Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 60


The art department has always been Lu Yan's dream major.

Back then, Lu Yan wanted to apply for art colleges, but this dream was brutally killed by Lu Zhen in the cradle when she was a sophomore in high school.

At that time, Lu Zhen was also stubborn enough to say that she could choose any major, but only the art department was not allowed.

Absolutely not.

Lu Yan is not an obedient girl, so at that time, Lu Zhen put her mother's photo on the sofa and let her watch her lose her temper and smash things without saying a word.

Yaoyao, I can't protect you, but even if I die, I will protect her.

Jiang is still old and hot, her elbows can't twist her thighs, Lu Yan is not her father's opponent at all.

Therefore, even though she had talent in this area, she had no choice but to give up because she missed the registration time for the art examination.

Singing is the only thing that Lu Yan, a rich second-generation girl, is interested in besides eating, drinking and having fun. Since her father does not let her take the path of art, when applying for university majors, Lu Yan behaved very Buddhistly, and even volunteered to refer to Books are too lazy to turn.

Lu Zhen knew that she had broken the pot, and he didn't blame her, after all, he was still a little cautious.

So at that time, Lu Zhen always held a volunteer book in his hand, whether he was in a suit and leather shoes to attend the board meeting, or when he was meeting with clients for dinner.

Sometimes I will discuss with the people around me, which majors have development prospects, and which majors can allow children to learn real skills.

The whole world knows that Lu Zhen loves his only daughter, so she is also very enthusiastic, and she is eager to help him with advice.

Some directors said that if you study financial management, you will inherit your career in the future, but immediately other directors came over and waved their hands and said no, no, too tired, girls, just learn some languages, or study literature, cultivate Literary literacy...

After much deliberation, Lu Zhen enrolled Lu Yan as a French major.

Lu Zhen didn't think about the specific use of it. If Lu Yan goes abroad to work in the future, of course he is not willing, but he thinks French is good, so romantic and temperamental.

So Lu Yan learned French out of nowhere.

She herself is not interested in this major at all, let's make do with it, her grades are not bad, just keep it in the middle.

The only good thing might be that she learned to sing French, and she did it pretty well.

Any knowledge and skill will always come in handy after learning, even if it is useless at the time, but in the long road of life, it will always be useful.

Lu Yan didn't expect that the first pot of gold she earned in her life was not due to her talent, but the French major she learned casually in the past.

During that time, the girls in this department were all rumored to be crazy, saying that Bardot was recruiting brand models, and this season's brand endorsements began to use amateurs, and they wanted young and energetic girls.

The Badot brand is a famous foreign luxury product. After occupying the Chinese market, it has been deeply loved by the Chinese high-end luxury women's clothing market.

There are rumors that Baduo will go to Communication University to select candidates.

The students in Nancheng Communication University, no matter in appearance or temperament, can stand on the stage.

If good seedlings can be selected and signed a long-term endorsement contract, if they can really develop better in the future, this is also a matter of mutual benefit for both parties.

This incident has gone crazy in the university, the Bardot brand, at that time, which girl did not dream of having one or two Bardot skirts in the closet, or carrying a Bardot bag when going shopping or boudoir gatherings.

But luxury is luxury after all, and not everyone can afford their dresses. Therefore, Bado has become the dream of countless girls with pink bubbles in their hearts.

For such a commercially attractive luxury brand, this season's new dresses actually use vegetarians as the advertising endorsements, and they will come to the school to select candidates, which makes them so excited that they can't even sleep.

Lu Yan is not as excited as they are. She is not particularly interested in advertising endorsements, but only in singing. If a record company came to the school to select seedlings, she might be more motivated.

Lu Yan also heard from Xu Miaomiao in the dormitory that the "child star" Xu Panyang, who was born in commercials, was bound to win Baduo's endorsement, and even let the girls in the whole department carry some.

Everyone knows what they are carrying. Xu Panyang has a family background and background. It is said that he still has resources in the entertainment industry. Otherwise, he would not have been able to accept commercials since he was a child and become a "child star".

Most of the students who have not set foot in this industry know that she is determined to win, so naturally they dare not compete with her.

Xu Miaomiao was always indignant, saying that Xu Panyang was just bullying others, and it was originally an opportunity for everyone to compete fairly, but now it seemed that she had to do it.

Lu Yan couldn't say anything, so she could only comfort Xu Miaomiao.

Xu Miaomiao was very negative, and sighed: "After all, the entertainment industry is a place to fight for resources and background. A child from an ordinary family like me is destined not to be popular."

Jian Yao couldn't stand listening to these words: "No matter how many resources she has, if she doesn't have strength, she won't be able to support her."

Xu Miaomiao nodded again and again, and added: "So she only has commercials, and has never made a movie."

Jian Yao had just taken a shower, wearing a loose suspenders, her hair was hanging wet on her shoulders, and she was standing by the balcony drying her blouse: "So, young people, don't be so negative, you always see the dark side of the world, How boring that is."

She put her arms casually on Lu Yan's shoulders, and said with a smile: "There is filth and darkness everywhere, but in the gaps of darkness, there is always the twilight of dawn coming in, so Xiaoyan, that brilliant avenue of stars , there will definitely be a place for the two of us!"

Lu Yan was very moved when she heard that, she was right, people always have hope, and then work hard.

Hard work doesn't guarantee success, but how will you know if you don't try.

Jian Yao is such a character who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back.

Sometimes Lu Yan is really proud. She has such a warm father and such an excellent mother.

There is such a good Shen Kuo...

All the regrets in the previous life seem to have been made up in this world.

"I want to hold a concert! I want to turn my concert into a chorus! I want to be popular, and I will definitely be popular!!!"

Jian Yao yelled towards Huoshaoyun in the distance as if no one was there.

Many people on the playground looked up at her, but she didn't care.

Xu Panyang next door was drying clothes, when he heard her voice, he gave her a contemptuous look, and murmured, "Idiots are talking about dreams."

"At least I still have dreams to do." Jian Yao said calmly, "It's not like some people who have been popular for so many years and can't even produce a decent work."

Xu Panyang was poked at the sore spot, and blushed anxiously: "You... what right do you have to say about me!"

Jian Yao smiled happily, so she didn't bother to pay attention to her.

Don't argue with villains, this is the principle that Jian Yao has always upheld.

She has a flamboyant personality and has a clear distinction between what she likes and what she hates, and she won't waste much time talking about people she doesn't like.

Lu Yan looked at her rosy cheeks and her clear eyes. She couldn't imagine that one day she would leave her and Lu Zhen.

No, Lu Yan will never let such a thing happen.

That afternoon, when Lu Yan went to class, she passed the western restaurant on the first floor of the cafeteria and saw two ladies coming out. One of them was relatively young, with golden hair, a one-piece skirt with a white shirt, and a small suit. Dress professionally.

The other foreign woman was a little older, and her dress was much more relaxed and casual. She was wearing a fringed skirt made of yarn with an elegant gauze scarf around her neck.

Not only is the scarf elegant, her bag, her boots... are all quite tasteful!

It's very rare for Lu Yan to see such a well-dressed woman in this era. This woman's clothes are as good as Meng Zhining's.

The young professional lady is gesticulating with the students around her, but the students don't seem to understand what they are saying.

They don't speak Chinese, they speak French.

Lu Yan was far away, so she could vaguely understand a few words, and they seemed to be asking for directions.

She looked at the time, it was almost class time, and she was a little tangled. But seeing the helpless faces of these two ladies, she kindly walked up and asked them where they were going in fluent French.

Upon hearing such fluent and pure mother tongue, the older lady who had been silent all this time raised her eyes to look at Lu Yan.

Seeing her, she couldn't take her eyes back, and looked her up and down, inside and out.

Lu Yan felt a little uncomfortable being watched by her, so she smiled politely and asked them if they needed to lead the way.

Young women immediately responded enthusiastically, saying they were going to art college.

"I want to go to class too, I'll take you there." Lu Yan said.

The two ladies readily agreed and thanked her repeatedly.

The students around were stunned. They never expected that Lu Yan could speak a foreign language, and it wasn't English, which they didn't understand at all.

Nancheng Communication University does not have a foreign language major, so this makes them look at Lu Yan even more.

Of course, not only the surrounding classmates, but also the two foreign ladies were quite surprised. It is quite rare for such a fluent French with no accent to come from such a young girl.

They asked if the girl was working as a translator at the school, but Lu Yan said that she was just a student, and the two of them looked at each other in disbelief.

The older lady praised Lu Yan's beautiful clothes. Of course, out of politeness, Lu Yan also praised the matching of her silk scarf and clothes, which complemented each other perfectly.

There was something profound in the older lady's eyes.

After Lu Yan brought them to the Art Academy, she said goodbye to them, saying that she was going to class.

This young lady in professional attire is naturally very good at observing words and expressions. Seeing that her boss is interested in this girl, she asked her class and name tactfully, saying that she would like to thank her.

Lu Yan immediately carried forward the Lei Feng spirit of "doing good deeds without leaving a name", and waved her hands again and again, saying that this is just a small effort, so they should not take it to heart.

The young lady wanted to say something, but her boss stopped her immediately.

At this time, the class preparation bell rang, and Lu Yan said goodbye to them with a smile.

After she left, the young lady said, "Susan, do you have your eye on this girl?"

"There is light in her eyes, she is the person I am looking for."

"Then why don't you let me ask her name?"

"Don't disturb her just yet, a girl with such qualifications... will never be lost in the crowd, and she will always be found."

"You also think that it's not good to scare the snake. After all, it's such an honor and aura to be the endorser of our Bardot brand. I'm afraid there is no girl who won't feel dizzy."

Susan smiled and said nothing.

Lu Yan's class today is classical dance. She trotted all the way to the dance classroom and stood beside her roommates.

Most of the girls in the class are wearing yoga clothes or tight dance clothes, but there are a few girls who are very different. They are well-dressed, put on their best dresses, and have delicate makeup on their faces , including Xu Panyang.

Xu Miaomiao whispered in Lu Yan's ear: "I don't know where the news came from, saying that people from Baduo will come to select seedlings this afternoon. Xu Panyang and the others got the news first, so they dressed up carefully. I also came I only heard about it in the classroom, so I didn’t have time to go back and change my clothes.”

Jian Yao pressed her extremely eye-catching long legs on the pole, and said, "This is a dance class, what else do you want to change into?"

Xu Miaomiao said with a smile: "Although the dance class is important, but compared to this... the selection of Bardot is more important, right, Lu Yan."

Lu Yan shrugged and took out her sweat towel: "No, I think dance class is more important."

She has the basics of dance, but she has left it for a long time, and now she doesn't know if she can use it...

Xu Miaomiao sighed: "You guys are too indifferent, you really are rich people, you see money as dung."

"She's rich, but I'm not." Jian Yao stretched, while defending, "But I think, lay a solid foundation first, and whether you want any advertising endorsements in the future, why rush for a while."

Xu Miaomiao was quickly persuaded: "Well, that's what you said."

At this moment, someone from Xu Panyang's girlfriends said, "It's so sour, I don't know if it's an illusion when I hear a sour vinegar smell."

"Yes, I smelled it too."

"To tell you the truth, the people on Baduo's side have already been settled. Our school recommends Panyang, the guy who tried his best to get popular, but in the end, there is nothing."

Jian Yao was not angry either, and said with a smile, "Why is it settled?"

"Of course, if you don't believe me, just wait."

Xu Miaomiao said: "Perhaps the school recommended Xu Panyang. She has a great background. If there is any good thing, the school will recommend her first."

Lu Yan said, "Isn't that unfair to others?"

"So as I said before, this society is unfair, let alone places like the entertainment industry."

Lu Yan didn't say anything anymore, Jian Yao put her slender arms on Lu Yan's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Suddenly, I have a premonition that the goddess of luck will fall on you this afternoon."

Lu Yan also smiled: "Don't set a flag, okay?"

"What is a flag?"

"Well...meaning, generally speaking, if you swear that you say it, it will develop in the opposite direction."

"Is it!"

"It doesn't matter, I won't go anyway."


"Not interested."

While the girls were discussing, the dance teacher came into the classroom and clapped their hands to greet everyone to start class.

Xu Panyang observed the expression of the dance teacher, it seemed that there was nothing important to announce, not to mention that Baduo would come to choose candidates today.

She felt a little uneasy.

The dance teacher looked at the clothes of Xu Panyang and her friend, and said with some dissatisfaction: "This is a dance class, why don't you wear training clothes."

The girls looked at the beautiful gauze skirts on their bodies, and hesitated and couldn't speak.

The dance teacher was quite gentle, and didn't blame them, but said: "I can't dance in this dress, go back and change."

The girls looked at each other in blank dismay, and they didn't really want to go back and change their clothes. After all, there was news from Xu Panyang that Baduo and the others would come to pick seedlings this afternoon.

The dance teacher asked puzzledly: "What are you still doing in a daze, go back and change your clothes, are you still in class?"

Xu Panyang raised his hand and said, "That... teacher, we are not feeling well today, so we can't practice dancing."

"Physical discomfort?"

The other girls said again and again: "Yes, teacher, we, we have our periods today."

"Are you all on your period?"

The girls nodded vigorously.

Although the dance teacher was a little skeptical, he didn't say much after all.

"Okay, since you don't feel well, you can rest on the sidelines, and the rest of the students, continue with the class."

Lu Yan and Jian Yao followed the teacher to learn the movements in a well-behaved manner.

Lu Yan has a foundation in dance, and she has a good sense of rhythm for piano since elementary school, so the dance teacher arranged her in the front row and asked the students to follow her dance moves to learn.

Not long after, two blond-haired and blue-eyed foreign ladies stood at the door of the classroom, accompanied by an interpreter, and they were watching the students dance together.

The dance teacher immediately stopped teaching and walked over to exchange a few words with them.

Xu Panyang and the girls around were very excited, and whispered: "Come here!"

Lu Yan was a little surprised when she saw that the two ladies were the two she met just now when she led the way.

The dance teacher entered the classroom, waved his hands and said to the students: "Students, these two are the person in charge of the Bardot brand, Ms. Susan and Ms. Orfina. Welcome."

The students applauded in unison.

The dance teacher brought Xu Panyang to Susan and said a few words to them in broken French.

Lu Yan could understand, and the translator said: "This is Xu Panyang, who was rejected by our college. She is very good in all aspects."

Xu Panyang hurriedly held up the hem of her skirt, greeted Ms. Susan, and said hello to her in English.

Ms. Susan only looked at her once, then stopped looking, nodded politely, turned around, and found Lu Yan in the crowd.

Seeing her smiling at her, Lu Yan also nodded quickly.

She heard Susan say that she wanted to see other students' dances and test their physical coordination.

The dance teacher immediately said to the students: "Let's show the two ladies a piece of classical dance we just learned two days ago."

Seeing that Baduo's person didn't seem to want to choose Xu Panyang, the students were eager to try and lined up excitedly.

Jian Yao whispered, "You guys know each other?"

"Just showed them the way."

"Yo, not bad."

Anyway, Xu Panyang's face became ugly.

Seeing that the person in charge of Baduo wanted to watch the students dance, the girls around her got anxious and said to the dance teacher, "Teacher, we also want to join."

The dance teacher said: "Aren't you menstruating, aren't you feeling well?"

"'s ready."

The dance teacher still refused their request and said, "Look at you, you just wear skirts and high heels, how can you dance like that?"

"You can jump!"

"I disagree, it's too dangerous."

The girls wanted to cry without tears, and even wanted to go back and change their clothes.

But going back to change clothes now, there must be too little time, and the opportunity in front of them will not wait for them.

They looked at Xu Panyang resentfully, if Xu Panyang hadn't spread the news, they wouldn't have come to the dance classroom dressed like this, who would have expected that Bardot's candidate to be the spokesperson of the advertisement would also watch dancing!

Xu Panyang could also sensitively sense Ms. Susan's ignorance of her, obviously she didn't like her, and she was even more angry and had nowhere to vent.

The dance was shown for a few minutes, and the students tried their best to show their best side. After the performance, Ms. Susan applauded repeatedly and said a few words to the dance teacher.

Lu Yan translated to Jian Yao: "She said that the students in our class are basically good, and the dance is very beautiful!"

Jian Jian couldn't believe it: "You really know French! It's amazing."

"a little bit."

At this time, Ms. Susan looked at Lu Yan and whispered something to the dance teacher. The dance teacher looked at Lu Yan in amazement and said in disbelief: "Lu, classmate Lu Yan, Ms. Susan said... would like to invite you I don't know if you are willing to be the product endorsement of Bardot!"

As soon as this remark came out, the whole class fell silent.

Lu Yan was also stunned.

How did he really choose her!

When she was just dancing, she purposely mingled in the crowd and didn't stand out, she just didn't want to be chosen!

The girls cast envious and jealous looks at Lu Yan, especially Xu Panyang... clutching the corner of her skirt so tightly that it was about to wrinkle.

Lu Yan said apologetically: "That... Teacher, I never thought about being a spokesperson or anything..."

The dance teacher thought he heard it wrong, and asked in disbelief: "What? You don't want to be the endorsement of Bardot? You... are you serious?"

Among the girls present, who are not full of ambition, want to show themselves, want to be chosen by Ms. Susan, and now Lu Yan has a great opportunity in front of her, but she actually refuses

When Xu Panyang and the others looked at her, they were so red that they were about to bleed.

Jian Yao raised her jaw at them, her heart filled with satisfaction.

Ms. Susan seemed to guess Lu Yan's answer from everyone's surprised expressions. She walked up to Lu Yan, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "I appreciate you very much, I hope you will think about it again."

Lu Yan replied in fluent French: "Thank you, but now is the time for me to practice basic skills, and I may not have much time and energy to take care of other things."

The students couldn't understand what the two were saying at all, but Lu Yan could speak French, which they didn't expect at all.

Xu Panyang came out quickly and said to Ms. Susan in English: "Since Lu Yan doesn't want this endorsement, do you want to consider other students? I have done advertisements before. Do you know that Panpan Learning Machine is my endorsement?" of... "

Ms. Susan and her assistant, Ms. Ofina, bowed their heads and whispered for a few minutes, and then said to Xu Panyang: "Sorry, your style is not in harmony with our Bardot brand. The school sent the advertisement you endorsed to our headquarters for viewing." However, the leaders over there are not satisfied and feel a little naive.”

Foreigners speak very directly, and this sentence is in English, and the students around can more or less understand the general meaning.

They discussed in low voices, with a little joy on their faces.

On weekdays, Xu Panyang relied on accepting the commercials by himself, regarded himself as a child star, and showed off his might in school, but now they clearly picked out the fault and rejected her, let's see what she will be proud of in the future.

Xu Panyang's face was so red with anger that his lower lip was bitten white.

Ms. Susan didn't pay much attention, just took out a business card and handed it to Lu Yan, and said to her in English: "This is my contact information, you can think about it again, I will reserve this position for you for three months. "

three months!

The students were stunned. Baduo actually gave Lu Yan three months to think about it, and made it must be her!