Back When My Wife Was a Teenager

Chapter 3: The third day of meeting my wife


Jiang Wan's expression stiffened for a moment, but soon, she calmed down, raised her head, and showed an embarrassed but polite smile.

"I'm sorry."

As she spoke, she handed the paper to Beihuai.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The other party did not respond.

Jiang Wan was puzzled and looked up.

But she saw the girl looking down at her, her eyes dark.

The two looked at each other, and Jiang Wan took the lead to look away. She squeezed the test paper in her hand uncomfortably.

"Bei Huai, what are you doing, hurry back to your seat and don't affect other students!"

The math teacher stared at Bei Huai with a frown, his eyes were as if he was looking at a pot of good soup, and he was tired but helpless.

In an instant, everyone's eyes focused on Bei Huai again, with complicated eyes.

Ironic, scared, gloating, curious, everything.

After being trained so well, the girl didn't even frown, as if she was used to it, but at the same time, she didn't care about it at all.

She retracted her hand on the desk, turned sideways, and looked around the classroom coldly and calmly.

From beginning to end, not a word was said. But once he touched Bei Huai's eyes, it felt like he was being targeted by the most vicious and bloodthirsty wolf in the jungle.


No one dared to provoke Bei Huai blatantly, and they unconsciously looked away.

"If you don't study each one well, it's still in class! Look at what the hell you are, I've never seen a student as stupid as you! Chen Ming, you're still sleeping, come up and solve this problem for me! No solution! Go back and copy the paper ten times for me!"

The math teacher seemed to be angry, but he didn't dare to confront Bei Huai, so he could only get angry by scolding the students.

The students dared not speak out.

Chen Ming: ...don't take the blame like this.

This play made Jiang Wan call it wonderful. After all, the days in No. 6 Middle School were not so interesting.

It's just... Is it serious to protect Beihuai written in the diary? She can barely protect herself.

Ignoring the math teacher's scolding and scolding, the girl glanced at the paper in Jiang Wan's hand, her voice still lukewarm: "No need."

no need

Jiang Wan was stunned for a moment, but before she could understand the meaning of this sentence, she saw the girl sitting back to her seat.


Lie down and start sleeping.

Jiang Wan: ? ? ? Because you can't listen to the class, so you said you don't need it

good guy.

After thinking for a few seconds, Jiang Wan decisively accepted Bei Huai's words, did not return the paper, discarded the complicated emotions, and began to listen carefully.

On the other hand, Mi Shuyun looked at Jiang Wan's expression and was speechless.

She wanted to ask if the new deskmate knew Bei Huai, or why did Bei Huai know that Jiang Wan was a transfer student.

You know, Bei Huai didn't come to Class 6 for a long time. Besides, she either slept or skipped class. She didn't remember anyone in the class at all, so she could barely recognize the monitor.

After struggling for a long time, Mi Shuyun gave up the questioning after seeing Jiang Wan's serious study look, and afraid of being heard by Bei Huai behind.

Deliberately ignoring the expression of the tablemate's hesitant to speak, Jiang Wan's face is serious, but his heart has begun to be lost.

She lowered her head, her eyes fixed on the test paper.

Excluding the big red forks, the scroll surface is very clean, and only a few multiple-choice questions are filled in scatteredly, which is extremely perfunctory at first glance.

Three of the only five questions answered are wrong, which is appalling.

This is a very standard poor student test paper.

It was also the first time for Jiang Wan to meet her, but her attention was not on the score, but on the name column.

Really... is that the one she's looking for

The person who only wrote in the diary suddenly appeared beside her, and is still sleeping behind her.

Kind of unreal...

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Jiang Wan sighed, picked up the red pen, and wrote the correct answer next to the place where the foreign fork was drawn on the paper.

Forget it, just let the flow take its course. After all, people have seen it. What is the truth will be known sooner or later.

After class, Jiang Wan turned around and was just about to return the paper to the back table who didn't look easy to mess with.

As a result, there was already no one behind, and she didn't know when Bei Huai left. She didn't even notice it.

After pursing his lips, Jiang Wan folded the paper and placed it on Beihuai's table.

I thought I would have the opportunity to get in touch, but now it seems that even if they are in the same class, they may not be able to talk.

After class, several students gathered around curiously and asked Jiang Wan questions.

Looking at a well-behaved girl with a clean and sweet temperament, who doesn't want to say a few more words to her.

Jiang Wan smiled and responded one by one, with a generous and natural attitude. Her eyes are very gentle, and when she speaks, she is not in a hurry, always making people feel friendly and comfortable.

This is a very unique temperament, a kind of self-cultivation engraved in the bones.

After politely dealing with the enthusiastic classmates, Jiang Wan looked at the time and felt that it was too late to go to Guan Guan now. It was not good to be late for class on the first day of the transfer, so she should wait until noon.

After making up her mind, Jiang Wan flipped through the books to be used in the next class. Noticing the glances from her deskmate from time to time, she smiled sideways and asked, "What's wrong?"

Peeking at the captured bag, Mi Shuyun's face instantly turned red, she hurriedly waved her hand: "No... It's nothing."

Seeing Jiang Wan looking at her patiently, without the slightest dissatisfaction in her eyes, she paused for a moment, and then said in a novel: "That's it... I admire you very much, I feel that you are very good at talking, although you are only here, I feel that everyone treats you very well. Very nice." Including her.

She is different. She has a stupid mouth and a stupid brain. She has no sense of existence in the class. After all, who will pay attention to a small speck of dust.

"Everyone has their own shining point, but you haven't discovered it yet." Jiang Wan's tone was very gentle, she had seen many girls like Mi Shuyun.

The same introvert and the same sensitivity, but in fact, such girls have a gentle and tolerant heart, and they will consider each other's position.

Isn't this girl cute

As soon as his thoughts changed, Jiang Wan didn't know why, but a cold face appeared in Jiang Wan's mind, with the iconic short red hair.

What is the shining point of that person

At present, that person seems to have many shortcomings. He is a bad student who is a headache for teachers and parents, and a bad girl who is afraid and disgusted by students.

But it is undeniable that she actually yearns for the wanton and fearless energy of the other party.

It seems that he is never afraid of other people's eyes and words.

While thinking about it, the class bell rang quietly.

Jiang Wan turned back subconsciously, but the back table was still empty.

She didn't come.

I don't know why, but I feel a little down all of a sudden.

After the whole class passed, the back table remained the same, and Bei Huai never came back.

"That, Jiang Wan, let's go to lunch together." The same table seemed to have mustered up a lot of courage. After saying this, his face began to turn red again.

"Sorry, I've already made an appointment, next time." Jiang Wan smiled apologetically and walked out of the classroom under the disappointed eyes of her deskmate.

Taking advantage of the few people, Jiang Wan took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Guan Guan, asking her to wait downstairs in the classroom.

There is Yan Yousong in the management and control of the 13th Middle School. There is no compulsory objection to students bringing mobile phones, but they cannot be taken out during class time. Once found, the mobile phones will be confiscated, and in more serious cases, demerits will be punished.

It's been a while since I saw Guan Guan, and Jiang Wan was still excited.

When I got to the bottom of the teaching building, I saw a girl standing at the entrance of the stairs.

Long curly hair, bright facial features, and a small mole on the tip of her nose made her face even more delicate and lovely.

Guan Shaorong.

She grew up playing and growing up, and she was so close that she could wear the same pair of pants. To say that apart from her parents, the one who knows her best in the world is Guan Guan.

Unlike Jiang Wan's gentle personality, Guan Shaorong's temper is much hotter, but he is also a very good person.

"Wanwan! I miss you!" As soon as they met, Guan Shaorong couldn't wait to hug Jiang Wan, her voice was so loud that Jiang Wan's goosebumps came out.

She pretended to be disgusted and pulled away the "giant pendant" on her body.

"It's almost enough, I don't want to eat anymore."

"Hehe." Guan Shaorong giggled a few times, took Jiang Wan's arm, shared with her the interesting stories of the past few days, and took her to the cafeteria.

Jiang Wan listened carefully, answering a few words from time to time.

The two were walking when a girl ran over quickly and bumped into Jiang Wan's shoulder inadvertently.

With so much strength, Jiang Wan stumbled when hit, and it was thanks to her steady center of gravity that she didn't fall. Guan Shaorong quickly held it up, and his anger suddenly came up, and he shouted at the girl dissatisfied: "How did you walk, I didn't see this person!"

"Sorry, sorry." The girl apologized repeatedly, picking up drinks that had been spilled on the ground because of the impact.

There are a lot of drinks, about a dozen bottles.

The girl was very thin and her face was faintly pale, as if she hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

Jiang Wan comforted Guan Guan, who was still a bit resentful, and squatted down to help the girl pick up drinks.

"Thank you, thank you." The girl kept thanking her, but she kept her head down and didn't look at Jiang Wan at all.

She seemed in a hurry, picked up the drink and ran away.

Jiang Wan looked at the girl's disappearing back, and had a feeling of being inexplicable.

"What are you watching at night, let's go." Guan Guan urged suspiciously.

"Nothing, did you think something was wrong with that girl just now?" Jiang Wan looked away.

"Ah? Something's wrong... oh yes, it's quite wrong. Such a wide area, it tends to bump into people."

Jiang Wan looked at Guan Guan silently.

Guan Guan touched his nose, his eyes innocent: "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, that's right, let's go, I'm hungry." Jiang Wan chose to give up communication.

When it comes to food, Guan Guan gets excited again.

"The braised pork trotters for the fourth meal is super delicious! The spicy pork ribs for the second meal is also a must..."

When Jiang Wan came back from dinner, and even after an afternoon class, he didn't see Bei Huai coming back.

Jiang Wan glanced at the exam paper on the table behind her, and couldn't help but ask, "Is it okay that she doesn't go to class like this?"

"Ah?" Mi Shuyun, who was suddenly questioned, was a little stunned. It took two seconds to realize who Jiang Wan was asking.

"The teachers have already selectively ignored her, and the dean is also in charge. It is said that her father is an investor in Thirteen Middle School, so she has not been expelled."

"So, having money in the family is different. It can be a wave of energy."

It could be heard that Mi Shuyun disliked Beihuai very much.

Jiang Wan didn't say anything, she lowered her eyelids to cover the strange light at the bottom of her eyes.

Sounds like it's unbearable.

But... is that the real her

All the curtains were drawn tightly so that no light could penetrate.

The room didn't turn on the lights, it was dark and quiet.

Bei Huai lay on her back on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, letting loneliness wrap her up.

As if she knew that no matter how much she struggled, it was useless, she simply gave up.

Directly indulge in the embrace of darkness.

As time passed by, she remained motionless, like a sculpture.

"Jingle Bell-"

The piercing bell cut through the surging darkness, like two parallel planes that were about to meet.

Bei Huai didn't move, as if he didn't hear it.

The phone rang tirelessly, stopped for a moment, and then continued to clamor again.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to know that Bei Huai deliberately did not answer and kept calling.

It was like a tug-of-war, with neither side willing to admit defeat.

I don't know how long it took, the phone finally stopped ringing, and the person on the other end of the phone seemed to be tired.

"Ding Dong"

is the tone for the message.

After two seconds, Bei Huai took the phone slowly, and under the cold white screen, her face also looked pale.

Ignoring dozens of missed calls, she clicked on the text message.

—Tonight is your dad's birthday, be sure to be there!

As always strong, unstoppable tone.

Bei Huai twitched the corners of his mouth, his eyebrows full of disdain and ridicule. She simply deleted the text message.

The family of three had a good birthday, but Ms. Yun had to forcefully squeeze in, and even asked her to go to the disgusting people together.

She closed her eyes, her stomach began to churn, and when she thought of the faces of those people, she had a desire to vomit.

Disgusting, really disgusting.

Whether it was the Bei family or Yun Manzhu, they all made her feel sick.

If possible, she would rather have never been to this world.

Unfortunately, no if.