Back to the Years When My Father Was in School

Chapter 83: stay overnight


The morning visit to the exhibition is over. In the afternoon, Shen Kuo gave a lecture in the auditorium. Most of the girls in the school were crowded at the entrance of the auditorium, and many people even stood by the windows.

Because Lu Yan was not feeling well, she took a leave of absence and was about to go back to the dormitory and continue to lie paralyzed. She didn't expect to receive a text message from Shen Kuo right now—

"After it's over, wait for me."

Seeing this message, Lu Yan's heart skipped a beat again. She rubbed her stomach, feeling... that she could hold on a little longer.

After all, after school started, there were not many opportunities for her to meet Shen Kuo.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the lecture ended, and Shen Kuo walked out of the auditorium surrounded by the leaders.

Lu Yan was sitting on a small chair under the camphor tree across from the auditorium. When she saw him come out, she clutched her thermos and stood up.

Among the crowd, Shen Kuo caught sight of her, said a few words to the school leader in a low voice, and strode towards Lu Yan.

Lu Yan was suddenly at a loss, and called him politely—


Shen Kuo smiled: "Why don't you call me Uncle?"

Lu Yan thought that when he introduced her to others just now, he said she was his little sister. If so, she shouldn't call him uncle.

But after thinking about it, Shen Kuo and her father are friends, so she...doesn't it make Shen Kuo's seniority down a notch.

Lu Yan was a little confused, she looked at Shen Kuo: "Then what should I call you?"

Shen Kuo pursed his lips, "Call me brother."

Lu Yan smiled sweetly: "Okay, brother Shen Kuo."

Looking at the dimples on the corners of her mouth, Shen Kuo felt that his heart was almost melted by her.

"Let's go, I'll take you to dinner." Shen Kuo passed her bag in his hand: "You said last time that you want to eat hot pot."


Lu Yan really wanted to go to eat hot pot with Shen Kuo, very much, not because of the hot pot, but because she wanted to have dinner with him.


She clutched her stomach, still feeling a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, let's go."

Lu Yan felt that Renren is completely fine!

Shen Kuo's Bentley had already been driven away by the driver, and the two came to the school's Wutong trail. He scanned the QR code to drive a shared bicycle, and said to Lu Yan, "Shall we ride?"

"Okay." Lu Yan took out her phone and was about to scan the code, when Shen Kuo immediately said, "This car of mine can carry people."

Lu Yan looked at him, then at his bicycle with a rear seat, and was stunned...

Well? Shen Kuo wants to carry her!

She clutched the phone tightly, and was afraid that she would be sentimental, so she seemed a little at a loss.

"I want to drive you." Shen Kuo had already got on the bike and said to her, "If you don't mind being seen by your classmates."

"I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind at all!" Lu Yan waved her hands again and again, her ears burning unconsciously.

He said, want to carry her!

Lu Yan walked slowly behind Shen Kuo, and sat on her side very ladylike.

Shen Kuo stepped on his bicycle and drove out briskly.

Lu Yan clutched the corner of Shen Kuo's shirt, and could clearly feel the tight muscles around his waist.

The breeze in March gently brushed her cheeks, blowing away the blush on Lu Yan's face.

There are a lot of cherry blossoms planted on the campus, and it is the season of blooming at this moment. There are light pink cherry blossoms falling with the wind and falling on Shen Kuo's shoulders.

Lu Yan looked at his back, and some pictures suddenly flashed in her mind. The back of the man in front of her seemed to overlap with the back of the boy in the dream.

The boy who always wore black T-shirts drove her around the campus on a bicycle, and drove her all over the streets and alleys of Beicheng, those old video halls, dance halls, and billiard rooms... everywhere All have their footprints.

Later, it seemed that he was the only one left, standing alone in the same place, looking at her fading back...

An inexplicable sadness welled up in her chest, which pierced her heart and made her want to... cry.

"Xiao Yan?"

Hearing her gasp, Shen Kuo turned to look at her sideways.

Lu Yan quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and explained, "The wind is blowing your eyes."

"If you hide behind me, you won't be blown."


Lu Yan moved closer to him, and his breath was so familiar.

... I want to cry even more.

What's going on with her today, why is her mood so bad.

What a shame.

Shen Kuo felt the abnormality of the girl behind him, he immediately pressed the brake, stopped, and frowned, "Xiaoyan, what's wrong?"

Lu Yan clutched the corner of his clothes tightly, buried her face in his clothes, and cried silently.

Many students on the side of the road saw them and stopped in surprise, looking at the scene in front of them.

And Lu Yan has completely ignored the eyes of others, she is so sad, as if...

Lost a treasure that was the love of my life.

Shen Kuo had always been calm and calm, but at this moment he was a little flustered: "Xiaoyan, am I being too abrupt?"

After all, at his age, it is really not suitable to be like her, and there are so many classmates around...

Lu Yan shook her head vigorously, and explained with a crying voice: "No, it's not, it's just... I feel a little uncomfortable during my menstrual period today, and I'm not in a good mood. It has nothing to do with Brother Shen Kuo..."

She didn't know how to explain it, she was incoherent, so stupid, so stupid, so embarrassing!

"Why didn't you tell me earlier." Shen Kuo said helplessly, "Then you can't eat hot pot."

She wiped away her tears: "No, you can eat it, it's okay." She still wanted to have dinner with Shen Kuo.

He could see what Lu Yan was thinking, otherwise he wouldn't be obviously uncomfortable, and insisted on waiting for him outside the auditorium all afternoon.

Shen Kuo took out a tissue, wiped Lu Yan's face seriously, and said, "Let's eat something light."


For Lu Yan, there is no problem eating anything!

"Get in the car, don't cry anymore, if you cry, I will..." It's hard.

The rest of the words were stuck in his throat and he didn't say them.

"What will happen to you?" Lu Yan asked him.

Shen Kuo shook his head, put his suit jacket on Lu Yan's body, wrapped her thin body, and said reproachfully, "Why are you wearing so little?"

It's cold in March, and it's still a bit cold.

"Isn't it just to welcome you?"

Shen Kuo paused for a moment with the hands twisting her collar, and asked, "Is it... specially for me?"


In fact, she came to help her roommate, although...

She nodded guiltily.

Shen Kuo didn't know what to say for a while, and it was obvious that he was a little embarrassed.

"In the future, I may come to your school often." Shen Kuo got on the bike and said as he walked, "Xingchen cooperates with your school."

Lu Yan looked at him expectantly: "Then will you come to play with me often?"

"As long as you are willing to."


Shen Kuo didn't speak anymore, the breeze was blowing on his face, he suddenly felt very comfortable, and the fatigue of the day disappeared.

Considering Lu Yan's special situation today, she couldn't eat many things, so Chen Kuo took Lu Yan home and prepared to cook porridge.

This was Lu Yan's suggestion. She wanted to go to Shen Kuo's house to see if it was the same as in her dream.

About that strange previous life dream, in the dream, Shen Kuo and Lu Zhen were rivals, and she was brought back home by Shen Kuo, where she lived for more than three months.

At the beginning, she was very afraid of Shen Kuo, but after getting along with her for three months, she gradually let go of her guard against Shen Kuo. Although he did bad things to Lu Zhen, he never hurt her.

So after waking up, Lu Yan didn't feel disgusted with Chen Kuo at all.

On the contrary, she always had some special throbbing and anticipation for him.

Half an hour later, Lu Yan came to Shen Kuo's house.

To her disappointment, Shen Kuo's home is not what she dreamed...that luxurious and cold villa by the river.

Shen Kuo lives in a high-end community. The community seems to be very old, but because it is well maintained, it doesn't look particularly old. The small western-style buildings around are all modern European style.

Lu Yan was very surprised, even her father moved into the villa a few years ago, but such a heavyweight as Shen Kuo still lived in a single-family flat, and it was still such an old house.

This house looks... let alone more than ten years old, maybe longer.

Shen Kuo welcomed Lu Yan into the room, and said, "Sit whatever you want."

Lu Yan sat on the sofa, looked at the decoration and furniture in the living room, and sighed from the bottom of her heart; "Brother Shen Kuo, your home is very different from your office!"

His office is full of modern smart homes, and it also looks cool, modern, low-key and luxurious.

"This is an old house." Shen Kuo replied, "It's almost twenty years old, so it's a bit old."

"Why didn't you move?" Lu Yan asked him.

Shen Kuo sat beside her and said, "There are memories here."

And these years, he lived by these memories.

Lu Yan didn't ask any more questions, for fear of touching his heartache.

Shen Kuo rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, put on his apron, and went to the kitchen to cook porridge.

Lu Yan followed and leaned against the door to watch him. The way he washed his hands and made soup was full of life, completely different from the man in a suit and leather shoes he usually saw.

Lu Yan looked at his back, and felt that the distance suddenly shortened a lot.

"Brother Shen Kuo, can I visit your home?"

"Please feel free to enter any room."


He said that there are memories here, and Lu Yan looked at every item in the house, they were all old items, and each item seemed to have a story.

His home is full of life. At the same time, the sense of familiarity that came over her face made Lu Yan feel as if she had been here before, as if...she had lived here before.

But this is obviously her first time here, and this is not even the big villa in her dream.

it's wired.

Lu Yan came to the balcony to see the night view, but found a faded bicycle on the balcony.

The moment I saw this car, that familiar feeling came again!

The shape of the bicycle looks very old, and the color has faded a lot, but it is very clean and spotless.

Lu Yan guessed that he must wipe it every day to keep it so clean.

She walked to the front of the car, touched the handle lightly, and rang the bell.

Ding ding ding.

The bell is still ringing.

In her mind, the narrow alleys of Tongzilou, the summer sun shining on the sycamore trees, and the dense shadows of the trees cast loose sunlight...

She had a strong feeling that this car... this car she had ridden!

But the idea itself is absurd.

Soon, Shen Kuo's stewed chicken porridge with mushrooms was served hot on the table. The chicken was stewed rotten, full of flavor, fragrance, and delicious!

"Brother Shen Kuo, your cooking skills are amazing!"

"Is it."

"Much better than my dad!"

"Then eat more." Shen Kuo unfolded the napkin for her and placed it in front of her.

Lu Yan took the spoon and ate the mushroom porridge that melted in the mouth: "Oh, by the way, Brother Shen Kuo, I saw a bicycle on the balcony."

Hearing this, Shen Kuo put down his hand holding the spoon, and said casually, "That car may not be able to be ridden anymore. It's been a long time. I'll buy you a new car next time."

Her cheeks were slightly hot, she didn't want to take advantage!

"Is that car yours?"

"It's mine."

Lu Zhen had fought with him for this car for a long time, but he still let him keep it. Lu Zhen will have little Lu Yan again soon, but he... only has these memories.

Lu Yan asked tentatively again: "That car seems to be used by a girl?"


"Is it your first love?"


Lu Yan finally shut up, she avoided this topic a little bit, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Shen Kuo still keeps the old things of the girl he fell in love with, and he doesn't even move the house because there are memories at home... What a deep feeling.

She was full of thoughts, finished dinner melancholy, sat on the sofa and watched TV with Shen Kuo for a while.

She would peek at him from time to time, his eyebrows were light and his eyes were dark, looking at the TV screen, he didn't know if he was really watching TV or thinking about something.

Lu Yan looked at his face, dazed.

His profile is so pretty.

Suddenly, Shen Kuo's thin lips parted slightly: "Lu Yan, I will be very embarrassed if you stare at me like this."


He was caught!

Lu Yan quickly turned her head and explained awkwardly; "I... I didn't look at you, I was looking at the light behind you... very unique."


Both of them were silent for a moment, Lu Yan blushed and picked at the corner of her clothes.

Embarrassed to death, let's go.

She put on her slippers, stood up and said, "It's getting late, brother Shen Kuo, I'll go back."

"I send you."

In fact, Lu Yan really didn't want to go back, and she wanted to spend more time with Shen Kuo, even if it was just a simple chat, she felt very comfortable.

I really want to stay with him forever. Lu Yan liked to chat with Shen Kuo very much. This man was witty and measured, and he was also very wise, which boys of the same age did not have.

If she didn't take the initiative to leave, Shen Kuo would definitely not drive her away.

The night was getting late, and it seemed inappropriate to stay longer, so she could only say goodbye and leave.

Shen Kuo drove the Bentley downstairs. As soon as Lu Yan sat in, she received a call from her roommate Qiao Shengsheng: "Xiao Yan, where are you? You haven't come back yet?"

"I'll be back."

"Then don't come back, the dormitory line is repaired, the water and electricity are cut off, and you can't even take a shower now."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Yan looked at Shen Kuo in embarrassment: "Brother Chen Kuo, I won't be going back to school."


"The dormitory has no water or electricity."

"Then go home?"

"My mom is on a national tour. My dad... chased her to help her. I... I didn't bring the key."

and ID card.

The two were silent at the same time.

On the way back, Chen Kuo walked in front, and Lu Yan followed behind him, stepping on his slender shadow.

From the beginning to the end, Shen Kuo didn't say a word.

Lu Yan felt a little uneasy, whether he was not very happy and did not welcome her to stay overnight.

Walking to Xiaoyang Building, Lu Yan stopped, and Shen Kuo noticed that she didn't follow from the corner of her eye, and turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yan pointed to the building number: "Brother Shen Kuo, if I remember correctly, your house should be... the one next to it."

Shen Kuo looked at the building sign, and then at the garden path along the way, a strange embarrassment suddenly appeared on his face.

Actually went to the wrong building.

Lu Yan covered her mouth and laughed, so it's not that Shen Kuo doesn't welcome her to stay overnight, but... nervous

Shen Kuo felt that it would be too embarrassing to admit at this time that he was so nervous that he went to the wrong building. He was no longer a young man in his early twenties, how could he show his timidity in front of this girl.

Shen Kuo bit the bullet and said, "This is the building."

"I remember it should be the one next to it."

"You remembered wrong."

Lu Yan was 100% sure that she had gone the right way, she stopped, smiled and said to him: "Then you go up."

Shen Kuo bite the bullet and took two steps, and finally turned back bravely, involuntarily picked up the little girl's collar, and strode back with her in his arms.

Lu Yan laughed so hard that she almost couldn't support herself.

With a sullen face, Shen Kuo said fiercely, "Don't laugh."

"you are so cute!"

"Don't call me cute."

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