Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 64


In the room, Jian Yao and Lu Zhen were about to fight.

Both of them had good physical strength, and Lu Zhen's bearish waist was naturally better. He easily subdued the "little wild cat", pressed her on the bed, and then reached out to grab her cowboy buttocks.

Jian Yao panicked, kicked her foot hard, and hit Lu Zhen's "weak spot" firmly. Lu Zhen let out a muffled snort, and fell down on the bed, bowing her waist, clutching her "weak spot", her face turning purple from the pain .

"You... are too cruel."

Jian Yao knew that kicking there would be the tenth degree of labor pain for a boy. She was distressed and guilty, and got up to check his condition: "Is it okay, do you want to go to the hospital?"

Taking advantage of her unpreparedness, Lu Zhen clamped her yao with both legs, buckled her down, grabbed her two wrists with one hand, folded them on top of her head, and restrained the girl firmly. A hand fell on her lalian.

Jian Yao said angrily: "You lied to me!"

"I didn't lie to you, it really hurts."

But he can't care about the pain for the time being, there are more important things right now.

"You said, don't force me." She panted violently, and said eagerly: "You promised, you can't break your promise!"

"At that time, you didn't say that you wanted to be with me, let alone that after you were together, you would break up at any time! So you broke your promise first, so I can't blame you."

Jian Jian seemed to be really scared, flustered, and begged him bitterly: "Lu Zhen, let's not separate, isn't it okay if we don't?"

"Is that why you're so afraid?"

Tears welled up from the corners of Jian Yao's eyes, she nodded vigorously, then shook her head, biting her lower lip firmly.

This is the secret buried deep in her heart, the most inferior and vulnerable part of her...

Lu Zhen's hand fell on her zipper, but she still didn't dare to pull it off.

Jian Yao had completely given up struggling, she had no strength or heart, turned her face away: "Lu Zhen, if you want to see it, just watch it, if you want to see it, get out, you've been shown in front of me for the rest of your life. "

She didn't want to see that disgusting and disgusting gaze again... She didn't want to in this life, even if it left her alone for the rest of her life.

Lu Zhen didn't move, but Jian Yao started to sob softly, and tears fell out.

No matter how cheerful or strong a girl is on weekdays, she always looks the same when she sheds tears, aggrieved and pitiful.

Lu Zhen slowly let go of her hand, let go of her, and then lay down on her stomach, wiping her tears little by little with the sleeve of her wrist.

"Don't cry, don't cry, I'm sorry, don't watch it, I'm sorry."

Jian Yao never cried, no matter how big things happened, but today, Lu Zhen bullied her to cry.

Seeing her crying, Lu Zhen's heart was almost crushed, and she felt so guilty that she couldn't kill herself.

"Sorry baby, sorry."

He kept apologizing to her: "Baby, don't cry, or you can hit me a few times to relieve your anger."

Jian Yao didn't want to cry like this, she turned around, sniffed, and said softly, "Count."

Lu Zhen was cowardly, and after finally being tough once, he bullied her and made her cry. He could only admit that he was cowardly.

Jian Yao stopped crying and lay on the bed with red eye circles, staring at the crack in the ceiling... in a daze.

Lu Zhen lay flat on the bed with her, straightened her elbows, and let her head rest on him.

The two of them had a quarrel, and they had no strength left, so they lay on the bed to rest and recover their strength.

"Jian Yao, I always thought you were very cool, like the wind." He murmured, "Really, you have lived the way I want, and I adore you."

"Now, aren't you a little disappointed." She turned sideways and looked at his face: "I've said it a long time ago, I'm not what you think, I'm just a very ordinary girl."

Ordinary and inferior, just trying to hide...

"I'm not disappointed." Lu Zhen also turned her head and looked at her face to face: "In my heart, you will always be the most special one, even more special than Xiao Yan, understand."

His beautiful eyes are full of tenderness at the moment, and it's rare... to see this big silly man with such tenderness.

He leaned over and gently kissed Jian Yao's forehead: "Yao Yao, I will take care of you for the rest of my life."

Lu Yan gave Shen Kuo the bank card, but the number was bound to her own mobile phone, so as long as the money was embezzled, Lu Yan would know.

Shen Kuo withdrew 3,000 yuan for the tuition fee, but other than that, he didn't touch a penny of it.

Lu Yan directly gave him the entire card, basically declaring, "You can use and spend the money I earn as you like."

Shen Kuo didn't do what she wanted.

He is such a proud and self-respecting person that he refuses to even get the school's welfare for poor students, and insists on applying for student loans that can be repaid in the future.

If it was someone else, how could he accept such a large sum of money out of thin air.

It's just because that person is Lu Yan. Compared with his so-called pride and self-esteem, he is more unwilling to let her down.

Lu Yan is already relieved that the problem of tuition fees can be solved.

Shen Kuo had his own ideas, whether he would use the money, how to use it... Lu Yan would never ask or interfere again, this was her sense of proportion.

It was quiet in the afternoon, and the sun was shining on the camphor leaves outside the classroom window.

Holding a gel pen in his hand, Shen Kuo wrote the words "Application Form" on the white paper.

The knuckles of his fingers are long and strong. Under the sun, the nails are white and transparent, and the crescents are full.

He carefully finished an application for quitting the research group, folded it up and put it in his schoolbag, and prepared to hand it to Professor Li after class.

The project team is led by Cao Zhida, and what they want to do is far from what Shen Kuo wants to do.

Different road non-phase plan.

Professor Li's research team is the most popular and powerful team in the school. It can win many domestic and foreign awards every year, and it can get extra points at the end of the term.

Withdrawing from this research group was also Shen Kuo's decision after weighing the pros and cons and deliberating.

He is only a sophomore and will not be graduating in two years. In the past two years, his tuition fees, his livelihood, and all the expenses of his love... are all real difficulties before his eyes.

So this is also doomed his research and direction... Different from these well-fed academics, he wants to make money, and can make money quickly software, he wants to cater to the market.

Professor Li expressed regret for Shen Kuo's withdrawal, but at the same time respected his choice.

Shen Kuo came out of the office, passed the corner of the stairs, and heard several boys in the research team talking about his imminent departure.

He stopped immediately.

"Shen Kuo is gone, what about our project?"

"Can't we do it without him?"

"He is doing all the basic program work. Once he leaves, our workload will be..."

"This is not the most troublesome thing. Isn't our project going to participate in the TXPC programming competition next semester? He has also signed up. If he does things by himself, he will become a competitor with us. Can we compete with him? ?”

Cao Zhida, who had been leaning against the wall without speaking, suddenly said, "What are you afraid of, we are almost finished, he started from scratch, alone, and made it into a fart!"

The boys breathed a sigh of relief: "That's right."

"Hey, team leader, you said Shen Kuo did a good job, why did you leave?"

The corner of Cao Zhida's mouth twitched coldly: "Isn't it because I rejected his proposal last time, what kind of fancy things he made, desktop pets, those shiny virtual clothes... things that women like, they can't be bought at all. mesa."

"I heard that Yuanda Technology released a desktop pet last week, and it seems... it's selling well."

Cao Zhida rolled up the book and knocked the boy on the head hard: "You've fallen into the trap of money, what's the use of selling well, it's useless ass, it's vulgar."

The boy rubbed his head aggrievedly.

"Hey, by the way, isn't he without a scholarship? He paid his tuition last month. Where did he get the money? Did he make money by selling programs?"

"Sure, otherwise where did he get the money?"

"Damn it, it's really okay."

The corner of Shen Kuo's mouth raised contemptuously, and after all the talking, the word "money" still couldn't be avoided. Shen Kuo has already seen through the hypocrisy of these guys.

Those so-called "noble" ideals and money as dung are actually just excuses for lack of strength.

Shen Kuo turned around, but unexpectedly bumped into the thick eyebrows and big eyes of a big, stupid man.

He was startled.

Sitting on the banister of the stairs, Lu Zhen patted his shoulder with a smile on his lips, and said softly—

"Kuo Kuo, you are really the center of the gossip vortex, you are everywhere."

Shen Kuo didn't bother to pay attention to him, turned around and left, behind him Cao Zhida and the others continued—

"What program to sell, he was working for us before, so there is no program for him to sell."

"Then where did he get the money to pay the tuition?"

"Eat soft food." Cao Zhida said with a sneer, "I heard that it's all his girlfriend's money, and even the meal is paid by his girlfriend."

"It's his rich second-generation celebrity girlfriend!"

The blazing fire of jealousy in the hearts of the boys finally couldn't hold back, and the words became more and more ugly-

"It's disgusting."

"What is a woman..."

"Be a badass."

Lu Zhen saw Shen Kuo's hands clenched into fists, and murmured, "Fuck..."

He jumped directly from the handrail of the stairs, jumped among the boys, reached out and grabbed Cao Zhida by the collar, and punched Cao Zhida, breaking half of his gold-rimmed glasses.

"Lu Zhen... you... what are you doing!" Cao Zhida was caught off guard, and the book in his hand fell to the ground.

Lu Zhen clutched his collar, pushed him against the wall, and said harshly, "What are you talking about!"

"I, I didn't talk about you!"

"My girl saved the man with great difficulty. If you get rid of her, I will let you die!"

He grabbed the book on the floor, tore up the title page, crumpled it into a ball of paper and stuffed it into Cao Zhida's mouth, saying angrily, "Let's gossip about Shen Kuo, I want you to eat the whole book."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and grabbed Shen Kuo's arm, and left without looking back.

The two walked out of the teaching building, Shen Kuo stopped, and Lu Zhen also stopped.

Shen Kuo turned his head sideways, and the corners of his mouth suddenly raised.

When Lu Zhen saw him laugh, goosebumps appeared on his back: "You can still laugh when someone ridicules you."

Shen Kuo turned his eyes slightly and looked at him: "Are you afraid that I will break up with Lu Yan?"

"You, don't think about it! I just..." I just don't want to see her so uncomfortable again.

As a father, Lu Zhen felt that he could do anything for his daughter.

Lu Zhen can help her get everything she wants, even if she wants the stars in the sky, Lu Zhen can pick them for her, but...

Only emotional matters, he can't do anything...

Back then, he really wanted to kidnap Shen Kuo, tie him up and bring her to her, and give it to her, as long as she could be happy and laugh.

After experiencing it once... I never want to have it again. Everything that Lu Yan likes, including men, Lu Zhen will do her best to keep for her.

"Shen Kuo, don't mind what others say, Lu Yan puts all her heart on you, don't let her down because of these worldly views..."

"I never took it to heart." Shen Kuo interrupted him, raised his eyes and looked at the green mountain pass in the distance, and said calmly: "In the past and now, all the evaluations of me, those gossips, I just say a word. Never took it to heart.”

Lu Zhen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, anyway... I believe you will definitely get better and better."


He walked over and patted Shen Kuo on the shoulder: "I don't think any man is worthy of him, and neither are you... But if she likes it, I will like it too."

He passed him by, and Shen Kuo suddenly said, "I'm sorry."

Under the shade of the tree, a breeze blew by, shaking the shadow of the tree and making a rustling sound.

Lu Zhen thought she heard it wrong, and turned to look at him: "What?"

"I'm sorry." Shen Kuo narrowed his eyes and said word by word, "I owe you these three words."

Lu Zhen was suddenly flattered, and stammered, "Why, why?"

"For everything in the past."

In the past he bullied him, hurt him, hated him... But Shen Kuo knew in his heart that Lu Zhen was the most innocent one.

"I don't expect your forgiveness." Shen Kuo stretched out his hand to him, with a firm light shining in his dark eyes: "But from today on, you are my brother."

Just like that summer when the cicadas were singing and noisy, when we met for the first time when we were young, Lu Zhen said to him with a sunny smile - we will be brothers from now on.

Lu Zhen was a little flattered, reached out her hand, and grabbed his hand.