Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 80: The End Chapter


In the office, two men met.

Chen Luan was standing and Lu Zhen was sitting. After the two of them looked at each other in silence for about half a minute, neither of them spoke first.

Lu Zhen didn't let Liang Ting leave, but he himself felt that the atmosphere was weird and it was not easy to stay, so he walked out of the office quietly, leaving some space for Lu Zhen.

But he was worried about Lu Zhen, so he stood by the door and didn't go far.

What kind of person Chen Luan is, he has investigated it clearly. In the past, he and Jian Yao sang and joined bands, smoked cigarettes and fought well. He was completely a delinquent boy, not a good one at all.

Compared with him, Lu Zhen's performance in the past is nothing, and he already belongs to the very well-behaved category.

Lu Zhen looked at the man in front of him. He was very thin and bony, with single eyelids, pale and handsome, especially the side face, where he could still see the handsomeness of his youth.

Lu Zhen looked at him. It was not surprising that this guy was qualified to be his rival in love when he was young.

Who doesn't like good-looking people? Jian Yao chose him as her boyfriend back then, and she was really moved. One can imagine that this guy didn't know how handsome he could be when he was young.

Looking at it from a distance... he is indeed a handsome guy, but he can't look up close. If you look up close, you can see that his pupils are cloudy, his lips are dry and purple, and his skin is also very poor, giving him a sick feeling.

Compared with his thinness, Lu Zhen's figure is not too strong.

Finally, Chen Luan couldn't hold his breath and spoke first: "Mr. Lu, hello."

He unconsciously added honorifics, lowering his status.

Lu Zhen is different now, he is no longer the fledgling bastard in the past, he is the chairman of Xingchen.

Today's Xingchen, with its rapid development and high popularity, is also jaw-dropping.

Some time ago, they even appeared on the news network of CCTV. The report focused on promoting the stories of these young people who worked hard to start a business, and publicized their hard work and innovative spirit of daring to be the first.

It can be seen that their careers are in a booming and unstoppable period.

At this moment, standing in this high-end and luxurious office, facing this man in a suit and leather shoes with an expressionless face, Chen Luan felt that his breath was a little weak.

Although Chen Luan tried his best to keep calm, his aura was much weaker in front of him. After all... A man's self-confidence is always supported by one thing, and that is his career.

Lu Zhen could maintain a calm posture in front of him, but Chen Luan could only pretend to be calm.

"Mr. Lu, you called me today, what's the matter?"

Lu Zhen didn't bother to chat with him, so she got straight to the point: "Stay away from Jian Yao, I can pretend nothing happened."

Looking at Lu Zhen, Chen Luan finally felt a little angry.

Why did he speak to him so condescendingly? Isn't it because of how much money he has.

Once a man is angry, he will also have the courage to bluff: "Lu Zhen, do you know why Jian Yao wants to see me?"

"I don't want to know, but I just want you to disappear from her sight from now on. If you can't do it, I will help you do it."

Even Liang Ting outside the door couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth.

Shen Kuo did not ask Lu Zhen to do research and development, but asked him to follow Zhong Kai in charge of the market, which was a very wise choice.

The experience of intrigue in the business field for such a long time has completely transformed him. First of all, he will not lose to anyone in terms of courage.

Lu Jian had taught him that dealing with people in the business field is an art, even if you are panicked in your heart, you must pretend to be calm on the surface.

So in the current contest with the rival in love, it is obvious that Lu Zhen is superior.

Chen Luan looked at Lu Zhen angrily, his mood was already unstable.

Once the opponent's psychological defense collapsed, it was bound to reveal his flaws. As the saying goes, too many words will lead to failure. Lu Zhen just wanted to force him to be angry and let the anger overwhelm his reason.

"You are really arrogant." Chen Luan grinned and said to him, "But there is one thing you definitely don't know. If you knew, Jian Yao wouldn't have to hide it like this, even spending money to bribe me."

After saying this, Chen Luan looked at Lu Zhen's expression, but to his disappointment, Lu Zhen didn't show the expression he expected, nor did he ask any more questions, but just said "oh" lightly

"Aren't you curious, what is she hiding from you?"

Lu Zhen smiled lightly: "Is there anything I need to be curious about?"

"She's been lying to you all this time, and you're not curious?"

"What did she lie to me, money or sex?"

Chen Luan couldn't control herself, and said emotionally: "Her legs, her legs are ugly! She used to..."


Lu Zhen interrupted him: "Business requires a contract spirit. Since you have accepted her money, you should keep your mouth shut for her. I don't need to remind you."

Chen Luan looked deeply at Lu Zhen: "Could it be that you really... don't care at all?"

"What do I need to care about, she is mine."

"Lu Zhen, since you are in business, let me ask you, if you want to buy a product you like and go home, but find that the product is defective, don't you want to return it!"

Lu Zhen stood up suddenly, her expression turned cold.

Jian Yao said that she was once hurt and abandoned... This almost became the lingering haze that enveloped her heart in her youth.

The man in front of him must have thought like this at the time, treating her as... a commodity that could be discarded casually.

Lu Zhen felt extremely disgusted and extremely angry. He couldn't tolerate his beloved girl being treated so frivolously.

It was difficult for Lu Zhen to maintain his sanity. He waved his hand and punched it, which landed firmly on the man's face.

Chen Luan staggered back and knocked down a coffee table, but when he was about to fight back, Liang Ting and several security guards rushed in and held him back.

"Kick him out, I don't want to see him again."

After Lu Zhen finished speaking, she turned her back.

"Mr. Chen, please go back." He said to Chen Luan.

Knowing the current situation, Chen Luan couldn't take advantage of anything, so he could only leave angrily.

Liang Ting watched his back, frowned slightly, and then looked back at Lu Zhen.

Lu Zhen sat back on his office chair, tugged at his tie, scolded his mother, and trembled with anger.

He was quite calm, he only gave him a punch, if he wanted to change his previous personality, maybe he would lie down and go out.

Liang Ting smiled and said to him, "It was cool just now."

Lu Zhen said angrily, "I want to take one of his legs off."

Liang Ting said appreciatively, "But you hold back."

He rubbed his nose: "I think there's something wrong with him."

"You see it too?"


When Chen Luan touched the lighter to light a cigarette, his hands couldn't stop shaking...

"Check it out for me, is he..."

Lu Zhen didn't say the last two words, but Liang Ting understood and understood what he meant.

In the evening, Lu Zhen cooks himself and cooks a sumptuous dinner.

In the past, he was the eldest son of the family, and there were several servants in the family, so he didn't touch the spring water with his fingers. However, after leaving the family and starting to live independently, Lu Zhen also learned to cook honestly.

After the food was served on the table, he also lit the candlesticks, preparing to have a romantic candlelight dinner with Jian Yao.

Soon, the sound of a key entering the hole came from the door, and Lu Zhen stood up and faced Jian Yao: "Yaoyao, I made your favorite..."

Before she finished speaking, Jian Yao went straight to him and grabbed his collar: "To let you make up your own mind!"


"Who told you to see him, who told you to make your own decisions..."

The smile on Lu Zhen's face finally faded away. He pulled Jian Yao's hand away and said word by word: "Jian Yao, I am sincere."

"I asked you why you made your own claim!"

"I mean it..."

"Lu Zhen, you bastard!" Jian Yao's cheeks were flushed, she was completely out of control, and she just slapped her when she raised her hand.

"I really want to spend the rest of my life with you."

After he finished speaking, Jian Yao's slap also came down, but it stopped within a few millimeters of his cheek.

I really want to spend the rest of my life with you.

This sentence, he said firmly and decisively.

Jian Yao's hands trembled, and her whole body trembled... She covered her face and knelt down helplessly.

"He told you all, right? I'm an ugly monster. It's disgusting to look at..."

Lu Zhen stood in front of her, looking down at her—

"Do you really think I don't know anything?"

Jian Yao's body trembled suddenly.

"Isn't it just a burn, what a big deal." Lu Zhen looked out the window and said casually, "I still have a birthmark on my ass."


Jian Yao was crying, but when she heard him say this, she almost couldn't help laughing.

Lu Zhen pulled her up, sat on the edge of the sofa, hugged Yao and wiped away her tears.

"Don't say you have scars on your legs. Even if you have no legs and are wearing artificial limbs, as long as I recognize you, I will love you."

Jian Yao blinked her wet eyes and looked at him: "When... did you know?"

"You sleep like a pig. No matter what I do, you won't wake up, so I just... read it."

Jian Yao looked at him suddenly, and instinctively raised her hand to hit him again, but Lu Zhen hurriedly avoided: "Hey, I'm just kidding, no, how dare I, I wouldn't even dare to borrow my heart! I graduated from high school." time to know."

"When you graduated?"

Jian Yao didn't expect that everything she tried to hide, in fact, he already knew about it, let alone thought that so early...

Thinking about it, it was actually not difficult to inquire about these things. The neighbors knew about it. She thought she could hide it from the world, and thought that as long as she didn't tell him, he would never know.

It's also silly enough.

He has been pretending for so many years and has been lying to her, just to protect her poor self-esteem.

The girl whose mother died young and whose father was alcoholic and left unattended, learned to take care of herself at a very young age.

In an accident, she accidentally slipped while boiling water, and the boiling water in the kettle splashed out, scalding her legs.

There is a scar on the left thigh that will never heal, and the right calf, ugly and ugly.

"I think, sometimes I do like someone because of their beauty." Lu Zhen said to her heart and soul, "But I don't love someone because of their beauty."

"Just like my ex-girlfriend, she's a pretty girl. I thought about loving her, but I can't. I don't love her... Do you know why?"

Jian Yao shook her head.

"Because she doesn't deserve my love." Lu Zhen looked at her seriously: "But you deserve it."

The moment he said "it's worth it", Jian Yao's knot in her heart seemed to be suddenly released, and everything she thought she couldn't let go of in the past disappeared.

Yes, she is such a good girl, what a leg injury, she is completely worthy of the love of Lu Zhen's life.

Jian Yao asked him: "Then... do you want to see it?"

"is it okay?"

"Okay, I'll show you."

He said that he really wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and Jian Yao believed him.

A few minutes later, Jian Yao […] fell off […] and stood in front of him, tightly clutching the corner of her long T-shirt, very nervous.

Lu Zhen stared at her for a long time, silent, did not speak.

Jian Yao didn't even dare to look directly into his eyes, her cheeks were flushed, full of anxiety.

"If you feel uncomfortable, I... I understand." She hesitated and said, "I won't be angry, I..."

Lu Zhen suddenly spoke and interrupted her: "So, that's it?"


"That's it."

Jian Yao was at a loss: "What else do you want?"

"You know what I'm thinking?"

She shook her head.

Lu Zhen pulled her to the sofa, sat down, and let her sit on his bed: "Do you know what I think?"

He asked repeatedly without answering, and laughed to himself.

Jian Yao had a premonition that this guy must have something wrong in his mind.

"Do you know white radish, the one with big top and small bottom, I thought your legs..."

Jian Yao covered his mouth: "Okay, shut up."

Needless to say.

Lu Zhen hugged her and rubbed her cheeks against her hair: "Really, I guess every day, what kind of ugliness does this have to make you so sensitive, unexpectedly... just burned a few scars It's just, I thought your feet had turned into big carrots."


Jian Yao was speechless.

Lu Zhen's relaxed attitude made her feel that the stone that had been suppressed in her heart for a long time fell heavily to the ground.

But at the same time, she could also understand... Lu Zhen was pretending to be relaxed, and he was trying to comfort her.

"Thank you." Jian Yao looked at him and said sincerely, "Lu Zhen, thank you."

"Thank me for what?"


thank you for loving me.

All the incompleteness, bad temper, low self-esteem and unbearable... all became light and light because of the passionate love of this young man, and everything that he thought he couldn't let go of was actually not that important.

That night, Lu Zhen was extraordinarily gentle, so gentle that she almost melted.

Jian Yao never knew that her man, that once enthusiastic and reckless boy, now a big fool who started to pretend to be cool when he put on a suit, would have such a gentle side...

Lu Zhen kissed her [t], eyes full of pity and tenderness, trying to melt her every minute.

Lu Zhen knew that Chen Luan would not let him go easily, but he didn't expect him to be so desperate.

The news that Jian Yao had a scar on her leg was reported by an entertainment tabloid, and quickly spread on the Internet.

It is hard for netizens to imagine that Jian Yao, who exists like a goddess in their minds, would have such a defect due to a leg injury. No wonder she never wears shorts or skirts.

"It's also... horrible."

"I really like her. I didn't expect her to keep it a secret for so long."

"Since you want to be an artist, you should have some professionalism. To put it bluntly, an artist is selling himself. With such serious flaws on his body, why should he be an artist?"

"The speech upstairs is too ugly. Jian Yao is not an actress, but a singer. Well, as long as she sings well, nothing else matters."

"Forget it, I won't chase her in the future, I can't imagine how disfigured a goddess looks."

"Jian Yao, I will always support you!"

Now the downstairs of Jian Yao's company is also full of reporters, as soon as Jian Yao shows up, they will gather in a swarm—

"Jian Yao, how did you get the injury on your leg?"

"Did you deliberately conceal your injury?"

"Does the company know about this?"

During this period of time, Lu Yan rejected all the announcements and stayed by Jian Yao's side to help her tide over the difficulties.

"Can you please stop asking!"

Lu Yan looked at them angrily, and shouted: "Even if you have no conscience, you are still human after all, can you stop being like flies!"

Jian Yao got into the car under the escort of the bodyguards, she hugged her knees and shivered.

Lu Yan gently stroked her back to calm her down.

Jian Yao's company gave her a long vacation, and hoped that she would take a good rest, ignore outside affairs, and take care of her body first before coming back.

Not long after this incident happened, Chen Luan was reported by the "crowd" and arrested by the police for gathering a crowd to smoke drugs.

During this period of time, Jian Yao's condition became more and more serious. Many times at home, she would cry alone for no reason, her emotions would break down, she would always say sorry, and she didn't know who she was talking to.

Lu Zhen didn't go to the company, and stayed with her every day, took her out for a walk, and told her jokes to make her happy.

Lu Yan has no doubts, because the catalysis of this incident, Jian Yao will soon be overwhelmed without waiting for the child to be born.

Jian Yao doesn't like seeing a doctor very much, and even less like taking medicine. Every time Lu Zhen coaxes and tricks her into giving her medicine, sometimes Jian Yao hides the medicine under the tip of her tongue and spits it out when Lu Zhen is not paying attention. throw away.

Of course, Lu Zhen would not let her succeed. For forty minutes after he gave her the medicine, he would watch over her intently until the medicine completely melted in her mouth.

Jian Yao's mouth was full of bitterness, and she started crying again, smashing things, beating Lu Zhen, making the family restless...

Lu Zhen could only comfort her patiently and stay with her. When Jian Yao cried enough, she would hug Lu Zhen to sleep.

It was rare for her to wake up for a few hours, full of guilt, and said to Lu Zhen several times to forget her and give up on her. She really didn't want him to see herself in such a miserable state.

Lu Zhen noticed that she had suicidal thoughts, so no matter what he did now, he would take Jian Yao by his side.

It's very similar to the scene when he brought his daughter back then.

Lu Yan heard from Liang Ting that at that time, Lu Zhen, a single dad, also carried her on his back everywhere, and even held a bottle to feed her during the board meeting.

Lu Zhen's appearance is still young now, but Lu Yan can already feel the shadow of her father from him.

Later, Lu Jian called Lu Zhen and said that she helped him contact a high-end private hospital, which is an international leader in the treatment of depression.

This was also the first time the father and son talked on the phone calmly after the Xingchen incident.

As Lu Jian got older, he gradually lost the stubbornness and stubbornness he used to have. Now his only wish is to be able to reunite with his son and granddaughter.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Lu Zhen and Lu Yan finally returned home, and Lu Zhen took Jian Yao with her.

It was the first time in a long time that Jian Yao asked to take medicine. She didn't want to leave a bad impression on Lu Zhen's family.

During the meal, Jian Yao dared not even speak. Meng Zhining and Lu Jian also spoke calmly, and both seemed to be cautious.

This meal was eaten harmoniously like never before, and it is rare for a family to have the opportunity to sit together in such tenderness and harmony.

No matter what happens, after all... it's a family.

Lu Zhen accepted his father's offer of help, and took Jian Yao to the private nursing home he introduced. After half a year of drug treatment and psychological intervention, Jian Yao's mood calmed down a lot.

After her condition stabilized, Lu Zhen submitted her resignation to Shen Kuo.

He is going to take Jian Yao to travel around the world and help her get rid of depression completely.

Shen Kuo rejected his resignation, only said that the job was retained, and gave him an indefinite paid leave note.

Lu Zhen was so moved that he hugged Shen Kuo on the spot. Shen Kuo turned his face away and pulled his hand away with a look of disgust.

In the next six months, Lu Yan would often receive postcards and letters from all over the world—

"We lived in Melbourne for a while, and Jian Yao liked it very much. There is a tavern downstairs, where she sang and was very popular. She said that she actually prefers this kind of life to the spotlight and applause. At the same time, we also earned enough for the rest of the travel expenses.”

"Jian Yao said that the wind in Hokkaido is very gentle and smells like sea salt, but I always think it smells like fish, so I argued with her for a long time."

"The apricot blossoms in the Pamirs are blooming, but our car broke down in the deserted desert. Fortunately, we met a local shepherd, otherwise you will be a child without parents in the future!"

The last letter Lu Yan received was written by Jian Yao, with a selfie of her at the foot of Tianshan Mountain. In the photo, the girl was wearing sunglasses and her cloak was scattered. The smile when you see him is free and easy, like the unrestrained wind blowing from the top of the mountain.

The contents of the letter are—

"Xiao Yan, you are the best gift this world has given me, and I will never part with you."

Looking at this line of words, Lu Yan felt that she must know.

She is the mother she had never met in her life. She was reborn and accompanied her throughout her youth. They are mother and daughter, and also best friends, sharing the most intimate privacy between girls and taking care of each other.

Lu Yan looked up and looked at Shen Kuo who was sitting cross-legged on the carpet of the coffee table, holding a screw rod, and focused on repairing the TV remote control.

She felt that there had never been a moment in her life that was so complete.

And during that time, Lu Yan always felt very light, very light all over, as if she was about to float. She had a hunch that maybe it was time for her to leave.

She was reluctant to leave Shen Kuo, and she was reluctant to let him live alone in this world. If possible, she would like to stay with him like this forever.

But she does not belong to this world after all.

That night, Shen Kuo was a little irritable because of work, and the two of them quarreled over trivial matters, Shen Kuo was very angry, and that night was not very gentle, ... three times.

He likes to see her frowning and her eyes closed... straight.

Sometimes it's hard for a man to restrain his demands for certain things, Lu Yan finally... him, and he didn't let it go.

That night Shen Kuo slept so deeply that he sank to the bottom of the valley, and he didn't notice that the girl sat up and turned on the night light on the desk.

She left him a line of words, then raised her hair, leaned over and kissed his brow.

The next morning, Shen Kuo rarely slept until ten o'clock, and when he woke up, the room was full of chaos.

Lu Yan has already left.

He didn't think much about it. She was very busy with work, so she should have gone out by this time.

There was a steaming hot breakfast on the table, Shen Kuo looked at the time, but before he had time to eat, he grabbed a steamed bun and put it in his mouth, and hurried out the door.

When he walked out of the community, there was a letter from Lu Zhen at the doorman. Shen Kuo put it on the co-pilot's seat and drove to the company.

At noon, he recalled the "ungentleness" last night, and he was a little nervous, so he called Lu Yan guilty, and wanted to ask her if she had lunch obediently, but Lu Yan didn't answer.

She is very busy with work, and it is not uncommon for her to miss calls sometimes.

Without thinking too much, Shen Kuo put down the phone, picked up a letter sent back by Lu Zhen, and slowly opened it.

According to the usual practice, Lu Zhen will send a postcard and a letter, but this time, there is only a postcard from Taiwan's military dependents village in the letter.

Shen Kuo walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, facing the bright sunlight, and saw a line of words written on the back of the postcard: "Girl, something unexpected happened, hey, the journey around the world is aborted, we are coming back! Wait for us obediently at home!"

There are also stick figures of three villains holding hands on the postcard, which is a happy and warm family.

Shen Kuo didn't think much about it at the time, and conveniently clipped the postcard into the pages of the book, preparing to bring it to Lu Yan at night.

During the meeting in the afternoon, he was suddenly absent-minded and anxious, thinking about the unexpected situation that Lu Zhen had mentioned.

If there is any unexpected situation to stop the journey, it is nothing more than... Jian Yao is pregnant.

Thinking of this, Shen Kuo stood up suddenly, startling the employees who were making the quarterly report.

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Chen Kuo strode out of the office, took out his mobile phone and called Lu Yan.

No one heard...

No one answered all the time.

Shen Kuo seemed to be crazy... he drove all the places where she might appear, including companies, recording studios, and even the convenience stores she frequented.


In the evening, Shen Kuo returned home with vain steps. The house was pitch dark and the lights were not turned on. The last hope in his heart was annihilated.

The last time Shen Kuo called her, he found that the phone was at home, and thirty missed calls were displayed on the screen, all of which were from him.

This morning's breakfast was still on the table.

Shen Kuo noticed that there seemed to be a piece of letterhead under the breakfast plate.

His heart trembled suddenly, and he suddenly didn't dare to read the letter.

After standing there for ten minutes, Shen Kuo's trembling hand finally reached out to the letter paper and picked it up—

"Shen Kuo, you bastard!"

She almost hated him last night, but...

"As a punishment, let's go away for a while, but, but we will meet again soon!"

"During this time, you have to maintain a regular life, exercise well, and don't stay up late. I don't want to see you again, you have become a greasy uncle, then I don't want you!

"Well... Also, you can't hook up with girls casually, and you're finished if you let me know."

"Let's make an agreement. You will wait for me in the senior three teaching building of the school. I promise you that you will definitely come back."

"Also, Shen Kuo, although you know it, I still have to say, I really really... really like you."

In the last line of writing, it can be seen that there are traces of tears staining, and the first pen was written for a long time, leaving a small dot stained by ink—

"Shen Kuo, take good care of yourself alone, don't read it"

As if all the oxygen in his chest had been evacuated, Shen Kuo staggered back two steps, clutching the letter paper tightly, and sat down against the wall.

Every time I took a breath, my heart throbbed with pain that I couldn't restrain myself.


Eighteen years later.

Lu Yan opened her eyes suddenly, her mind went blank suddenly, and the incandescent lamp above her head hurt her eyes a little.

The pain all over her body was instantly activated, and she not only frowned.

"Oh my god, it hurts so much!"

"Wake up! Yanyan is awake! Yaoyao, come quickly, my daughter is awake!"

As soon as Lu Yan heard it, she knew it was her father's rough voice.

She glanced at her side and looked to the side, and saw the door of the ward opened, and Jian Yao ran in with an insulated lunch box, and threw herself on the side of her hospital bed.

"How are you feeling, baby?"

"Um... Mom?"

Really mom!

She widened her eyes and looked at the woman in front of her in disbelief.

She is tall and thin, with a pair of beautiful phoenix eyes, with smile lines in the corners of her eyes. Although her skin is no longer as full as when she was a girl, it is not slack, and it is still tight. Just looking at her appearance, she is no more than a beautiful woman in her early thirties. .

As soon as Lu Yan saw her, she knew it was her mother, she was her mother!

She reached out to touch Jian Yao's face, but every time she moved, she felt pain in all the joints in her body.

Jian Yao held her hand, put it on her side and gently stroked the ends of her hair on the ears and temples, and said softly: "The doctor told you not to move around, you should have a good rest."

"mom, Mom, Mom."

Lu Yan looked at her greedily, a tear fell from the corner of her eye, her voice could not make a sound, but she kept calling her mother.

It's so good you didn't leave, you didn't die...

Lu Zhen leaned over with a big face: "I only call you mother and not father. I usually love you for nothing."

"dad... "

Jian Yao pushed Lu Zhen away: "Don't mess with her, let her have a good rest."

Lu Zhen didn't dare not listen to Jian Yao's words, she twirled the sheet for Lu Yan and sat on the side of the bed to watch over her: "Just wake up, you're worried about us to death."

"To...what the hell is going on?"

"You were in a car accident." Lu Zhen shook his head: "On New Year's Eve, you and your Uncle Ye went out to buy fireworks, and a drunk driver drove the car onto the sidewalk..."

"A car accident?"

Lu Yan frowned, no, this is not the same as the picture in her memory, she remembered that she was hit by a car after she came out of Shen's house.

Shen House, Shen Kuo!

Thinking of him, Lu Yan's head hurts badly: "Dad, Shen Kuo... Shen Kuo..."

As soon as she mentioned Shen Kuo, Lu Zhen and Jian Yao looked at each other at the same time, their eyes full of meaning.

"Yanyan, do you... remember him?"

"Who do you remember?"

"Everything in the past, Shen Kuo, and us..."

Our youth is young.

Lu Yan blinked her eyes: "I remember, Shen Kuo made you bankrupt."

Lu Zhen was stunned for a moment: "This, how old is this old calendar, you only remember this???"

Lu Yan looked at him puzzled, with a puzzled look on her face: "I don't understand what you are saying, what old Huangli?"

"Don't you remember when we were kids..."

Lu Zhen still wanted to talk, but Jian Yao grabbed her hand: "Yanyan, don't think so much, take a good rest."

As she spoke, she pulled Lu Zhen out of the ward and came to the corridor—

"You don't have to remind her all the time, it's best for her to remember herself."

Lu Zhen scratched the back of her head: "When you were just pregnant, she disappeared. Shen Kuo hated us for so many years. I don't want him to wait like this any longer..."

"Yanyan can't remember, what can I do, it's strange for you to remind her like this."

In the end, Lu Zhen still felt guilty. When Lu Yan left, everyone was heartbroken.

Shen Kuo has been depressed for half a year, shutting himself in Lu Yan's room all day long, not seeing anyone or going to work...

The whole person is broken.

Liang Ting and Ye Jia ran to Lu Zhen's house every three days, guarding Jian Yao's growing belly. Later, after the daughter was born, the two guarded the little guy all day long, hoping that she would grow up day by day.

And Shen Kuo never showed up again, nor saw her.

Even when she went to kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and high school... Shen Kuo didn't participate in her life, and he seemed to be an outsider in her life.

Lu Yan had a very good relationship with Liang Ting and Ye Jiaqi, and they always called them Papa Liang and Papa Ye, and the two men gradually understood that it was an absolutely wise choice for Shen Kuo to never show his face.

The moment you show up... it's the rhythm of becoming a father!

Although the two felt bitter, but since the little girl took them as her father, they could only admit that it was fine to be her father, anyway, as long as she stayed by her side, she would do anything.

Lu Yan was so spoiled by the family's three awesome fathers that she was almost lawless. After going to school, she became the bully of the school, and no one dared to mess with her.

Just kidding, the three giants of Xingchen Group are all her father, who can afford this kind of cheating life.

Over time, the pain of Lu Yan's departure gradually faded away, and the appearance of Xiao Xiaoyan revived them, pouring the best love in the world on her.

This time, the car accident was nothing serious, just minor skin trauma and a little concussion.

Lu Yan only thought of the events of her previous life, and of what Shen Kuo had done to Lu Zhen in her previous life.

Dormant and forbearing, once he made a move, all of Lu Zhen's ten years of management and hard work were destroyed.

And these things are like Nanke Yimeng, in this world, they have never happened at all.

She didn't know that because of her rebirth, everyone's destiny was changed. Lu Zhen didn't fall out with Lu Jian, Shen Kuo and Lu Zhen got back together, and Jian Yao didn't die...

But she lost this memory after rebirth alone.

Neither Meng Zhining nor Lu Jian remarried, they actually remarried in their later years, they quarreled all their lives, after all, they finally came together again in their later years.

There is no other reason, one is to integrate the two surname groups and leave half of their hard work to their own children, and the other is to take care of each other in old age.

The past and the past are all put into a smile.

After Lu Yan woke up, she found that many things had changed. It seemed that all the regrets in the previous life had been filled up after waking up.

Why this happened, she couldn't figure it out.

In the past few days, Liang Ting and Ye Jiaqi have both visited her, brought her a lot of nutrition, and played games with her.

Although everything seems to be perfect, sometimes, Lu Yan still feels empty in her heart.

It seems that... she lost something very important, but she can't remember what she lost, and her life is very happy now.

Her life over the past twenty years has been extremely happy, with parents who love her and dote on her, and two "godfathers" who treat her as her own.

The day Lu Yan was discharged from the hospital was lively and lively, and several fathers escorted her out of the inpatient department.

Lu Zhen made a phone call while driving, and Jian Yao reminded him several times not to make phone calls while driving. After Lu Zhen hung up the phone, he hesitated and said, "He's here."

In the back seat of the car, Jian Yao held her daughter's hand and casually asked, "Who's here?"

Lu Zhen hesitated for a moment, but still did not respond. She only adjusted the rearview mirror. Lu Yan noticed that a black Bentley was following behind.

Jian Yao looked back, suddenly feeling a little apprehensive.

Lu Yan didn't pay attention to it at the time, until the car drove into the garden garage, she got out of the car, and saw the Bentley behind her parked on the side of the street in front of her house.

The people in the car didn't get out, and Lu Yan felt that the people in the car seemed to be looking at her through the dark window.

She turned around and asked Lu Zhen, "Dad, that car has been following us."

"Um... "

Lu Zhen knew that Shen Kuo would not get out of the car, after all, he had never shown his face in front of the little girl for so many years.

Maybe he just wanted to look at her.

Ye Jiaqi got out of the car, took Lu Yan's shoulders and went back to the house, and said with a smile: "Don't worry about him, let's go back to the house, we haven't cleared the Resident Evil yet, you finish it with me."

Hearing that they were going to play games, Lu Yan immediately got excited, and turned her head to wave to Liang Ting: "Father Liang is here too!"

"Okay, you guys play first."

After Ye Jiaqi brought Lu Yan into the house, Liang Ting walked to the Bentley and knocked on the window.

The car window dropped a few centimeters, and only the dark eyes of the man in the car could be seen.

For so many years, Shen Kuo's appearance has hardly changed, but his eyes have become deeper and sharper, like a bottomless black pool, when he glances at it, he can feel the chill.

After losing his beloved all these years, he was too lonely.

"Do you want... to come in?" Liang Ting asked him, "Talk to her?"

Shen Kuo shook his head.

Lu Zhen walked over and said helplessly, "Shen Kuo, after so many years, you should let go. When will you have to wait?"

If Lu Yan couldn't remember the past all the time, Lu Zhen would never force her to bring her to Shen Kuo's side, even if she once loved him so deeply.

As a father, Lu Zhen absolutely focused on her daughter's current happiness.

Whoever she likes and falls in love with is her freedom.

Shen Kuo looked at the small two-story western-style building and said calmly: "Look at her, don't let her have any accidents, otherwise, I won't be polite to you."

After speaking, he closed the window and started the engine.

"Wow, you're still threatening me!" Lu Zhen yelled at the distant shadow of the Bentley, "Shen Kuo, after all these years, you are the one who loves me the most!"

That afternoon, Lu Yan and her best friend made an appointment to watch a movie, but before the movie was released, her best friend's boyfriend broke up with her suddenly.

The best friend cried to Lu Yan on the phone for a long time, and finally said that she would go to her boyfriend to find out, and finally hung up the phone.

Lu Yan stood at the entrance of the cinema, holding two ticket stubs in her hand, feeling helpless.

On the way home, when she passed the gate of Beicheng No. 3 Middle School, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.

This is the high school she graduated from. The current school gate has been renovated several times and is magnificent.

A yellowish picture suddenly appeared in Lu Yan's mind. In the picture, the school gate of Beicheng No. 3 Middle School was still a rusty iron gate. A tall and thin boy wearing a black T and old sneakers was walking by the school gate with a messenger bag on his back. Come.

His face coincided with that of the "big devil" Shen Kuo in Lu Yan's memory.

He smiled at her faintly, as gentle as the summer wind.

Lu Yan walked into the campus by accident. The teaching building has been renovated and rebuilt several times, and several floors have been raised.

But Lu Yan could vaguely see the old look in her mind.

Strange, how could she have such a memory...

At the end of the camphor grove, the senior high school teaching building that is said to have excellent Fengshui still maintains its original appearance in 2000.

There are no students in this teaching building anymore, and it has been preserved as a school history exhibition, and it has become the oldest historical relic in the entire Beicheng No. 3 Middle School.

Lu Yan walked to the front of the teaching building. The walls of the building were already covered with green moss. She could vaguely see such a picture——

The girl in the white skirt stood on the steps, and the boy squatted beside her, helping her tie up her bag carefully, and she reached out and touched his head.

The boy said to him seriously, "Don't touch my head."

So the girl groped hard, laughing while squeezing.

The boy had no choice but to grab her hand, and while there was no one around, he lowered his head and kissed her.

The picture was like an old yellowed photo, playing back frame by frame in her mind.

Lu Yan walked along the wall path covered with green vines, and came to the rear of the teaching building. There was a small pond here. The pond was full of duckweed, and there were golden and red carps swimming.

A familiar figure stood by the pond, looking at the koi in the pond.

Lu Yan immediately recognized that figure from behind - Shen Kuo.

In the dream, Shen Kuo was a big villain. She made her father go bankrupt and left her in Shen's house.

But... he later let her go home and showed her fireworks.

Lu Yan felt that her mind was in a mess. She really wanted to hate this man, but she couldn't.

No, not only did she not hate him, looking at his tall and tall back, Lu Yan felt blushing and her heart beat faster for no reason.

This is so strange! How could she... blush at a man of her father's age

Just when she stood on tiptoe and wanted to leave quietly, Shen Kuo suddenly said, "Xiaoyan, come here."

"Well... "

Just call Xiaoyan when you open your mouth, do you want to be so intimate

In the dream, he and his father were rivals, but in reality, he was his father's boss. No matter in the dream or in reality, she was not familiar with this boss at all!

Lu Yan moved her steps, walked up to him, and called obediently: "Hello, Uncle Shen."

Shen Kuo gave a soft "um" and stopped talking.

Lu Yan plucked up the courage to look up at him.

I was almost dizzy for a second.

The soft evening mist reflected his cheeks, his handsome features were like the sculptures of a creature, his browbones were straight, his eyes were deep, and his thin lips were as sharp as a knife.

Obviously the same age as my dad, why... why is he so handsome!

Lu Yan always thought that her father was already very handsome, but compared with Shen Kuo, his father was... eclipsed!

"Uncle Shen, what are you doing here?"

Shen Kuo said softly, "Wait for someone."

"Waiting for someone?"


Lu Yan couldn't help looking at him again, his dark eyes were staring at the calm surface of the pool.

"Uncle Shen, who are you waiting for?"

"A man who may never come." He seemed a little sad when he said this.

Lu Yan's heart was suddenly stung, and a great sadness gushed out, her throat was sore, and she even wanted to have red eyes.

"If that person never comes, why are you waiting?"

Sitting by the pool, Shen Kuo finally kept his figure as tall as hers. He stared at the girl and said earnestly, "Because I promised her."

"Then do you come every day after get off work?"


He has been waiting here for 20 years, and he comes every day no matter it is raining or snowing.

Lu Yan suddenly felt that he was not scary at all, on the contrary, he was so pitiful.

"Uncle Shen, I'll wait with you today, okay?"


His Adam's apple obviously rolled, swallowing the sourness in his throat.

Sitting next to him, Lu Yan said to herself, "I was going to watch a movie just now, but my best friend gave me water."

Shen Kuo asked gently: "Xiao Yan, what movie do you like to watch?"

Lu Yan said without hesitation: "I like watching Stephen Chow's movies."

Shen Kuo pursed his lips, "Really."

The heels of Lu Yan's shoes bumped against the granite wall, and she casually asked, "Uncle Shen, what about you?"

"I also like Zhou Xingchi, his "King of Comedy", I like it the most."

"Wow, let's watch it together next time."

"it is good."

The girl sat beside him quietly, and he looked at her tenderly.

His face was the same as before, unchanged, it was still the same as he remembered, but he had already seen all the weather.

But no matter how many ups and downs his eyes have seen, no matter how lonely his heart is. But as soon as you see her...

Full of tenderness, it came to my heart in an instant.

He sat by the small pool with her, watching the evening sun set in the distance.

"Xiaoyan, have you ever liked someone else?"

"No, my dad doesn't call me puppy love."

"I liked it."

Lu Yan looked at him curiously, and the corners of his mouth slightly pursed: "It's a blessing in my life to like her."

————End of text————