mother despises you, there will be no me in the future, you know how serious the consequences are do not know!"

Lu Zhen thought about it carefully and found that it really made sense.

He frowned, and said in embarrassment: "But that girl, I really... like her a lot."

Lu Yan asked angrily, "What's her name?"

"I don't know, I forgot to ask."

"You don't even ask people's names, but you still say you like it?"

"Hey, how could I ask the question in that situation at that time."

After he handed her the "little bread", she went into the women's toilet and didn't come out for a long time.

Lu Zhen stood outside and waited for a few minutes, feeling a little strange. She would definitely feel embarrassed when she came out to see him.

So Lu Zhen left very considerately without asking any questions, not even knowing what grade he was in or which class he was in.

"Girl, let me tell you, that girl is really... so obedient!"

Looking back now, Lu Zhen felt very excited: "Her legs are the most beautiful legs I have ever seen!"

Lu Yan commented: "Wretched."

"Fuck you." Lu Zhen gave her a shudder on the forehead.


Lu Zhen walked to the balcony and held her chin against the setting sun: "She is really... a woman like the wind."

Lu Yan almost burst out laughing, she remembered that Lu Zhen used to describe Shu Mengfei as "the purest woman in the world".

Dad's aesthetic vision of girls... has always been very bad.

She was not at all curious about what kind of woman this "windy woman" was, most likely she was similar to Shu Mengfei.

Lu Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so she turned and went back to the classroom to pack her schoolbag. Lu Zhen seemed to be in a good mood, so she walked over and put her arms around her shoulders, and said, "Let's go, Dad will take you to the movies tonight on Christmas Eve."

When it comes to movies, Lu Yan feels inexplicably nervous: "Why should I watch movies with you?"

"If you don't watch it with me, who will you watch it with?"

"Can't I go see it alone!"

"That's boring, let's go."

He didn't care whether Lu Yan was willing or not, he took her all the way out of the teaching building.

At this moment, Ye Jiaqi appeared out of nowhere, squeezed between the two of them, and said, "Where are you going?"


"Exactly, I'm fine tonight, let's go together."

Lu Zhen gave him a disgusted look: "I'm sorry, young man, do you know me very well?"

Ye Jiaqi smiled shallowly: "Considering our alliance, watching movies together is also a way to bond."

"What alliance?"

"I made an agreement with Lu Yan to help find your sister together."


Lu Zhen threw away Lu Yan's hand, pointed at Ye Jiaqi, and shouted in horror: "What did you say!"

"Don't be so surprised, I know your secret."

"Ah!" He screamed, covering his head.

Lu Yan covered her face and said helplessly, "This was an accident."

The excited Lu Zhen pulled Lu Yan aside: "Are you crazy? How can you let the third person know!"

"Then Uncle Liang Ting and Uncle Qin Hao also know about it."

"It's different, they are my good brothers, this Ye Jiaqi... who knows what he's talking about!"

"Anyway, I already know it now." Lu Yan shrugged, and didn't particularly take it to heart: "Let's not offend him, you're right."

Lu Zhen looked distressed: "You girl, you know how to make trouble for me all day long."

Behind him, Ye Jiaqi said: "You father and daughter have discussed it, do you want to go to the movies together?"

Lu Zhen rubbed her nose and said unhappily, "Most of the movie theaters are out of tickets for Christmas today."

Ye Jiaqi took out three movie tickets and said, "It's okay, I have them."

"I'll go, you..."

Come prepared.

Ye Jiaqi looked at Lu Yan, and smiled lightly: "I bought one myself, and there are two others that someone threw away."

Lu Yan suddenly felt guilty, and saw that the movie ticket for sitting together was really the two she had thrown away in the morning, unexpectedly...Ye Jiaqi picked it up.


Lu Zhen knew that Ye Jiaqi was a deep-minded guy, and now that he knew the secret of their father and daughter, it was like catching him, and he could only rely on him for the time being.

"Let's go, let's watch as many games as you want, I will accompany you to the end."

Ye Jiaqi came over and gently lifted Lu Yan's schoolbag: "I'll help you carry it."

"No, no, no." Lu Zhen quickly grabbed the schoolbag: "Dad is here, what can I do with you?"

Lu Yan rolled her eyes. When this guy bullied her, he often forced her to work as a coolie. What's the fight now!

Lu Zhen took Lu Yan out of the school gate, passed the traffic lights, and saw Shen Kuo and Zhong Kai standing across the street selling apples.

The business is booming, and there is an endless stream of customers, all of whom are young students.

The eyes of the fruit stall vendors around were so red that they were about to bleed. They couldn’t figure it out. Isn’t it just a broken apple? what is it!

Ye Jiaqi saw that his classmate Shen Kuo was selling apples, so he went to take care of his business and said, "How much is one."

Just as Zhong Kai was about to speak, Shen Kuo cast a sidelong glance at him, forcefully forcing back his blurted words.

Shen Kuo said: "50 a piece"

"Damn it, why don't you grab it!" Lu Zhen said excitedly, "How dare you sell such an expensive apple!"

Shen Kuo raised his dark eyes, looked at Ye Jiaqi, and said expressionlessly, "If you think it's too expensive, just don't buy it."

It was also obvious what he meant, he didn't want to sell it to Ye Jiaqi.

Lu Yan has already squatted down and started picking apples: "Brother Zhong Kai, help me weigh three catties."

"Hey, good."

Lu Zhen pulled her up and said in a low voice, "This guy is clearly cheating! You really bought it and paid back three catties. You want your father to go bankrupt, right?"

"When you snatched my apple today, why didn't you think it was too expensive!"

"you... "

Ye Jiaqi laughed, took out his wallet, and said, "Xiaoyan wants to eat, so I have to buy it for thirty catties, 50 a piece, right?" Without hesitation, he took out a few hundred yuan bills from his bag and handed them to Shen Kuo : "These are enough."

Lu Zhen couldn't see it anymore, and held Ye Jiaqi's hand: "He deliberately found fault, and you still bumped into it, are you stupid?"

Ye Jiaqi picked up a beautifully packaged apple, looked at it, and said with a smile: "Christmas Eve, safe and sound, I hope it's a good omen. Besides, if Xiaoyan wants to eat it, she has to buy it no matter how expensive it is. Money is the least important thing." Important stuff."

Ye Jiaqi handed the apple to Lu Yan, and then put the several hundred dollars on the pile of colorful apples.

The darkness in Shen Kuo's eyes became deeper and deeper.

Ye Jiaqi spends a lot of money just to buy something comfortable and comfortable, but the so-called "least important" money in his mouth has already been the hard work of Shen Kuo day and night.

What right does a person like him be jealous of Ye Jiaqi.

Lu Yan didn't care so much, she kept giving Zhong Kai the wrong look and asked him to pull out a plastic bag and put a few more apples in it.

Anyway, Ye Jiaqi is really a rich man, so she doesn't care about the money. What she is planning is to help Shen Kuo earn more.

Zhong Kai hesitated...and didn't move. He saw that Shen Kuo's expression was not very good.

This Ye Jiaqi seemed to be obedient to Lu Yan's words. If she wanted to eat apples, he could buy them for hundreds of dollars. No wonder Shen Kuo was unhappy.

Zhong Kai handed the money back with a smile, and said: "How can there be hundreds of apples, and they are not made of gold. Brother Shen is just joking with you."

Lu Zhen said angrily, "Your boy is quite sensible."

Ye Jiaqi laughed and said, "The economic value brought by Shen Kuo's creativity is far more than these few hundred dollars, so I will treat him as a friend."

Lu Yan looked at Ye Jiaqi, deeply feeling that the man's foresight and foresight were far beyond what a fool like Lu Zhen could match.

Shen Kuo picked up the money and counted it. It was four hundred yuan. He raised his head and asked him—

"Want to make friends with me?"

Ye Jiaqi nodded and said to him sincerely: "Shen Kuo, I appreciate you very much."

Shen Kuo turned around and went into a supermarket. When he came out, he was carrying two bottles of sorghum liquor.

Lu Zhen didn't understand, so: "What do you want?"

Shen Kuo ignored him, staring at Ye Jiaqi with his dark eyes: "You rich young masters spend money to make friends, but we poor people drink to make friends."

As he spoke, he unscrewed the cap of the liquor bottle with his pale and slender fingertips, and handed the liquor to him: "Shall I hand it over?"

Ye Jiaqi pursed his lips and took the bottle of liquor without hesitation: "Of course."

A sneer twitched from the corner of Shen Kuo's mouth, he raised his head and drank at least the 250ml bottle of white wine in his hand without panting.

Lu Yan and Zhong Kai stared blankly at the same time, they didn't expect Shen Kuo to drink so well.

Even Lu Zhen was dumbfounded. He looked at the liquor bottle in his hand, and then at the identical bottle in Ye Jiaqi's hand.

Good guy, really ruthless.

Shen Kuo wiped his mouth and turned the wine bottle upside down, but not a drop of water came out.

He raised his chin, and looked at Ye Jiaqi with a rare youthful look in his eyes.

Not to be outdone, Ye Jiaqi also drank half of the bottle of white wine.

Because he really didn't have much capacity for alcohol, he choked after drinking half of it, and his stomach was on fire, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I really don't know how to drink, and I haven't...never drank like this before."

Shen Kuo put down those banknotes and sneered: "Money is the least important thing to you, but you use it to make friends, isn't it nonsense?"

With an unnatural blush on Ye Jiaqi's face, he pondered for a moment and said, "Sorry."

He took back the money, turned and left, and staggered forward, but fortunately, Lu Zhen's eyesight and hands quickly supported him.

"Hey? Can you do it!"

Ye Jiaqi felt dizzy, as if there were many little stars surrounding him, he reached out to support Lu Zhen: "Brother Lu, let's go, watch a movie..."

"What kind of movie do you want to watch when you're all like this? I'm going home by myself."

"No, I want to watch a movie!" Ye Jiaqi said stubbornly, "Watch-movie-movie!"

Lu Zhen had no choice but to help him to the side of the road and hailed a taxi. When he turned around and saw Lu Yan still reluctantly standing by the apple stand, he yelled, "Let's go! What are you dawdling for!"

Lu Yan looked at Shen Kuo, and asked with concern: "Are you okay, you don't drink very you want me to stay with you?"

Shen Kuo stretched out his hand, tapped her forehead with his fingertips, and pushed her away: "Go to the movies, don't stay here... add trouble to me."

"Lu Yan! Let's go!" Lu Zhen urged again.

Lu Yan glanced at him reluctantly: "Then I... will go first."

Shen Kuo greeted other guests, but ignored her. It was not until Lu Yan got into the car and the taxi roared away that he slowly raised his head and looked in the direction she left.

Zhong Kai said in admiration: "Brother Shen, no, it's time to call you Lord Shen, you can drink a lot! Didn't you agree to pour three cups? Why is it that you seem to be okay after drinking half a catty of liquor at this moment?"

Shen Kuo said calmly, "I drink mineral water."

"What the hell!"

Zhong Kai grabbed the empty wine bottle that Shen Kuo drank, opened it, sniffed it, and then licked the bottle with his tongue. Sure enough, it was filled with tasteless white water.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "You are too cunning, that silly boy drank a lot of bottles in a daze, he is also very naive."

Shen Kuo picked up an apple, bit it down, and said coldly, "He has seen some worlds, but they are all good worlds on the table."

Shen Kuo has never paid attention to this kind of rich young master who has never experienced hardships or stumbles. He wants to make friends with him, and even wants to buy his heart with a few hundred dollars, which is ridiculous.

He was slightly smarter than the stupid Lu Zhen, but only a little smarter than Lu Zhen.

But in Shen Kuo's eyes, he was still a fool.

In the movie theater, Lu Zhen was sitting in the middle, and Ye Jiaqi was sitting on his right, wrapping his arms around his neck, rubbing his face against his neck, muttering inaudible dreams.

"Let go, let go, you're disgusting!"

"Whether you want to watch the movie or not, go back if you don't!"

"Damn, I'm not a woman, you're so disgusting!"

The audience around cast dissatisfied glances at him, beckoning him to be quiet.

Lu Yan also tugged at his sleeve, and said in a low voice, "Let Uncle Ye hug him, he's drunk."

Lu Zhen clenched her fists tightly, and her nostrils were smoking with anger: "That guy Shen Kuo is really a cunning bastard, a hypocrite with a hypocrisy..."

Lu Yan thought that Shen Kuo drank a lot of wine today, and his alcohol capacity has never been good. She was a little worried, so she pretended to go to the bathroom by herself, sneaked out of the movie theater, and slipped away.

There was still some time before the movie ended, and she sent a text message to Lu Zhen after a while, saying that she could just go home first.

Lu Yan hailed a taxi and returned to the gate of the school. The business in front of Shen Kuo's booth was still very good. Many students who lived on campus slipped out to sell apples.

Shen Kuo was the only one who was too busy. The packaged apples had been sold out, so Shen Kuo had to wrap the apples on the spot with floral paper, and sold one after the other.

She hurried over to help Shen Kuo sell apples together.

Seeing her coming, Shen Kuo froze for a moment.

Lu Yan ignored him, took the wrapped apples skillfully, handed them to the students in front of the booth, and said with a smile, "One yuan for each."

"Thank you for coming."

"How many?"

"Two, right? The ready-made ones are sold out, please wait a moment, sorry."

She picked up the wrapping paper, imitated Shen Kuo to wrap it up, then wrapped it carefully with a ribbon, and wrote a Christmas card, and handed it to the students.

The two were busy earning money, and after a few rounds, they hadn't had time to say a word. After a few minutes of free time in front of the booth, Lu Yan asked Chen Kuo, "Where is Zhong Kai? Why did you leave you here alone?"

"I made a new girlfriend, Christmas Eve, a date."

"It's too disrespectful! You're so busy here, he actually went on a date! It's really..." Lu Yan clasped her hands and said, "No professional ethics!"

The corner of Shen Kuo's mouth slightly raised: "What about you, is the movie not good-looking or Master Ye is not charming enough to keep you?"

"Of course the movie is good, and Uncle Ye is also very charming, but..."

Lu Yan couldn't help laughing: "Tonight, all his charms have been cast on Lu Zhen, holding him and refusing to let go, scratching and scratching, it seems that Lu Zhen is definitely going to be pregnant tonight."

Shen Kuo reached out and patted the back of her head: "What hooligans are you talking about?"

Lu Yan stuck out her tongue and raised her eyes to look at him: "You...are you okay."


"Drinking so much, are you dizzy?"

Shen Kuo sat down, picked up an apple calmly, wrapped it in transparent plastic wrapping paper, and wrapped it with a ribbon.

"No dizziness, I drank plain water."

"what... "

Lu Yan reacted for two seconds and understood what was going on. The smile on her lips deepened: "Ye Jiaqi must be so angry."

"Well, I want to piss him off."


Shen Kuo didn't answer, and continued to do things with his head down.

Lu Yan walked to him, sat down, licked her dry lower lip, and said, "You have dark circles under your eyes, you must have not slept well last night."

He yawned appropriately.

"Take a break, I'll look after the stall for you."

"There's nowhere to sleep here."



"I said yes... yes." Lu Yan said, reaching out and pressing his head on her shoulder.

Shen Kuo's figure was obviously stiff, and he struggled instinctively. Unexpectedly, the little girl's hands were quite strong. It could be seen that she was using force, and she could tell... She was so nervous that her earlobes turned red.

After all, Shen Kuo still... leaned on her narrow and thin shoulders.

Her body exuded the smell of sweet milk body wash, lingering lightly in his nostrils, it was a fragrance he had never smelled before.

Shen Kuo closed his eyes: "Then... sleep for a while."

"Well, sleep."

Two minutes later, light snowflakes suddenly floated in the sky, like goose feathers, falling down one after another.

It turned out to be snowing!

Yes, Christmas Eve is going to snow!

Lu Yan turned her head slightly, looking at his slightly trembling long eyelashes, decorated with a thin frost.

The romantic atmosphere is brewing just right, do nothing, as if I am sorry for Santa Claus to send this snow.

Lu Yan's blood suddenly started to speed up, and her heartbeat also started to sprint 100 meters.

She lowered her head slowly and approached his tightly pressed thin lips little by little.

In winter, the boy's lips are always very dry, and they don't pay attention to protecting them, and the skin is even torn a little.

Lu Yan thought for a while, then sneaked out a moisturizing lipstick from her bag, and applied it on her lips in a small amount to avoid disturbing him.

Well, she smacked her mouth, and leaned over again.

"Hello, how much is the apple!"

There are guests.

Lu Yan took a deep breath, frowned and looked at the girl with an extremely ferocious expression.

Miss sister... don't you see what I'm going to do!

The lady guest understood Lu Yan's eyes, and quickly apologized: "Hey, I'm sorry, you continue..."

Lu Yan looked down at Shen Kuo, he didn't seem to wake up.

OK, this time, it has to work.

She pursed her soft lips, closed her eyes, and moved closer again.

However, the moment she touched his dry lips, Shen Kuo suddenly said, "You drove my guests away."

Lu Yan yelled "ah", jumped up, backed up again and again, her ass hit the apple stand, and several apples rolled to the ground.

Her temples twitched, and she leaned over to pick up the apple in a panic: "Yes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Shen Kuo moved his shoulders and neck left and right, picked up an apple that had rolled down by his feet, weighed it in his hands, lowered his eyes, and a gentle smile bloomed at the corners of his eyes.

"Want to put on lipstick for me?"