Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 50


At five o'clock in the morning, the sky was dimly lit.

Having not slept for two days, Shen Kuo was too tired, so this night he rested his head on Lu Yan's lap, closed his eyes and fell asleep, sank down, and fell into an excellent deep sleep.

At six o'clock in the morning, Shen Kuo's biological clock was up, and he woke up.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing that caught his eyes was the girl's eyes that were struggling to keep them open.

The little girl really didn't sleep all night, forcing herself to stay awake.

She really couldn't sleep, and she didn't dare to sleep. Dad Shen is not out of danger yet, and accidents may happen at any time, so he needs to call the doctor in time.

After all, human life is at stake.

Seeing him waking up, Lu Yan smiled on her tired face, and her eyes lit up: "Are you awake? I see you slept soundly, and you are still snoring."

Shen Kuo sat up immediately: "Impossible."

How could he be snoring.

Lu Yan was also teasing him at first, so she reached out and scratched his messy and fluffy hair: "After sleeping, are you in good spirits?"


"That's right, don't worry, Dad Shen is fine tonight, the doctor just came and said the situation is improving."

"Thank you." He thanked her muffled.

A nurse with a tray passed by, heard the conversation between the two, and said to Shen Kuo with a smile: "Your girlfriend is really nice. She stayed with you all night by herself. At three o'clock, I saw that she was almost sleepy." I can't do it anymore, keep pinching the back of my hand with my nails... "


Lu Yan interrupted the nurse: "Then what, I'm a little hungry, Shen Kuo, go buy some breakfast."

Before she finished speaking, Shen Kuo grabbed her hand, and as expected, on the back of her left hand, there were a few crescent-shaped nail prints, which were slightly red.

Lu Yan withdrew her hand and said nonchalantly, "I smell someone eating steamed buns, I'm so hungry."

Shen Kuo still had no expression on his face. After the nurse left, he silently embraced Lu Yan's shoulders, resting his chin on her forehead, leaving a mark on her bangs that looked like a kiss but was not a kiss.

At the juncture of morning and evening, the light of dawn pierces through the stacked clouds, like crimson dye, which gradually fades away.

Lu Yan's heart felt hot for a while.

Soon, Shen Kuo let go of her, a little embarrassed.

Lu Yan touched her forehead, with the corners of her mouth raised, with a sweet smile: "Are you kissing me?"

"No, no, don't think about it."

"obviously it is... "

Perhaps because his father's condition improved, Shen Kuo felt a lot more relaxed, and asked her, "Did you do something to me last night?"

Lu Yan was dumbfounded.

What the hell... aren't they all asleep

"You pretend to be asleep!"

"No, but there is a feeling."

"I didn't do anything, I had nothing, how could I do anything..."

She explained ramblingly: "Impossible, I'm a girl, it's impossible in this life..."

Shen Kuo looked at her without saying a word, her narrow and beautiful pupils made her feel guilty, as if nothing could escape his eyes.

Lu Yan's earlobe was red.

what a shame.

She faltered and said: "You don't want to kiss me anyway, I'm so active, it seems like that..."

Shen Kuo's hand landed on her lips, and his rough thumb gently swept over the soft spot in the middle of her lips.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that I don't think it should be too hasty."

Lu Yan looked at him in surprise, only to see that he said very seriously: "You have to be mentally prepared, the first time, it may take a long time."

He has thought about it for a long time, and created countless scenes. He has restrained and forbeared until now, and he should not be too rash anyway.

Lu Yan slightly opened her eyes, a little silly.


Knowing that he was talking about the first kiss, but saying this, there is no way to prevent her from thinking about other things.

It will be a long time... How long will it take!

Her cheeks instantly turned cherry red.

The teenagers of that era were mostly pure and upright.

It was Lu Yan who was dirty.

Chen Kuo carried the doctor's order and went downstairs to pay for the medicine. Lu Yan yawned a long time and closed her eyes.

At this time, the doctor walked out of the office, saw Lu Yan guarding the side of the ward, mistook her for the patient's daughter, and handed her a medical record form that needed to be signed.

Lu Yan didn't know what it was, took a look at it, and explained: "Sorry, it seems that I shouldn't sign this..."

She hadn't finished speaking when she suddenly saw that on the information form, the column of Father Shen's original work unit was impressively written——

Henghui Cement Plant.

Lu Yan's heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat.

It is impossible for her not to know Henghui Cement Factory. This factory is the earliest industrial factory established under the name of Lu's Group. The cement raw materials needed for the initial development and construction of Lu's Real Estate are all from Henghui Cement Factory.

When she was a child, Lu Zhen took her out for a walk and passed the Henghui Cement Factory far away. He once pointed it out to her and said that your grandfather once made his fortune by running this industrial factory.

When the middle-aged Lu Zhen talked about his family history, a trace of desolation and helplessness flashed across his eyes.

At that time, Lu Yan, who was young, still couldn't understand the complexity of her father's eyes. Looking far away, she saw a large blue wheat field, billowing thick smoke from the long chimney of the cement factory, and dyed the clouds in the sky. Cyan.

Over the next ten years, the Lu family invested a lot of material and financial resources to implement the factory restructuring, and the workshop became a dust-free workshop, which gradually reduced the pollution to a minimum.

"Little girl, what are you thinking?" The doctor's voice rang in her ear, interrupting Lu Yan's memory.

She raised her head and asked the doctor in a hoarse voice: "Is Uncle Shen's illness related to his previous working environment?"

"Of course, the heavy lung is caused by long-term inhalation of industrial dust."

While the doctor was talking, he saw that Lu Yan's hand was tightly clutching the medical record, and it was wrinkled.

"Then... When the boy comes back later, you ask him to sign the medical record."

Lu Yan sat weakly on the chair, her back feeling chilly.

She knew that Father Shen had been suffering from illness for several years, but she never imagined that Father Shen used to...

He is working for the Lu Corporation!

She looked at the beautiful dresses and skirts on her body. From the beginning to the end, every piece she wore was of the best brand.

She raised her head again and looked at Father Shen who was unconscious in the ward, the man who was tortured by the disease and described as haggard...

Shen Kuo doesn't even have a brand new pair of sneakers.

so bullying

When Shen Kuo got the medicine and came back, the corridor was empty, and the girl was nowhere to be seen.

"Lu Yan?" He called softly, but no one responded.

have they gone

Shen Kuo frowned slightly, walked to the side of the seat, and saw the personal information page of the slightly wrinkled medical record, and his father's original unit was impressively in sight.

Shen Kuo's heart suddenly stabbed.

She saw it.

The doctor came out from other wards and said to Shen Kuo, "Hey, you are back, hurry up and sign the medical form."

Shen Kuo took out a pen, mechanically wrote his name on the list, and handed it to the doctor.

When the doctor entered the office, he didn't forget to turn his head and say to him: "That girl just now, your friend, she doesn't look quite right."

Shen Kuo pressed the center of his eyebrows and closed his eyes.

My thoughts drifted to the first year of junior high school, when I met Lu Zhen for the first time.

He walked into the classroom wearing a red Nike jersey, like a burning sun.

Shen Kuo keenly noticed that the color of the sneakers was also very nice, the toe of the shoes was wiped clean, and there was not even a little putty in the laces.

As soon as he entered the classroom, he attracted the attention of the whole class.

The young Shen Kuo never knew that boys could also be dressed so brightly and cleanly.

As for myself, I will always only have those few black and gray clothes, and the laces of rough sneakers are black, and the plaster inside cannot be washed off no matter how I wash it, the plaster seems to have infiltrated every strand of fiber like.

In his first self-introduction, he said that his name was Lu Zhen, and he patted his chest, saying loudly that Lu Jian was my father, his face was full of glory and pride.

The classmates in the class didn't know Lu Jian, so he said, you know the big chimney on the back of Nanjing Road and opposite the wheat field, it was opened by my dad.

Now the students all know that the big chimney on Nanjing Road has billowing black smoke every day, which looks very powerful.

The students immediately gave Lu Zhen a high look.

When he was young, everyone had someone to admire, and Lu Zhen admired his father the most.

In the corner, Shen Kuo lowered his head, his eyes gradually dimmed.

The person he most admires is also his father, but...

The big chimney opposite the wheat field is the place where my father coughed every day... and became seriously ill.

Lu Zhen was arranged by the teacher to be next to Shen Kuo to sit at the same table with him. After sitting down, Lu Zhen took out a can of Jianlibao from her bag and handed it to him. She said with a cheerful smile, "We will be brothers from now on."

Under the table, Shen Kuo clenched his fists tightly, his thumb nails were almost pressed into the flesh...

Lu Zhen didn't notice the change in the boy at all. He opened the can and handed it to Shen Kuo: "In the future, if you have something to do, just say hello. My name is Lu Zhen, and my dad is..."

Before he finished speaking, Shen Kuo took the can, stood up, and poured water directly from Lu Zhen's head.

No one expected that this seemingly silent boy...

How dare you make such an outrageous move!

The bubbling Jianlibao poured down from Lu Zhen's head, dripping down his hair, and a large area of his chest was wet.

Lu Zhen stood up "squeaky", raised her foot and kicked over the table in front of her...

Not to be outdone, Shen Kuo stared at him fiercely, eyes full of hatred and hatred.

Shen Kuo has never hated someone like that, really, never.

From that day on, the beams of the two rivals were formed.

Shen Kuo felt that he would never forgive Lu Zhen, the Lu family, and everyone named Lu in his life.

After an extremely long period of time, Shen Kuo began to pay attention to Lu Zhen, and no longer dealt with him as blatantly as the first time.

His revenge plan spread slowly like a spider web. Lu Zhen was like a big clumsy beetle. Although he had strength, he still couldn't break free from the net designed by Shen Kuo.

He made Lu Zhen lose the teacher's favor, gradually lost interest in learning, and began to develop towards the tail of the crane.

make him irritable, make him angry...

The flame of revenge burned in Shen Kuo's heart, tormenting him day and night.

He planned to extend the battle line even longer, ten or twenty years, it would not be a pity.

How to destroy a person is nothing more than pushing him from the peak to the cliff at his peak moment.

Destroy his self-confidence, destroy his dignity and soul.

Shen Kuo's thoughts are very deep, he doesn't often love a person, let alone hate a person, since he hates, it goes deep into his bone marrow.

But it's strange, until now, he can still clearly remember the clear and bright eyes of that sunny boy sitting beside him and saying "We will be brothers from now on".

In fact, Shen Kuo knew in his heart that he shouldn't hate Lu Zhen, but if he didn't hate him, he wouldn't know who to hate.

Lu Yan was an accident, Shen Kuo didn't expect that she would break into his life so suddenly, disrupting all his plans...

Lu Zhen is her family, and she guards her family with open arms, just like he guards his father.

For the first time in his life, Shen Kuo softened his heart.

The first time you softened your heart, you will always be soft-hearted to her for the rest of your life.

Lu Yan pushed the car and returned home top-heavy. The family didn't seem to notice that she hadn't returned overnight. Lu Zhen was still locked in the room reading a book. Lu Jian was wearing a suit and tie in front of the mirror, ready to attend the forum summit.

Seeing Lu Yan enter the house in a daze, Lu Jian was a little surprised: "Xiao Yan, you are so early..."

"Morning exercise."

Lu Jian didn't seem to have any doubts. She tied her tie, took her briefcase and was ready to go out. The Mercedes-Benz was already waiting by the driveway.

"Do you know someone named Shen Jianxun?" Lu Yan suddenly turned around and asked when she went upstairs.

Lu Jian changed her shoes and said casually, "Who?"

"A former employee of yours who is my friend's dad..."

"Oh, I don't remember, the employees of Lu's, and I in the management can basically be called famous, but the workers below... are too many."

Yes, there were too many, how could he still remember an insignificant worker in the factory.

Lu Yan understood that no one could be blamed for this matter.

The early development of heavy industry in China was pollution first and governance later, and they all came along this road.

The times must develop, and the wheels of history will inevitably leave black creases.

But last night, Shen Kuo almost lost his father!

Lu Yan returned to the room, lay down on the bed, and buried her face in the pillow. Soon, the pillow was also wet.

so sad.

The phone rang suddenly, she took a breath, took out the phone, looked sideways at the text message, her wet eyelashes were still sticking to her eyelids.

The message from Shen Kuo is not long, just two words—

"Don't cry."