Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 76


In the first month, Shen Kuo finally paid a formal visit to the Lu residence.

Although Lu Jian is now Lu Yan's grandfather, no matter what, he is her father in name, at least to the outside world.

Moreover, Lu Yan's real father, Lu Zhen, is only half a child now, and Lu Jian and Meng Zhining should still worry about their children's marriage.

Meng Zhining is currently living in the Lu residence temporarily, and lives with Lu Xiaoyan.

So when Shen Kuo came to the house, all the elders in the family happened to be there, which was exactly what Lu Jian meant. According to him, when the grandson-in-law came to the house for the first time, all the elders in the family must be there. One is to set a good example for the younger generation. Second, it is also to prevent the other party from underestimating Lu Yan.

Meng Zhining expressed contempt for Lu Jian's ideas.

"No matter how much you whitewash the peace, a divorce is a divorce and will never remarry."

Lu Jian said dissatisfiedly, "It wasn't you who wanted the divorce back then."

"What's the matter, I can't get a divorce yet!"

"All right, all right, grandson-in-law is here today, I won't quarrel with you."

Of course, Lu Jian was quite satisfied with Shen Kuo, his grandson-in-law.

Not only because he rescued Lu Xiaoyan, but more importantly, he was able to bring Lu Zhen's second generation ancestor to the Tao, making him more and more promising, both in terms of character and heart, and moving in the direction that Lu Jian was satisfied with. Development, this is what comforts Lu Jian the most.

He intends to train Lu Zhen to be the heir. Even if he is given space and time to venture into his own world now, there is no doubt that Lu Zhen will definitely take over the Lu Group in the future.

Lu Jian used to like other people's children the most, especially those outstanding children from other people's families. Every time he heard his business partners talk about the achievements of his own children, he would feel uncomfortable.

But when he met Shen Kuo, he realized that the children of his business partners were nothing compared to the young man in front of him.

At most, they just study well, get scholarships, or follow the experience of doing business in the family business.

And the handsome grandson-in-law in front of Lu Jian has just graduated from university and is already an important figure in the Internet industry at a young age. The social software they developed, even the elderly of Lu Jian's generation, are learning to use it. , this is a very powerful place.

During the meal, Lu Jian kept asking Shen Kuo about the Internet, and was very interested in it.

The Internet is an emerging industry, and most of the people engaged in this industry are young people, full of fresh blood, and Shen Kuo is the one who really made his first pot of gold in this industry.

In Shen Kuo, Lu Jian saw the image of herself when she was young, and admired him so much that she wished she could recognize him as her godson on the spot.

"Just take Lu Zhen to do it." Lu Jian patted Shen Kuo on the shoulder and said excitedly: "Young people should have dreams and passions, and let them go. If there is any need or lack of funds, just ask, we are a family." A family should help each other."

Meng Zhining said dissatisfiedly: "You two, can you stop talking about work? It's boring."

Lu Jian was still very afraid of Meng Zhining, she didn't like it, so he naturally stopped pulling Shen Kuo to talk about work, and asked instead: "Xiao Kuo, I heard that your father died of illness? Tell me in detail, so what kind of disease did you have?"

Lu Yan's hand holding the chopsticks tightened suddenly, and she looked at Shen Kuo worriedly.

Shen Kuo had no expression on his face, and calmly replied: "Pneumoconiosis."

"Oh, this has something to do with the working environment. Alas, the factory workshop was like this in the early years. Workers were exposed to a completely unprotected environment, and it was easy to get this disease. Our factory had it before, but our factory is not bad. , is the first batch of factories in China to introduce foreign dust-free workshop technology."

Lu Yan immediately changed the topic: "Well, grandpa, don't you wonder why Lu Zhen won't go home for the New Year this year?"

"I don't know yet." Lu Jian snorted coldly: "When a bastard has a daughter-in-law, he forgets his mother and stays with his girlfriend."

"You know!"

"Of course I know, you can't hide your every move at school from my eyes."

Meng Zhining was delicate and aware of Lu Yan's nervousness. She glanced at Chen Kuo and asked suspiciously, "Chen Kuo, what unit did your father work in?"

As soon as these words came out, the spoon in Lu Yan's hand fell into the bowl with a "bang".

Shen Kuo was silent for a moment, then spit out five words: "Henghui Cement Factory."

When he said the name, the atmosphere on the table froze instantly.

Lu Xiaoyan looked at Meng Zhining for no reason, and said naively, "Hey, isn't this my dad's cement factory?"

It was like a tight balloon being punctured by a needle in an instant, and after the crack, there was a long silence.

Shen Kuo gave a soft "hmm".

Lu Jian and Meng Zhining's hearts sank more and more. This kind of truth was absolutely beyond their expectations.

Even though they have been in business for so many years and are used to the situation, at this moment... they don't know what to say.

This meal was definitely the longest meal they had ever had in their lives.

It's like sitting on pins and needles.

After the meal, Meng Zhining and Lu Jian went back to the study. In the living room, Lu Yan paced nervously.

Shen Kuo's eyes moved with her figure: "They will know sooner or later."

Lu Yan also knew that they would know sooner or later, but she still couldn't help worrying, fearing that her grandparents would not accept it.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, Lu Jianjian called Lu Yan into the study, and asked her excitedly: "You never told me or your mother...your grandma about this matter!"

"You didn't even ask." Lu Yan said guiltily, "Besides, Lu Zhen knows."

After all, Lu Zhen is her father, and Lu Zhen can decide these matters.

Meng Zhining walked up to Lu Yan's side and put his hand on her shoulder: "Xiaozhen herself is a child, the same age as you, no matter what, your grandfather and I are your guardians. You should come first in these matters." Time will tell."

Lu Yan knew this was the reason, and it was precisely because Lu Jian and Meng Zhining were adults that she dared not tell them.

"Do you disagree?"

"Of course I don't agree!" Lu Jian said excitedly: "I checked and found that Shen Jianxun is a worker of our Henghui. When he died of illness a few years ago, the company paid a pension out of humanitarianism. Guess what, the employee who came to comfort him was kicked out of the door, almost beaten by his son, and was so scared that he rested at home for many days. This boy...God knows what emotions are hidden in his heart, how can I agree, how can I let him be with him You are together!"

Lu Yan said eagerly: "No, you misunderstood him!"

Meng Zhining pressed Lu Yan's shoulder and signaled her to calm down: "Xiao Yan, I support your grandpa in this matter."

" don't believe him either?" Lu Yan looked at Meng Zhining in disbelief.

Meng Zhining shook his head, and said helplessly: "Your grandfather and I both recognize Xiao Kuo's strength and character, and we don't care about his poor family background, but this happened so suddenly, I have nothing to do, nothing It is too scary and dangerous to find a way to marry our own daughter into the family of a man who once hated our family."

Meng Zhining now thinks of something that she hadn't paid attention to in the past: "When I was in middle school and high school, every time there was a parent-teacher meeting, the teacher complained to me that Lu Zhen was not good here or there. , is Shen Kuo."

"I never took it to heart in the past, but now that I think about it, it's really scary."

All the strength in Lu Yan's body was exhausted, and her voice of defense was almost inaudible: "He and Lu Zhen have reconciled..."

Meng Zhining said in a deep voice: "Xiao Yan, you are still young, you and Shen Kuo are both young, you don't understand, love is really vulnerable compared to time, love will wear off, but hatred will not."

"If one day you resent each other, and he thinks back on these things in the past, God knows what he will do to you. Your grandfather and I can't protect you for the rest of our lives, and neither can Lu Zhen, so we absolutely can't let you take this risk."

Lu Yan's ears were buzzing, she couldn't listen to Meng Zhining's words at all, she just found it absurd.

"You guys are so selfish."

"Just treat us as selfish." Meng Zhining said: "You are the youngest daughter in our family, we will never put you in any danger, even if there is a 0.1% chance, we will put an end to it, this is for your own good .”

Lu Yan clenched her fists tightly and said forcefully, "My dad would never say such things. He never said anything that was good for me."

Lu Jian got a little angry: "He himself is still a kid, he can do anything with his words, don't always think that what Lu Zhen agrees with is correct, always remember, your guardians are us!"

Although Lu Jian has become much more reasonable over the years, he still maintains the authority of the old parents.

"So you'll never be the kind of parent your kid wants because you don't know what your kid wants!"

After Lu Yan finished speaking, she ran out with tears in her eyes and hurried downstairs.

Seeing her crying and running down, Shen Kuo frowned, and wrapped her arms around her: "Why are you crying?"

"let's go!"

Lu Yan took Shen Kuo's hand and turned around to leave. Meng Zhining stopped them from the room, "Xiao Kuo, Auntie wants to chat with you alone."

Lu Yan immediately stood in front of Shen Kuo, looking at Meng Zhining defensively: "No! I won't let you guys chat alone!"

With her toes, she could guess what Meng Zhining wanted to talk about with him. She had lost him once, and she absolutely didn't want to lose him a second time.

"You can't do this." Lu Yan's tears fell down in disappointment, and she tightly clutched the corner of Shen Kuo's clothes: "You have no right to do this."

Meng Zhining was also very sad. No one of the elders wanted to hurt their own children, especially her. Lu Yan was the little daughter she loved dearly.

"Xiao Kuo, come to the study, let's chat."

Shen Kuo's hand landed on the back of Lu Yan's hand and patted it lightly.

Lu Yan hugged him and shook her head desperately: "Don't go!"

"Xiaoyan, don't worry." He wouldn't give up on her just because of a few words, that would be ridiculous.

"Let me talk to them, maybe there will be a turnaround."

After all, Lu Yan let go of Shen Kuo, and after he followed Meng Zhining into the study, she immediately called Lu Zhen to complain about her grievances.

On the phone, when Lu Zhen heard her daughter crying, her scalp exploded.

"Don't cry, what's the matter, tell Dad, did Shen Kuo bully you?"

"No, no, grandparents disagree, disagree with Shen Kuo..."

Lu Zhen listened to Lu Yan's incoherent description, and it took him a while to figure out what was going on, so a few minutes later, Lu Jian's phone was also rang up by Lu Zhen, and the father and son quarreled over the phone—

"You brat, you're still yelling at me! It's not big or small!"

"What is your daughter, you are a half-grown child yourself!"

"I'm putting my words here, Lu Yan's lifelong event, what you say doesn't count."

Meng Zhining called Shen Kuo to the balcony and closed the sliding door.

"Don't mind, their father and son are like this, if they don't agree with each other, they will quarrel."

Shen Kuo shook his head and said calmly, "Lu Zhen has a very impulsive personality."

Meng Zhining looked at him deeply: "He has no mind, so he is easy to be calculated by others."

Shen Kuo heard something in Meng Zhining's words, and frankly admitted: "I bullied him."

Meng Zhining's face turned cold. She knew Shen Kuo too well. If he wanted to deal with Lu Zhen, Lu Zhen would never be his opponent.

Meng Zhining was originally a protector, if she had known earlier, she would not have easily let Shen Kuo go, but now...he has become the person in Lu Yan's heart, and helped find her little daughter back.

Gratitude and resentment, which is right and which is wrong, has long been unclear.

"It's okay for boys to suffer a little while growing up." Meng Zhining crossed his arms and stood side by side with Shen Kuo on the balcony, looking at the tall buildings in the distance: "But Xiaoyan is different. She is a girl. In our house, girls Children are more valuable than boys."

"I understand, but I won't give up. I really like Lu Yan, without any other factors, just like it."

I just like it, and I gave her the most enthusiastic heart.

"I don't doubt your feelings for Xiaoyan now, but I can't take risks. Human life is too long, and love is only a small part."

The corners of Shen Kuo's eyes trembled, and after a long time, he said, "I insist."

"Shen Kuo, your career has just started, you don't want all your hard work to be ruined, right?"

Shen Kuo looked at Meng Zhining, he saw a heavy threat in her eyes.

Whether it was Meng Zhining or Lu Jian, if they wanted to crush him to death now, it would be as easy as crushing an ant.

At this moment, Meng Zhining's phone rang too. A few seconds after she hung up the phone, it rang again. Meng Zhining answered the phone angrily, and shouted: "Lu Zhen, if you don't stop, I will have a hundred way to make you cry!"

Meng Zhining's "Hedong Lion's Roar" made Shen Kuo take two steps back unconsciously...

Lu Zhen's mother is a bit fierce.

Meng Zhining hung up the phone, suppressed his anger, turned to Shen Kuo and said, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Shen Kuo nodded, but still said: "I stick to my choice."

"You are a smart boy. You don't need me to remind you how important a career is to a man."

"I know, but I insist."

Meng Zhining frowned, she had dealt with Shen Kuo before, she knew how stubborn this boy was.

"If you don't have a career, what do you use to persevere, and what confidence do you have to persevere."

Shen Kuo looked at her with dark eyes, which made her feel a little guilty for no reason.

Why doesn't she know that she can't bully people too much.

But she has no second choice. As an adult, she must seek a better life and future for her children, even if they hate her.

Later, when Shen Kuo left, Lu Jian asked Meng Zhining, "What did he say?"

Meng Zhining rubbed his eyebrows and shook his head.

No matter how intimidating she is, he only has two words: "Persist."

And Meng Zhining also knows that it is too much to threaten Shen Kuo with his career. It is not easy for a child from a poor family to get to where he is today. Ruining Shen Kuo's career is equivalent to ruining half of this young man's life. I would rather give up half my life than persevere...

Lu Yan was his other half of life, if he lost it, he would have nothing.

Meng Zhining closed his eyes helplessly: "We can't go too far."

"So you gave up?" Lu Jian looked at Meng Zhining in disbelief: "His father came out of our factory, and this disease has something to do with us..."

"I know."

Meng Zhining opened his eyes, looked at him, and said in a deep voice, "But this kid is not easy. Even if we break his knee now, as long as he is still alive, he will stand up one day sooner or later. Such a man is terrible to be a son-in-law. , being an enemy is even more terrifying..."

"For Yanyan's sake, I don't care." Lu Jian obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the problem: "Besides, we haven't seen any troubles in these years. It's absurd that you would be afraid of a kid whose career has just improved."

Meng Zhining shook his head: "Lu Jian, maybe you should get to know your son again, get to know his generation of young people again, and change your arrogant temper."

On the way to send Shen Kuo home, Lu Yan looked at him worriedly for several times, but the young man remained silent, which made her feel agitated.

Finally, Lu Yan asked him cautiously: "My grandma... how much money did she throw in your face to make you leave me?"

It was fine if she didn't speak, but this opening made Shen Kuo laugh.

"you guess?"

"Blindly guess a five million?"

Shen Kuo rubbed her head: "You underestimate your own value too much, you are the treasure of the Lu family, they are willing to give everything for you."

Lu Yan was a little worried: "So, are you moved?"

Shen Kuo smiled faintly: "So instead of giving me a penny, they threatened me that if I don't let go, I will lose everything."

This is more powerful and effective than buying him with money.

Lu Yan's heart turned cold, and she couldn't help but increase her strength, gripping the corner of Shen Kuo's clothes tightly.

"then you... "

"I don't want to lose everything."

Lu Yan suddenly stopped and looked at him in disbelief. He smiled lightly and rubbed her head: "What are you thinking?"

With red eyes, Lu Yan whispered, "You don't want to lose everything, but you can lose me, right?"

Shen Kuo clenched her hand and placed it on his heart—

"Lu Yan, still don't understand, you are my everything, you are my hope, my light. Without you, even if I get the whole world, it means nothing to me."

Lu Yan's heart warmed up. In fact, at this time, she should trust Shen Kuo.

Shen Kuo took her hand and quickened his pace. Seeing that he was not heading home, Lu Yan asked, "Where are you going, don't you want to go home?"

"Take you somewhere interesting."

Lu Yan wiped away her tears, followed Chen Kuo to the commercial street, and then went downstairs to the ground floor. There are many storefronts and stalls on the ground floor, but the items sold here are comparable to those in the commercial street. Much cheaper.

Therefore, there are also many people shopping on the first floor, with exquisite accessories and cheap clothes.

Shen Kuo led Lu Yan through the crowded street to the entrance of a small tattoo parlor in the innermost part.

Lu Yan immediately saw a familiar figure busy in the tattoo shop, it was Zhong Kai!

He was wearing a mask, and he had just finished his work, tattooing a tattoo of the Dragon King of the East China Sea on the back of a killer brother.

"Come on! Look, this courage is to call the wind and rain, and it will make your life smooth and smooth in the future."

Brother Shamate didn't care about the good weather, he was very satisfied with this evil dragon, turned around and saw the little girl Lu Yan staring at his back stupidly, and asked casually, "Are you afraid?"

Lu Yan nodded repeatedly, and said cooperatively, "I'm afraid."

Brother Kill Matt put on a fancy shirt, took out his wallet to pay the bill, and left the tattoo shop contentedly.

"Xiao Yanyan, long time no see!" Zhong Kai walked out after washing his hands, and sized up Lu Yan: "Oh, oh, I'm so out of touch, I didn't recognize it at first, Shen Kuo, what the hell is your luck? Well, such a beautiful big star can be your daughter-in-law."

Lu Yan said shyly, "Not a big star yet."

Jian Yao's level is called a big star.

"Why aren't you a big star? Come on, have a look, I buy every issue of your magazine." Zhong Kai moved out a stack of magazines.

Sure enough, as long as there was Lu Yan's, he didn't fall behind, saying that he was helping her sell.

Shen Kuo asked, "When will you be here?"

"No, I'm going to close today. It was the last order just now. I made a big pen. I don't want to do such complicated patterns as usual." Zhong Kai stretched his waist: "I've been doing it for a day. ,worn out."

"Brother Zhong Kai, aren't you going to open a tattoo shop?"

"Yes, Shen Kuo asked me to work with him. After the first lunar month, this shop will be rented out and some rent will be charged."

"Wow, did you buy this store?"

A smug look appeared on Zhong Kai's face: "After so many years of business, I still have some savings. No, I have all my net worth."

However, he believed that following Shen Kuo would be better than guarding such a small store in an underground shopping mall.

When I was young, a fortune teller said to Shen Kuo, "Is the golden scale a thing in the pool?" Zhong Kai didn't remember anything, but just remembered what the fortune teller said.

"You two came just in time, help me clean up the store, I'm about to close."

Shen Kuo smiled and said, "For the last order, give us two tattoos, one."


"What the hell?"

Lu Yan and Zhong Kai spoke at the same time, looking at Shen Kuo in disbelief.

Shen Kuo said casually, "Give me and Lu Yanwen a couple tattoo."

"Tattoos... tattoos." Lu Yan stuttered, let alone this life, she had never been exposed to such a rebellious thing as tattoos in her previous life.

However, couple tattoos, it sounds like... pretty cool.

She tremblingly asked Zhong Kai: "This, does it hurt?"

"Of hurts!" Zhong Kai said exaggeratedly, "Just now that guy looked tough, haha, he cried bitterly."

Lu Yan shivered.

Shen Kuo rubbed her hair: "It's not that exaggerated, don't be afraid."

"Who's afraid, I... I'm not afraid, just get tattooed!"

Zhong Kai saw that these two people were serious, and asked with a smile; "You two really want to get tattoos! Once you get tattoos, they can't be washed off!"

Lu Yan nodded heavily: "Water!"

"No, think about it carefully."

For all the customers who come to the store and want to get a tattoo of a couple, or want to have their boyfriend and girlfriend's names tattooed on their bodies, Zhong Kai will do his duty and remind him again and again: "This thing is for a lifetime, and it is a matter of love. , but it’s not guaranteed for a lifetime, if we break up in the future, if the next one sees it, there will be a lot of shocks.”

Shen Kuo kicked him: "What are you talking about?"

Zhong Kai dodged sharply, and took the pattern book over: "What style do you two want? I have everything here, locks and keys, half-removed hearts, and initials... Retro is popular recently, and the little butterfly style is very pretty, hahaha, the meaning is good, Liang Zhu, the kind that we want to be together after death."

Lu Yan said speechlessly: "Can you have something auspicious?"

He broke up for a while and died for a while, and he didn't say anything good. How does he do business

The two chose carefully, discussed and selected for half an hour, and finally decided to tattoo a small butterfly and a rose.

Together, just like a butterfly kisses a rose.

However, Lu Yan mainly took a fancy to this fragrant and elegant rose. She could imagine that this rose falling on Shen Kuo's body, no matter where it was, it would definitely explode sexy! ! !

So she chose butterfly without hesitation.

It was a small blue butterfly with its wings gathered and standing on the rose. She liked this feeling. To her, Shen Kuo was a rose, elegant and charming, and she would prick her from time to time.

"Haha." Zhong Kai looked at the patterns they chose: "The effect of this group of tattoos is absolutely perfect, but because roses and butterflies are too feminine, no one has chosen them so far."

Lu Yan looked at Shen Kuo: "Is it okay, this?"

Shen Kuo looked at the rose and frowned.

He... really wants to tattoo flowers on his body? ?

Before getting tattooed, Zhong Kai's smirk never stopped. It is conceivable that if Lu Zhen and his gang saw him in the future, they might laugh at him for many years.

Shen Kuo pointed to Little Butterfly and asked, "Do you like this?"

"No, I like this." Lu Yan pointed at Rose and smiled harmlessly at him: "I want you to get this tattoo."


Well, he was the one who suggested the tattoo in the first place.

After choosing the tattoo design, the next step is the tattoo location. Lu Yan wants to get it on her buttocks, feeling sexy.

Shen Kuo strongly objected, it was absolutely impossible for Zhong Kai to be cheap for parts he had never seen.

"On the arm," he said.

"That won't work, if my dad sees it, I will die!"

In the end, the two reached a compromise, and the tattoo was placed below the collarbone, which is not considered private, but it is still quite hidden.

When Zhong Kai tattooed Lu Yan, the girl howled, and those who didn't know thought there was a homicide in the store.

"It hurts... oh, it hurts!"

"Oh my god, no more tattoos, Shen Kuo, I'm in pain..."

Shen Kuo clenched her hand tightly, and shouted at Zhong Kai, "Take it easy!"

It hurt my daughter-in-law...

Zhong Kai stopped, and said helplessly, "Hey, this is not what I want to take lightly. Tattoos are like this. How about I find you a piece of cloth to bite on?"

Lu Yan cried and said, "It still hurts."

"No more tattoos." Shen Kuo made a decisive decision and said to Zhong Kai: "That's it, no more tattoos."

He didn't want to see this little girl suffer.

Zhong Kai looked at the little butterfly, which was only in the shape of a butterfly and hadn't been colored, frowned and said, "It's so ugly."

Lu Yan looked down at the butterfly with only shape, gasped, curled her lips, looked at Shen Kuo pitifully, and said softly, "I hurt..."

Shen Kuo knew that this girl was acting like a baby on purpose, but he liked her very much, and when the tone softened, his heart could melt into her.

"No more tattoos if it hurts."

Lu Yan looked at the rose pattern, and then at her little butterfly.

"Then I can still hold on a little longer." She gritted her teeth and said, "It should be soon."

"No need, it was just for fun." Shen Kuo said, "Don't take it too seriously."

Lu Yan lowered her head and thought for a while, and finally shook her head: "I want to leave something with you, Shen Kuo, not just for fun."

She wanted to leave a little special memory about him, even if it was pain.

"We've been together for so long, and we haven't done anything particularly ceremonial." Lu Yan reached out to hold his hand, pinching his palm: "Your proposal is very good."

"It really doesn't have to be forced."

"It's really not forced!"

She touched Shen Kuo's palms with a thin layer of sweat. The way she was crying and howling just now made Shen Kuo nervous.

She looked at Zhong Kai: "Go on."

In the second half of the tattooing process, the pain intensified, but Lu Yan gritted her teeth and remained silent.

When it was finally over, Zhong Kai breathed a sigh of relief and wiped off his sweat: "It made me nervous."

Shen Kuo asked with concern, "How do you feel?"

Lu Yan fell on him limply and said "woo": "Kiss me."

Shen Kuo bowed his head and kissed her, soothing her gently.

Lu Yan took advantage of the situation to hook his neck, and kissed him greasy and crookedly.

"Hey, you two are considering the mood of the audience." Zhong Kai yelled dissatisfiedly, "Do you want me to have dinner and then come back?"

The corner of Shen Kuo's mouth raised slightly: "You go."

"You are serious!"

Lu Yan also laughed, and pushed Shen Kuo: "It's your turn."

During the tattooing process, Shen Kuo didn't say a word, and looked up at Lu Yan from time to time: "You just screamed like a pig, that's it?"

"Ah, what kind of devil are you!" Lu Yan clutched her collarbone: "Obviously it hurts to death..."

For Shen Kuo, this level of pain is not even considered pain, at most it is numbness. He has suffered countless major and minor injuries since he was a child. He is a person who has suffered, so this pain is completely immune to his body. up.

For this rose, Lu Yan insisted that Zhong Kai tattoo it on Shen Kuo's super hips, Zhong Kai laughed so hard that he turned over on his back—

"Little Yanyan, you are very capable and interesting."

As a future person who was born 20 years later than them, Lu Yan has always been good at playing.

Under the threat of Shen Kuo's sharp eyes, Zhong Kai didn't dare to make a move, and finally chose the position on his side neck, and tattooed this elegant and sexy little rose.

Lu Yan touched the tight and slightly hot skin under his neck, and said, "It's a little too high, even if you wear a suit and shirt, it can't cover it."

Zhong Kai came out after washing his hands, and said, "It's just for this kind of indistinct feeling, so it looks good."

"In the future, Mr. Shen will attend various high-end business occasions. Wearing this little rose is not serious."

"Does Shen always care about other people's eyes?"

Lu Yan thought for a moment, smiled and shook her head: "No, he won't."


As the two sang and answered, Shen Kuo put on his clothes, pulled up his jacket to cover his slender neck, and turned his head and said, "Let's go, Xiao Yan."

Lu Yan walked over in two or three steps, took Shen Kuo's hand, and turned to wave goodbye to Zhong Kai.

At night, Lu Yan was lying on the bed reading a book. Shen Kuo came over and gently stroked the little butterfly under her collarbone with his fingertips. The wings of the little butterfly were slightly blue and they were about to fly. There are his initials, very Gothic two letters: SK.

He stared intently, his gaze extremely gentle.

Lu Yan was tickled by him, and laughed: "What are you looking at?"

"Suddenly felt like we were two middle school students."

Lu Yan thinks about it too, getting couple tattoos and adding initials is something that immature middle school students often do.

Lu Yan lay flat on the bed, touched his big reversed face and said, "A man as serious as Mr. Shen would suggest such a naive thing."

Shen Kuo also pinched her face, and tugged at her cheek: "Boss Shen, you are addicted, right?"

"Hey... It was originally, otherwise what would I call you?"

"Call uncle."

"Don't even think about it, you're already calling Lu Zhen 'Dad', don't even try to take advantage of me."

"He and I take advantage of you in this matter." Shen Kuo suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and slowly lowered his hand.

Lu Yan was so frightened that she quickly shrank back and avoided him: "The other things are not cheap... can't..."

Shen Kuo pulled her over, kissed her collarbone like a dragonfly, and looked at her with soft eyes—

"Every day I'm with you, I'm still the original me."

It turned out that the high school student who always wore white T-shirts in the scorching sun in midsummer, the boy who would turn his head and smile at her when the wind blows.

Life will never change.