Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 68


A week later in the evening, when Shi Xuexian got the appraisal report, she was completely dumbfounded!

At the beginning, she used the DNA of Lu Yan and Lu Zhen for comparison. She knew Lu Jian's temper, so she didn't dare to steal Lu Jian's scalp hair follicles, for fear that Lu Jian would be furious after learning the truth.

The same is true for obtaining Lu Zhen's DNA. As long as the final result shows that the two are not siblings or related, it will naturally prove that Lu Yan is not Lu Jian's daughter.

However, the test report in her hand showed that the final red stamp indicated that Lu Yan and Lu Zhen were indeed related, and they were direct blood relatives!

Shi Xuexian doesn't know whether this direct blood relative is brother and sister or father and daughter, her focus is not on that at all.

They were actually related.

She walked out of the identification center top-heavy, her hand holding the report was shaking...

How is it possible, she can't be Lu Xiaomei, it's impossible! Absolutely impossible!

But the truth was right in front of her, and she had to believe it.

Shi Xuexian clutched the identification report, and hurried to the house of her younger brother Shi Ruicai, and took a photo of the identification report on his desk—

"What exactly is going on?!"

Shi Rui had just come back from get off work, was sipping some wine, nibbling on the marinated chicken feet, and said casually: "What's the matter this time."

Shi Xuexian looked around, there was no one else at home, Shi Ya was in the room with the door closed and didn't know what to do, and her siblings also went out to buy groceries.

She leaned closer to Shi Ruicai, and whispered, "Little sister Lu... you told me last month that she is still staying in that family in the village, so what's going on with this paternity test!"

Only then did Shi Rui pick up the appraisal report and flipped through two pages. He was not educated, and of course he couldn't understand the complicated technical terms on it. He only understood the words "confirmed blood relationship" marked in red.

"Strange." Shi Rui scratched his head: "Little sister Lu is still staying in that family, that's right, who is that in your family?"

"You ask me, I'll ask who!"

"It can't be that your husband has some illegitimate daughter outside."

"Can an illegitimate daughter look so much like Lu Xiaomei?"

"That's not necessarily true."

Shi Rui spat out the bones of chicken feet, and smiled easily: "They were all born by the same father, so it's normal to look alike."

"You can still laugh!" Shi Xuexian is now anxious like an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth in the room anxiously: "No, it can't be an illegitimate daughter, Lu Jian, I know him well, he won't be here Do this outside."

Shi Ruicai sarcastically said, "You still trust him."

"Even if she's an illegitimate daughter, her acting skills in pretending to be Lu Xiaomei are great."

The more Shi Xuexian thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong. Lu Yan couldn't be some kind of illegitimate daughter, she... she was Lu Xiaomei.

"It's Lu Xiaomei who came back, and she came to seek revenge on me!" Shi Xuexian's face paled for a while, and she sat on the sofa weakly: "Now Lu Jian is very impatient with me, it's all thanks to her, it's all because of her... . She came to seek revenge on me!"

Shi Ruicai looked at him contemptuously, and said coldly: "Don't mess yourself up, I just talked to that family on the phone last month, and that crazy sister of the Lu family is still staying at their house, if you don't believe me, I will Give them a call and ask."

Shi Xuexian urged: "Then what are you waiting for, hit me!"

"What time is it now? In their village, there is a telephone at the canteen at the entrance of the village. The canteen is closed now. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

Shi Xuexian sat on the sofa for a while, then stood up again, and asked Shi Ruicai nervously: "You haven't visited that family's house, have you?"

"It's so far away, it takes two days by train, and I have to climb a few mountains when I get there. Why should I go to their house if I have nothing to do?"

"You didn't go, how can you be sure that Lu Xiaomei is still at their house! What if they lied to you! Maybe Lu Xiaomei has already run away!"

Shi Ruicai scratched the back of his head: "There's no need for that. Besides, isn't Miss Lu mentally retarded? If she is mentally retarded, she can go there."

"Then how do you explain the one in my family..."

Shi Ruicai really couldn't explain it, so he could only insist that Lu Yan was Lu Jian's illegitimate daughter outside, and she just looked like Lu Xiaomei.

Shi Xuexian was restless, and immediately said: "No, I can't rest assured, I have to go to their house to see for myself!"

"Go in person?" Shi Ruicai looked at her in surprise: "No, it's not necessary."

"Why is it unnecessary? If Lu Yan is really that little sister Lu, she... If she tells what we did back then, then..."

"She has been in your house for so many years. If you want to say it, you have said it a long time ago. Are you worrying about the sky now, is it interesting?"

"It doesn't matter, I have to see it with my own eyes." Shi Xuexian has a ghost in her heart, and she is in a mess now. If she doesn't see it for herself, she can't feel at ease.

"Then when are you going?"

"The sooner the better, you can buy a ticket tomorrow, and buy the nearest train!"

Shi Rui was a little unhappy: "I... I want to go too?"

"Of course you're going, otherwise how would I find a place!"

Shi Rui rubbed his nose: "Okay."

The voices of the two people talking became louder and louder, completely forgetting that they were not the only two of them in the family.

Shi Ya leaned her back against the door, the hand that was holding the phone tightly was shaking...

She didn't listen to the whole conversation between mother and uncle, she only listened to half of it, and she could vaguely guess the general outline, saying that Lu Xiaomei is still somewhere in the countryside, and Lu Yan is not Lu Xiaomei at all!

Shi Ya's eyes revealed a certain joy.

She is not the daughter of the Lu family at all, she is no different from herself, so why can she justifiably live in the Lu residence!

Three days later, Shi Rui told Shi Xuexian that the tickets were available, but they won't be available until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, and it's not easy to buy tickets for the Chinese New Year.

Shi Xuexian really couldn't wait for a minute, but there were no planes to go to that remote country, only trains and cars could get there.

No matter how anxious she is, she can only wait patiently after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

During this period of time, Lu Yan always felt that Shi Xuexian looked at her strangely, which made her feel hairy, as if she was going to transform into a wild beast and swallow her up in the next second.

And one night on the thirteenth day of the first lunar month, Ye Jiaqi called Lu Zhen and Liang Ting out.

In a noisy private room of a bar, Lu Zhen saw Shi Ya who was already drunk.

Lu Zhen was puzzled, and turned to Ye Jiaqi, "What does this mean?"

Ye Jiaqi closed the door, pursed his lips, and looked at Shi Ya: "She seems to be broken in love, she drank a lot, and I happened to be with some friends next door to celebrate her birthday, and I saw her."

"Whether she drinks or not, whether she falls in love or not, it's none of our business. Do you want us to get her back?" Lu Zhen rolled her eyes, turned around and was about to leave.

Liang Ting stopped him: "Listen to Ye Jiaqi, can you?"

If it's just drunk, just call Lu Zhen and Lu Yan over. Ye Jiaqi called Liang Ting over, which shows that things are not that simple.

Ye Jiaqi said: "She was drunk and said something, I listened... and felt something was wrong."

"What did she say?"

Ye Jiaqi didn't tell the story either, he pulled Lu Zhen in front of the drunken Shi Ya.

Seeing Lu Zhen, Shi Ya rushed forward immediately: "Liar! Your sister is a liar! She lied to you, she is not your sister at all!"

Lu Zhen pushed Shi Ya away, frowned and said, "What are you talking about!"

"She's a liar, she's not your sister at all!" Shi Ya said with red eyes, emotionally: "The real little sister Lu, the real little sister Lu is still in the village! My uncle has confirmed that she is a counterfeit at all, and she doesn't deserve to live in Lu Family!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Liang Ting also heard something was wrong in Shi Ya's words, walked up to Shi Ya, and asked word by word: "You said... where is Miss Lu?"

"In the village, hahahaha, she's still in the village! The one at home is a counterfeit, just like me, her surname is not Lu, it's a fake! Hahaha!"

Shi Ya seemed to have been suppressed for too long, her laughing voice was going crazy, like a mad woman.

Lu Zhen became emotional in an instant, grabbed Shi Ya's collar, and pulled her closer to him: "Tell me, tell me my sister... where is she!"

"My mother, and my uncle, they have already bought train tickets, and when they come back... that fake Lu Yan can get out of the Lu family hahahaha!"

Lu Zhen threw Shi Ya away, turned around with a sullen face, and was about to leave.

Ye Jiaqi stood in front of him: "Lu Zhen, what do you want to do."

"I'm going to ask Shi Xuexian for clarification." Lu Zhen panted heavily, and the veins on her forehead burst out of anger: "I want to get my sister back!"

"Believe me, I want to find Lu Xiaomei more than you, she is also my friend." Ye Jiaqi said: "But you are too unwise to ask her now."

Liang Ting thought for a moment, and then said: "Ye Jiaqi is right. If you ask now, she can completely deny it. At that time, even if you drag her to the police station, as long as she insists that there is no such thing, the law will There's nothing you can do with her."

Lu Zhen walked over and grabbed Shi Ya who was drunk: "The witnesses are all here, can she deny it!"

"Can the police accept her words of being drunk as evidence?"

Lu Zhen was so anxious that smoke came out of his nostrils, and he paced around the room: "This will not work, and that will not work, what do you say!"

Ye Jiaqi opened the door, winked at his friends in the corridor outside the door, and told them to take Shi Ya out. Shi Ya staggered in a daze, apparently quite drunk.

After closing the door again, there were only three of them left in the room.

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long term." Ye Jiaqi sat on the sofa and said to Lu Zhen: "From Shi Ya's point of view, her mother will leave in a few days, and she will go to the countryside with her uncle. Yan is not Lu Xiaomei, we have to go to the scene to confirm, as long as we follow them, we may be able to find Lu Xiaomei."

There was light in Lu Zhen's eyes: "Really? We can really find her!"

"pretty close."

Liang Ting said again: "What do you mean by following them? Following them?"

"There is only this way, but it must not be discovered by them."

"It's easy to be discovered, Lu Zhen's stepmother, how many of us do you know?"

"So if you really want to follow, it can't be us." Ye Jiaqi asked Lu Zhen: "Don't you have a friend who is studying in the police academy?"

"Qin Hao went to practice in the mountains, and his phone was confiscated, so he can't be contacted now." Lu Zhen said, "Even if he is here, it won't work. He has been to my house, and Shi Xuexian has seen him."

"How about spending money to hire someone?" Liang Ting suggested.

"This matter is related to Lu Xiaomei's safety. It should not be publicized, and we can't just find someone to do it. If Shi Xuexian finds out and spends more money to bribe the other party, our previous efforts will be wasted."

At this moment, Lu Zhen couldn't calm down at all, he said violently: "This is not okay, that is not okay, what do you say!"

"I do have a good candidate." Ye Jiaqi said calmly, "I'm afraid Lu Yan won't agree."

As soon as these words came out, Liang Ting's face changed first.

As smart as he is, he has already guessed who the person Ye Jiaqi proposed... is.

Lu Zhen's mind seemed to be stuck, and she quickly asked: "How can you disagree with a good candidate? Yanyan must support the retrieval of her sister-in-law! Who are you talking about?"

Ye Jiaqi licked his dry lower lip, and said two words: "Shen Kuo."

"Shen Kuo?"

"He's the best candidate, isn't he?"

Ye Jiaqi was speaking to Lu Zhen, but his eyes turned to Liang Ting: "He is smarter than ordinary people, he can adapt to changes, and his stalking should not be discovered; at the same time, he also treats Lu Zhen as a brother, so he should try his best to find him. Lu Xiaomei; and most importantly, Shi Xuexian has never met him."

Lu Zhen punched his right palm with his left fist: "That's right! Shen Kuo can do it! He is my good brother, and he will definitely help me. If he does this, I will definitely get my sister back!"

As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and wanted to call Shen Kuo.

Liang Ting pressed Lu Zhen's shoulder: "Wait a minute, should you... discuss it with Xiao Yan."

"No need to discuss, she will definitely agree."

How can you disagree, Lu Yan is more like finding her sister-in-law than anyone else, now that she has a clue, she is willing to support this matter without hesitation!

Liang Ting pursed his lips, and gave Ye Jiaqi a meaningful look. Ye Jiaqi looked at him openly, and the meaning in his eyes was quite...obvious.

Although this guy said with certainty that he wanted to get Lu Xiaomei back, his proposal to let Shen Kuo definitely have some private goods.

"Lu Zhen, think about it carefully." Liang Ting pulled him to sit down and said, "If Chen Kuo is asked to do this, he will definitely know the whole truth, that Lu Yan is not your sister, and even that Lu Yan was born again. matter."

"If you know it, you know it." Lu Zhen shrugged: "Everyone knows, they are all their own people, and they won't say it."

"That's right, everyone knows, but why Lu Yan refuses to let him know, have you ever thought about this problem?"

Lu Zhen shook his head blankly.

Ye Jiaqi sarcastically said: "Liang Ting, you understand other girls better than other fathers, what do you mean?"

Liang Ting didn't pay attention to Ye Jiaqi at all, he was a troublemaker who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Lu Yan doesn't want Chen Kuo to know that, one thing, she just wants to be a normal person in front of Shen Kuo, and two... and the most important point, she approached Shen Kuo to change your bankruptcy fate in the future, what do you think? , if Shen Kuo knew about this, what would he think, would he accept that Lu Yan approached him purposefully?"

Lu Zhen finally calmed down, and stared at Liang Ting in a daze: "I don't know, do I?"

"You don't know, I know where to go."

He can guess the thoughts of many people, even Ye Jiaqi's thoughts, but he can't understand Shen Kuo...

"That's why Lu Yan kept everything a secret. It's good for you. You have to expose this matter to Shen Kuo." Liang Ting looked at Ye Jiaqi angrily, "Don't be so selfish."

Ye Jiaqi smiled, his dark eyes were full of absurdity: "I'm just fighting for what I want, and being selfish is better than some cowards who don't even dare to say it."

Lu Zhen looked at the two people whose needlepoints were facing Maimang, and said blankly, "What charades are you two doing?"

Liang Ting didn't bother to pay attention to Ye Jiaqi, and turned to Lu Zhen: "In any case, this matter must be discussed with Lu Yan, and it is up to her to decide whether to tell Shen Kuo. Moreover, Shen Kuo is not an absolute candidate. find someone else."

"But he's the most suitable, isn't he."

Ye Jiaqi looked at Lu Zhen: "I missed this opportunity, Lu Zhen, if you want to see your sister again, you may have to wait in your next life."

Lu Zhen sat by the sofa, clutching his knees tightly, and seemed to be hesitating: "Can you find a way to get their train schedule?"

Ye Jiaqi said: "I have already asked my friend to help me investigate, it shouldn't be difficult."

"As long as you know their destination, you can narrow down the scope and know which province and city Xiaoyan is trapped in."

"But the scope is still too large. Hundreds of thousands of mountains, hundreds of thousands of villages, you have to find them one by one, it's not easy." Ye Jiaqi said: "Except for what I said... follow them, there is nothing else. work out"

Lu Zhen rubbed her head, stood up and sat down again, sat for a while, then stood up uneasily, pacing around the room.

In the end, he took out his mobile phone and made a final decision: "Call Shen Kuo."

"Lu Zhen, you should at least discuss it with Lu Yan!"

"That girl can't hide something in her heart, so tell her that maybe she will show her feet in front of Shi Xuexian. It's a matter of human life, so it's a big matter. Just to be on the safe side, don't say it for now." Lu Zhen said in a deep voice: "Only the three of us I know, plus Shen Kuo alone."

Lu Zhen has matured a lot over the years. Although she is still impatient, she is no longer as reckless as she was in high school.

Lu Yan is his precious daughter, and Lu Xiaomei is his own younger sister. The palms and backs of her hands are full of flesh, but if you can't find Lu Xiaomei this time...

Maybe it is really like what Ye Jiaqi said, it is impossible to meet each other in this life.

Lu Zhen called Shen Kuo.