Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 66


Coming out of the hotel, Shen Kuo's face was gloomy and a bit ugly.

Lu Yan pursed her lips and snickered at first, but finally the more she thought about it, the happier she was, and she couldn't help laughing out loud.

With his hands in his pockets, Shen Kuo looked noble and glamorous, squinting at her with squinted eyes: "Laughing fart."

The corners of Lu Yan's eyes were slightly curved, shining like a moon: "You are too stupid."

It's rare to see Shen Kuo being so stupid, how could he not be happy

Shen Kuo walked Lu Yan to the school gate silently, and Lu Yan asked him with her hands behind her back, "Are you sober?"

"Wake up early."

"I know I can't drink it, so don't drink it in the future, it's so stupid."

Shen Kuo snorted and pushed her back: "Let's go."

Lu Yan took two steps, then turned around and waved at him: "Shen Kuo, goodbye."

For some reason, this scene was suddenly engraved in Shen Kuo's mind—

On a cold late autumn night, the girl stood under the dim light, waving at him continuously, as if saying goodbye.

A trace of uneasiness suddenly floated up in his heart, but he couldn't explain why he felt this way. He called her to stop, but he pursed his lips and did not do so after all.

That night, he had a nightmare, dreaming that Lu Yan was missing.

He searched like crazy, searched every corner of the school, but there was no sign of her.

The scenes in the dream are like flying pieces of paper, constantly changing and switching, for a while in Beicheng No. 3 Middle School, for a while at the university, for a while in the narrow alley outside the house, and for a while on the endless railway tracks... It's where they left their footprints.

Gradually... these scenes are like melting gold in the setting sun, melting into nothingness in an instant, all memories disappear, and the shadow of the girl also... disappears with the disappearance of these scenes.

It's as if it doesn't exist.

Shen Kuo woke up from the nightmare with cold sweat all over his body. He was panting and looked around blankly.

In the dormitory, the constant snoring of his roommates brought him back to reality...

Just a horrible nightmare.

Shen Kuo has not been so afraid for many years... Ever since the day he no longer had illusions about the world and quickly got out of childishness and matured, he has never been so afraid of anything.

Lu Yan clearly noticed that Shen Kuo had become clingy.

The two of them are very nervous about their schoolwork, and it was not uncommon for them not to see each other for three or four days in the past.

But I don't know when, Shen Kuo has to see her every day, even if it is the eve of their match, Shen Kuo is busy until late at night, he will definitely go downstairs to Lu Yan's dormitory, let her come out to meet, even if it is just to watch from a distance, He can also feel at ease.

Lu Yan could feel that Shen Kuo was pretending to be afraid, he was afraid of losing her.

Jian Yao explained: "What is this called? It's called insecurity."

"Why do you feel insecure?"

"Why else, you are too good!"

Lu Yan blinked, suddenly smiled, and pushed Jian Yao with a smile: "Oh my mother, I just like to listen to your talk, it's so nice."

Jian Yao took off the vest from the hanger, folded it and stuffed it into the closet, then said solemnly: "I'm serious, haven't you ever realized that there is a big gap between you and Shen Kuo?"

"What do you mean?"

"The most obvious thing is family background. Of course, I won't mention this. You earn more than him now. This is the most deadly thing."

Lu Yan waved her hand: "He won't mind this."

"Even if you don't mind this, don't you feel that your popularity is getting higher and higher? It's normal for him to feel insecure."

Since Lu Yan signed Badoo, her career has been smooth and smooth. At that time, video websites were just emerging. She recorded a singing video and posted it. The number of views of the video exceeded 10,000 overnight.

Of course, the Internet was not very popular at that time, let alone live broadcasting. Although the video did not bring direct economic benefits to Lu Yan, its influence could not be ignored. Soon, some record companies noticed her and hoped to sign a contract with her. out record.

Gold will not be buried, this is an eternal truth.

Shen Kuo's life is not as colorful as hers. He is buried in a pile of complicated and boring data codes every day. It is not easy to create and design new software that no one has done before.

Lu Yan has seen the interview about Shen Kuo, she knows that his success will not come soon.

He has suffered, stumbled, and failed countless times...

Any boss who cheats in the later stage will have a sad journey that is unknown in the early stage.

Although Lu Yan never felt that the current Shen Kuo was not good enough for her, she actually believed in Jian Yao's evil.

That night, Shen Kuo took her out for supper.

She didn't speak all the time. Seeing Shen Kuo's face buried in eating wontons, she hesitated for a long time, and finally said, "Shen Kuo, don't feel pressured?"


Like her father, Lu Yan is a tough guy, and said bluntly, "I know I'm good, but don't feel pressured, I won't dislike you."

Shen Kuo was choked suddenly and coughed violently, his face turned red from coughing.

"what are you saying?"

Lu Yan said solemnly: "You must not feel that you are not worthy of me."

The corner of Shen Kuo's mouth twitched: "I... don't think so."

"Don't think that I will dislike you because I am very popular now."

Shen Kuo reached out and patted her on the head: "Have you been stimulated by something?"

Lu Yan grabbed his hand and said sincerely, "I'm really sorry for making you feel insecure. It's my fault."

Shen Kuo finally laughed, picked up the wonton in his own bowl, and handed it to Lu Yan's bowl: "Eat more meat."

"I was serious."

"Ok, I know."

Seeing his understatement, Lu Yan curled her lips, let go of her, and continued to eat with her head down.

Shen Kuo gave her all the wonton in his bowl.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Lu Yan asked.

Shen Kuo replied solemnly: "I don't feel safe, I'm afraid you don't want me and run away with others, so I have to treat you better."

Lu Yan didn't hear the joke in his words at all, she quickly covered her heart and swore: "No way! I'm not that kind of person!"

Finally, Shen Kuo couldn't help it, a smile broke out on the corner of his mouth, he handed the blunt spoon filled with wontons to her mouth, and fed her to swallow—"So stupid."

Lu Yan took his spoon and obediently ate the ravioli: "If you don't feel insecure, why do you have to meet me every day?"

He scooped up a spoonful of soup, blew on it, and drank it self-consciously: "We meet every day, isn't it because I want to see you?"

Lu Yan asked back, "Why do you want to see me?"

"Need a reason?"


He raised his head and looked at her helplessly: "I love you, can't I?"

Lu Yan suddenly opened her eyes wide, then blushed, lowered her head in embarrassment, ate the wonton obediently, and said in a low voice, "Why are you saying such things all of a sudden?"

Sometimes, Shen Kuo doesn't understand strange creatures like girls, no, he doesn't understand Lu Yan, this girl doesn't know what kind of bean curd engineering is in her head.

As expected of Lu Zhen's younger sister.

"Next week, your brother and I are going to Haicheng."

"Hey, what are you doing in Haicheng?"

"Participate in the competition."

"Oh! That's the TP..."

"TXPC Programming Contest."

"Yes, design competition!" Lu Yan sighed, "Time flies so fast, it's time for a competition."


Time really flies, gone forever. Many times, Shen Kuo actually felt a little guilty. It was difficult for him to spend a lot of time with his girlfriend like other boys, even Lu Zhen couldn't keep up.

At least, Lu Zhen would spare one or two days a week to go out and sing with his girlfriend.

Shen Kuo is really too busy, it is not easy to have the opportunity to eat together every day. Most of the time, he can only look at her from a distance downstairs in the dormitory.

Lu Yan tugged at his sleeve: "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking... After the program is sold and I have money, I want to take you on a trip."

"Okay!" Lu Yan was very excited when she heard about traveling: "It's a deal! I haven't gone out for a long time."


He pulled a tissue to wipe the soup stains from the corner of her mouth: "It's a deal."

When he has money, in fact, he wants to do a lot of things, take her out on a trip, take this little glutton to eat delicious food everywhere, buy her a lot of beautiful skirts, and dress her up well...

Although he knew that Lu Yan was raised by her family's rich family since she was a child, and she never lacked these things. She has so many beautiful little dresses that she can't fit in every day, and she has everything a girl wants.

Lu Zhen also loves her very much. No matter what good things she sees, she will immediately think of giving them to her...

Shen Kuo knew that he couldn't give her things like Lu Zhen... without any scruples.

If he had, he would spend a lot of money for her, no, he could give her everything, if he had everything...

Lu Yan interrupted Shen Kuo's meditation again: "You are always distracted today, what are you thinking about?"

The corner of Shen Kuo's mouth slightly raised: "I was thinking, how much money do I need to earn to marry you."

Lu Yan was stunned for a moment, and the corners of her mouth slightly pursed: "You want to marry me."

Shen Kuo saw her shy and ashamed appearance, this little girl didn't know how beautiful she was.

He reached out and pinched Lu Yan's little nose: "Let's go, idiot."


The TXPC programming competition lasted for two months.

During this period of time, Jian Yao participated in a talent show that was extremely popular at the time, and successfully entered the finals. During this time, she has been competing outside.

Everyone was not at school, and Lu Yan's life gradually returned to peace.

She goes to class on time every day, and after class goes to the practice room to dance and dance, or to sing and play the piano in the vocal room. Her life is plain but fulfilling.

She didn't know how long this day would last, maybe tomorrow, maybe...

Maybe in a lifetime.

Most of Lu Yan's character is inherited from Lu Zhen, so she rarely worries about unknown things.

Living in the moment and living the life in front of you is the most important thing.

Two months later, the good news came that Shen Kuo's team won the championship in the TXPC programming competition.

From Lu Zhen's excitement on the phone, he could feel the heavy weight of this championship.

Lu Yan knew that Chen Kuo would win, she was walking step by step towards the peak that no one had ever reached, and how lucky she was to be by his side.

A week later, Lu Yan did not expect Shen Kuo to be able to come back to a cultural performance organized by the school.

After all... the end of the competition is not the end. He and Lu Zhen have officially started their business. During this time, they have been discussing project cooperation with the company. Open up a path of your own, invest in technology, and participate in dividend sharing.

Lu Yan picked up the microphone, and was pleasantly surprised to find Shen Kuo in the crowd.

The boy's jet-black short hair was neat and neat. He stood in the light spots under the skylight, his jet-black eyes were shining brightly, and his skin was as white as transparent, flawless.

Shen Kuo held a bouquet of small white daisies in his hand and looked at her from a distance.

Lu Yan felt that her breathing was about to stagnate, and she didn't know how she finished singing that song.

Amid thunderous applause, Shen Kuo walked down the steps of the auditorium and then onto the stage.

All the students in the school held their breath, watching this handsome young man with sky-long legs walk up to the stage, handed the bouquet of white daisies to Lu Yan, and then dragged her off the stage, heading straight to the auditorium go outside.

The students started booing crazily, and the noise was about to blow over the roof!

Lu Yan was pulled out of the auditorium by Shen Kuo, the sun pierced her eyes for a moment, and she covered her eyes with her hand.

"When did you come back?"

"Why don't you tell me, I would have come to pick you up if I knew about it."

"Is Lu Zhen back too?"

"Little Huahua is so beautiful!"

Before she finished speaking, Shen Kuo pressed her against the red wall behind the auditorium, lowered his head, and sealed her lips.

Lu Yan opened her eyes wide, looking at his magnified handsome facial features, her mind was dizzy,

The surroundings are quiet, only the rustling of the leaves being blown by the breeze.

Lu Yan's hands and feet were tense, and the bouquet of daisies fell to the ground unknowingly.

As if a century had passed, Shen Kuo finally let her go.

Her cheeks were flushed, she lowered her head, and pursed her moist lips.

They are all swollen.

His palm landed on the back of her head, pulling her closer to him, and his thin lips landed on the corner of her lips, imprinting a light kiss.

Lu Yan saw that his lips were stained with her light pink lipstick color.

She lowered her head and smiled: "This time I really put on lipstick."

"For the past two months, I've been thinking about it every day." His voice was full of hoarse and sexy magnetism: "I've never thought about anyone this much, every day, every night..."

It was too much torture.

Every day without her is torture.

He leaned close to her ear and asked softly, "What about you, miss me?"

Lu Yan's earlobes were touched by his hot and humid breath, and a shiver ran up her spine.

"I don't really want to." She was very embarrassed, and said duplicity: "I want Lu Zhen more."

Shen Kuo leaned against her ear, took a deep breath of the faint girlish breath around her neck, and said softly, "No."


"I can only think of me in the future."

"You are so overbearing."

Shen Kuo gently rubbed her earlobe with his nose: "Lu Yan, I will take you by my side from now on, and we will never leave you again, okay?"

Lu Yan froze for a moment, then nodded heavily: "Well, good."

At night, Lu Yan was lying on the balcony looking at the stars. Jian Yao saw her alone and walked over curiously: "What are you doing?"

"Listen to the tide."

"There are hundreds of thousands of miles between here and the sea."

Lu Yan shook a small conch in her hand, and passed the conch to Jian Yao's ear: "Here, listen to it yourself."

The mouth of the conch did emit some kind of whirring ethereal echo, which really sounded like the sound of a sea tide.

"It's so romantic." She dragged her cheeks with her hands and leaned on the balcony: "It's impossible for Lu Zhen to send you."

"Shen Kuo gave it to me." Lu Yan held the little conch in her palm, her eyes full of love: "He picked it up at the seaside."

"I knew that Lu Zhen wouldn't be so romantic." Jian Yao shrugged, took the little conch for a look, and said casually, "I've heard a legend."

Lu Yan asked curiously: "What legend?"

Jian Yao looked at the dark blue night sky, her eyes were full of stars, and said slowly: "I heard that conch shells can transmit sound to the future, if you speak to it now, your future self will hear it."

"Really?" Lu Yan didn't believe it: "What kind of metaphysics is this?"

"It's all legends, anyway, you don't know if you will hear it in the future, right?" Jian Yao yawned, turned and went back to the room: "Go to rest early."

After she left, Lu Yan stroked the natural and uncarved conch in her hand.

Can my future self really hear it

Lu Yan pondered for a moment, then by accident... she put it to her lips, and said a word softly.